Releases: hslayers/hslayers-ng
Releases · hslayers/hslayers-ng
9.1.0 (2022-05-16)
- Substitute
hsConfigRef can be filled byHsConfig.get(app | 'default')
inside component's ngOnInit.
function with variableconfigRef.assetsPath
. - New peer dependency: colormap.
npm i colormap
- hsEventBusService.mapExtentChanges event data changes to {map, event, extent, app}
Bug Fixes
- Access right translation (96a5bee)
- Change structure for mapExtentChanges event subject (9056ec2), closes #2951
- Circular dependency in compositions (bea2b11)
- Clean map content when overwriting composition (f20e357)
- Cleanup after layer manager component is destroyed (5d08430)
- Display toasts for correct app instead of default (6475fb8)
- Expression changed errors in minisidebar (0a0c8c1)
- filter duplicate layers or compositions (f862306)
- Fix translations and icon selector for symbolizers (2494d12), closes #2925 #2924
- Hide save current map btn, if saveMap is not enabled (8e01059)
- InterpolatedSource weight option is manditory (8a8f961)
- Only layers visible in layermanager should trigger compositionEdits (2d93270)
- Pass app to wmts url component (64c272d)
- Provide all params for addSld translation (4da3174)
- Provide default app id if none is present (4f70ff0)
- Reduce size of color picker and center it (9a280f3)
- Remove unnecessary jQuery conflicting dropdown attrs (6a719ba)
- Resetting of default view for multi-apps (1c8e900)
- Save layers to composition in order 'higher zindex first /base map last (f1f20e8)
- Selection of sensor after selecting feature in map (fbae152)
- Show users screenName or username if given name and family name is not provided (f2625e4)
- Sidebar button order after layout resize (65250bc)
- Sidebar not toggleable in mobile layout (c87e57c)
- Sublayers checkboxes (8028932)
- Ability to set access_rights per user (ce6ef33)
- Allow SLD style for loaded geojson layers (546f75d)
- Parse few CSW compositon metadata (94c3515)
- Support creation of color maps through SLD filters (9b8c4a6)
- add-data: Service list component (b32c5d1)
- Support function as getUrl result for vector layers (8299f0f)
Performance Improvements
9.0.0 (2022-04-20)
Bug Fixes
- Add missing required composition params (5b353a5)
- Bootstrapping code for cesium-app (02ca26a)
- Building of cesium app (d8e2e64)
- Capabilities parsing error (22bfa9b)
- Composition panel fixes (906e79d)
- connectServiceFromUrlParam (d9bb208)
- contentWrapper needs to be set before sidebarPosition (5e0d7fa)
- Copy/move feature (c44ad30)
- Create empty toasts array if none exists (7a66e57)
- Don't go fullscreen in very small containers (dffcf13)
- Don't store layers not visible in LM (d87c2d9)
- Don't throw error if some highlightable feature null (c8a5ccf)
- Dont request layman version if no endpoint (b4ec6f2)
- Ensure Layman username at first login (2af8705)
- Error filling bbox for composition when sharing map (7599145)
- ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError (32fd074)
- Fix basemap gallery for multi-apps (15fde85)
- Fix decoupling test app for multi-apps (b311ced)
- Init popup service before component (57edff5)
- initRun for undefined app (8393c73)
- LM multi app fixes (4c173bd)
- Loading layman wfs layers (f208291)
- Make sure dialogs are passed app id in data object (22380a6)
- Make sure sidebarPosition is set before layoutservice init (#2916) (3138a2c)
- Map swipe position in storage (7a2eb3f)
- Merge data objects for widgets from js and html (460ad4d)
- Minisidebar buttons displayed (3762c30)
- OSM layer from app not added due to placeholder (5209115)
- Passing of data object to panel from multiple sources (9b4c43d)
- Prioritize user defined height on init (ae3a7ec)
- Provide correct attr bound id for chb and label (ad0100c)
- Provide correct data object for layman login (45bd632)
- Provide default style for tmp draw layer (ee3e536)
- Remove obsolete Status Manager requests, fixes #2796 (3a389f3)
- Remove only selected layman layer (2dbfc92)
- Remove osm placeholder layer if default_layers has OSM already (f340919)
- Return app reference string on auth change (1a3b486)
- Save map component undefined error (b1001ec)
- Separate vector uploaders, empty sld blob breaking vector upload (88b4559)
- Set default style object if parsing sld/qml fails (50cb0d7), closes #2880
- Share pure map (df24678)
- Share radio buttons (2e145d5)
- Sidebar should load always, but be hidden if configured (1932fe3)
- add-data: Fix url details params translation (759f979)
- Sidebar not shrinking on layoutresize (a7936cc)
- map-swipe: Cannot addLayer from undefined (754d724)
- measure: Bind data to html from service and don't store it inside the component (4a535d0)
- save-map: Add missing app input (d1c6a52)
- Translation pipe syntax (62de181)
Build System
- Add popperjs/core peer dependency for ngBootstrap (735c51c)
Code Refactoring
- Change sidebar button management (4ae9387)
- Make HsLayoutService.sidebarVisible an observable (f9822bf), closes #2888
- Multiple translation services for multi-apps (77e0158)
- Replace sidebarBottom() with sidebarPosition observable (b15450e), closes #2888
- Ability to load CSW type compositions (3944356)
- Add multiple-apps support with shared services but separate config (e0c1dd5)
- Add new defaultComposition config parameter (ed7794d)
- Add overridable senslog path config (c5b668e)
- Allow multiple hslayersNgConfig with app id postfix (601f440)
- Create InterpolatedSource class for IDW layers (c8326a6)
- Support multiple hslayers-app elements (eeb161e)
Performance Improvements
- Make panelSpaceWidth observable (7514330)
- Since a page can have multiple hslayers maps, but Angular services are singletone, a lot of functions inside hslayers services need
parameter specified. Use value 'default' if unsure. - Replace sidebarVisible() with sidebarVisible observable. It returns {app, visible}
- Replace sidebarBottom() with sidebarPosition observable. It returns {app, position}
where position == 'bottom' if sidebar is...
8.1.0 (2022-03-15)
Bug Fixes
- external: Check if layer is visible, when handling feature custom actions (15aeebe)
- legend: Layer has no style rules (91956e9)
- print: Implemented fixes for found bugs and issues (1f5416b)
- print: Provide correct wms layer legend height (1b910dd)
- save-map: Button for downloading composition json (a6c4f83)
- Fix save-map thumbnail generation (8e91564)
- save-map: Improve map saving completion (af84014)
- Improve map saving UX and validation (7876384)
- Look for wms layers with name recursively (bdd0e2a)
Code Refactoring
- Merge the two variants of map saving forms (a908092)
- print: Support configuring legend, scale and text for print panel (1c7ad71)
- advancedForm hsConfig parameter removed
8.0.0 (2022-02-11)
Bug Fixes
- Await for locales to load for some translations (2d41de5), closes #2671
- Check if server layer is vector (083f92f)
- Clear error message on each tile load successfully loaded (7cc6c65)
- clusteringDistance config param (1d8d599)
- Correctly remove external actions on layer removal (9258524), closes #2635
- Don't scroll to layer being added through GET param (c2a66fe), closes #2541
- Don't search layer for feature in invisible layers (e16e771)
- Dont clear hover widget replay subject on destruction (aa18426)
- Draw layer list dropdown position (cbc7ff0)
- Enable getfeatureinfo if capabilities lists layer as queryable (381b772)
- Exclude GPServer services from services list (fc3ae66)
- Finding of correct layer when feature IDs overlap (6cf6739), closes #2617
- Flickering due to cached feature-layer mappings (7e1432a)
- Group layer manager action under dropdown menu (94ed8ea), closes #2585
- Hide popup for layers where it's not configured (5a96c81), closes #2672
- Increase supported max panel size (388b36f)
- Layer scale settings in LayerManager keeps its value (3a73ec4)
- Make instance checking more robus when mod-fed is used (3126d68)
- Make layer removed async (3bf71ee)
- Missing layer editor widgets after second toggle (4d721a1), closes #2602
- Not possible to add Layman layer to the map using draw layers list (0188beb)
- Only imageServer gets loaded (89f96ae)
- Override LAYERS param with subLayers if specified (5f0f0de)
- Panels space minw width (6d2d95a)
- Render font in styler imediately after change (89ba1cf), closes #2637
- Set copied layer props and source params before adding to map (ddc9861)
- Set copied layers sublayers to new copy (cfcb6c3)
- sidebarToggleable config param (8c5fc0e)
- map: Fix mousewheel zoom not working in Material apps (c83ff8d)
- Add ability to toggle arcgisrest sub layers (45255da)
- Add checked layers OR all layers if none checked (3de2100)
- Adding of ArcGis layers as one layer (fa97558)
- Allow setting of arcgis layer title (dc4e497)
- Callback fix for Wagtail (bbd47a0)
- Catch error, if Ol cannot get mapExtent (cec1ec3)
- Changed some missed replacements from (5ccba47)
- Check if caps.documentInfo exists (89af3e4)
- Check if layer is clustered (ae070ba)
- Clear initial urlType after it is loaded (6b4a0c4), closes #2541
- Clone copied layers source (27a29ab)
- Create a layer copy (bd36a2d)
- Delete ArcGis Layer array if size is 0 (cc4f76e)
- Display subset of sublayers if needed (d3cc6f8)
- Do not iterate undefined (479edbb)
- Don't generate new arcGis layer title from sublayers (096cde9)
- Don't set subLayers property if whole wms layer is added (1230841)
- Expanding services in arcgis (4da520d)
- Get arcgis layer name preferably from documentInfo (16c42a6)
- Load extent of ArcGIS layers for zoom to button (b1dd9b6)
- Might fix the loading layer icon (26ef760)
- OpenLayersParser when default imports are used (fc38ff4)
- Private view properties not applied (abbf2f4), closes #2522
- Push argis added layers to returned collection (c340986)
- Readme link to hslayers-server (f6d69de)
- Register 3031 projection to proj.def (4004f2b)
- Register 3995 projection to proj.def (d1b046f)
- Replace default url path for map sharing (9b25b5c)
- Reset also views rotation (fa61a43)
- Set AddData panel to catalogue after adding layers (07f0325)
- Set fornt size for new SLD rule for clusters (03d0da5)
- Setting of vector layer definition (593e03e)
- Unclosable sidebar (477746b)
- Update dependencies for the material layermanager component (3782d8c)
- Use c...
7.0.0 (2021-12-10)
- Need to specify HsConfig.ngRouter = true if Angular router is used
- Add polygon-splitter peer dependency
npm i polygon-splitter
- draw: Add new peer dependencies
npm i polygon-clipping
- Add jszip and @types/jszip as peer dependecies
npm i jszip @types/jszip
- Add geostyler-qgis-parser peer dependency:
npm i geostyler-qgis-parser
- Add geostyler-legend and d3 peer dependencies:
npm i geostyler-legend d3
- 3d: 3D features are now picked using left mouse button instead of right.
- To add Cesium specific config parameters, user must replace
cesiumBase: 'assets/cesium/',
cesiumBase: 'assets/cesium/',
- Need to include node_modules/hslayers-ng/css/hslayers-ng.css in the container
application. For example in app.scss@import 'hslayers-ng/css/hslayers-ng'
or in the angular.json's styles property. OL, bootstrap and WebHostingHub-Glyphs are bundled in hslayers-ng.css -
- hslayers-ng-app: Translations are no longer bundled directly into the .js files, instead they are loaded from JSON files. This saves memory and improves performance, but on the other hand, the loading of JSONs on local filesystem may be blocked by CORS.
Bug Fixes
- Add toolbar panel container service to exports (76b5a24)
- Align layers style attribute to laymans schema (cc65079)
- Change how layer/feat is passeed to popup widget (4d5c901)
- Check if layman response includes wfs param (c8deebb)
- check if popup displayFunction is defined (ca7c582)
- Check if user is logged in layman (93cb3c7)
- Check if values are undefined or null (3aaf985)
- Check the publication status of the layer (e3e660f)
- Deselect edit geometry temp. layer (b991552)
- Disable selector and modify interactions when drawing edit features (cd603f6)
- Feature geom editor difference can result in multiple features (f452047)
- Find the correct layer from wfs service (e569edd)
- Fix translations, css and panel widths (b3191e5)
- Get sld/qml from style url in composition (729d5f5)
- Hide cesium hover popup if not over features (1ee1242)
- Hide cesium hover popup if not over features (9beff28)
- Layer being loaded by accident (1be80a5)
- Load qml style also in styler for editing (af92f0d)
- Loading layer after it is added to layman (8a05673)
- Micka query strings (8f70013)
- Move popup style to css file. Add border after layer (d545126)
- Parse style when loading WFS from compositions (9164b11), closes #2420
- Pass event object to layer source change legend generation callback (77044c4)
- Provide a zip file name so Layman recognizes it (414a279)
- Remove all but first features when 'union' operation is executed (1a6ae5a)
- Remove basePath from url only in case of ngRouter (6e65c02)
- Resolve few UI interaction problems (f2679a1)
- Send authentication headers when requesting WFS style (d197d3d)
- Set panel data only if it doesnt set itself (fb472e9)
- Show 'Only one split line' info toast only if it already exists (2e12520)
- style missing from the wfs layer (a01506f)
- to-map-dialog not loading initial data (8f83eb6)
- Vega tooltips not visible (364bea4)
- 3d: Align cesium feature picking with 2d (781d6a1), closes #2353
- add-data: Provide error message (9e2af04)
- Add missing cluster widget to layer editor (6cd3f40)
- Change how hslayers bootstrap css is bundled (b8a98b2), closes #2223
- Disable query in decoupling-test-app and fix dimensions (d4c2620)
- Don't crash if panelsEnabled undefined in hsl-app (db4f428)
- Don't use hardcoded background for popup (8681ab1)
- Dont mistaken scale and resolution (1129d01)
- Fix bootstrap module imports (4a2af51)
- Hide rectanle around legend (7197eb7)
- Hover popup without enabled info panel (a4ffaad)
- Import bootstrap scss separately by module, some modules outside hsl class to uncover root css varaibles (2e8e1bb)
- Incorrect default panel state (205b8f1)
- Link cesium entities to ol features (b22cb82)
- make cesium config checking function optional (78547d8)
- Make measure panel ON by default (21fd754)
- Migrate to geostyler 3.x (e3c4ebb)
- Nested sublayers not toggleable (4979c63)
- Post build script (#2317) (e8d95f4)
- Prevent circular JSON loops for comp/data extents (6a3f758)
- Reference extent features with ids not objects (61746a4)
- Selected language not highlighted after init (db202e7)
- Show highlight when hovering search results (253252b)
- Toast close button...