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102 lines (77 loc) · 5.56 KB


Dutch 2 introduces a more intricate auction system than Dutch 1, incorporating state transitions, sealed bids, and additional complexities. As outlined in the Challenge contract, our objective is to drain the quote token balance from the AuctionManager contract.

Central to the bid and auction logic, the checkState() modifier checks the current state of an auction based on the block timestamp and the values of certain variables. The possible states are:

  1. Created: The auction has been created but hasn't started yet.
  2. Accepting: The auction is currently accepting bids from participants.
  3. Final: The auction has ended, and the final price has been determined.
  4. Reveal: A 24-hour period after the auction ends, during which participants can reveal their bids.
  5. Void: The auction is considered void if it hasn't been finalized within 24 hours after the end time.
modifier checkState(States state, Auction storage auction) {
    if (block.timestamp < auction.time.start) {
        if (state != States.Created) revert();
    } else if (block.timestamp < auction.time.end) {
        if (state != States.Accepting) revert();
    } else if ( != type(uint128).max) {
        if (state != States.Final) revert();
    } else if (block.timestamp <= auction.time.end + 24 hours) {
        if (state != States.Reveal) revert();
    } else if (block.timestamp > auction.time.end + 24 hours) {
        if (state != States.Void) revert();
    } else {

Each state permits specific actions while restricting others. However, the critical observation here is that the finalize() function, which moves the auction to the Final state, allows setting quoteLowest to an attacker-controlled value. If this value is set to type(uint128).max, it effectively reopens the door for actions like auctionCancel() and bidCancel(), which should be locked out at this stage. This is possible if the current block timestamp is greater than the end of the auction, making the value of quoteLowest be used to determine if the finalize() function can been called.

To successfully exploit the vulnerability, we must carefully choose the values of minBid and resQuoteBase to satisfy all the inequality requirements in the create(), addBid(), and finalize() functions.

        for (uint256 i; i < indices.length; i++) {
            uint256 index = indices[i];
            BidEncrypted storage bid = auction.bids[index];

            uint256 mapIndex = index / 256;
            uint256 bitMap = bidSeen[mapIndex];
            uint256 bitIndex = 1 << (index % 256);
            if (bitIndex == 1 & bitMap) revert();
            bidSeen[mapIndex] = bitMap | bitIndex;

            Math.Point memory commonPoint = Math.mul(sellerPrivateKey, bid.publicKey);
            if (commonPoint.y == 1 && commonPoint.x == 1) continue;

            bytes32 decrypted = Math.decrypt(commonPoint, bid.encrypted);
            if (genCommitment(decrypted) != bid.commit) continue;

            uint128 amountBase = uint128(uint256(decrypted >> 128));

            uint256 quotePerBase = bid.amountQuote.mulDivDown(type(uint128).max, amountBase);
            if (quotePerBase >= data.prevQuoteBase) {
                if (quotePerBase == data.prevQuoteBase) {
                    if (data.prevIndex > index) revert();
                } else {

            if (quotePerBase < data.resQuoteBase) continue;

            if (data.totalBase == data.baseFilled) continue;

            data.prevIndex = index;
            data.prevQuoteBase = quotePerBase;

            if (amountBase + data.baseFilled > data.totalBase) {
                amountBase = data.totalBase - data.baseFilled;

            data.baseFilled += amountBase;
            bid.baseAmountFilled = amountBase;

        if (quote.mulDivDown(type(uint128).max, base) != data.prevQuoteBase) revert();

Since quote must equal type(uint128).max, we can form the following equation:

(2**128-1) * (2**128-1) / base = quote * (2**128-1) / baseAmount

So, we need to set base to (2**128-1) and quote equal to baseAmount. Additionally, there are constraints on resQuoteBase and amountQuote in relation to minBid and totalBase:

minBid / totalBase < resQuoteBase <= (2**128-1) / base
amountQuote > minBid

To perform the exploit, we need to separate the buyer and seller in two different contracts acting together for the following steps:

  1. Initiating the Auction: Seller contract initiates the auction with no vesting period and a deliberately short duration, contributing a predefined amount of base tokens.
  2. Bidding on the Auction: Buyer contract places a bid with a base-to-quote token ratio of 1:1, ensuring the bid amount is strategically less than the total base tokens available.
  3. Manipulating Finalization: Post-auction, Seller contract invokes the finalize() function, setting both quoteLowest and baseLowest to their maximum possible values. This transfers the unsold base tokens and matched quote tokens back.
  4. Executing the Cancelation: By then invoking auctionCancel(), we retrieve any remaining base tokens, effectively resetting the positions without loss. Simultaneously, bidCancel() allows the recovery of the bid's quote tokens, completing the cycle which can be repeated to completely drain the auction contract, or can be executed in a single iteration with the right parameters.

Once the AuctionManager contract is drained, we can get the flag!