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MIT 6.NULL课程 ,介绍了如何利用工具提升效率

Lecture1. Course overview + the shell

  • shell:空格分割输入,~ is short for "home",.表示当前文件夹
  • environment variable: echo $PATH; vim ~/.zshrc
    • $PATH可以作为输入
  • connecting programs:
    • <和>:rewire the input and output streams; >>可append
    • cat < hello.txt > hello2.txt
    • wire: ls -l | tail -n1,``
    • curl --head --silent | grep --ignore-case content-length | cut -f2 -d ' '
  • sudo: super user,linux系统可改/sys下面的sysfs

echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/input6::scrolllock/brightness

Lecture2. Shell Tools and Scripting

shell scripting
  • foo=bar, $foo 注意等号前后不能有space,否则被当成参数
  • 单引号和双引号的区别:同样套在$foo上,前者是literal meaning,而" "会替换成变量值
  • shell scripting也有if、case、while、for、function特性
    • source mcd.sh后即可使用。cd如果在function内部使用,针对的是子shell,不影响外部,因此直接用./mcd.sh不合适
	mkdir -p "$1"
	cd "$1"
  • if else
  • for特性的实用例子
for policy in "${POLICIES[@]}"
    for i in 1 2 3 4
        ./ -c -f ./vpn.txt -p " <img src="" alt="policy" -C "" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> i"
    echo ""
  • case-esac 语句的使用
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
    case $1 in
    -c | --clang)
    -g | --gcc)
  • set -e:遇到错误,shell script 直接退出
  • shift: 含义是 <img src="" alt="0 不移动,将 " class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> 1 起始的若干参数干掉
special variables
  • $0 - Name of the script
  • <img src="" alt="1 to \" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> 9 - Arguments to the script. $1 is the first argument and so on.
  • $@ - All the arguments
  • $# - Number of arguments
    • 最后一个参数:${!#}
  • $? - Return code of the previous command
  • $$ - Process Identification number for the current script
  • !! - Entire last command, including arguments. A common pattern is to execute a command only for it to fail due to missing permissions, then you can quickly execute it with sudo by doing sudo !!
  • $_ - Last argument from the last command. If you are in an interactive shell, you can also quickly get this value by typing Esc followed by .
  • $! - last backgrounded job
  • ||和&& operator:机制和 error code 联系,true 和 false 命令返回固定的error code
false || echo "Oops, fail"
# Oops, fail

true || echo "Will not be printed"

true && echo "Things went well"
# Things went well

false && echo "Will not be printed"

false ; echo "This will always run"
# This will always run
  • variable substitution: <img src="" alt="var, " class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> {var}
  • command substitution: for file in <img src="" alt="(ls),可以用' '代替" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> ( ),但后者辨识度更高
  • process substitution: 生成返回temporary file,diff <(ls foo) <(ls bar)

echo "Starting program at $(date)" # Date will be substituted

echo "Running program  <img src="" alt="0 with " class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> # arguments with pid $$"

for file in $@; do
    grep foobar $file > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    # When pattern is not found, grep has exit status 1
    # We redirect STDOUT and STDERR to a null register since we do not care about them
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
        echo "File $file does not have any foobar, adding one"
        echo "# foobar" >> "$file"
  • 2>,重定向 stderr
  • &> 或 >&,重定向到 stderr
    • &>word <=> >word 2>&1
    • $command > result 2>&1,STDOUT、STDERR 均重定向到 result
  • -ne,更多的查看man test,比如-n 文件存在为真 -z 不存在为真
  • “test command”, [[和[的区别:[[是compound command,存在special parsing context,寻找reserved words or control operators
    • if [[ -e <img src="" alt="file ]] && [[ " class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> var == true]]
  • --
    • to signify the end of command options
    • grep -- -v file
shell globbing 通配
  • wildcard通配符:?和* ls *.sh

  • {}: mv *{.py,.sh} folder, mv abc{000..120}* folder

  • touch {foo,bar}/{a..h}

  • 利用shellcheck检查shell scripts的错误

  • shebangline 进行解释,可以利用env命令

    • #!/usr/bin/env python
    • #!/usr/bin/env -S /usr/local/bin/php -n -q -dsafe_mode=0
shell 引号嵌套



  • Functions have to be in the same language as the shell, while scripts can be written in any language. This is why including a shebang for scripts is important.
  • Functions are loaded once when their definition is read. Scripts are loaded every time they are executed. This makes functions slightly faster to load but whenever you change them you will have to reload their definition.
  • Functions are executed in the current shell environment whereas scripts execute in their own process. Thus, functions can modify environment variables, e.g. change your current directory, whereas scripts can’t. Scripts will be passed by value environment variables that have been exported using export
    • 比如cd只能在function中影响到外界shell
  • As with any programming language functions are a powerful construct to achieve modularity, code reuse and clarity of shell code. Often shell scripts will include their own function definitions.
  • alias ll='ls -aGhlt'

  • marco记录directory,polo前往

        export MARCO=$foo
        cd "$MARCO" || echo "cd error"
  • 实用小工具,比如可以抢实验室GPU(实现的功能相对原题有改动)
    • 简化版:mycount=0; while (( <img src="" alt="mycount < 15 )); do ./my_script;((mycount=" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> mycount+1)); done;
#!/usr/bin/env bash
        echo "start capture the program failure log"
        while [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; do
                sh "$1" 2>&1
                # let cnt++
                if [[ $# -eq 2 ]];then
                        sleep "$2"
        echo "succeed after ${cnt} times"
  • fd -e html -0 | xargs -0 zip

  • 返回文件夹下最近修改的文件:

    • fd . -0 -t f | xargs -0 stat -f '%m%t%Sm %N' | sort -n | cut -f2- | tail -n 1 (设成了我的fdrecent命令)

    • stackoverflow讨论

    • find . -exec stat -f '%m%t%Sm %N' {} + | sort -n | cut -f2- | tail -n 1

    • find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat -f '%m%t%Sm %N' | sort -n | cut -f2- | tail -n 1

  • import envs from main process

    • . <(xargs -0 bash -c 'printf "export %q\n" " <img src="" alt="@"' -- < /proc/" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> {MAIN_PID}/environ)
      • 关于%q,"causes printf to output the corresponding argument in a format that can be reused as shell input"
        • Prints '' for the null/empty string.
        • Prints the string normally if it has no spaces, using backslashes to escape shell-recognized characters like quotes or semicolons.
        • Prints the string in single-quotes ("shell quoting") if it has spaces, using '\'' to escape single-quotes.
        • Prints the string in a $'...' "ANSI C" style string, with backslashed-escaped command sequences, if it has special/non-printing characters like newlines.
shell tools


  • XX -h
  • man XX
  • :help 或 ? (interactive)
  • tldr:比man好用!


  • 查找文件:find, fd, locate,见底部命令解释

  • 查找代码:见【code-reading】笔记

  • 查找shell指令

    • history | grep find

    • Ctrl-r,可结合fzf教程:高效查找,手动选择

    • zsh-history-substring-search: 键盘上下键寻找历史

    • zsh-autosuggestions:键盘右键快速键入

    • 如果输入命令有leading space,不会记入历史数据;如果不慎记入,可修改.bash_history.zsh_history

  • 查找目录

    • fasd: 用frecency(frequency+recency)这个指标排序,这一指标最早用于火狐浏览器
    • autojump
    • More complex tools exist to quickly get an overview of a directory structure tree, broot or even full fledged file managers like nnn or ranger
  • Shell编辑

    • Ctrl-a光标移动到行前

    • ESC进入Vim-mode,ESC-v进入Vim直接编辑



  • pyfind
  • pyclean [dirs]
  • pygrep <text>

Lecture3. Editors(Vim)

Lecture 4.Data Wrangling

What are other useful data wrangling tools?

Some of the data wrangling tools we did not have time to cover during the data wrangling lecture include jq or pup which are specialized parsers for JSON and HTML data respectively. The Perl programming language is another good tool for more advanced data wrangling pipelines. Another trick is the column -t command that can be used to convert whitespace text (not necessarily aligned) into properly column aligned text.

More generally a couple of more unconventional data wrangling tools are vim and Python. For some complex and multi-line transformations, vim macros can be a quite invaluable tools to use. You can just record a series of actions and repeat them as many times as you want, for instance in the editors lecture notes (and last year’s video) there is an example of converting a XML-formatted file into JSON just using vim macros.

For tabular data, often presented in CSVs, the pandas Python library is a great tool. Not only because it makes it quite easy to define complex operations like group by, join or filters; but also makes it quite easy to plot different properties of your data. It also supports exporting to many table formats including XLS, HTML or LaTeX. Alternatively the R programming language (an arguably bad programming language) has lots of functionality for computing statistics over data and can be quite useful as the last step of your pipeline. ggplot2 is a great plotting library in R.

Lecture 5.Command-line Environment

Job Control


#!/usr/bin/env python
import signal, time

def handler(signum, time):
    print("\nI got a SIGINT, but I am not stopping")

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
i = 0
while True:
    print("\r{}".format(i), end="")
    i += 1

Pausing and backgrounding processes

  • 暂停并放入后台:Ctrl-Z,SIGTSTP
  • 继续暂停的job:fg和bgjobs搭配pgrep
  • $! - last backgrounded job
  • 命令行后缀&在背景运行命令
  • 关闭终端发出SIGHUP信号,使子进程终止,解决方案:
    1. 运行前nohup
    2. 运行后disown
    3. tmux
  • SIGKILLSIGSTOP都不能被相关的系统调用阻塞,因此SIGKILL不会触发父进程的清理部分,可能导致子进程成为孤儿进程;如果是SIGINT,可能会有handler处理资源,比如有些数据还在内存,需要刷新到磁盘上。
tmux: terminal multiplexer


  • Sessions - a session is an independent workspace with one or more windows

    • tmux starts a new session.
    • tmux new -s NAME starts it with that name. tmux rename-session -t 0 database 重命名
    • tmux ls lists the current sessions
    • Within tmux typing <C-a> d/D detaches the current session
    • tmux a attaches the last session. You can use -t flag to specify which
  • Windows

    - Equivalent to tabs in editors or browsers, they are visually separate parts of the same session

    • <C-a> c Creates a new window. To close it you can just terminate the shells doing <C-d> / exit
    • <C-a> N Go to the N th window. Note they are numbered
    • <C-a> p Goes to the previous window
    • <C-a> n Goes to the next window
    • <C-a> , Rename the current window
    • <C-a> w List current windows
  • Panes

    - Like vim splits, panes let you have multiple shells in the same visual display.

    • 配置下可以用鼠标选取/缩放pane
    • <C-a> - Split the current pane horizontally
    • <C-a> | Split the current pane vertically
    • <Alt> <direction> Move to the pane in the specified direction. Direction here means arrow keys.
    • <C-a> z make a pane go full screen. Hit <C-a> z again to shrink it back to its previous size
    • <C-a> [ Start scrollback. You can then press <space> to start a selection and enter to copy that selection.
    • <C-a> <space> Cycle through pane arrangements.
  • 其它操作

    • <C-a> r reload配置文件
    • Shift + Command + c,配合iTerm2复制文件
  • For further reading, here is a quick tutorial on tmux and this has a more detailed explanation that covers the original screen command. You might also want to familiarize yourself with screen, since it comes installed in most UNIX systems.

  • tmux是client-server的实现模式

  • tmux customizations

  • alias ll可print出alias的对象
  • unalias ll可解除alias
# alias base
alias v='vim'
alias ll='ls -aGhlt'
alias la='ls -a'
alias l='ls -CF'
alias cls='clear'

alias gs='git status'
alias gc='git commit'
alias gqa='git add .'

alias v="vim"
alias mv="mv -i" # -i prompts before overwrite
alias mkdir="mkdir -p" # -p make parent dirs as needed
alias df="df -h" # -h prints human readable format

alias vfzf='vim $(fzf)' #vim打开搜索到的结果文件
alias cdfzf='cd $(find * -type d | fzf)'
alias gitfzf='git checkout $(git branch -r | fzf)'

# alias docker
alias dkst="docker stats"
alias dkps="docker ps"
alias dklog="docker logs"
alias dkpsa="docker ps -a"
alias dkimgs="docker images"
alias dkcpup="docker-compose up -d"
alias dkcpdown="docker-compose down"
alias dkcpstart="docker-compose start"
alias dkcpstop="docker-compose stop"


  • bash - ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile
  • git - ~/.gitconfig
  • vim - ~/.vimrc and the ~/.vim folder
  • ssh - ~/.ssh/config
  • tmux - ~/.tmux.conf

管理方法:单独的文件夹,版本控制,symlinked into place using a script

  • 用git的submodule

  • Dotbot

  • Easy installation: if you log in to a new machine, applying your customizations will only take a minute.

  • Portability: your tools will work the same way everywhere.

  • Synchronization: you can update your dotfiles anywhere and keep them all in sync.

  • Change tracking: you’re probably going to be maintaining your dotfiles for your entire programming career, and version history is nice to have for long-lived projects.


# $HOME/dotfiles
BASEDIR=" <img src="" alt="(cd "" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> (dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"

if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then {do_something}; fi

# Check before using shell-specific features
if [[ "$SHELL" == "zsh" ]]; then {do_something}; fi

# You can also make it machine-specific
if [[ "$(hostname)" == "myServer" ]]; then {do_something}; fi

# Test if ~/.aliases exists and source it
if [ -f ~/.aliases ]; then
    source ~/.aliases


    path = ~/.gitconfig_local
Remote Machines
  • 装虚拟机
    • sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm && sudo systemctl start lightdm图形界面
    • Ctrl+Alt+A打开终端
    • 自动/手动设置共享文件夹:sudo mkdir -p /media/sf_<FolderName> && sudo mount -t vboxsf -o rw,gid=vboxsf FolderName /media/sf_FolderName
  • ssh可执行命令
    • ssh foobar@server ls | grep PATTERN
    • ls | ssh foobar@server grep PATTERN
  • 用SSH连GitHub
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/  #适合MacOS , Linux用xclip
# 上github添加SSH Key

ssh -T

ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh -p 2222 cs144@localhost
# ssh will look into .ssh/authorized_keys to determine which clients it should let in.
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ -p 2222 cs144@localhost
# or
cat .ssh/ | ssh foobar@remote 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
  • ssh传文件
    • ssh+tee, the simplest is to use ssh command execution and STDIN input by doing cat localfile | ssh remote_server 'tee serverfile'. Recall that tee writes the output from STDIN into a file.
    • scp when copying large amounts of files/directories, the secure copy scp command is more convenient since it can easily recurse over paths. The syntax is scp -P 2075 -r path/to/local_file remote_host:path/to/remote_file
    • rsync improves upon scp by detecting identical files in local and remote, and preventing copying them again. It also provides more fine grained control over symlinks, permissions and has extra features like the --partial flag that can resume from a previously interrupted copy. rsync has a similar syntax to scp.
  • Port Forwarding: localhost:PORT or
    • Local Port Forwarding: ssh端口重定向:-L 9999:,比如在服务器开jupyter notebook`
      • Local Port Forwarding
    • Remote Port Forwarding
      • Remote Port Forwarding
  • ssh -K: 穿越服务器,打开GSSAPIDelegateCredentials, 可转存tgt
  • ssh configuration: ~/.ssh/config,server side: /etc/ssh/sshd_config,调端口、X11 forwarding等
Host vm
    User foobar
    Port 2222
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
    LocalForward 9999 localhost:8888

# Configs can also take wildcards
Host *
    User foobaz
  • 其它
    • openconnect: sudo openconnect --juniper -u 2015010356

    • vscode remote-ssh中ssh_config的配置细节

    • Mosh, the mobile shell, improves upon ssh, allowing roaming connections, intermittent connectivity and providing intelligent local echo.

    • sshfs can mount a folder on a remote server locally, and then you can use a local editor.

Shells & Frameworks


  • Smarter globbing, **: **/README.md可递归地列出相应文件
  • Inline globbing/wildcard expansion
  • Spelling correction
  • Better tab completion/selection (XXX -tab会列出说明,很贴心)
  • Path expansion (cd /u/lo/b will expand as /usr/local/bin)
Terminal Emulators



  • Font choice
  • Color Scheme
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Tab/Pane support
  • Scrollback configuration
  • Performance (some newer terminals like Alacritty or kitty offer GPU acceleration).


  • pidwait,用于跨终端的控制
	while [[ $try -eq 0 ]]; do
		kill -0 "$1" || try=1
		sleep 1

Lecture 6.Version Control (Git)

Lecture 7.Debugging and Profiling

Lecture 8.Metaprogramming

Lecture 9.Security and Cryptography

Lecture 10.Potpourri



Keyboard remapping

Mac-os karabiner,right command -> escape

Daemons - systemd
  • e.g. sshd, systemd

    • systemctl --user status
  • Systemd can be interacted with the systemctl command in order to enable, disable, start, stop, restart or check the status of services (those are the systemctl commands).

    • 如果出现端口占用,可以先stop再disable相关service
  • systemd入门教程

  • Systems Intro

    • 特点:
      • Aggressive parallelization capabilities
      • Uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services
      • Offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux cgroups
      • Supports snapshotting and restoring of the system state
      • Maintains mount and automount points
      • Implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic.
  • 运维操作

cd .config/systemd/user/
systemctl start/stop/restart/reload/condrestart(如果运行中则重新启动)/status/enable/disable/mask/is-enabled foo
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service
ls /lib/systemd/system/*.service /etc/systemd/system/*.service

ls /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/
systemctl list-dependencies

# Used when you create a new service file or modify any configuration
systemctl daemon-reload
  • Modify service

    • systemctl edit httpd.service

    • To replace an option that can be set multiple times, it must cleared first, otherwise the override file will add the option a second time.

    • systemctl restart httpd

ExecStart=<new command>

systemctl restart httpd
# systemctl edit --full httpd.service
  • create service
    • /etc/systemd/system/foo.service
Description=My custom service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/sleep infinity


FUSE (Filesystem in User Space)

  • sshfs - Open locally remote files/folder through an SSH connection.
  • rclone - Mount cloud storage services like Dropbox, GDrive, Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage and open data locally.
  • gocryptfs - Encrypted overlay system. Files are stored encrypted but once the FS is mounted they appear as plaintext in the mountpoint.
  • kbfs - Distributed filesystem with end-to-end encryption. You can have private, shared and public folders.
  • borgbackup - Mount your deduplicated, compressed and encrypted backups for ease of browsing.

a copy of the data in the same disk is not a backup, because the disk is the single point of failure for all the data

Synchronization solutions are not backups

Some core features of good backups solutions are versioning, deduplication and security.

backups lecture


OAuth” is a protocol you will often see used. At its heart, OAuth is a way to give you tokens that can “act as you” on a given service, and can only be used for particular purposes. Keep in mind that these tokens are secret, and anyone who gains access to your token can do whatever the token allows under your account!

IFTTT is a website and service centered around the idea of APIs — it provides integrations with tons of services, and lets you chain events from them in nearly arbitrary ways.

Common command-line flags/patterns

Command-line tools vary a lot, and you will often want to check out their man pages before using them. They often share some common features though that can be good to be aware of:

  • Most tools support some kind of --help flag to display brief usage instructions for the tool.
  • Many tools that can cause irrevocable change support the notion of a “dry run” in which they only print what they would have done, but do not actually perform the change. Similarly, they often have an “interactive” flag that will prompt you for each destructive action.
  • You can usually use --version or -V to have the program print its own version (handy for reporting bugs!).
  • Almost all tools have a --verbose or -v flag to produce more verbose output. You can usually include the flag multiple times (-vvv) to get more verbose output, which can be handy for debugging. Similarly, many tools have a --quiet flag for making it only print something on error.
  • In many tools, - in place of a file name means “standard input” or “standard output”, depending on the argument.
  • Possibly destructive tools are generally not recursive by default, but support a “recursive” flag (often -r) to make them recurse.
  • Sometimes, you want to pass something that looks like a flag as a normal argument. For example, imagine you wanted to remove a file called -r. Or you want to run one program “through” another, like ssh machine foo, and you want to pass a flag to the “inner” program (foo). The special argument -- makes a program stop processing flags and options (things starting with -) in what follows, letting you pass things that look like flags without them being interpreted as such: rm -- -r or ssh machine --for-ssh -- foo --for-foo.

Don't use VPN services.



Hammerspoon (desktop automation on macOS)


  • Bind hotkeys to move windows to specific locations
  • Create a menu bar button that automatically lays out windows in a specific layout
  • Mute your speaker when you arrive in lab (by detecting the WiFi network)
  • Show you a warning if you’ve accidentally taken your friend’s power supply
command + option + 方向键


Booting + Live USBs

When your machine boots up, before the operating system is loaded, the BIOS/UEFI initializes the system. During this process, you can press a specific key combination to configure this layer of software. For example, your computer may say something like “Press F9 to configure BIOS. Press F12 to enter boot menu.” during the boot process. You can configure all sorts of hardware-related settings in the BIOS menu. You can also enter the boot menu to boot from an alternate device instead of your hard drive.

Live USBs are USB flash drives containing an operating system. You can create one of these by downloading an operating system (e.g. a Linux distribution) and burning it to the flash drive. This process is a little bit more complicated than simply copying a .iso file to the disk. There are tools like UNetbootin to help you create live USBs.

Live USBs are useful for all sorts of purposes. Among other things, if you break your existing operating system installation so that it no longer boots, you can use a live USB to recover data or fix the operating system.

Docker, Vagrant, VMs, Cloud, OpenStack

docker和VM的区别:docker运行的时候和host共享kernel,在Linux中用LXC机制,利用一系列isolation机制spin up a program that thinks it’s running on its own hardware but it’s actually sharing the hardware and kernel with the host

Vagrant is a tool that lets you describe machine configurations (operating system, services, packages, etc.) in code, and then instantiate VMs with a simple vagrant up. Docker is conceptually similar but it uses containers instead.

Popular services include Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, and DigitalOcean.

Notebook programming

Notebook programming environments can be really handy for doing certain types of interactive or exploratory development. Perhaps the most popular notebook programming environment today is Jupyter, for Python (and several other languages). Wolfram Mathematica is another notebook programming environment that’s great for doing math-oriented programming.


Writing an OS in Rust

  • /bin - Essential command binaries
  • /sbin - Essential system binaries, usually to be run by root
  • /dev - Device files, special files that often are interfaces to hardware devices
  • /etc - Host-specific system-wide configuration files
  • /home - Home directories for users in the system
  • /lib - Common libraries for system programs
  • /opt - Optional application software
  • /sys - Contains information and configuration for the system (covered in the first lecture)
  • /tmp - Temporary files (also /var/tmp). Usually deleted between reboots.
  • /usr/ - Read only user data
  • /usr/bin - Non-essential command binaries
    • /usr/sbin - Non-essential system binaries, usually to be run by root
    • /usr/local/bin - Binaries for user compiled programs
  • /var - Variable files like logs or caches

关于package manager的选择

  • use the language-specific package manager whenever possible, and to use isolated environments (like Python’s virtualenv) to avoid polluting the global environment.
  • Depending on the operating system and the hardware architecture, some of these packages might come with binaries or might need to be compiled. For instance, in ARM computers like the Raspberry Pi, using the system package manager can be better than the language specific one if the former comes in form of binaries and the later needs to be compiled. This is highly dependent on your specific setup.



shopt -s expand_aliases
shopt expand_aliases # show current status
sudo apt update # 更新源
sudo apt dist-upgrage

sudo apt install
sudo apt remove
sudo apt autoremove
  • awk: 一种控制台编程工具,寻找和处理pattern
    • 入门wiki
    • 数据统计:
      • awk -F'[ ,]+' '{print <img src="" alt="1," class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> 3, <img src="" alt="5," class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> 7}' | awk '{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { sum[i]+= $i }} END { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {printf "%.9f ", sum[i]/NR}}':算均值
        • ``-F'[]'内空格和逗号都是分隔符,+`表示将连续分隔符视为一个
      • history | awk '{ <img src="" alt="1="";print substr(" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> 0,2)}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 10 :得到使用频率最高的10个命令
    • awk ' <img src="" alt="NF!~/\.so/{next} {" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> 0= <img src="" alt="NF} !a[" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> 0]++' /proc/1585728/maps
      • $NF!~/\.so/{next} – If the last column doesn’t contain “.so“, we ignore it
      • { <img src="" alt="0=" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> NF} - If the last column contains a shared library, we replace the line by the last column, which is the filename of the library
      • *!a[$0]++* is an awk trick to remove duplicate lines
    • find . -name "*@to_be_deleted" | awk -F"@to_be_deleted" '{print "mv " <img src="" alt="0 " " " class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> 1}'|sh:将文件夹内文件名中的某个pattern删掉
    • 循环打印:awk 'BEGIN { for (i=0; i<10; i++) printf("%02d ", i) }'


  • bash -x 显示shell脚本执行过程中的实际命令
  • bg: resume后台暂停的命令


  • cat
  • cd
  • chmod:
    • sudo chmod 777 -R 文件修改为可执行
    • Permissions 0644 for ‘~/.ssh/id_rsa’ are too open => chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  • chown: 用于设置文件所有者和文件关联组的命令
    • sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/rclone
HOST_PERM=" <img src="" alt="(id -u):" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> (id -g)"
chown  <img src="" alt="HOST_PERMS " class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> file
  • cloc: 代码行数统计
  • curl
    • -I/--head: 只显示传输文档,经常用于测试连接本身 curl --head --silent | grep --ignore-case content-length | cut -f2 -d ' '
    • curl查询公网出口ip curl
  • cut
    • 使用 -f 选项提取指定字段:cut -f2,3 test.txt
  • cp
    • -H vs -L, 两者都是 follow symbolic links,区别在于 -r 时表现不同
  • cron: a daemon your system already runs to perform scheduled tasks
  • c++filt: demangle C++/Java symbols


  • d: zsh的特点,可显示最近10个目录,然后cd -数字进入

  • date:日期

  • dd

    • you have very large devices to copy, so that experimenting to determine the best block-size is worthwhile.

    • you have to copy only part of a disk. You can specify count to limit how many blocks are copied.

    • you want to resume an interrupted copy. You can't do so with cp, but you can try with dd, by using the seek and skip options.

    • you want to pipe it to the standard input of something (admittedly, cat will work here too):

      dd if=/dev/sda bs=10M | ssh host dd of=/dev/sdb
    • dd usefulness is very well discussed in this Unix and Linux post: dd vs cat — is dd still relevant these days?

  • declare

declare -a NAMES=(
	a \
	b \
	c \
	d \
  • df: disk情况

  • disown

  • diff:Linux中diff的渊源

    • diff -Naur 比较两个文件夹
  • dmesg: kernel log

  • dpkg -i ***.deb

  • du -h -d 1 $file


  • echo: 输出输入,空格分割
  • env: 进入环境
    • 读man env, #!/usr/bin/env -S /usr/local/bin/php -n -q -dsafe_mode=0,利用env来传参。(FreeBSD 6.0之后不能直接传参,解释器会把多个参数合成一个参数)
  • export


  • fd:作为find的替代品
    • colorized output, default regex matching, Unicode support, more intuitive syntax
  • fg: Run jobs in foreground
  • find:1)寻找文件; 2)机械式操作
    • -iname:大小写不敏感
# Find all directories named/including src
find . -name src -type d
find . -name "*src*" -type d
# Find all python files that have a folder named test in their path
find . -path '**/test/**/*.py' -type f
# Find all files modified in the last day
find . -mtime -1
# Find all zip files with size in range 500k to 10M
find . -size +500k -size -10M -name '*.tar.gz'

# Delete all files with .tmp extension
find . -name '*.tmp' -exec rm {} \;
# Find all PNG files and convert them to JPG
find . -name '*.png' -exec convert {} {.}.jpg \;

find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -mmin +720 -name "tmp*" -delete
  • fuck: 流行的纠正工具


  • grep
# specify lines of trailing context
-A 10
# ignore cases
# "NOT"筛选
grep -v "trash"
# “OR”筛选
grep -E "key1|key2"  
# “AND”筛选
grep -E "key1.*key2"
# 颜色

grep -o '^20120603 08:02:..' $file | sort | uniq -c
  • gunzip
gunzip 1.gz
gunzip -v 1.gz
gunzip -v -S "mygz" 1.mygz # 按指定后缀名解压



  • icdiff: 分屏比较文档
    • icdiff button-{a,b}.css
  • ifconfig


  • jobs


  • krb5
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && apt-get update && apt-get install -y krb5-user


  • less
    • space / B 翻页
  • locate
    • Most would agree that find and fd are good but some of you might be wondering about the efficiency of looking for files every time versus compiling some sort of index or database for quickly searching. That is what locate is for. locate uses a database that is updated using updatedb. In most systems updatedb is updated daily via cron. Therefore one trade-off between the two is speed vs freshness. Moreover find and similar tools can also find files using attributes such as file size, modification time or file permissions while locate just uses the name. A more in depth comparison can be found here.
  • ls
    • -l: long listing format; drwxr-xr-x,d代表文件夹,后面3*3代表owner、owning group、others的权限
    • r:read,w:modify,x:execute
    • -t: 按时间排序
  • lsof: 查看文件占用
    • 也可查看端口占用,接 grep 即可


  • man: q退出
    • fork(2) -> man 2 fork
  • mkdir
  • mv


# 将标准输出放到name.log中,并且记录该进程的pid到run.pid中
nohup python -u > name.log 2>&1 & echo $! >

# 若存在run.pid文件,则加载它并杀掉该进程
[[ -f ]] && kill $(cat


  • open:
    • -n用来多开
    • open -a "sublime text" ~/temp.diff


  • pandoc

    • pandoc -f markdown -t html -s -o test1.html
    • pandoc -s --toc -c pandoc.css -A footer.html MANUAL.txt -o example3.html
  • pbcopy: 复制到剪贴板 pbcopy < file

  • pgrep: 配合jobs

    • pgrep -f 100 全命令行匹配
  • ping

  • pip

    • pip list

    • pip show requests

    • pip uninstall requests
    • pip freeze > requirements.txt
    • python -m ensurepip --upgrade # 如果损坏
      pip install /path/to/package #安装一个本地的Python包
      pip install package== 显示可安装的版本
      pip install -r requirements.txt #从requirements.txt文件中安装包
      pip cache purge #清理缓存
      pip install package_name==version_number #安装指定版本的包
      pip install --upgrade package_name #升级已安装的包
      pip install --user package_name #这将在用户的本地目录中安装该库
      pip install --no-dependencies package_name #安装名为xx的Python包但忽略其依赖项
      pip install --find-links=URL package_name #从指定的URL中找到并安装名为"myproject的Python包
  • pkill = pgrep + kill

    • pkill -9 -f 100
  • pmap: Displays the memory map of a process.

  • ps aux

  • pstree

  • pushd: 目录栈,方便切换目录

    • 配合popd
  • pwd: print cwd



  • rsync
    • rsync -avz /path/to/source/ user@remote:/path/to/destination/


  • scp
scp  <img src="" alt="file user@ip:/home/" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> folder
scp -r $folder
  • script

    • 记录终端操作记录,按C-d退出
    • 可用于demo演示终端操作
  • sha1sum: printf 'hello' | sha1sum

  • sha256sum

  • source

# "." 等价于 source


  • tac: 反向
  • tar
    • 报错可能需要sudo
tar cvzf 压缩文件名.tar.gz 被压缩文件夹 # gz文件
tar xvzf 压缩文件名.tar.gz -C 目标文件夹 # 否则解压到当前路径
tar xvf  压缩文件名.tar.xz
  • tail

    • ls -l | tail -n1
    • -f:不断读最新内容,实时监视
  • tee: Read from standard input and write to standard output and files (or commands).

    • xargs有相似之处,都是转化stdin用于他用
    • echo "example" | tee /dev/tty | xargs printf "[%s]"
  • tig

    • tig是一个基于ncurses的git文本模式接口。它的功能主要是作为一个Git存储库浏览器,但也可以帮助在块级别上分段提交更改,并充当各种Git命令输出的分页器
  • time

  • tmux

  • top

    • -d 10: 10s采样
    • -H: 显示线程
    • -H -p $pid:显示指定进程下的线程
    • 按 1 键显示 per cpu core 利用率
    • 按 e/E 切换内存单位
    • 按 f 键增加显示项目
top 指标含义

VIRT:virtual memory usage 虚拟内存



RES:resident memory usage 常驻内存

1、进程当前使用的内存大小,但不包括swap out




SHR:shared memory 共享内存



3、计算某个进程所占的物理内存大小公式:RES – SHR

4、swap out后,它将会降下来




  • traceroute: -w 1

  • tree: 显示树形文件结构, -L设置层数


  • uname -a 查内核版本
  • ulimit -a
    • ulimit -s xxx 修改线程栈大小



  • wait:wait pid,不加pid则等待所有进程

  • watch -n 5 $cmd

  • wc: -l

    • source code
      • 这段代码只将连续的字母作为一个字,连续的数字等不作为word
      • isword用来判断当前字符是否处于一个字,isword实现的功能不完善
  • which:找到程序路径

  • wget: 断点续传-c 后台-b


  • xargs:解决命令的输入来源问题:命令参数有标准输入和命令行参数两大来源,有的命令只接受命令行参数,需要xargs来转换标准输入
    • e.g. ls | xargs rm
    • -0: 分隔符用NULL


  • youget
    • 自动补全:curl -fLo ~/.zplug/repos/zsh-users/zsh-completions/src/_youget



  • _arguments:450: _vim_files: function definition file not found
rm ~/.zcompdump*
rm ~/.zplug/zcompdump*
exec zsh