mud reflection allows to automatically bind all of a module types, methods, fields and functions to a lua counterpart
it supports the following features :
- call c++ functions from lua
- create c++ objects from lua code
- call c++ object methods from lua
- pass any basic type, c++ object, or collection of objects back to these c++ functions
- call lua functions from c++
given the following reflected c++ class :
class refl_ MyObject
constr_ MyObject(int var, std::string field);
meth_ int method();
func_ void bar(MyObject& object);
mud allows you to write a lua script using any of the reflected functions, types, methods, fields
local object = MyObject(5, 'hello world!')
bar(object) -- you can even pass c++ objects to a function
in order to do that, you simply create a lua interpreter and set it up to use your module
LuaInterpreter lua;
then create a script object passing the lua code as a string
Script script = { lua_code };
you can then call this script like a regular function, as many times as you want
you can define a lua script taking some typed parameters
to do that, just create a signature specifying the sequence of parameters and pass that when creating the script object
Signature signature = { { "param", Ref(cls<int>()) } };
Script script = { "example script", lua_code, signature };
you can then call the lua script passing in the correct parameters
script({ var(57) });
the lua script can then access the parameter as if it was a function call
print(param) -- prints 57
create a visual script in which all the reflected primitives can be used
VisualScript script = {};
add nodes to the visual script from c++
Valve& arg = script.value(5);
Valve& field = script.value(string("cocorico"));
script.create<MyObject>({ &arg, &field }); // adds a node that creates an object