- Update the CHANGELOG.txt file
- Update the version number in build.gradle
- git tag vA.B.C
Currently I only know how to do it by hand via the Play console
- In Android Studio, run Build -> Generate Signed Bundle
- Upload the .aab file to the Play Console, in the Release Management tab
- Fill inn the "What's new" field by hand.
- Update the images and descriptions in app/src/main/play/listings
- Run ./gradlew publish
TODO: How to release a new version with GPP This doesn't seem to work at the moment. We need to figure out how to add a signingConfig
- https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing#gradle-sign
- Triple-T/gradle-play-publisher#803
- In build.gradle, update versionCode and versionName
- Write the release notes in app/src/main/play/release-notes
- Run ./gradlew publishBundle