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Add a new Datasource

Davide Macchia edited this page Sep 2, 2022 · 10 revisions

Procedure to add a new Model

  1. Add a new unique DatasourceCode on descriptor.enum (e.g. THEGUARDIAN = "THEGUARDIAN").
  2. Create a new folder under src/source (e.g. /src/source/theguardian).
  3. In the new folder, create a Model (model.theguardian.ts) containing all the interfaces that describes the datasource's information.
  4. Add the new file to the index.ts under /source/ folder (export * from './theguardian/model.theguardian').

Procedure to add a Validator for the Model

  1. If the Datasource contains multiple files (e.g Google datasource) add a new Enumeration into descriptor.enum with a RegEx for each file of the new datasource
  2. Add the new enumeration to the FileCode type
  3. Add a description for each new FileCode into descriptor.json, skip this step otherwise.
  4. if the Datasource can be exported, describe the procedure into the descriptor.json.
  5. Create a new Validator file under the new folder (e.g. /src/source/theguradian/validator.theguardian.ts). The Validator must have a default list of FileCodes, must extends the ValidatorDatasource class and overwrite the functions to let the FileCodes' RegEx match the files' pathnames.
  6. Update all the functions related functions under Selector.

Procedure to add a Service for the Model

  1. Create a new Service file under the new folder (e.g. /src/source/theguradian/service.theguardian.ts).
  2. The Service must parse each file of the Datasource and map them into a specific interface of the Model, must have a parseFile function.
  3. Update all the functions related functions under Selector.

Procedure to add a Processor for the Model

  1. Create a new Processor file under the new folder (e.g. /src/source/theguradian/processor.theguardian.ts).
  2. Update all the functions related functions under Selector.
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