This is a SelfHelpPlugin that is used for Rserve integration
- Download the code into the
folder - Checkout the latest version
- Execute all
script in the DB folder in their version order - If there is a survey with upload files, the files are store in the DB. Then it should be adjusted the size
in MYSQL .ini file. The default one is 1MB
- SelfHelp v6.3.0+
- Rserve -server
- sudo apt-get install r-base
- sudo apt-get install r-base-dev # required for installing packages
- for
:sudo apt-get -y install r-cran-tidyverse
install.packages("Rserve") library(Rserve) Rserve(args="--RS-enable-remote --RS-worker-threads=8")
#start process manually R CMD Rserve --vanilla --RS-conf /etc/Rserv.conf
ps aux | grep Rserve
killall -INT Rserve
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev sudo apt install libssl-dev install.packages("httr")
Sudo su instal R, instal Rserve
auth required remote enable plaintext enable pwdfile /etc/Rserve_users.txt
stefan 1234 bashev q1w2
[Unit] Description=Rserve - R server
[Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/usr/bin/R CMD Rserve --vanilla --RS-conf /etc/Rserv.conf
Install packages - use this script. The installation on Linux takes time because everything is compiled. This will happen only the first time when is installed
`install_if_missing <- function(package_name) { if (!require(package_name, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages(package_name, dependencies = TRUE, repos = "") library(package_name, character.only = TRUE) } }