From 983cb0dbb73418dd19656918bd5f88f39cd40df1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: HumHub Translations Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 12:59:56 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Enh: Updated Translations ( --- messages/am/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/ar/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/bg/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/ca/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/cs/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/da/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/de/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/el/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/es/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/eu/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/fa-IR/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/fi/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/fr/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/hr/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/hu/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/it/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/lt/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/lv/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/nb-NO/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/nl/base.php | 30 +++++----- messages/pl/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/pt-BR/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/pt/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/ru/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/sk/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/sr/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/sv/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/th/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/tr/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/vi/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/zh-CN/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- messages/zh-TW/base.php | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 32 files changed, 1875 insertions(+), 1906 deletions(-) diff --git a/messages/am/base.php b/messages/am/base.php index 8049c83..fc1547b 100644 --- a/messages/am/base.php +++ b/messages/am/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(ተሰናክሏል - እባክዎ በነባሪ ቋንቋ ይዘትን ያክሉ!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'የሕግ ሞዱል - አስተዳደር', - 'Accept' => 'ተቀበል', - 'Accept button label' => 'የአዝራር መለያ ይቀበሉ', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'ስለ ኩኪስ አጠቃቀም ለተጠቃሚዎች የሚያሳውቅ ተደራቢን ያክላል ፡፡ ለሚገኘው እያንዳንዱ ቋንቋ የተለየ ጽሑፍ ማከል ይችላሉ።', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'በእውነቱ እርግጠኛ ነዎት? እባክዎ ከመቀጠልዎ በፊት ለውጦቹን ያስቀምጡ!', - 'Box content' => 'የሳጥን ይዘት', - 'Box language:' => 'የቦክስ ቋንቋ', - 'Configuration' => 'ውቅር', - 'Content' => 'ይዘት', - 'Cookie notification' => 'የኩኪ ማሳወቂያ', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'የእኔን የግል ውሂብ ጨምሮ መለያዬን ይሰርዙ', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'የነቁ ገጾች እና ባህሪዎች', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'ለአዲስ የመለያ ፈጠራ መገለጫ ከመፍጠር በኋላ ልክ ገጾችን በሙሉ ማያ ገጽ ያሳዩ', - 'Go back' => 'ተመለስ', - 'Got it!' => 'ገባኝ!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'እኔ በላይ የቆዩ ነኝ {age} ዓመት', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'የግላዊነት ፖሊሲን አንብቤ ተስማምቻለሁ', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'ውሎችን እና ሁኔታዎችን አንብቤ ተስማምቻለሁ', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'የግላዊነት ፖሊሲዎን ካዘመኑ ለተጠቃሚዎችዎ ለማሳወቅ እና እንደገና እንዲስማሙ ለመጋበዝ የ “ዳግም ማስጀመሪያ ማረጋገጫ” - አማራጭን መጠቀም ይችላሉ።', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'ውልዎን እና ሁኔታዎን ካዘመኑ ለተጠቃሚዎችዎ ለማሳወቅ እና እንደገና እንዲስማሙ ለመጋበዝ የ “ዳግም ማስጀመሪያ ማረጋገጫ” - አማራጭን መጠቀም ይችላሉ።', - 'Imprint' => 'አሻራ', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'የግላዊነት ፖሊሲዎን ወይም ውልዎን እና ሁኔታዎን እንደለወጡ ለተጠቃሚዎች ያሳውቃል። እሱን ለማስነሳት የ “ዳግም ማስጀመሪያ ማረጋገጫ” - የተጠቀሱ የሕግ ሰነዶች አማራጭ ማግበር ያስፈልጋል።', - 'Legal Update' => 'የሕግ ዝመና', - 'Logout' => 'ውጣ', - 'Minimum age' => 'አነስተኛ ዕድሜ', - 'More information: {link}' => 'ተጨማሪ መረጃ: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'የገጽ ቋንቋ', - 'Page:' => 'ገጽ', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'የ ግል የሆነ', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'ዳግም ማስጀመር ማረጋገጫ', - 'Reset successful!' => 'ዳግም አስጀምር ስኬታማ!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'የዕድሜ ማረጋገጫ {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'አተገባበሩና መመሪያው', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'ይህ ገጽ በእግረኛ አሰሳ እና በምዝገባ ሂደት ላይ ተጨምሯል። ለሚገኘው እያንዳንዱ ቋንቋ የተለየ ጽሑፍ ማከል ይችላሉ።', - 'Title' => 'ርዕስ', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'ሕጋዊ ጽሑፎቹ በተጠቃሚዎች ቋንቋ የማይገኙ ከሆነ እንደ ነባሪ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል።', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'ሕጋዊ ጽሑፎች በተጠቃሚው ቋንቋ የማይገኙ ከሆነ እንደ ነባሪ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል።', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(ተሰናክሏል - እባክዎ በነባሪ ቋንቋ ይዘትን ያክሉ!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'የሕግ ሞዱል - አስተዳደር', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'ተቀበል', + 'Accept button label' => 'የአዝራር መለያ ይቀበሉ', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'ስለ ኩኪስ አጠቃቀም ለተጠቃሚዎች የሚያሳውቅ ተደራቢን ያክላል ፡፡ ለሚገኘው እያንዳንዱ ቋንቋ የተለየ ጽሑፍ ማከል ይችላሉ።', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'በእውነቱ እርግጠኛ ነዎት? እባክዎ ከመቀጠልዎ በፊት ለውጦቹን ያስቀምጡ!', + 'Box content' => 'የሳጥን ይዘት', + 'Box language:' => 'የቦክስ ቋንቋ', + 'Configuration' => 'ውቅር', + 'Content' => 'ይዘት', + 'Cookie notification' => 'የኩኪ ማሳወቂያ', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'ነባሪ ቋንቋ', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'የእኔን የግል ውሂብ ጨምሮ መለያዬን ይሰርዙ', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'የነቁ ገጾች እና ባህሪዎች', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'ለአዲስ የመለያ ፈጠራ መገለጫ ከመፍጠር በኋላ ልክ ገጾችን በሙሉ ማያ ገጽ ያሳዩ', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'ተመለስ', + 'Got it!' => 'ገባኝ!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'እኔ በላይ የቆዩ ነኝ {age} ዓመት', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'የግላዊነት ፖሊሲን አንብቤ ተስማምቻለሁ', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'ውሎችን እና ሁኔታዎችን አንብቤ ተስማምቻለሁ', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'የግላዊነት ፖሊሲዎን ካዘመኑ ለተጠቃሚዎችዎ ለማሳወቅ እና እንደገና እንዲስማሙ ለመጋበዝ የ “ዳግም ማስጀመሪያ ማረጋገጫ” - አማራጭን መጠቀም ይችላሉ።', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'ውልዎን እና ሁኔታዎን ካዘመኑ ለተጠቃሚዎችዎ ለማሳወቅ እና እንደገና እንዲስማሙ ለመጋበዝ የ “ዳግም ማስጀመሪያ ማረጋገጫ” - አማራጭን መጠቀም ይችላሉ።', + 'Imprint' => 'አሻራ', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'የግላዊነት ፖሊሲዎን ወይም ውልዎን እና ሁኔታዎን እንደለወጡ ለተጠቃሚዎች ያሳውቃል። እሱን ለማስነሳት የ “ዳግም ማስጀመሪያ ማረጋገጫ” - የተጠቀሱ የሕግ ሰነዶች አማራጭ ማግበር ያስፈልጋል።', + 'Legal Update' => 'የሕግ ዝመና', + 'Logout' => 'ውጣ', + 'Minimum age' => 'አነስተኛ ዕድሜ', + 'More information: {link}' => 'ተጨማሪ መረጃ: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'የገጽ ቋንቋ', + 'Page:' => 'ገጽ', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'የ ግል የሆነ', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'ዳግም ማስጀመር ማረጋገጫ', + 'Reset successful!' => 'ዳግም አስጀምር ስኬታማ!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'የዕድሜ ማረጋገጫ {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'አተገባበሩና መመሪያው', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'ይህ ገጽ በእግረኛ አሰሳ እና በምዝገባ ሂደት ላይ ተጨምሯል። ለሚገኘው እያንዳንዱ ቋንቋ የተለየ ጽሑፍ ማከል ይችላሉ።', + 'Title' => 'ርዕስ', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'ሕጋዊ ጽሑፎቹ በተጠቃሚዎች ቋንቋ የማይገኙ ከሆነ እንደ ነባሪ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል።', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'ሕጋዊ ጽሑፎች በተጠቃሚው ቋንቋ የማይገኙ ከሆነ እንደ ነባሪ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል።', ]; diff --git a/messages/ar/base.php b/messages/ar/base.php index 695790a..9adc365 100644 --- a/messages/ar/base.php +++ b/messages/ar/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(معطل - يرجى إضافة المحتوى باللغة الافتراضية!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'الوحدة القانونية - الإدارة', - 'Accept' => 'قبول', - 'Accept button label' => 'قبول تسمية الزر', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'يضيف تراكبًا يُعلم المستخدمين باستخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط. يمكنك إضافة نص مختلف لكل لغة متاحة.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'هل انت حقا متاكد؟ يرجى حفظ التغييرات قبل المتابعة!', - 'Box content' => 'محتوى الصندوق', - 'Box language:' => 'لغة الصندوق:', - 'Configuration' => 'إعدادات', - 'Content' => 'محتوى', - 'Cookie notification' => 'إشعار ملفات تعريف الارتباط', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'حذف حسابي بما في ذلك بياناتي الشخصية', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'الصفحات والميزات الممكّنة', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'لإنشاء حساب جديد ، اعرض الصفحات في وضع ملء الشاشة بعد إنشاء الملف الشخصي مباشرة', - 'Go back' => 'عد', - 'Got it!' => 'فهمتك!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'أنا أكبر من سنوات {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'لقد قرأت ووافقت على سياسة الخصوصية', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'لقد قرأت ووافقت على الشروط والأحكام', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'إذا قمت بتحديث سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بك ، يمكنك استخدام خيار "تأكيد إعادة التعيين" لإبلاغ المستخدمين ودعوتهم لإعادة الموافقة.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'إذا قمت بتحديث الشروط والأحكام الخاصة بك ، يمكنك استخدام خيار "تأكيد إعادة التعيين" لإبلاغ المستخدمين ودعوتهم لإعادة الموافقة.', - 'Imprint' => 'بصمة', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'تُعلم المستخدمين بأنك قمت بتغيير سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بك أو الشروط والأحكام الخاصة بك. من أجل تفعيله ، يجب تفعيل "تأكيد إعادة التعيين" - خيار المستندات القانونية المذكورة.', - 'Legal Update' => 'تحديث قانوني', - 'Logout' => 'تسجيل خروج', - 'Minimum age' => 'الحد الإدنى للعمر', - 'More information: {link}' => 'مزيد من المعلومات: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'لغة الصفحة:', - 'Page:' => 'صفحة:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'سياسة خاصة', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'تأكيد إعادة التعيين', - 'Reset successful!' => 'تمت إعادة التعيين بنجاح!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'إظهار سن التحقق من {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'الأحكام والشروط', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'تتم إضافة هذه الصفحة إلى التنقل في التذييل وعملية التسجيل. يمكنك إضافة نص مختلف لكل لغة متاحة.', - 'Title' => 'لقب', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'سيتم استخدامه كإعداد افتراضي ، إذا كانت النصوص القانونية غير متوفرة بلغة المستخدمين.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'سيتم استخدامه كإعداد افتراضي ، إذا كانت النصوص القانونية غير متوفرة بلغة المستخدم.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(معطل - يرجى إضافة المحتوى باللغة الافتراضية!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'الوحدة القانونية - الإدارة', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'قبول', + 'Accept button label' => 'قبول تسمية الزر', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'يضيف تراكبًا يُعلم المستخدمين باستخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط. يمكنك إضافة نص مختلف لكل لغة متاحة.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'هل انت حقا متاكد؟ يرجى حفظ التغييرات قبل المتابعة!', + 'Box content' => 'محتوى الصندوق', + 'Box language:' => 'لغة الصندوق:', + 'Configuration' => 'إعدادات', + 'Content' => 'محتوى', + 'Cookie notification' => 'إشعار ملفات تعريف الارتباط', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'اللغة الإفتراضية', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'حذف حسابي بما في ذلك بياناتي الشخصية', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'الصفحات والميزات الممكّنة', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'لإنشاء حساب جديد ، اعرض الصفحات في وضع ملء الشاشة بعد إنشاء الملف الشخصي مباشرة', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'عد', + 'Got it!' => 'فهمتك!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'أنا أكبر من سنوات {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'لقد قرأت ووافقت على سياسة الخصوصية', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'لقد قرأت ووافقت على الشروط والأحكام', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'إذا قمت بتحديث سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بك ، يمكنك استخدام خيار "تأكيد إعادة التعيين" لإبلاغ المستخدمين ودعوتهم لإعادة الموافقة.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'إذا قمت بتحديث الشروط والأحكام الخاصة بك ، يمكنك استخدام خيار "تأكيد إعادة التعيين" لإبلاغ المستخدمين ودعوتهم لإعادة الموافقة.', + 'Imprint' => 'بصمة', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'تُعلم المستخدمين بأنك قمت بتغيير سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بك أو الشروط والأحكام الخاصة بك. من أجل تفعيله ، يجب تفعيل "تأكيد إعادة التعيين" - خيار المستندات القانونية المذكورة.', + 'Legal Update' => 'تحديث قانوني', + 'Logout' => 'تسجيل خروج', + 'Minimum age' => 'الحد الإدنى للعمر', + 'More information: {link}' => 'مزيد من المعلومات: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'لغة الصفحة:', + 'Page:' => 'صفحة:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'سياسة خاصة', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'تأكيد إعادة التعيين', + 'Reset successful!' => 'تمت إعادة التعيين بنجاح!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'إظهار سن التحقق من {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'الأحكام والشروط', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'تتم إضافة هذه الصفحة إلى التنقل في التذييل وعملية التسجيل. يمكنك إضافة نص مختلف لكل لغة متاحة.', + 'Title' => 'لقب', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'سيتم استخدامه كإعداد افتراضي ، إذا كانت النصوص القانونية غير متوفرة بلغة المستخدمين.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'سيتم استخدامه كإعداد افتراضي ، إذا كانت النصوص القانونية غير متوفرة بلغة المستخدم.', ]; diff --git a/messages/bg/base.php b/messages/bg/base.php index 6949758..3b8bd60 100644 --- a/messages/bg/base.php +++ b/messages/bg/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Деактивирано - моля, добавете съдържание на език по подразбиране!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Правен модул - администрация', - 'Accept' => 'Приемете', - 'Accept button label' => 'Приемете етикета на бутона', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Добавя наслагване, което информира потребителите за използването на бисквитки. Можете да добавите различен текст за всеки наличен език.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Наистина ли сте сигурни? Моля, запазете промените, преди да продължите!', - 'Box content' => 'Съдържание на кутията', - 'Box language:' => 'Език на кутията:', - 'Configuration' => 'Конфигурация', - 'Content' => 'Съдържание', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Известие за бисквитки', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Изтрийте моя акаунт, включително личните ми данни', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Активирани страници и функции', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'За създаване на нов акаунт показвайте страници на цял екран веднага след създаването на профила', - 'Go back' => 'Върни се', - 'Got it!' => 'Схванах го!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'По-възрастен съм от {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Прочетох и приемам Политиката за поверителност', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Прочетох и приемам Общите условия', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ако актуализирате Политиката си за поверителност, можете да използвате опцията „Нулиране на потвърждение“, за да информирате потребителите си и да ги поканите да се съгласят.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ако актуализирате своите Общи условия, можете да използвате опцията „Нулиране на потвърждение“, за да информирате потребителите си и да ги поканите да се съгласят.', - 'Imprint' => 'Отпечатък', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Информира потребителите, че сте променили Политиката си за поверителност или Общите условия. За да се задейства, трябва да се активира „Нулиране на потвърждение“ - Опцията за споменатите правни документи.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Правна актуализация', - 'Logout' => 'Излез от профила си', - 'Minimum age' => 'Минимална възраст', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Повече информация: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Език на страницата:', - 'Page:' => 'Страница:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Политика за поверителност', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Нулиране на потвърждение', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Нулирането е успешно!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Показване на възрастта за проверка {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Правила и условия', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Тази страница е добавена към долния колонтитул и процеса на регистрация. Можете да добавите различен текст за всеки наличен език.', - 'Title' => 'Заглавие', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Ще се използва по подразбиране, ако правните текстове не са налични на езика на потребителите.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Ще се използва по подразбиране, ако правните текстове не са налични на езика на потребителя.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Деактивирано - моля, добавете съдържание на език по подразбиране!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Правен модул - администрация', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Приемете', + 'Accept button label' => 'Приемете етикета на бутона', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Добавя наслагване, което информира потребителите за използването на бисквитки. Можете да добавите различен текст за всеки наличен език.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Наистина ли сте сигурни? Моля, запазете промените, преди да продължите!', + 'Box content' => 'Съдържание на кутията', + 'Box language:' => 'Език на кутията:', + 'Configuration' => 'Конфигурация', + 'Content' => 'Съдържание', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Известие за бисквитки', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Език по подразбиране', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Изтрийте моя акаунт, включително личните ми данни', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Активирани страници и функции', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'За създаване на нов акаунт показвайте страници на цял екран веднага след създаването на профила', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Върни се', + 'Got it!' => 'Схванах го!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'По-възрастен съм от {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Прочетох и приемам Политиката за поверителност', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Прочетох и приемам Общите условия', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ако актуализирате Политиката си за поверителност, можете да използвате опцията „Нулиране на потвърждение“, за да информирате потребителите си и да ги поканите да се съгласят.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ако актуализирате своите Общи условия, можете да използвате опцията „Нулиране на потвърждение“, за да информирате потребителите си и да ги поканите да се съгласят.', + 'Imprint' => 'Отпечатък', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Информира потребителите, че сте променили Политиката си за поверителност или Общите условия. За да се задейства, трябва да се активира „Нулиране на потвърждение“ - Опцията за споменатите правни документи.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Правна актуализация', + 'Logout' => 'Излез от профила си', + 'Minimum age' => 'Минимална възраст', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Повече информация: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Език на страницата:', + 'Page:' => 'Страница:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Политика за поверителност', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Нулиране на потвърждение', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Нулирането е успешно!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Показване на възрастта за проверка {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Правила и условия', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Тази страница е добавена към долния колонтитул и процеса на регистрация. Можете да добавите различен текст за всеки наличен език.', + 'Title' => 'Заглавие', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Ще се използва по подразбиране, ако правните текстове не са налични на езика на потребителите.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Ще се използва по подразбиране, ако правните текстове не са налични на езика на потребителя.', ]; diff --git a/messages/ca/base.php b/messages/ca/base.php index 8091b66..0fbc3b8 100644 --- a/messages/ca/base.php +++ b/messages/ca/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Desactivat: afegiu contingut en l\'idioma predeterminat.)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Mòdul jurídic - administració', - 'Accept' => 'Accepta', - 'Accept button label' => 'Accepta l’etiqueta del botó', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Afegeix una superposició que informa els usuaris sobre l’ús de cookies. Podeu afegir un text diferent per a cada idioma disponible.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Estàs segur? Si us plau, deseu els canvis abans de continuar.', - 'Box content' => 'Contingut del quadre', - 'Box language:' => 'Idioma del quadre:', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuració', - 'Content' => 'Contingut', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Notificació de cookies', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Suprimiu el meu compte, incloses les meves dades personals', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Pàgines i funcions habilitades', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Per a la creació de comptes nous, mostreu les pàgines a pantalla completa just després de la creació del perfil', - 'Go back' => 'Torna', - 'Got it!' => 'Ho tinc!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Sóc més gran que els {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'He llegit i accepto la política de privadesa', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'He llegit i accepto els Termes i condicions', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si actualitzeu la vostra política de privadesa, podeu fer servir l\'opció "Restablir confirmació" per informar els vostres usuaris i convidar-los a tornar a acceptar.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si actualitzeu els vostres Termes i Condicions, podeu utilitzar l\'opció "Restableix la confirmació" per informar els vostres usuaris i convidar-los a acceptar-los.', - 'Imprint' => 'Empremta', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa als usuaris que heu canviat la Política de privadesa o els Termes i condicions. Per activar-lo, cal activar la "Restabliment de la confirmació": l\'opció d\'aquests documents legals.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Actualització legal', - 'Logout' => 'Tancar sessió', - 'Minimum age' => 'Edat mínima', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Més informació: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Idioma de la pàgina:', - 'Page:' => 'Pàgina:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Política de privacitat', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Restableix la confirmació', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Restabliment correcte.', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostra l\'edat de verificació d\' {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Termes i condicions', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Aquesta pàgina s\'afegeix al peu de navegació i al procés de registre. Podeu afegir un text diferent per a cada idioma disponible.', - 'Title' => 'Títol', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'S\'utilitzarà per defecte si els textos legals no estan disponibles en l\'idioma dels usuaris.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'S\'utilitzarà per defecte si els textos legals no estan disponibles en l\'idioma de l\'usuari.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Desactivat: afegiu contingut en l\'idioma predeterminat.)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Mòdul jurídic - administració', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Accepta', + 'Accept button label' => 'Accepta l’etiqueta del botó', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Afegeix una superposició que informa els usuaris sobre l’ús de cookies. Podeu afegir un text diferent per a cada idioma disponible.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Estàs segur? Si us plau, deseu els canvis abans de continuar.', + 'Box content' => 'Contingut del quadre', + 'Box language:' => 'Idioma del quadre:', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuració', + 'Content' => 'Contingut', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Notificació de cookies', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Llengua per defecte', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Suprimiu el meu compte, incloses les meves dades personals', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Pàgines i funcions habilitades', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Per a la creació de comptes nous, mostreu les pàgines a pantalla completa just després de la creació del perfil', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Torna', + 'Got it!' => 'Ho tinc!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Sóc més gran que els {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'He llegit i accepto la política de privadesa', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'He llegit i accepto els Termes i condicions', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si actualitzeu la vostra política de privadesa, podeu fer servir l\'opció "Restablir confirmació" per informar els vostres usuaris i convidar-los a tornar a acceptar.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si actualitzeu els vostres Termes i Condicions, podeu utilitzar l\'opció "Restableix la confirmació" per informar els vostres usuaris i convidar-los a acceptar-los.', + 'Imprint' => 'Empremta', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa als usuaris que heu canviat la Política de privadesa o els Termes i condicions. Per activar-lo, cal activar la "Restabliment de la confirmació": l\'opció d\'aquests documents legals.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Actualització legal', + 'Logout' => 'Tancar sessió', + 'Minimum age' => 'Edat mínima', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Més informació: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Idioma de la pàgina:', + 'Page:' => 'Pàgina:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Política de privacitat', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Restableix la confirmació', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Restabliment correcte.', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostra l\'edat de verificació d\' {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Termes i condicions', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Aquesta pàgina s\'afegeix al peu de navegació i al procés de registre. Podeu afegir un text diferent per a cada idioma disponible.', + 'Title' => 'Títol', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'S\'utilitzarà per defecte si els textos legals no estan disponibles en l\'idioma dels usuaris.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'S\'utilitzarà per defecte si els textos legals no estan disponibles en l\'idioma de l\'usuari.', ]; diff --git a/messages/cs/base.php b/messages/cs/base.php index 6cf49c1..34e10ad 100644 --- a/messages/cs/base.php +++ b/messages/cs/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Zakázáno - přidávejte obsah ve výchozím jazyce!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Právní modul - administrace', - 'Accept' => 'Přijmout', - 'Accept button label' => 'Přijmout štítek tlačítka', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Přidá vrstvu, která informuje uživatele o používání cookies. Pro každý dostupný jazyk můžete přidat jiný text.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Jsi si opravdu jistý? Než budete pokračovat, uložte změny!', - 'Box content' => 'Obsah pole', - 'Box language:' => 'Jazyk rámečku:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurace', - 'Content' => 'Obsah', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Oznámení o cookies', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Smazat můj účet včetně mých osobních údajů', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Povolené stránky a funkce', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Pro vytvoření nového účtu zobrazte stránky na celou obrazovku hned po vytvoření profilu', - 'Go back' => 'Vrať se', - 'Got it!' => 'Mám to!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jsem starší než {age} roky', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Přečetl jsem si zásady ochrany osobních údajů a souhlasím s nimi', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Přečetl jsem si Podmínky a souhlasím s nimi', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Pokud aktualizujete své zásady ochrany osobních údajů, můžete pomocí možnosti „Obnovit potvrzení“ informovat uživatele a pozvat je k rearee.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Pokud aktualizujete své podmínky, můžete pomocí možnosti „Potvrzení resetování“ informovat uživatele a pozvat je k rearee.', - 'Imprint' => 'Otisk', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informuje uživatele, že jste změnili své zásady ochrany osobních údajů nebo své podmínky. K jejímu spuštění je potřeba aktivovat „Potvrzení resetování“ - Volba zmíněných právních dokumentů.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Právní aktualizace', - 'Logout' => 'Odhlásit se', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimální věk', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Více informací: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Jazyk stránky:', - 'Page:' => 'Strana:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Zásady ochrany osobních údajů', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Obnovit potvrzení', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Reset byl úspěšný!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Zobrazit věk ověření {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Pravidla a podmínky', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Tato stránka je přidána do zápatí navigace a procesu registrace. Pro každý dostupný jazyk můžete přidat jiný text.', - 'Title' => 'Titul', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Použije se jako výchozí, pokud právní texty nejsou k dispozici v uživatelském jazyce.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Použije se jako výchozí, pokud právní texty nejsou k dispozici v jazyce uživatele.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Zakázáno - přidávejte obsah ve výchozím jazyce!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Právní modul - administrace', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Přijmout', + 'Accept button label' => 'Přijmout štítek tlačítka', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Přidá vrstvu, která informuje uživatele o používání cookies. Pro každý dostupný jazyk můžete přidat jiný text.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Jsi si opravdu jistý? Než budete pokračovat, uložte změny!', + 'Box content' => 'Obsah pole', + 'Box language:' => 'Jazyk rámečku:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurace', + 'Content' => 'Obsah', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Oznámení o cookies', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Výchozí jazyk', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Smazat můj účet včetně mých osobních údajů', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Povolené stránky a funkce', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Pro vytvoření nového účtu zobrazte stránky na celou obrazovku hned po vytvoření profilu', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Vrať se', + 'Got it!' => 'Mám to!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jsem starší než {age} roky', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Přečetl jsem si zásady ochrany osobních údajů a souhlasím s nimi', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Přečetl jsem si Podmínky a souhlasím s nimi', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Pokud aktualizujete své zásady ochrany osobních údajů, můžete pomocí možnosti „Obnovit potvrzení“ informovat uživatele a pozvat je k rearee.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Pokud aktualizujete své podmínky, můžete pomocí možnosti „Potvrzení resetování“ informovat uživatele a pozvat je k rearee.', + 'Imprint' => 'Otisk', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informuje uživatele, že jste změnili své zásady ochrany osobních údajů nebo své podmínky. K jejímu spuštění je potřeba aktivovat „Potvrzení resetování“ - Volba zmíněných právních dokumentů.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Právní aktualizace', + 'Logout' => 'Odhlásit se', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimální věk', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Více informací: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Jazyk stránky:', + 'Page:' => 'Strana:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Zásady ochrany osobních údajů', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Obnovit potvrzení', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Reset byl úspěšný!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Zobrazit věk ověření {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Pravidla a podmínky', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Tato stránka je přidána do zápatí navigace a procesu registrace. Pro každý dostupný jazyk můžete přidat jiný text.', + 'Title' => 'Titul', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Použije se jako výchozí, pokud právní texty nejsou k dispozici v uživatelském jazyce.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Použije se jako výchozí, pokud právní texty nejsou k dispozici v jazyce uživatele.', ]; diff --git a/messages/da/base.php b/messages/da/base.php index 99b3816..48bad3b 100644 --- a/messages/da/base.php +++ b/messages/da/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Deaktiveret - tilføj indhold på standardsproget!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Juridisk modul - administration', - 'Accept' => 'Acceptere', - 'Accept button label' => 'Accepter knapmærkat', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Tilføjer et overlay, der informerer brugerne om brugen af cookies. Du kan tilføje en anden tekst for hvert tilgængeligt sprog.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Er du virkelig sikker? Gem ændringer før du fortsætter!', - 'Box content' => 'Kasseindhold', - 'Box language:' => 'Bokssprog:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguration', - 'Content' => 'Indhold', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Cookie-meddelelse', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Slet min konto inklusive mine personlige data', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Aktiverede sider og funktioner', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'For oprettelse af ny konto skal du vise sider på fuld skærm lige efter oprettelse af profil', - 'Go back' => 'Gå tilbage', - 'Got it!' => 'Forstået!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jeg er ældre end {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Jeg har læst og accepterer fortrolighedspolitikken', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Jeg har læst og accepterer vilkårene og betingelserne', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hvis du opdaterer din fortrolighedspolitik, kan du bruge „Nulstil bekræftelse“ -Mulighed til at informere dine brugere og invitere dem til at reagere igen.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hvis du opdaterer dine vilkår og betingelser, kan du bruge "Nulstil bekræftelse" -Mulighed til at informere dine brugere og invitere dem til at reagere igen.', - 'Imprint' => 'Aftryk', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informerer brugerne om, at du har ændret din fortrolighedspolitik eller dine vilkår og betingelser. For at udløse det skal „Nulstil bekræftelse“ - Valg af de nævnte juridiske dokumenter aktiveres.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Juridisk opdatering', - 'Logout' => 'Log ud', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimumsalder', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Flere oplysninger: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Sidens sprog:', - 'Page:' => 'Side:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Fortrolighedspolitik', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Nulstil bekræftelse', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Nulstilling lykkedes!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Vis {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Vilkår og betingelser', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Denne side føjes til sidefodsnavigationen og registreringsprocessen. Du kan tilføje en anden tekst for hvert tilgængeligt sprog.', - 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Bruges som standard, hvis lovteksterne ikke er tilgængelige på brugerens sprog.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Bruges som standard, hvis lovteksterne ikke er tilgængelige på brugerens sprog.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Deaktiveret - tilføj indhold på standardsproget!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Juridisk modul - administration', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Acceptere', + 'Accept button label' => 'Accepter knapmærkat', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Tilføjer et overlay, der informerer brugerne om brugen af cookies. Du kan tilføje en anden tekst for hvert tilgængeligt sprog.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Er du virkelig sikker? Gem ændringer før du fortsætter!', + 'Box content' => 'Kasseindhold', + 'Box language:' => 'Bokssprog:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguration', + 'Content' => 'Indhold', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Cookie-meddelelse', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Standard sprog', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Slet min konto inklusive mine personlige data', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Aktiverede sider og funktioner', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'For oprettelse af ny konto skal du vise sider på fuld skærm lige efter oprettelse af profil', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Gå tilbage', + 'Got it!' => 'Forstået!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jeg er ældre end {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Jeg har læst og accepterer fortrolighedspolitikken', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Jeg har læst og accepterer vilkårene og betingelserne', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hvis du opdaterer din fortrolighedspolitik, kan du bruge „Nulstil bekræftelse“ -Mulighed til at informere dine brugere og invitere dem til at reagere igen.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hvis du opdaterer dine vilkår og betingelser, kan du bruge "Nulstil bekræftelse" -Mulighed til at informere dine brugere og invitere dem til at reagere igen.', + 'Imprint' => 'Aftryk', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informerer brugerne om, at du har ændret din fortrolighedspolitik eller dine vilkår og betingelser. For at udløse det skal „Nulstil bekræftelse“ - Valg af de nævnte juridiske dokumenter aktiveres.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Juridisk opdatering', + 'Logout' => 'Log ud', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimumsalder', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Flere oplysninger: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Sidens sprog:', + 'Page:' => 'Side:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Fortrolighedspolitik', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Nulstil bekræftelse', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Nulstilling lykkedes!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Vis {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Vilkår og betingelser', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Denne side føjes til sidefodsnavigationen og registreringsprocessen. Du kan tilføje en anden tekst for hvert tilgængeligt sprog.', + 'Title' => 'Titel', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Bruges som standard, hvis lovteksterne ikke er tilgængelige på brugerens sprog.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Bruges som standard, hvis lovteksterne ikke er tilgængelige på brugerens sprog.', ]; diff --git a/messages/de/base.php b/messages/de/base.php index c561fd6..f8cfc8a 100644 --- a/messages/de/base.php +++ b/messages/de/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Deaktiviert - bitte Inhalt für Standardsprache hinzufügen!)', - 'External Link' => 'Externer Link', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Legal Modul-Administration', - 'Accept' => 'Akzeptieren', - 'Accept button label' => 'Beschriftung des Akzeptieren-Buttons', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Hinweis-Symbole vor externen Links in Beiträgen und Kommentaren hinzufügen', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Fügt ein Overlay hinzu, welches die Nutzer über die Verwendung von Cookies informiert. Es kann für jede verfügbare Sprache ein gesonderter Text eingestellt werden.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Bist du sicher? Speichere die Änderungen bitte, bevor du fortfährst.', - 'Box content' => 'Inhalt', - 'Box language:' => 'Sprache', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguration', - 'Content' => 'Inhalt', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Cookie-Benachrichtigung', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Lösche mein Profil, einschließlich aller persönlicher Daten.', - 'Edit this page' => 'Seite bearbeiten', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Aktivierte Seiten und Funktionen', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Zeigen Sie für die Erstellung eines neuen Kontos die Seiten direkt nach der Profilerstellung im Vollbildmodus an', - 'Go back' => 'Zurück', - 'Got it!' => 'Verstanden!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Ich bin älter als {age} Jahre', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Ich habe die Datenschutzbestimmungen gelesen und stimme diesen zu!', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Ich habe die Nutzungsbedingungen gelesen und stimme diesen zu!', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Wenn die Datenschutzbestimmungen geändert werden, kann die Option "Zustimmung zurücksetzen" verwendet werden, um die Änderungen anzuzeigen und eine Einwilligung der Nutzer zu erzwingen.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Wenn die Nutzungsbedingungen geändert werden, kann die Option "Zustimmung zurücksetzen" verwendet werden, um die Änderungen anzuzeigen und eine Einwilligung der Nutzer zu erzwingen.', - 'Imprint' => 'Impressum', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informiert die Benutzer über Änderungen der Datenschutzbestimmungen bzw. der Nutzungsbedingungen. Um das Anzeigen des Textes auszulösen, muss die Option "Zustimmung zurücksetzen" betätigt werden.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Rechtliches Update', - 'Logout' => 'Logout', - 'Minimum age' => 'Mindestalter', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Weitere Informationen: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Seitensprache:', - 'Page:' => 'Seite:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Datenschutzbestimmungen', - 'Proceed' => 'Fortfahren', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Zustimmung zurücksetzen', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Erfolgreich zurückgesetzt!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Altersüberprüfungsalter {age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Hinweis-Modal für externe Links in Beiträgen und Kommentaren anzeigen', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Nutzungsbedingungen', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Dieser Link führt zu einer externen Website. Willst du fortfahren?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Diese Seite wird in die Fußnavigation und den Registrierungsprozess eingefügt. Es kann für jede verfügbare Sprache ein gesonderter Text eingestellt werden.', - 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Text wird in der Standardsprache angezeigt, wenn die vom Benutzer ausgewählte Sprache keinen Inhalt hat.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Text wird in der Standardsprache angezeigt, wenn die vom User ausgewählte Sprache keinen Inhalt hat.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Deaktiviert - bitte Inhalt für Standardsprache hinzufügen!)', + 'External Link' => 'Externer Link', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Legal Modul-Administration', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Akzeptieren', + 'Accept button label' => 'Beschriftung des Akzeptieren-Buttons', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Hinweis-Symbole vor externen Links in Beiträgen und Kommentaren hinzufügen', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Fügt ein Overlay hinzu, welches die Nutzer über die Verwendung von Cookies informiert. Es kann für jede verfügbare Sprache ein gesonderter Text eingestellt werden.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Bist du sicher? Speichere die Änderungen bitte, bevor du fortfährst.', + 'Box content' => 'Inhalt', + 'Box language:' => 'Sprache', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguration', + 'Content' => 'Inhalt', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Cookie-Benachrichtigung', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Standardsprache', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Lösche mein Profil, einschließlich aller persönlicher Daten.', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Seite bearbeiten', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Aktivierte Seiten und Funktionen', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Zeigen Sie für die Erstellung eines neuen Kontos die Seiten direkt nach der Profilerstellung im Vollbildmodus an', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Zurück', + 'Got it!' => 'Verstanden!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Ich bin älter als {age} Jahre', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Ich habe die Datenschutzbestimmungen gelesen und stimme diesen zu!', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Ich habe die Nutzungsbedingungen gelesen und stimme diesen zu!', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Wenn die Datenschutzbestimmungen geändert werden, kann die Option "Zustimmung zurücksetzen" verwendet werden, um die Änderungen anzuzeigen und eine Einwilligung der Nutzer zu erzwingen.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Wenn die Nutzungsbedingungen geändert werden, kann die Option "Zustimmung zurücksetzen" verwendet werden, um die Änderungen anzuzeigen und eine Einwilligung der Nutzer zu erzwingen.', + 'Imprint' => 'Impressum', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informiert die Benutzer über Änderungen der Datenschutzbestimmungen bzw. der Nutzungsbedingungen. Um das Anzeigen des Textes auszulösen, muss die Option "Zustimmung zurücksetzen" betätigt werden.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Rechtliches Update', + 'Logout' => 'Logout', + 'Minimum age' => 'Mindestalter', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Weitere Informationen: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Seitensprache:', + 'Page:' => 'Seite:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Datenschutzbestimmungen', + 'Proceed' => 'Fortfahren', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Zustimmung zurücksetzen', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Erfolgreich zurückgesetzt!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Altersüberprüfungsalter {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Hinweis-Modal für externe Links in Beiträgen und Kommentaren anzeigen', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Nutzungsbedingungen', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Dieser Link führt zu einer externen Website. Willst du fortfahren?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Diese Seite wird in die Fußnavigation und den Registrierungsprozess eingefügt. Es kann für jede verfügbare Sprache ein gesonderter Text eingestellt werden.', + 'Title' => 'Titel', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Text wird in der Standardsprache angezeigt, wenn die vom Benutzer ausgewählte Sprache keinen Inhalt hat.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Text wird in der Standardsprache angezeigt, wenn die vom User ausgewählte Sprache keinen Inhalt hat.', ]; diff --git a/messages/el/base.php b/messages/el/base.php index 9dcc162..81c7e38 100644 --- a/messages/el/base.php +++ b/messages/el/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Απενεργοποιημένο - προσθέστε περιεχόμενο στην προεπιλεγμένη γλώσσα!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Νομική ενότητα - διοίκηση', - 'Accept' => 'Αποδέχομαι', - 'Accept button label' => 'Αποδοχή ετικέτας κουμπιού', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Προσθέτει μια επικάλυψη που ενημερώνει τους χρήστες για τη χρήση των cookies. Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε ένα διαφορετικό κείμενο για κάθε διαθέσιμη γλώσσα.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Είστε πραγματικά σίγουροι; Αποθηκεύστε τις αλλαγές πριν συνεχίσετε!', - 'Box content' => 'Περιεχόμενο κουτιού', - 'Box language:' => 'Γλώσσα κουτιού:', - 'Configuration' => 'Διαμόρφωση', - 'Content' => 'Περιεχόμενο', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Ειδοποίηση cookie', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Διαγραφή του λογαριασμού μου, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των προσωπικών μου δεδομένων', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Ενεργοποιημένες σελίδες και δυνατότητες', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Για τη δημιουργία νέου λογαριασμού, εμφανίστε σελίδες σε πλήρη οθόνη αμέσως μετά τη δημιουργία προφίλ', - 'Go back' => 'Πήγαινε πίσω', - 'Got it!' => 'Το έπιασα!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Είμαι μεγαλύτερος από την {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Έχω διαβάσει και αποδέχομαι την Πολιτική απορρήτου', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Έχω διαβάσει και αποδέχομαι τους Όρους και Προϋποθέσεις', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Εάν ενημερώσετε την Πολιτική Απορρήτου σας, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την "Επαναφορά επιβεβαίωσης" - Επιλογή για να ενημερώσετε τους χρήστες σας και να τους προσκαλέσετε να επανεγκρίνουν.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Εάν ενημερώσετε τους Όρους και τις Προϋποθέσεις σας, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την "Επαναφορά επιβεβαίωσης" - Επιλογή για να ενημερώσετε τους χρήστες σας και να τους καλέσετε να επανεγκρίνουν.', - 'Imprint' => 'Αποτύπωμα', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Ενημερώνει τους χρήστες ότι έχετε αλλάξει την Πολιτική Απορρήτου ή τους Όρους και Προϋποθέσεις σας. Για να το ενεργοποιήσετε, πρέπει να ενεργοποιήσετε την «Επαναφορά επιβεβαίωσης» -Επιλογή των εν λόγω νομικών εγγράφων.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Νομική ενημέρωση', - 'Logout' => 'Αποσύνδεση', - 'Minimum age' => 'Ελάχιστη ηλικία', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Γλώσσα σελίδας:', - 'Page:' => 'Σελίδα:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Πολιτική απορρήτου', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Επαναφορά επιβεβαίωσης', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Η επαναφορά ήταν επιτυχής!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Εμφάνιση ηλικίας επαλήθευσης {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Οροι και Προϋποθέσεις', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Αυτή η σελίδα προστίθεται στο υποσέλιδο πλοήγησης και στη διαδικασία εγγραφής. Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε ένα διαφορετικό κείμενο για κάθε διαθέσιμη γλώσσα.', - 'Title' => 'Τίτλος', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Θα χρησιμοποιηθεί ως προεπιλογή, εάν τα νομικά κείμενα δεν είναι διαθέσιμα στη γλώσσα των χρηστών.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Θα χρησιμοποιηθεί ως προεπιλογή, εάν τα νομικά κείμενα δεν είναι διαθέσιμα στη γλώσσα του χρήστη.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Απενεργοποιημένο - προσθέστε περιεχόμενο στην προεπιλεγμένη γλώσσα!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Νομική ενότητα - διοίκηση', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Αποδέχομαι', + 'Accept button label' => 'Αποδοχή ετικέτας κουμπιού', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Προσθέτει μια επικάλυψη που ενημερώνει τους χρήστες για τη χρήση των cookies. Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε ένα διαφορετικό κείμενο για κάθε διαθέσιμη γλώσσα.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Είστε πραγματικά σίγουροι; Αποθηκεύστε τις αλλαγές πριν συνεχίσετε!', + 'Box content' => 'Περιεχόμενο κουτιού', + 'Box language:' => 'Γλώσσα κουτιού:', + 'Configuration' => 'Διαμόρφωση', + 'Content' => 'Περιεχόμενο', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Ειδοποίηση cookie', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Προεπιλεγμένη γλώσσα', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Διαγραφή του λογαριασμού μου, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των προσωπικών μου δεδομένων', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Ενεργοποιημένες σελίδες και δυνατότητες', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Για τη δημιουργία νέου λογαριασμού, εμφανίστε σελίδες σε πλήρη οθόνη αμέσως μετά τη δημιουργία προφίλ', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Πήγαινε πίσω', + 'Got it!' => 'Το έπιασα!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Είμαι μεγαλύτερος από την {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Έχω διαβάσει και αποδέχομαι την Πολιτική απορρήτου', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Έχω διαβάσει και αποδέχομαι τους Όρους και Προϋποθέσεις', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Εάν ενημερώσετε την Πολιτική Απορρήτου σας, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την "Επαναφορά επιβεβαίωσης" - Επιλογή για να ενημερώσετε τους χρήστες σας και να τους προσκαλέσετε να επανεγκρίνουν.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Εάν ενημερώσετε τους Όρους και τις Προϋποθέσεις σας, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την "Επαναφορά επιβεβαίωσης" - Επιλογή για να ενημερώσετε τους χρήστες σας και να τους καλέσετε να επανεγκρίνουν.', + 'Imprint' => 'Αποτύπωμα', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Ενημερώνει τους χρήστες ότι έχετε αλλάξει την Πολιτική Απορρήτου ή τους Όρους και Προϋποθέσεις σας. Για να το ενεργοποιήσετε, πρέπει να ενεργοποιήσετε την «Επαναφορά επιβεβαίωσης» -Επιλογή των εν λόγω νομικών εγγράφων.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Νομική ενημέρωση', + 'Logout' => 'Αποσύνδεση', + 'Minimum age' => 'Ελάχιστη ηλικία', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Γλώσσα σελίδας:', + 'Page:' => 'Σελίδα:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Πολιτική απορρήτου', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Επαναφορά επιβεβαίωσης', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Η επαναφορά ήταν επιτυχής!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Εμφάνιση ηλικίας επαλήθευσης {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Οροι και Προϋποθέσεις', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Αυτή η σελίδα προστίθεται στο υποσέλιδο πλοήγησης και στη διαδικασία εγγραφής. Μπορείτε να προσθέσετε ένα διαφορετικό κείμενο για κάθε διαθέσιμη γλώσσα.', + 'Title' => 'Τίτλος', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Θα χρησιμοποιηθεί ως προεπιλογή, εάν τα νομικά κείμενα δεν είναι διαθέσιμα στη γλώσσα των χρηστών.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Θα χρησιμοποιηθεί ως προεπιλογή, εάν τα νομικά κείμενα δεν είναι διαθέσιμα στη γλώσσα του χρήστη.', ]; diff --git a/messages/es/base.php b/messages/es/base.php index 72577d9..e142ef0 100644 --- a/messages/es/base.php +++ b/messages/es/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Deshabilitado: agregue contenido en el idioma predeterminado).', - 'External Link' => 'Enlace externo', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Módulo legal - administración', - 'Accept' => 'Aceptar', - 'Accept button label' => 'Aceptar etiqueta de botón', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Incluir los iconos de notificación antes de los enlaces externos en las publicaciones y comentarios.', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Agrega una superposición que informa a los usuarios sobre el uso de cookies. Puede agregar un texto diferente para cada idioma disponible.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => '¿Estas realmente seguro? ¡Guarde los cambios antes de continuar!', - 'Box content' => 'Contenido de la caja', - 'Box language:' => 'Idioma de la caja:', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuración', - 'Content' => 'Contenido', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Notificación de cookies', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Eliminar mi cuenta, incluidos mis datos personales', - 'Edit this page' => 'Editar esta página', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Páginas y funciones habilitadas', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Para la creación de una nueva cuenta, muestre las páginas en pantalla completa justo después de la creación del perfil', - 'Go back' => 'Regresa', - 'Got it!' => '¡Entendido!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Soy mayor de {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'He leído y acepto la Política de privacidad.', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'He leído y acepto los Términos y Condiciones', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si actualiza su Política de privacidad, puede utilizar la opción "Confirmación de restablecimiento" para informar a sus usuarios e invitarlos a volver a aceptar.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si actualiza sus Términos y condiciones, puede utilizar la opción "Confirmación de restablecimiento" para informar a sus usuarios e invitarlos a volver a aceptar.', - 'Imprint' => 'Imprimir', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa a los usuarios que ha cambiado su Política de Privacidad o sus Términos y Condiciones. Para activarlo, es necesario activar la opción "Confirmación de reinicio" de dichos documentos legales.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Actualización legal', - 'Logout' => 'Cerrar sesión', - 'Minimum age' => 'Edad mínima', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Más información: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Idioma de la página:', - 'Page:' => 'Página:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Política de privacidad', - 'Proceed' => 'Continuar', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Confirmación de reinicio', - 'Reset successful!' => '¡Restablecimiento exitoso!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostrar edad de verificación de {age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Mostrar una ventana modal de notificación en los enlaces externos de las publicaciones y los comentarios', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Términos y condiciones', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Este enlace conduce a un sitio web externo. ¿Quieres continuar?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Esta página se agrega a la navegación del pie de página y al proceso de registro. Puede agregar un texto diferente para cada idioma disponible.', - 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Se utilizará por defecto, si los textos legales no están disponibles en el idioma del usuario.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Se utilizará por defecto, si los textos legales no están disponibles en el idioma del usuario.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Deshabilitado: agregue contenido en el idioma predeterminado).', + 'External Link' => 'Enlace externo', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Módulo legal - administración', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Aceptar', + 'Accept button label' => 'Aceptar etiqueta de botón', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Incluir los iconos de notificación antes de los enlaces externos en las publicaciones y comentarios.', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Agrega una superposición que informa a los usuarios sobre el uso de cookies. Puede agregar un texto diferente para cada idioma disponible.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => '¿Estas realmente seguro? ¡Guarde los cambios antes de continuar!', + 'Box content' => 'Contenido de la caja', + 'Box language:' => 'Idioma de la caja:', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuración', + 'Content' => 'Contenido', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Notificación de cookies', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Idioma por defecto', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Eliminar mi cuenta, incluidos mis datos personales', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Editar esta página', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Páginas y funciones habilitadas', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Para la creación de una nueva cuenta, muestre las páginas en pantalla completa justo después de la creación del perfil', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Regresa', + 'Got it!' => '¡Entendido!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Soy mayor de {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'He leído y acepto la Política de privacidad.', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'He leído y acepto los Términos y Condiciones', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si actualiza su Política de privacidad, puede utilizar la opción "Confirmación de restablecimiento" para informar a sus usuarios e invitarlos a volver a aceptar.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si actualiza sus Términos y condiciones, puede utilizar la opción "Confirmación de restablecimiento" para informar a sus usuarios e invitarlos a volver a aceptar.', + 'Imprint' => 'Imprimir', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa a los usuarios que ha cambiado su Política de Privacidad o sus Términos y Condiciones. Para activarlo, es necesario activar la opción "Confirmación de reinicio" de dichos documentos legales.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Actualización legal', + 'Logout' => 'Cerrar sesión', + 'Minimum age' => 'Edad mínima', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Más información: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Idioma de la página:', + 'Page:' => 'Página:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Política de privacidad', + 'Proceed' => 'Continuar', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Confirmación de reinicio', + 'Reset successful!' => '¡Restablecimiento exitoso!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostrar edad de verificación de {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Mostrar una ventana modal de notificación en los enlaces externos de las publicaciones y los comentarios', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Términos y condiciones', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Este enlace conduce a un sitio web externo. ¿Quieres continuar?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Esta página se agrega a la navegación del pie de página y al proceso de registro. Puede agregar un texto diferente para cada idioma disponible.', + 'Title' => 'Título', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Se utilizará por defecto, si los textos legales no están disponibles en el idioma del usuario.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Se utilizará por defecto, si los textos legales no están disponibles en el idioma del usuario.', ]; diff --git a/messages/eu/base.php b/messages/eu/base.php index febf6ba..f92b2bc 100644 --- a/messages/eu/base.php +++ b/messages/eu/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ 'Onartu', - 'Content' => 'Edukia', - 'Logout' => 'Saioa amaitu', - 'Title' => 'Izenburua', - '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Legal module - administration' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Accept button label' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => '', - 'Box content' => '', - 'Box language:' => '', - 'Configuration' => '', - 'Cookie notification' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Enabled pages and features' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Go back' => '', - 'Got it!' => '', - 'I am older than {age} years' => '', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => '', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => '', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '', - 'Imprint' => '', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => '', - 'Legal Update' => '', - 'Minimum age' => '', - 'More information: {link}' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Page language:' => '', - 'Page:' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Privacy Policy' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Reset confirmation' => '', - 'Reset successful!' => '', - 'Show age verification {age}' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'Terms and Conditions' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => '', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => '', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Onartu', + 'Accept button label' => '', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => '', + 'Box content' => '', + 'Box language:' => '', + 'Configuration' => '', + 'Content' => 'Edukia', + 'Cookie notification' => '', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Hizkuntza lehenetsia', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => '', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => '', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => '', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => '', + 'Got it!' => '', + 'I am older than {age} years' => '', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => '', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => '', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '', + 'Imprint' => '', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => '', + 'Legal Update' => '', + 'Logout' => 'Saioa amaitu', + 'Minimum age' => '', + 'More information: {link}' => '', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => '', + 'Page:' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => '', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => '', + 'Reset successful!' => '', + 'Show age verification {age}' => '', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => '', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '', + 'Title' => 'Izenburua', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => '', ]; diff --git a/messages/fa-IR/base.php b/messages/fa-IR/base.php index c9bb044..cb174bb 100644 --- a/messages/fa-IR/base.php +++ b/messages/fa-IR/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(غیرفعال - لطفاً به زبان پیش فرض محتوا اضافه کنید!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'ماژول حقوقی - مدیریت', - 'Accept' => 'تایید کنید', - 'Accept button label' => 'پذیرش برچسب دکمه', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'یک پوشش اضافه می کند که کاربران را در مورد استفاده از کوکی ها آگاه می کند. برای هر زبان موجود می توانید متن متفاوتی اضافه کنید.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'واقعا مطمئنی؟ لطفاً قبل از ادامه تغییرات را ذخیره کنید!', - 'Box content' => 'محتوای جعبه', - 'Box language:' => 'زبان جعبه:', - 'Configuration' => 'پیکربندی', - 'Content' => 'محتوا', - 'Cookie notification' => 'اعلان کوکی', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'حساب من را از جمله داده های شخصی من حذف کنید', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'صفحات و ویژگی های فعال شده', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'برای ایجاد حساب جدید ، درست بعد از ایجاد نمایه ، صفحات را به صورت تمام صفحه نشان دهید', - 'Go back' => 'برگرد', - 'Got it!' => 'فهمیدم!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'من بزرگتر از {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'من سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی را خوانده و با آن موافقم', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'من شرایط و ضوابط را خوانده و با آنها موافقم', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'اگر سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی خود را به روز کنید می توانید از گزینه "Reset تأیید" برای اطلاع کاربران خود و دعوت از آنها برای توافق استفاده کنید.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'اگر شرایط و ضوابط خود را به روز کنید می توانید از گزینه "تأیید بازنشانی" برای اطلاع کاربران خود و دعوت آنها به توافق استفاده کنید.', - 'Imprint' => 'چاپ', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'به کاربران اطلاع می دهد که شما سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی یا شرایط و ضوابط خود را تغییر داده اید. برای فعال کردن آن ، "تنظیم مجدد تأیید" - گزینه اسناد قانونی گفته شده باید فعال شود.', - 'Legal Update' => 'بروزرسانی قانونی', - 'Logout' => 'خروج', - 'Minimum age' => 'کمترین سن', - 'More information: {link}' => 'اطلاعات بیشتر: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'زبان صفحه:', - 'Page:' => 'صفحه:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'بازنشانی تأیید', - 'Reset successful!' => 'بازنشانی با موفقیت انجام شد!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'سن تأیید {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'شرایط و ضوابط', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'این صفحه به پیمایش پاورقی و مراحل ثبت نام اضافه می شود. برای هر زبان موجود می توانید متن متفاوتی اضافه کنید.', - 'Title' => 'عنوان', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'اگر متون قانونی به زبان کاربران در دسترس نباشد ، به عنوان پیش فرض استفاده می شود.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'اگر متون قانونی به زبان کاربر در دسترس نباشد ، به عنوان پیش فرض استفاده می شود.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(غیرفعال - لطفاً به زبان پیش فرض محتوا اضافه کنید!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'ماژول حقوقی - مدیریت', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'تایید کنید', + 'Accept button label' => 'پذیرش برچسب دکمه', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'یک پوشش اضافه می کند که کاربران را در مورد استفاده از کوکی ها آگاه می کند. برای هر زبان موجود می توانید متن متفاوتی اضافه کنید.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'واقعا مطمئنی؟ لطفاً قبل از ادامه تغییرات را ذخیره کنید!', + 'Box content' => 'محتوای جعبه', + 'Box language:' => 'زبان جعبه:', + 'Configuration' => 'پیکربندی', + 'Content' => 'محتوا', + 'Cookie notification' => 'اعلان کوکی', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'زبان پیش‌فرض', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'حساب من را از جمله داده های شخصی من حذف کنید', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'صفحات و ویژگی های فعال شده', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'برای ایجاد حساب جدید ، درست بعد از ایجاد نمایه ، صفحات را به صورت تمام صفحه نشان دهید', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'برگرد', + 'Got it!' => 'فهمیدم!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'من بزرگتر از {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'من سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی را خوانده و با آن موافقم', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'من شرایط و ضوابط را خوانده و با آنها موافقم', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'اگر سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی خود را به روز کنید می توانید از گزینه "Reset تأیید" برای اطلاع کاربران خود و دعوت از آنها برای توافق استفاده کنید.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'اگر شرایط و ضوابط خود را به روز کنید می توانید از گزینه "تأیید بازنشانی" برای اطلاع کاربران خود و دعوت آنها به توافق استفاده کنید.', + 'Imprint' => 'چاپ', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'به کاربران اطلاع می دهد که شما سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی یا شرایط و ضوابط خود را تغییر داده اید. برای فعال کردن آن ، "تنظیم مجدد تأیید" - گزینه اسناد قانونی گفته شده باید فعال شود.', + 'Legal Update' => 'بروزرسانی قانونی', + 'Logout' => 'خروج', + 'Minimum age' => 'کمترین سن', + 'More information: {link}' => 'اطلاعات بیشتر: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'زبان صفحه:', + 'Page:' => 'صفحه:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'بازنشانی تأیید', + 'Reset successful!' => 'بازنشانی با موفقیت انجام شد!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'سن تأیید {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'شرایط و ضوابط', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'این صفحه به پیمایش پاورقی و مراحل ثبت نام اضافه می شود. برای هر زبان موجود می توانید متن متفاوتی اضافه کنید.', + 'Title' => 'عنوان', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'اگر متون قانونی به زبان کاربران در دسترس نباشد ، به عنوان پیش فرض استفاده می شود.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'اگر متون قانونی به زبان کاربر در دسترس نباشد ، به عنوان پیش فرض استفاده می شود.', ]; diff --git a/messages/fi/base.php b/messages/fi/base.php index 7a9f0f8..30f0ac4 100644 --- a/messages/fi/base.php +++ b/messages/fi/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Ei käytössä - lisää sisältöä oletuskielellä!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Laki laajennuksen hallinta', - 'Accept' => 'Hyväksy', - 'Accept button label' => 'Hyväksy painikeen teksti', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Lisää laatikon, joka ilmoittaa käyttäjille evästeiden käytöstä. Voit lisätä eri tekstin jokaiselle käytettävissä olevalle kielelle.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Oletko varma? Tallenna muutokset ennen kuin jatkat!', - 'Box content' => 'Laatikon sisältö', - 'Box language:' => 'Laatikon kieli:', - 'Configuration' => 'Hallinta', - 'Content' => 'Sisältö', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Ilmoita evästeistä', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Poista tili, mukaan lukien henkilökohtaiset tiedot', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Käytössä olevat sivut ja ominaisuudet', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Jos haluat luoda uuden tilin, näytä sivut koko näytössä heti profiilin luomisen jälkeen', - 'Go back' => 'Takaisin', - 'Got it!' => 'Selvä!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Olen yli {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Olen lukenut ja hyväksyn tietosuojakäytännön', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Olen lukenut ja hyväksynyt käyttöehdot', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Jos päivität tietosuojakäytäntösi, voit käyttää "näytä uudestaan" vaihtoehtoa jolloin käyttäjän tulee hyväksyä ne uudelleen.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Jos päivität käyttöehtoja, voit käyttää "näytä uudestaan" vaihtoehtoa jolloin käyttäjän tulee hyväksyä ne uudelleen.', - 'Imprint' => 'Rekisteriseloste', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Ilmoittaa käyttäjille, että olet muuttanut tietosuojakäytäntöäsi tai käyttöehtojasi. Voit käyttää "näytä uudestaan" vaihtoehtoa jolloin käyttäjän tulee hyväksyä ne uudelleen.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Oikeudellinen päivitys', - 'Logout' => 'Kirjautua ulos', - 'Minimum age' => 'Vähimmäisikä', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Lisätietoja: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Sivun kieli:', - 'Page:' => 'Sivu:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Tietosuojakäytäntö', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Näytä uudelleen', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Tehty!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Näytä ikäsi {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Käyttöehdot', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Tämä sivu lisätään alatunnisteen navigointiin ja rekisteröintiprosessiin. Voit lisätä eri tekstin jokaiselle käytettävissä olevalle kielelle.', - 'Title' => 'Otsikko', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Käytetään oletuksena, jos oikeudelliset tekstit eivät ole käytettävissä käyttäjän kielellä.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Käytetään oletuksena, jos oikeudelliset tekstit eivät ole käytettävissä käyttäjän kielellä.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Ei käytössä - lisää sisältöä oletuskielellä!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Laki laajennuksen hallinta', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Hyväksy', + 'Accept button label' => 'Hyväksy painikeen teksti', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Lisää laatikon, joka ilmoittaa käyttäjille evästeiden käytöstä. Voit lisätä eri tekstin jokaiselle käytettävissä olevalle kielelle.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Oletko varma? Tallenna muutokset ennen kuin jatkat!', + 'Box content' => 'Laatikon sisältö', + 'Box language:' => 'Laatikon kieli:', + 'Configuration' => 'Hallinta', + 'Content' => 'Sisältö', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Ilmoita evästeistä', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Oletuskieli', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Poista tili, mukaan lukien henkilökohtaiset tiedot', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Käytössä olevat sivut ja ominaisuudet', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Jos haluat luoda uuden tilin, näytä sivut koko näytössä heti profiilin luomisen jälkeen', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Takaisin', + 'Got it!' => 'Selvä!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Olen yli {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Olen lukenut ja hyväksyn tietosuojakäytännön', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Olen lukenut ja hyväksynyt käyttöehdot', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Jos päivität tietosuojakäytäntösi, voit käyttää "näytä uudestaan" vaihtoehtoa jolloin käyttäjän tulee hyväksyä ne uudelleen.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Jos päivität käyttöehtoja, voit käyttää "näytä uudestaan" vaihtoehtoa jolloin käyttäjän tulee hyväksyä ne uudelleen.', + 'Imprint' => 'Rekisteriseloste', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Ilmoittaa käyttäjille, että olet muuttanut tietosuojakäytäntöäsi tai käyttöehtojasi. Voit käyttää "näytä uudestaan" vaihtoehtoa jolloin käyttäjän tulee hyväksyä ne uudelleen.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Oikeudellinen päivitys', + 'Logout' => 'Kirjautua ulos', + 'Minimum age' => 'Vähimmäisikä', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Lisätietoja: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Sivun kieli:', + 'Page:' => 'Sivu:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Tietosuojakäytäntö', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Näytä uudelleen', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Tehty!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Näytä ikäsi {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Käyttöehdot', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Tämä sivu lisätään alatunnisteen navigointiin ja rekisteröintiprosessiin. Voit lisätä eri tekstin jokaiselle käytettävissä olevalle kielelle.', + 'Title' => 'Otsikko', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Käytetään oletuksena, jos oikeudelliset tekstit eivät ole käytettävissä käyttäjän kielellä.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Käytetään oletuksena, jos oikeudelliset tekstit eivät ole käytettävissä käyttäjän kielellä.', ]; diff --git a/messages/fr/base.php b/messages/fr/base.php index 31cdced..4b932b8 100644 --- a/messages/fr/base.php +++ b/messages/fr/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(désactivé - merci de rajouter du contenu dans la langue par défaut)', - 'External Link' => 'Lien externe', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Module Juridique module - administration', - 'Accept' => 'Accepter', - 'Accept button label' => 'Libellé du bouton Accepter', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Ajouter une icône d\'avertissement devant les liens externes dans les publications et les commentaires', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ajoute un suraffichage qui informe les utilisateurs de l\'utilisation des cookies. Vous pouvez ajouter un texte différent pour chaque langue disponible.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Êtes-vous vraiment sûr ? Merci d\'enregistrer vos modifications avant d\'effectuer cette opération !', - 'Box content' => 'Contenu de l\'encadré', - 'Box language:' => 'Langue de l\'encadré :', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuration', - 'Content' => 'Contenu', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Avertissement de la présence de cookies', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Supprimer mon compte, y compris mes données personnelles', - 'Edit this page' => 'Modifier cette page', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Activer les pages et les fonctionnalités', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Pour la création d\'un nouveau compte, afficher les pages en plein écran juste après la création du profil', - 'Go back' => 'Retour', - 'Got it!' => 'J\'ai compris !', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'J\'ai plus de {age} ans', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'J\'ai lu et j\'approuve la politique de confidentialité', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'J\'ai lu et j\'approuve les conditions d\'utilisation', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si vous modifiez votre politique de confidentialité, vous pouvez utiliser l\'option "Initialiser la confirmation" pour informer vos utilisateurs et les inviter à les accepter.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si vous modifiez vos conditions d\'utilisation, vous pouvez utiliser l\'option "Initialiser la confirmation" pour informer vos utilisateurs et les inviter à les accepter.', - 'Imprint' => 'Mentions légales', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informe les utilisateurs que vous avez modifié votre politique de confidentialité ou vos conditions d\'utilisation. Pour déclencher cette opération, l\'option "Initialiser la confirmation" du contenu concerné doit être activé.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Mise à jour juridique', - 'Logout' => 'Se déconnecter', - 'Minimum age' => 'Âge minimum', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Plus d\'information : {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Langue de la page :', - 'Page:' => 'Page :', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Politique de confidentialité', - 'Proceed' => 'Continuer', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Initialiser la confirmation', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Initialisation réussie !', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Lors de l\'inscription, afficher une case à cocher de vérification de l\'âge minimum à {age} ans', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Afficher une confirmation (fenêtre modale) lorsque l\'on clique sur un lien externe dans les publications et les commentaires', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Conditions d\'utilisation', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Ce lien conduit vers un autre site web. Souhaitez-vous continuer ?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Cette page est ajoutée à la navigation du pied de page et au processus d\'enregistrement. Vous pouvez ajouter un contenu différent pour chaque langue disponible.', - 'Title' => 'Titre', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Sera utilisé par défaut, si le contenu juridique n\'est pas disponible dans la langue des utilisateurs.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Sera utilisé par défaut, si le contenu juridique n\'est pas disponible dans la langue de l\'utilisateur.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(désactivé - merci de rajouter du contenu dans la langue par défaut)', + 'External Link' => 'Lien externe', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Module Juridique module - administration', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Accepter', + 'Accept button label' => 'Libellé du bouton Accepter', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Ajouter une icône d\'avertissement devant les liens externes dans les publications et les commentaires', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ajoute un suraffichage qui informe les utilisateurs de l\'utilisation des cookies. Vous pouvez ajouter un texte différent pour chaque langue disponible.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Êtes-vous vraiment sûr ? Merci d\'enregistrer vos modifications avant d\'effectuer cette opération !', + 'Box content' => 'Contenu de l\'encadré', + 'Box language:' => 'Langue de l\'encadré :', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuration', + 'Content' => 'Contenu', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Avertissement de la présence de cookies', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Langue par défaut', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Supprimer mon compte, y compris mes données personnelles', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Modifier cette page', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Activer les pages et les fonctionnalités', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Pour la création d\'un nouveau compte, afficher les pages en plein écran juste après la création du profil', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Retour', + 'Got it!' => 'J\'ai compris !', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'J\'ai plus de {age} ans', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'J\'ai lu et j\'approuve la politique de confidentialité', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'J\'ai lu et j\'approuve les conditions d\'utilisation', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si vous modifiez votre politique de confidentialité, vous pouvez utiliser l\'option "Initialiser la confirmation" pour informer vos utilisateurs et les inviter à les accepter.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Si vous modifiez vos conditions d\'utilisation, vous pouvez utiliser l\'option "Initialiser la confirmation" pour informer vos utilisateurs et les inviter à les accepter.', + 'Imprint' => 'Mentions légales', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informe les utilisateurs que vous avez modifié votre politique de confidentialité ou vos conditions d\'utilisation. Pour déclencher cette opération, l\'option "Initialiser la confirmation" du contenu concerné doit être activé.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Mise à jour juridique', + 'Logout' => 'Se déconnecter', + 'Minimum age' => 'Âge minimum', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Plus d\'information : {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Langue de la page :', + 'Page:' => 'Page :', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Politique de confidentialité', + 'Proceed' => 'Continuer', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Initialiser la confirmation', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Initialisation réussie !', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Lors de l\'inscription, afficher une case à cocher de vérification de l\'âge minimum à {age} ans', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Afficher une confirmation (fenêtre modale) lorsque l\'on clique sur un lien externe dans les publications et les commentaires', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Conditions d\'utilisation', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Ce lien conduit vers un autre site web. Souhaitez-vous continuer ?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Cette page est ajoutée à la navigation du pied de page et au processus d\'enregistrement. Vous pouvez ajouter un contenu différent pour chaque langue disponible.', + 'Title' => 'Titre', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Sera utilisé par défaut, si le contenu juridique n\'est pas disponible dans la langue des utilisateurs.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Sera utilisé par défaut, si le contenu juridique n\'est pas disponible dans la langue de l\'utilisateur.', ]; diff --git a/messages/hr/base.php b/messages/hr/base.php index 9dd7cca..53a3417 100644 --- a/messages/hr/base.php +++ b/messages/hr/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Onemogućeno - dodajte sadržaj na zadani jezik!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Pravni modul - administracija', - 'Accept' => 'Prihvati', - 'Accept button label' => 'Prihvati oznaku gumba', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Dodaje sloj koji informira korisnike o upotrebi kolačića. Za svaki dostupni jezik možete dodati drugačiji tekst.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Jeste li stvarno sigurni? Sačuvajte promjene prije nego što nastavite!', - 'Box content' => 'Sadržaj kutije', - 'Box language:' => 'Jezik kutije:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracija', - 'Content' => 'Sadržaj', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Obavijest o kolačićima', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Izbriši moj račun, uključujući moje osobne podatke', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Omogućene stranice i značajke', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Za stvaranje novog računa, prikažite stranice na cijelom zaslonu odmah nakon izrade profila', - 'Go back' => 'Idi nazad', - 'Got it!' => 'Slažem se!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Starija sam od {age} godina', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Pročitao sam i prihvaćam Pravila o privatnosti', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Pročitao sam i prihvaćam Uvjete i odredbe', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ako ažurirate svoja pravila o privatnosti, možete upotrijebiti opciju „Poništi potvrdu“ kako biste obavijestili svoje korisnike i pozvali ih da se slože.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ako ažurirate svoje Uvjete i odredbe, možete upotrijebiti opciju „Poništi potvrdu“ kako biste obavijestili svoje korisnike i pozvali ih da se slože.', - 'Imprint' => 'Otisak', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Obavještava korisnike da ste promijenili svoja pravila o privatnosti ili svoje uvjete i odredbe. Da bi se to pokrenulo, treba aktivirati „Poništi potvrdu“ -Opomena navedenih pravnih dokumenata.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Pravno ažuriranje', - 'Logout' => 'Odjavite se', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimalna dob', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Više informacija: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Jezik stranice:', - 'Page:' => 'Stranica:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Pravila o privatnosti', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Resetiraj potvrdu', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Resetiranje uspješno!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Prikaži dob za provjeru {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Uslovi korištejna', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ova je stranica dodana u navigaciju podnožjem i postupak registracije. Za svaki dostupni jezik možete dodati drugačiji tekst.', - 'Title' => 'Naslov', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Upotrijebit će se kao zadani ako pravni tekstovi nisu dostupni na jeziku korisnika.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Upotrijebit će se kao zadani ako pravni tekstovi nisu dostupni na jeziku korisnika.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Onemogućeno - dodajte sadržaj na zadani jezik!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Pravni modul - administracija', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Prihvati', + 'Accept button label' => 'Prihvati oznaku gumba', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Dodaje sloj koji informira korisnike o upotrebi kolačića. Za svaki dostupni jezik možete dodati drugačiji tekst.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Jeste li stvarno sigurni? Sačuvajte promjene prije nego što nastavite!', + 'Box content' => 'Sadržaj kutije', + 'Box language:' => 'Jezik kutije:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracija', + 'Content' => 'Sadržaj', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Obavijest o kolačićima', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Zadani jezik', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Izbriši moj račun, uključujući moje osobne podatke', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Omogućene stranice i značajke', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Za stvaranje novog računa, prikažite stranice na cijelom zaslonu odmah nakon izrade profila', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Idi nazad', + 'Got it!' => 'Slažem se!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Starija sam od {age} godina', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Pročitao sam i prihvaćam Pravila o privatnosti', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Pročitao sam i prihvaćam Uvjete i odredbe', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ako ažurirate svoja pravila o privatnosti, možete upotrijebiti opciju „Poništi potvrdu“ kako biste obavijestili svoje korisnike i pozvali ih da se slože.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ako ažurirate svoje Uvjete i odredbe, možete upotrijebiti opciju „Poništi potvrdu“ kako biste obavijestili svoje korisnike i pozvali ih da se slože.', + 'Imprint' => 'Otisak', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Obavještava korisnike da ste promijenili svoja pravila o privatnosti ili svoje uvjete i odredbe. Da bi se to pokrenulo, treba aktivirati „Poništi potvrdu“ -Opomena navedenih pravnih dokumenata.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Pravno ažuriranje', + 'Logout' => 'Odjavite se', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimalna dob', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Više informacija: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Jezik stranice:', + 'Page:' => 'Stranica:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Pravila o privatnosti', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Resetiraj potvrdu', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Resetiranje uspješno!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Prikaži dob za provjeru {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Uslovi korištejna', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ova je stranica dodana u navigaciju podnožjem i postupak registracije. Za svaki dostupni jezik možete dodati drugačiji tekst.', + 'Title' => 'Naslov', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Upotrijebit će se kao zadani ako pravni tekstovi nisu dostupni na jeziku korisnika.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Upotrijebit će se kao zadani ako pravni tekstovi nisu dostupni na jeziku korisnika.', ]; diff --git a/messages/hu/base.php b/messages/hu/base.php index e40c8cd..5696de4 100644 --- a/messages/hu/base.php +++ b/messages/hu/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Kikapcsolva - kérjük, adj hozzá tartalmat az alapértelmezett nyelven!)', - 'External Link' => 'Külső hivatkozás', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Jogi modul - adminisztráció', - 'Accept' => 'Elfogadás', - 'Accept button label' => 'Elfogadás gomb címke', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Adj hozzá figyelmeztető ikonokat a külső hivatkozások elé a Bejegyzésekben és a megjegyzésekben', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Hozzáad egy átlapolást (overlay), amely a sütik használatáról tájékoztatja a felhasználókat. Minden elérhető nyelvhez más-más szöveget adhatsz meg.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Biztos vagy benne? Mentsd el a folytatás előtt!', - 'Box content' => 'Doboz tartalma', - 'Box language:' => 'Doboz nyelve:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguráció', - 'Content' => 'Tartalom', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Süti értesités', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Felhasználói fiókom törlése a személyes adataimmal együtt', - 'Edit this page' => 'Ez az oldal szerkesztése', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Engedélyezett oldalak és funkciók', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Új fiók létrehozásához az oldalakat teljes képernyőn jelenítse meg közvetlenül a profil létrehozása után', - 'Go back' => 'Vissza', - 'Got it!' => 'Megvan!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Kijelentem, hogy elmúltam {age} éves', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Elolvastam és megértettem az Adatvédelmi irányelveket', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Elolvastam és megértettem az Általános Szerződési Feltételeket', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ha frissíted az adatvédelmi irányelveidet, használhatod a „Visszaállítás megerősítése” opciót, amely tájékoztatja a felhasználókat, és meghívja őket, hogy újból fogadják-e el azokat.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ha frissíted az felhasználási feltételeket, használhatod a „Visszaállítás megerősítése” opciót, amely tájékoztatja a felhasználókat, és meghívja őket, hogy újból fogadják-e el azokat.', - 'Imprint' => 'Impresszum', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Tájékoztatja a felhasználókat arról, hogy megváltoztattad az adatvédelmi irányelveket vagy a felhasználási feltételeket. Az indításhoz az említett jogi dokumentumoknál aktiválni kell a „Visszaállítás megerősítése” opciót.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Jogi frissités', - 'Logout' => 'Kilépés', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimális életkor', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Több információ: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Oldal nyelve:', - 'Page:' => 'Oldal:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Adatvédelmi irányelvek', - 'Proceed' => 'Folytat', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Visszaállítás megerősítése', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Visszaállítás sikeres!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mutassa meg az életkor-ellenőrzési {age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Figyelmeztetési mód megjelenítése a külső hivatkozásokon a bejegyzésekben és a megjegyzésekben', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Általános Szerződési Feltételek', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Ez a link egy külső webhelyre vezet. Szeretnéd folytatni?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ez az oldal hozzáadódik a lábléc navigációhoz és a regisztrációs folyamathoz. Minden elérhető nyelvhez más-más szöveget adhatsz meg.', - 'Title' => 'Cím', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Alapértelmezettként lesz használva, ha a jogi szövegek nem érhetők el a felhasználó nyelvén.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Alapértelmezettként lesz használva, ha a jogi szövegek nem érhetők el a felhasználó nyelvén.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Kikapcsolva - kérjük, adj hozzá tartalmat az alapértelmezett nyelven!)', + 'External Link' => 'Külső hivatkozás', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Jogi modul - adminisztráció', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Elfogadás', + 'Accept button label' => 'Elfogadás gomb címke', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Adj hozzá figyelmeztető ikonokat a külső hivatkozások elé a Bejegyzésekben és a megjegyzésekben', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Hozzáad egy átlapolást (overlay), amely a sütik használatáról tájékoztatja a felhasználókat. Minden elérhető nyelvhez más-más szöveget adhatsz meg.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Biztos vagy benne? Mentsd el a folytatás előtt!', + 'Box content' => 'Doboz tartalma', + 'Box language:' => 'Doboz nyelve:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguráció', + 'Content' => 'Tartalom', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Süti értesités', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Alapértelmezett nyelv', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Felhasználói fiókom törlése a személyes adataimmal együtt', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Ez az oldal szerkesztése', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Engedélyezett oldalak és funkciók', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Új fiók létrehozásához az oldalakat teljes képernyőn jelenítse meg közvetlenül a profil létrehozása után', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Vissza', + 'Got it!' => 'Megvan!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Kijelentem, hogy elmúltam {age} éves', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Elolvastam és megértettem az Adatvédelmi irányelveket', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Elolvastam és megértettem az Általános Szerződési Feltételeket', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ha frissíted az adatvédelmi irányelveidet, használhatod a „Visszaállítás megerősítése” opciót, amely tájékoztatja a felhasználókat, és meghívja őket, hogy újból fogadják-e el azokat.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ha frissíted az felhasználási feltételeket, használhatod a „Visszaállítás megerősítése” opciót, amely tájékoztatja a felhasználókat, és meghívja őket, hogy újból fogadják-e el azokat.', + 'Imprint' => 'Impresszum', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Tájékoztatja a felhasználókat arról, hogy megváltoztattad az adatvédelmi irányelveket vagy a felhasználási feltételeket. Az indításhoz az említett jogi dokumentumoknál aktiválni kell a „Visszaállítás megerősítése” opciót.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Jogi frissités', + 'Logout' => 'Kilépés', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimális életkor', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Több információ: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Oldal nyelve:', + 'Page:' => 'Oldal:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Adatvédelmi irányelvek', + 'Proceed' => 'Folytat', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Visszaállítás megerősítése', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Visszaállítás sikeres!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mutassa meg az életkor-ellenőrzési {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Figyelmeztetési mód megjelenítése a külső hivatkozásokon a bejegyzésekben és a megjegyzésekben', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Általános Szerződési Feltételek', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Ez a link egy külső webhelyre vezet. Szeretnéd folytatni?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ez az oldal hozzáadódik a lábléc navigációhoz és a regisztrációs folyamathoz. Minden elérhető nyelvhez más-más szöveget adhatsz meg.', + 'Title' => 'Cím', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Alapértelmezettként lesz használva, ha a jogi szövegek nem érhetők el a felhasználó nyelvén.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Alapértelmezettként lesz használva, ha a jogi szövegek nem érhetők el a felhasználó nyelvén.', ]; diff --git a/messages/it/base.php b/messages/it/base.php index fa45c38..e620cfe 100644 --- a/messages/it/base.php +++ b/messages/it/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Disabilitato - prego aggiungi i contenuti nella lingua predefinita!)', - 'External Link' => 'Link Esterno', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Modulo Legal - Amministrazione', - 'Accept' => 'Accetta', - 'Accept button label' => 'Accetta etichetta bottone', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Aggiungi icone di avviso prima dei link esterni in Articoli e Commenti', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Aggiunge una sovrapposizione che informa gli utenti sull\'uso dei cookie. Puoi aggiungere un testo diverso per ogni lingua disponibile.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Sei proprio sicuro? Salva le modifiche prima di procedere!', - 'Box content' => 'Contenuto del box', - 'Box language:' => 'Lingua del box:', - 'Configuration' => 'Configurazione', - 'Content' => 'Contenuto', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Notifica cookie', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Cancella il mio account, assieme ai miei dati personali', - 'Edit this page' => 'Modifica questa pagina', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Abilita pagine e funzionalità', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Per la creazione di un nuovo account, mostra le pagine a schermo intero subito dopo la creazione del profilo', - 'Go back' => 'Indietro', - 'Got it!' => 'Ho capito!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Ho più di {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Ho letto e accetto la privacy policy', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Ho letto e accetto i termini e le condizioni', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se aggiorni la tua Informativa sulla privacy puoi utilizzare "Ripristina conferma" -Opzione per informare i tuoi utenti e invitarli a riaccettare.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se aggiorni i tuoi Termini e condizioni, puoi utilizzare "Ripristina conferma" -Opzione per informare i tuoi utenti e invitarli a riaccettare', - 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa gli utenti che hai cambiato la tua politica sulla privacy o i tuoi Termini e condizioni. Per attivarla, è necessario attivare la "conferma reset". È necessario attivare l\'opzione di tali documenti legali.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Aggiornamento Legal', - 'Logout' => 'Disconnettiti', - 'Minimum age' => 'Età minima', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Più informazioni {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Lingua pagina:', - 'Page:' => 'Pagina:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Privacy policy', - 'Proceed' => 'Procedere', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Ripristina conferme', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Ripristino effettuato', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostra l\'età per la verifica {age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Mostra avviso modale su collegamenti esterni in Articoli e Commenti', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Termini e condizioni', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Questo collegamento porta a un sito web esterno. Vuoi continuare?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Questa pagina viene aggiunta alla navigazione a piè di pagina e al processo di registrazione. Puoi aggiungere un testo diverso per ogni lingua disponibile.', - 'Title' => 'Titolo', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Verrà utilizzato come predefinito, se i testi legali non sono disponibili nella lingua degli utenti.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Verrà utilizzato come predefinito, se i testi legali non sono disponibili nella lingua degli utenti.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Disabilitato - prego aggiungi i contenuti nella lingua predefinita!)', + 'External Link' => 'Link Esterno', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Modulo Legal - Amministrazione', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Accetta', + 'Accept button label' => 'Accetta etichetta bottone', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Aggiungi icone di avviso prima dei link esterni in Articoli e Commenti', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Aggiunge una sovrapposizione che informa gli utenti sull\'uso dei cookie. Puoi aggiungere un testo diverso per ogni lingua disponibile.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Sei proprio sicuro? Salva le modifiche prima di procedere!', + 'Box content' => 'Contenuto del box', + 'Box language:' => 'Lingua del box:', + 'Configuration' => 'Configurazione', + 'Content' => 'Contenuto', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Notifica cookie', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Lingua predefinita', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Cancella il mio account, assieme ai miei dati personali', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Modifica questa pagina', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Abilita pagine e funzionalità', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Per la creazione di un nuovo account, mostra le pagine a schermo intero subito dopo la creazione del profilo', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Indietro', + 'Got it!' => 'Ho capito!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Ho più di {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Ho letto e accetto la privacy policy', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Ho letto e accetto i termini e le condizioni', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se aggiorni la tua Informativa sulla privacy puoi utilizzare "Ripristina conferma" -Opzione per informare i tuoi utenti e invitarli a riaccettare.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se aggiorni i tuoi Termini e condizioni, puoi utilizzare "Ripristina conferma" -Opzione per informare i tuoi utenti e invitarli a riaccettare', + 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa gli utenti che hai cambiato la tua politica sulla privacy o i tuoi Termini e condizioni. Per attivarla, è necessario attivare la "conferma reset". È necessario attivare l\'opzione di tali documenti legali.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Aggiornamento Legal', + 'Logout' => 'Disconnettiti', + 'Minimum age' => 'Età minima', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Più informazioni {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Lingua pagina:', + 'Page:' => 'Pagina:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Privacy policy', + 'Proceed' => 'Procedere', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Ripristina conferme', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Ripristino effettuato', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostra l\'età per la verifica {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Mostra avviso modale su collegamenti esterni in Articoli e Commenti', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Termini e condizioni', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Questo collegamento porta a un sito web esterno. Vuoi continuare?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Questa pagina viene aggiunta alla navigazione a piè di pagina e al processo di registrazione. Puoi aggiungere un testo diverso per ogni lingua disponibile.', + 'Title' => 'Titolo', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Verrà utilizzato come predefinito, se i testi legali non sono disponibili nella lingua degli utenti.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Verrà utilizzato come predefinito, se i testi legali non sono disponibili nella lingua degli utenti.', ]; diff --git a/messages/lt/base.php b/messages/lt/base.php index e426d19..1174a8a 100644 --- a/messages/lt/base.php +++ b/messages/lt/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Išjungta - pridėkite turinį numatytąja kalba!)', - 'External Link' => 'Išorinė nuoroda', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Teisinis modulis - administravimas', - 'Accept' => 'Priimti', - 'Accept button label' => 'Priimti mygtuko etiketę', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Įtraukti pranešimo piktogramas prieš išorines nuorodas postuose ir komentaruose', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Pridedama perdanga, kuri informuoja vartotojus apie slapukų naudojimą. Kiekvienai kalbai galite pridėti skirtingą tekstą.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Ar tikrai esate tikras? Prieš tęsdami, išsaugokite pakeitimus!', - 'Box content' => 'Dėžutės turinys', - 'Box language:' => 'Dėžutės kalba:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigūracija', - 'Content' => 'Turinys', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Slapukų pranešimas', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Ištrinkite mano paskyrą, įskaitant mano asmeninius duomenis', - 'Edit this page' => 'Taisyti šį puslapį', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Įgalinti puslapiai ir funkcijos', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Norėdami sukurti naują paskyrą, iškart po profilio sukūrimo rodykite puslapius visame ekrane', - 'Go back' => 'Eik atgal', - 'Got it!' => 'Supratau!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Esu vyresnis nei {age} metai', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Perskaičiau ir sutinku su privatumo politika', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Aš perskaičiau ir sutinku su sąlygomis', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Atnaujinę savo privatumo politiką, galite naudoti parinktį „Iš naujo patvirtinti“, kad informuotumėte savo vartotojus ir pakviestumėte juos susitarti.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Atnaujinę taisykles ir nuostatas, galite naudoti parinktį „Iš naujo patvirtinti“, kad informuotumėte savo vartotojus ir pakviestumėte juos susitarti.', - 'Imprint' => 'Spauda', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informuoja vartotojus, kad pakeitėte savo privatumo politiką arba taisykles ir nuostatas. Norint jį suaktyvinti, reikia suaktyvinti minėtų teisinių dokumentų parinktį „Iš naujo patvirtinti“.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Teisinis atnaujinimas', - 'Logout' => 'Atsijungti', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimalus amžius', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Daugiau informacijos: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Puslapio kalba:', - 'Page:' => 'Puslapis:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Privatumo politika', - 'Proceed' => 'Tęsti', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Iš naujo patvirtinti', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Iš naujo nustatyti sėkmingai!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Rodyti amžiaus patvirtinimo {age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Parodyti pranešimo modalą apie išorines nuorodas įrašuose ir komentaruose', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Terminai ir sąlygos', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Ši nuoroda veda į išorinę svetainę. Ar norėtumėte tęsti?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Šis puslapis pridedamas prie poraštės naršymo ir registracijos proceso. Kiekvienai kalbai galite pridėti skirtingą tekstą.', - 'Title' => 'Pavadinimas', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Bus naudojamas kaip numatytasis, jei teisinių tekstų nėra vartotojo kalba.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Bus naudojamas kaip numatytasis, jei teisinių tekstų nėra vartotojo kalba.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Išjungta - pridėkite turinį numatytąja kalba!)', + 'External Link' => 'Išorinė nuoroda', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Teisinis modulis - administravimas', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Priimti', + 'Accept button label' => 'Priimti mygtuko etiketę', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Įtraukti pranešimo piktogramas prieš išorines nuorodas postuose ir komentaruose', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Pridedama perdanga, kuri informuoja vartotojus apie slapukų naudojimą. Kiekvienai kalbai galite pridėti skirtingą tekstą.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Ar tikrai esate tikras? Prieš tęsdami, išsaugokite pakeitimus!', + 'Box content' => 'Dėžutės turinys', + 'Box language:' => 'Dėžutės kalba:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigūracija', + 'Content' => 'Turinys', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Slapukų pranešimas', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Numatytoji kalba', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Ištrinkite mano paskyrą, įskaitant mano asmeninius duomenis', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Taisyti šį puslapį', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Įgalinti puslapiai ir funkcijos', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Norėdami sukurti naują paskyrą, iškart po profilio sukūrimo rodykite puslapius visame ekrane', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Eik atgal', + 'Got it!' => 'Supratau!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Esu vyresnis nei {age} metai', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Perskaičiau ir sutinku su privatumo politika', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Aš perskaičiau ir sutinku su sąlygomis', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Atnaujinę savo privatumo politiką, galite naudoti parinktį „Iš naujo patvirtinti“, kad informuotumėte savo vartotojus ir pakviestumėte juos susitarti.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Atnaujinę taisykles ir nuostatas, galite naudoti parinktį „Iš naujo patvirtinti“, kad informuotumėte savo vartotojus ir pakviestumėte juos susitarti.', + 'Imprint' => 'Spauda', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informuoja vartotojus, kad pakeitėte savo privatumo politiką arba taisykles ir nuostatas. Norint jį suaktyvinti, reikia suaktyvinti minėtų teisinių dokumentų parinktį „Iš naujo patvirtinti“.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Teisinis atnaujinimas', + 'Logout' => 'Atsijungti', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimalus amžius', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Daugiau informacijos: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Puslapio kalba:', + 'Page:' => 'Puslapis:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Privatumo politika', + 'Proceed' => 'Tęsti', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Iš naujo patvirtinti', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Iš naujo nustatyti sėkmingai!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Rodyti amžiaus patvirtinimo {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Parodyti pranešimo modalą apie išorines nuorodas įrašuose ir komentaruose', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Terminai ir sąlygos', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Ši nuoroda veda į išorinę svetainę. Ar norėtumėte tęsti?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Šis puslapis pridedamas prie poraštės naršymo ir registracijos proceso. Kiekvienai kalbai galite pridėti skirtingą tekstą.', + 'Title' => 'Pavadinimas', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Bus naudojamas kaip numatytasis, jei teisinių tekstų nėra vartotojo kalba.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Bus naudojamas kaip numatytasis, jei teisinių tekstų nėra vartotojo kalba.', ]; diff --git a/messages/lv/base.php b/messages/lv/base.php index 14ec493..4fd27a0 100644 --- a/messages/lv/base.php +++ b/messages/lv/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Atspējots - lūdzu, pievienojiet saturu noklusējuma valodā!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Juridiskais modulis - administrēšana', - 'Accept' => 'Pieņemt', - 'Accept button label' => 'Pieņemt pogas etiķeti', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Pievieno pārklājumu, kas informē lietotājus par sīkdatņu izmantošanu. Katrai pieejamai valodai varat pievienot atšķirīgu tekstu.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Vai tiešām esat pārliecināts? Pirms turpināt, lūdzu, saglabājiet izmaiņas!', - 'Box content' => 'Kastes saturs', - 'Box language:' => 'Kastes valoda:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurācija', - 'Content' => 'Saturs', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Sīkdatņu paziņojums', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Dzēst manu kontu, ieskaitot personiskos datus', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Iespējotas lapas un funkcijas', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Lai izveidotu jaunu kontu, parādiet lapas pilnekrāna režīmā tūlīt pēc profila izveides', - 'Go back' => 'Atgriezties', - 'Got it!' => 'Sapratu!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Es esmu vecāks par {age} gadiem', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Esmu izlasījis un piekrītu Privātuma politikai', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Esmu izlasījis un piekrītu noteikumiem un nosacījumiem', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Atjauninot savu konfidencialitātes politiku, varat izmantot opciju “Atiestatīt apstiprinājumu”, lai informētu savus lietotājus un aicinātu viņus atkārtoti vienoties.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Atjauninot savus noteikumus un nosacījumus, varat izmantot opciju “Atiestatīt apstiprinājumu”, lai informētu savus lietotājus un aicinātu viņus atkārtoti vienoties.', - 'Imprint' => 'Iespiedums', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informē lietotājus, ka esat mainījis savu konfidencialitātes politiku vai noteikumus un nosacījumus. Lai to aktivizētu, ir jāaktivizē minēto juridisko dokumentu opcija “Atiestatīt apstiprinājumu”.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Juridisks atjauninājums', - 'Logout' => 'Izlogoties', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimālais vecums', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Plašāka informācija: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Lapas valoda:', - 'Page:' => 'Lappuse:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Privātuma politika', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Atiestatīt apstiprinājumu', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Atiestatīšana veiksmīga!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Rādīt vecuma verifikācijas {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Noteikumi un nosacījumi', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Šī lapa tiek pievienota kājenes navigācijai un reģistrācijas procesam. Katrai pieejamai valodai varat pievienot atšķirīgu tekstu.', - 'Title' => 'Nosaukums', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Tiks izmantoti kā noklusējums, ja juridiskie teksti nav pieejami lietotāju valodā.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Tiks izmantoti kā noklusējums, ja juridiskie teksti nav pieejami lietotāja valodā.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Atspējots - lūdzu, pievienojiet saturu noklusējuma valodā!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Juridiskais modulis - administrēšana', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Pieņemt', + 'Accept button label' => 'Pieņemt pogas etiķeti', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Pievieno pārklājumu, kas informē lietotājus par sīkdatņu izmantošanu. Katrai pieejamai valodai varat pievienot atšķirīgu tekstu.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Vai tiešām esat pārliecināts? Pirms turpināt, lūdzu, saglabājiet izmaiņas!', + 'Box content' => 'Kastes saturs', + 'Box language:' => 'Kastes valoda:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurācija', + 'Content' => 'Saturs', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Sīkdatņu paziņojums', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Noklusētā valoda', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Dzēst manu kontu, ieskaitot personiskos datus', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Iespējotas lapas un funkcijas', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Lai izveidotu jaunu kontu, parādiet lapas pilnekrāna režīmā tūlīt pēc profila izveides', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Atgriezties', + 'Got it!' => 'Sapratu!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Es esmu vecāks par {age} gadiem', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Esmu izlasījis un piekrītu Privātuma politikai', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Esmu izlasījis un piekrītu noteikumiem un nosacījumiem', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Atjauninot savu konfidencialitātes politiku, varat izmantot opciju “Atiestatīt apstiprinājumu”, lai informētu savus lietotājus un aicinātu viņus atkārtoti vienoties.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Atjauninot savus noteikumus un nosacījumus, varat izmantot opciju “Atiestatīt apstiprinājumu”, lai informētu savus lietotājus un aicinātu viņus atkārtoti vienoties.', + 'Imprint' => 'Iespiedums', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informē lietotājus, ka esat mainījis savu konfidencialitātes politiku vai noteikumus un nosacījumus. Lai to aktivizētu, ir jāaktivizē minēto juridisko dokumentu opcija “Atiestatīt apstiprinājumu”.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Juridisks atjauninājums', + 'Logout' => 'Izlogoties', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimālais vecums', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Plašāka informācija: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Lapas valoda:', + 'Page:' => 'Lappuse:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Privātuma politika', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Atiestatīt apstiprinājumu', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Atiestatīšana veiksmīga!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Rādīt vecuma verifikācijas {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Noteikumi un nosacījumi', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Šī lapa tiek pievienota kājenes navigācijai un reģistrācijas procesam. Katrai pieejamai valodai varat pievienot atšķirīgu tekstu.', + 'Title' => 'Nosaukums', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Tiks izmantoti kā noklusējums, ja juridiskie teksti nav pieejami lietotāju valodā.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Tiks izmantoti kā noklusējums, ja juridiskie teksti nav pieejami lietotāja valodā.', ]; diff --git a/messages/nb-NO/base.php b/messages/nb-NO/base.php index 3c02e18..76b3eec 100644 --- a/messages/nb-NO/base.php +++ b/messages/nb-NO/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Deaktivert - vennligst legg til innhold i standard språk!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Juridisk modul - administrasjon', - 'Accept' => 'Aksepter', - 'Accept button label' => 'Aksepter knapp etikett', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Legger til et overlegg som informerer brukerne om bruken av informasjonskapsler. Du kan legge til en annen tekst for alle tilgjengelige språk.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Er du virkelig sikker? Vennligst lagre endringene før du fortsetter.', - 'Box content' => 'Boks innhold', - 'Box language:' => 'Boks språk:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurasjon', - 'Content' => 'Innhold', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Informasjonskapsel varsel', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Slett min konto inkludert mine personlige data', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Aktiver sider og egenskaper', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'For oppretting av ny konto, vis sider i full skjerm like etter oppretting av profil', - 'Go back' => 'Gå tilbake', - 'Got it!' => 'Skjønner', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jeg er eldre enn {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Jeg har lest og godkjent personvernreglene', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Jeg har lest og godkjent vilkårene og betingelsene', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hvis du oppdaterer personvernreglene, kan du bruke "Tilbakestill bekreftelse" - Alternativ til å informere brukerne og invitere dem til å reagere.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hvis du oppdaterer vilkårene og betingelsene dine, kan du bruke "Tilbakestill bekreftelse" - Alternativ til å informere brukerne og invitere dem til å reagere.', - 'Imprint' => 'Avtrykk', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informerer brukerne om at du har endret personvernregler eller vilkår og betingelser. For å utløse det, “Reset bekreftelse” - Mulighet for nevnte juridiske dokumenter må være aktivert.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Juridisk oppdatering', - 'Logout' => 'Log ut', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimumsalder', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Mer informasjon: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Sidens språk:', - 'Page:' => 'Side:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Personvernregler', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Tilbakestill bekreftelse', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Tilbakestilling var vellykket', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Vis {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Vilkår og betingelser', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Denne siden er lagt til i footernavigasjonen og registreringsprosessen. Du kan legge til en annen tekst for alle tilgjengelige språk.', - 'Title' => 'Tittel', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Vil brukes som standard, hvis de juridiske teksten ikke er tilgjengelig på brukerens språk.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Vil brukes som standard hvis de juridiske teksten ikke er tilgjengelig på brukerens språk.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Deaktivert - vennligst legg til innhold i standard språk!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Juridisk modul - administrasjon', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Aksepter', + 'Accept button label' => 'Aksepter knapp etikett', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Legger til et overlegg som informerer brukerne om bruken av informasjonskapsler. Du kan legge til en annen tekst for alle tilgjengelige språk.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Er du virkelig sikker? Vennligst lagre endringene før du fortsetter.', + 'Box content' => 'Boks innhold', + 'Box language:' => 'Boks språk:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurasjon', + 'Content' => 'Innhold', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Informasjonskapsel varsel', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Standard språk', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Slett min konto inkludert mine personlige data', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Aktiver sider og egenskaper', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'For oppretting av ny konto, vis sider i full skjerm like etter oppretting av profil', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Gå tilbake', + 'Got it!' => 'Skjønner', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jeg er eldre enn {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Jeg har lest og godkjent personvernreglene', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Jeg har lest og godkjent vilkårene og betingelsene', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hvis du oppdaterer personvernreglene, kan du bruke "Tilbakestill bekreftelse" - Alternativ til å informere brukerne og invitere dem til å reagere.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hvis du oppdaterer vilkårene og betingelsene dine, kan du bruke "Tilbakestill bekreftelse" - Alternativ til å informere brukerne og invitere dem til å reagere.', + 'Imprint' => 'Avtrykk', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informerer brukerne om at du har endret personvernregler eller vilkår og betingelser. For å utløse det, “Reset bekreftelse” - Mulighet for nevnte juridiske dokumenter må være aktivert.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Juridisk oppdatering', + 'Logout' => 'Log ut', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimumsalder', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Mer informasjon: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Sidens språk:', + 'Page:' => 'Side:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Personvernregler', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Tilbakestill bekreftelse', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Tilbakestilling var vellykket', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Vis {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Vilkår og betingelser', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Denne siden er lagt til i footernavigasjonen og registreringsprosessen. Du kan legge til en annen tekst for alle tilgjengelige språk.', + 'Title' => 'Tittel', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Vil brukes som standard, hvis de juridiske teksten ikke er tilgjengelig på brukerens språk.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Vil brukes som standard hvis de juridiske teksten ikke er tilgjengelig på brukerens språk.', ]; diff --git a/messages/nl/base.php b/messages/nl/base.php index 4c939d5..534b299 100644 --- a/messages/nl/base.php +++ b/messages/nl/base.php @@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Uitgeschakeld - voeg inhoud toe in de standaardtaal!)', 'External Link' => 'Externe verwijziging', 'Legal module - administration' => 'Juridisch module-beheer', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Personal Data Export' => 'Persoonlijke gegevens exporteren', 'Accept' => 'Aanvaarden', 'Accept button label' => 'Aanvaarden-knoplabel', 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Berichtpictogrammen toevoegen vóór externe verwijzigingen in Berichten en opmerkingen', 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Voegt een overlay toe die de gebruikers informeert over het gebruik van cookies. U kunt voor elke beschikbare taal een andere tekst toevoegen.', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => 'Nadat u op "Genereer pakket" hebt geklikt, wordt het Persoonlijke Gegevenspakket gegenereerd. Het pakket is in JSON-formaat. Houd er rekening mee dat het verzamelen van alle gegevens enige tijd kan duren. Terwijl het pakket wordt gegenereerd, kunt u de app blijven gebruiken. Controleer later of het pakket gereed is. Het pakket wordt na {countDays} dagen verwijderd.', 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Zeker weten? Bewaar veranderingen voordat u verder gaat!', 'Box content' => 'Frame inhoud', 'Box language:' => 'Frame taal', 'Configuration' => 'Configuratie', 'Content' => 'Inhoud', 'Cookie notification' => 'Cookie melding', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Data Package is generating...' => 'Datapakket genereert...', 'Default language' => 'Standaardtaal', - 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete Package' => 'Pakket verwijderen', 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Verwijder mijn account inclusief mijn persoonlijke gegevens', - 'Download Package' => '', + 'Download Package' => 'Pakket downloaden', 'Edit this page' => 'Bewerk deze pagina', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => 'Persoonlijke gegevensexport inschakelen (experimenteel)', 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Ingeschakelde pagina\'s en functies', - 'Export personal data' => '', + 'Export personal data' => 'Persoonlijke gegevens exporteren', 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Voor het aanmaken van een nieuw account, toon pagina\'s op volledig scherm net nadat het profiel is aangemaakt', - 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Generate Package' => 'Genereer pakket', 'Go back' => 'Ga terug', 'Got it!' => 'Begrepen!', 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Ik ben ouder dan {age}', @@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ 'Logout' => 'Afmelden', 'Minimum age' => 'Minimum leeftijd', 'More information: {link}' => 'Meer informatie: {link}', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => 'Aantal dagen dat het downloadbare gegevenspakket bewaard blijft voordat het wordt verwijderd', 'Page language:' => 'Paginataal:', 'Page:' => 'Pagina', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => 'Het persoonlijke gegevenspakket kan worden gedownload. Het pakket wordt na {countDays} dagen verwijderd.', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => 'Het persoonlijke gegevenspakket wordt gegenereerd. Probeer het later opnieuw.', 'Privacy Policy' => 'Privacybeleid', 'Proceed' => 'Doorgaan', 'Reset confirmation' => 'Reset bevestiging', @@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Toon leeftijdsverificatie {age}', 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Toon meldingsscherm op externe verwijzingen in Berichten en Reacties', 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Voorwaarden', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => 'Het exporteren van uw gegevens is gestart. Even wachten a.u.b.', + 'The package has been deleted.' => 'Het pakket is verwijderd.', 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Deze verwijzing leidt naar een externe website. Wilt u doorgaan?', 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Deze pagina is toegevoegd aan de voettekstnavigatie en het registratieproces. U kunt voor elke beschikbare taal een andere tekst toevoegen.', 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => 'Om de export van gebruikersgegevens mogelijk te maken, schakelt u de REST API-module in.', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => 'Wanneer ingeschakeld, kunnen gebruikers hun persoonlijke gegevens downloaden van het netwerk. Let op: alleen gegevens van ondersteunde modules worden geëxporteerd en zelfs binnen deze modules worden sommige gegevens mogelijk niet opgenomen. Het pakket is in JSON-formaat.', 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Wordt standaard gebruikt als de juridische teksten niet beschikbaar zijn in de taal van de gebruiker.', 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Wordt standaard gebruikt als de juridische teksten niet beschikbaar zijn in de taal van de gebruiker.', ]; diff --git a/messages/pl/base.php b/messages/pl/base.php index 785022d..f296dd1 100644 --- a/messages/pl/base.php +++ b/messages/pl/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Wyłączone - dodaj zawartość w domyślnym języku!)', - 'External Link' => 'Zewnętrzny odnośnik', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Moduł Prawny - administracja', - 'Accept' => 'Akceptuj', - 'Accept button label' => 'Tytuł przycisku akceptacji', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Dodaj ikony przy odnośnikach dla wpisów i komentarzy', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Dodaję warstwę informującą użytkownika o używaniu ciasteczek. Możesz dodać inny tekst dla każdego dostępnego języka.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Jesteś pewien? Zapisz zmiany przed kontynuowaniem!', - 'Box content' => 'Zawartość bloku', - 'Box language:' => 'Język bloku:', - 'Configuration' => 'Ustawienia', - 'Content' => 'Zawartość', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Powiadomienie o ciasteczkach', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Usuń moje konto razem z zawartymi informacjami', - 'Edit this page' => 'Zmień tą stronę', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Włącz strony i funkcje', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Aby utworzyć nowe konto, wyświetlaj strony na pełnym ekranie zaraz po utworzeniu profilu', - 'Go back' => 'Wróc', - 'Got it!' => 'Zrozumiałem!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jestem starszy niż {age} lat', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Przeczytałem i akceptuję Politykę prywatności', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Przeczytałem i akceptuję Regulamin', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'W przypadku aktualizacji Polityki Prywatności możesz użyć "Zerowania akceptacji" aby poinformować użytkowników i sprawić, aby przeczytali raz jeszcze politykę prywatności.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'W przypadku aktualizacji Regulaminu możesz użyć "Zerowania akceptacji" aby poinformować użytkowników i sprawić, aby przeczytali raz jeszcze regulamin.', - 'Imprint' => 'Znak firmowy', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informuje użytkownika o zmianach w Polityce Prywatności lub Regulaminie. W celu uruchomienia go, należy wybrać "Zerowanie akceptacji" konkretnego przypadku.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Aktualizacja polityki', - 'Logout' => 'Wyloguj', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimalny wiek', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Więcej informacji: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Język strony:', - 'Page:' => 'Strona:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Polityka prywatności', - 'Proceed' => 'Dalej', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Zerowanie akceptacji', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Zerowanie zakończone sukcesem!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Pokaż wiek weryfikacji {age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Dodaj okno dla odnośników wpisy i komentarze', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Regulamin', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Ten odnośnik prowadzi do zewnętrznej strony internetowej. Czy na pewno chcesz tam przejść?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ta strona jest dodawana do stopki nawigacji i strony rejestracji. Możesz dodać inny tekst dla każdego dostępnego języka.', - 'Title' => 'Tytuł', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Zostanie użyte jako domyślne, jeżeli nota prawna jest niedostępna w języku użytkownika.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Zostanie użyte jako domyślne, jeżeli nota prawna jest niedostępna w języku użytkowników.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Wyłączone - dodaj zawartość w domyślnym języku!)', + 'External Link' => 'Zewnętrzny odnośnik', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Moduł Prawny - administracja', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Akceptuj', + 'Accept button label' => 'Tytuł przycisku akceptacji', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Dodaj ikony przy odnośnikach dla wpisów i komentarzy', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Dodaję warstwę informującą użytkownika o używaniu ciasteczek. Możesz dodać inny tekst dla każdego dostępnego języka.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Jesteś pewien? Zapisz zmiany przed kontynuowaniem!', + 'Box content' => 'Zawartość bloku', + 'Box language:' => 'Język bloku:', + 'Configuration' => 'Ustawienia', + 'Content' => 'Zawartość', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Powiadomienie o ciasteczkach', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Domyślny język', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Usuń moje konto razem z zawartymi informacjami', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Zmień tą stronę', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Włącz strony i funkcje', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Aby utworzyć nowe konto, wyświetlaj strony na pełnym ekranie zaraz po utworzeniu profilu', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Wróc', + 'Got it!' => 'Zrozumiałem!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jestem starszy niż {age} lat', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Przeczytałem i akceptuję Politykę prywatności', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Przeczytałem i akceptuję Regulamin', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'W przypadku aktualizacji Polityki Prywatności możesz użyć "Zerowania akceptacji" aby poinformować użytkowników i sprawić, aby przeczytali raz jeszcze politykę prywatności.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'W przypadku aktualizacji Regulaminu możesz użyć "Zerowania akceptacji" aby poinformować użytkowników i sprawić, aby przeczytali raz jeszcze regulamin.', + 'Imprint' => 'Znak firmowy', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informuje użytkownika o zmianach w Polityce Prywatności lub Regulaminie. W celu uruchomienia go, należy wybrać "Zerowanie akceptacji" konkretnego przypadku.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Aktualizacja polityki', + 'Logout' => 'Wyloguj', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimalny wiek', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Więcej informacji: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Język strony:', + 'Page:' => 'Strona:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Polityka prywatności', + 'Proceed' => 'Dalej', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Zerowanie akceptacji', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Zerowanie zakończone sukcesem!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Pokaż wiek weryfikacji {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Dodaj okno dla odnośników wpisy i komentarze', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Regulamin', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Ten odnośnik prowadzi do zewnętrznej strony internetowej. Czy na pewno chcesz tam przejść?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ta strona jest dodawana do stopki nawigacji i strony rejestracji. Możesz dodać inny tekst dla każdego dostępnego języka.', + 'Title' => 'Tytuł', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Zostanie użyte jako domyślne, jeżeli nota prawna jest niedostępna w języku użytkownika.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Zostanie użyte jako domyślne, jeżeli nota prawna jest niedostępna w języku użytkowników.', ]; diff --git a/messages/pt-BR/base.php b/messages/pt-BR/base.php index 0a40a31..3d82d74 100644 --- a/messages/pt-BR/base.php +++ b/messages/pt-BR/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Desativado - adicione conteúdo no idioma padrão!)', - 'External Link' => 'Link externo', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Módulo jurídico - administração', - 'Accept' => 'Aceitar', - 'Accept button label' => 'Titulo do botão Aceitar', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Adicionar ícones de aviso antes de links externos em Postagens e Comentários', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Adiciona uma sobreposição que informa os usuários sobre o uso de cookies. Você pode adicionar um texto diferente para cada idioma disponível.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Tem certeza mesmo? Salve as alterações antes de continuar!', - 'Box content' => 'Conteúdo da caixa', - 'Box language:' => 'Idioma da caixa:', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', - 'Content' => 'Conteúdo', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Notificação de cookies', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Excluir minha conta, incluindo meus dados pessoais', - 'Edit this page' => 'Editar esta página', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Páginas e recursos habilitados', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Para criação de nova conta, mostre as páginas em tela cheia logo após a criação do perfil', - 'Go back' => 'Voltar', - 'Got it!' => 'Entendi!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Eu tenho mais de {age} anos', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Li e concordo com a Política de Privacidade', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Eu li e concordo com os Termos e Condições', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se você atualizar sua Política de Privacidade, poderá usar a opção “Redefinir confirmação” para informar seus usuários e convidá-los a concordar novamente.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se você atualizar seus Termos e Condições, poderá usar a opção “Redefinir confirmação” para informar seus usuários e convidá-los a concordar novamente.', - 'Imprint' => 'Imprimir', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa aos usuários que você alterou sua Política de Privacidade ou seus Termos e Condições. Para acioná-lo, a opção "Redefinir confirmação" dos documentos legais mencionados precisa ser ativada.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Atualização Legal', - 'Logout' => 'Sair', - 'Minimum age' => 'Idade minima', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Mais informações: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Idioma da página:', - 'Page:' => 'Página:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Política de Privacidade', - 'Proceed' => 'Prosseguir', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Reiniciar confirmação', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Reinicialização bem-sucedida!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostrar verificação de idade {age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Mostrar modal de aviso em links externos em Posts e Comentários', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Termos e Condições', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Este link leva a um site externo. Você gostaria de prosseguir?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Esta página é adicionada à navegação do rodapé e ao processo de registro. Você pode adicionar um texto diferente para cada idioma disponível.', - 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Será usado como padrão, caso os textos legais não estejam disponíveis no idioma do usuário.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Será usado como padrão, caso os textos legais não estejam disponíveis no idioma do usuário.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Desativado - adicione conteúdo no idioma padrão!)', + 'External Link' => 'Link externo', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Módulo jurídico - administração', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Aceitar', + 'Accept button label' => 'Titulo do botão Aceitar', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Adicionar ícones de aviso antes de links externos em Postagens e Comentários', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Adiciona uma sobreposição que informa os usuários sobre o uso de cookies. Você pode adicionar um texto diferente para cada idioma disponível.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Tem certeza mesmo? Salve as alterações antes de continuar!', + 'Box content' => 'Conteúdo da caixa', + 'Box language:' => 'Idioma da caixa:', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', + 'Content' => 'Conteúdo', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Notificação de cookies', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Idioma padrão', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Excluir minha conta, incluindo meus dados pessoais', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Editar esta página', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Páginas e recursos habilitados', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Para criação de nova conta, mostre as páginas em tela cheia logo após a criação do perfil', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Voltar', + 'Got it!' => 'Entendi!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Eu tenho mais de {age} anos', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Li e concordo com a Política de Privacidade', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Eu li e concordo com os Termos e Condições', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se você atualizar sua Política de Privacidade, poderá usar a opção “Redefinir confirmação” para informar seus usuários e convidá-los a concordar novamente.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se você atualizar seus Termos e Condições, poderá usar a opção “Redefinir confirmação” para informar seus usuários e convidá-los a concordar novamente.', + 'Imprint' => 'Imprimir', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa aos usuários que você alterou sua Política de Privacidade ou seus Termos e Condições. Para acioná-lo, a opção "Redefinir confirmação" dos documentos legais mencionados precisa ser ativada.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Atualização Legal', + 'Logout' => 'Sair', + 'Minimum age' => 'Idade minima', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Mais informações: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Idioma da página:', + 'Page:' => 'Página:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Política de Privacidade', + 'Proceed' => 'Prosseguir', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Reiniciar confirmação', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Reinicialização bem-sucedida!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostrar verificação de idade {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Mostrar modal de aviso em links externos em Posts e Comentários', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Termos e Condições', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Este link leva a um site externo. Você gostaria de prosseguir?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Esta página é adicionada à navegação do rodapé e ao processo de registro. Você pode adicionar um texto diferente para cada idioma disponível.', + 'Title' => 'Título', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Será usado como padrão, caso os textos legais não estejam disponíveis no idioma do usuário.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Será usado como padrão, caso os textos legais não estejam disponíveis no idioma do usuário.', ]; diff --git a/messages/pt/base.php b/messages/pt/base.php index e50180f..8bfa1cd 100644 --- a/messages/pt/base.php +++ b/messages/pt/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Desativado - adicione conteúdo no idioma padrão!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Módulo jurídico - administração', - 'Accept' => 'Aceitar', - 'Accept button label' => 'Aceitar etiqueta do botão', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Adiciona uma sobreposição que informa os usuários sobre o uso de cookies. Você pode adicionar um texto diferente para cada idioma disponível.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Tem certeza mesmo? Salve as alterações antes de continuar!', - 'Box content' => 'Conteúdo da caixa', - 'Box language:' => 'Idioma da caixa:', - 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', - 'Content' => 'Contente', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Notificação de cookie', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Excluir minha conta, incluindo meus dados pessoais', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Páginas e recursos habilitados', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Para a criação de uma nova conta, mostre as páginas em tela inteira logo após a criação do perfil', - 'Go back' => 'Volte', - 'Got it!' => 'Entendi!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Eu sou mais velho que {age} anos', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Li e concordo com a Política de Privacidade', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Eu li e concordo com os Termos e Condições', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se você atualizar sua Política de Privacidade, você pode usar a opção “Reiniciar confirmação“ para informar seus usuários e convidá-los a um novo livro', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se você atualizar seus Termos e Condições, você pode usar a opção “Confirmação de redefinição” para informar seus usuários e convidá-los a um novo gratuito.', - 'Imprint' => 'Imprimir', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa aos usuários que você alterou sua Política de Privacidade ou seus Termos e Condições. Para acioná-lo, é necessário ativar a opção „Confirmação de reinicialização“ dos referidos documentos jurídicos.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Atualização Legal', - 'Logout' => 'Sair', - 'Minimum age' => 'idade minima', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Mais informações: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Idioma da página:', - 'Page:' => 'Página:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Política de Privacidade', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Confirmação de reinicialização', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Reinicialização bem-sucedida!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostrar idade para verificação de {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Termos e Condições', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Esta página é adicionada à navegação do rodapé e ao processo de registro. Você pode adicionar um texto diferente para cada idioma disponível.', - 'Title' => 'Título', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Será usado como padrão, caso os textos legais não estejam disponíveis no idioma do usuário.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Será usado como padrão, caso os textos legais não estejam disponíveis no idioma do usuário.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Desativado - adicione conteúdo no idioma padrão!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Módulo jurídico - administração', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Aceitar', + 'Accept button label' => 'Aceitar etiqueta do botão', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Adiciona uma sobreposição que informa os usuários sobre o uso de cookies. Você pode adicionar um texto diferente para cada idioma disponível.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Tem certeza mesmo? Salve as alterações antes de continuar!', + 'Box content' => 'Conteúdo da caixa', + 'Box language:' => 'Idioma da caixa:', + 'Configuration' => 'Configuração', + 'Content' => 'Contente', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Notificação de cookie', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Língua padrão', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Excluir minha conta, incluindo meus dados pessoais', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Páginas e recursos habilitados', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Para a criação de uma nova conta, mostre as páginas em tela inteira logo após a criação do perfil', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Volte', + 'Got it!' => 'Entendi!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Eu sou mais velho que {age} anos', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Li e concordo com a Política de Privacidade', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Eu li e concordo com os Termos e Condições', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se você atualizar sua Política de Privacidade, você pode usar a opção “Reiniciar confirmação“ para informar seus usuários e convidá-los a um novo livro', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Se você atualizar seus Termos e Condições, você pode usar a opção “Confirmação de redefinição” para informar seus usuários e convidá-los a um novo gratuito.', + 'Imprint' => 'Imprimir', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informa aos usuários que você alterou sua Política de Privacidade ou seus Termos e Condições. Para acioná-lo, é necessário ativar a opção „Confirmação de reinicialização“ dos referidos documentos jurídicos.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Atualização Legal', + 'Logout' => 'Sair', + 'Minimum age' => 'idade minima', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Mais informações: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Idioma da página:', + 'Page:' => 'Página:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Política de Privacidade', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Confirmação de reinicialização', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Reinicialização bem-sucedida!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Mostrar idade para verificação de {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Termos e Condições', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Esta página é adicionada à navegação do rodapé e ao processo de registro. Você pode adicionar um texto diferente para cada idioma disponível.', + 'Title' => 'Título', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Será usado como padrão, caso os textos legais não estejam disponíveis no idioma do usuário.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Será usado como padrão, caso os textos legais não estejam disponíveis no idioma do usuário.', ]; diff --git a/messages/ru/base.php b/messages/ru/base.php index 01900be..6c70082 100644 --- a/messages/ru/base.php +++ b/messages/ru/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Отключено - добавляйте контент на языке по умолчанию!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Юридический модуль - администрирование', - 'Accept' => 'Принимать', - 'Accept button label' => 'Метка кнопки "Принять"', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Добавляет оверлей, информирующий пользователей об использовании файлов cookie. Вы можете добавить свой текст для каждого доступного языка.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Вы действительно уверены? Пожалуйста, сохраните изменения, прежде чем продолжить!', - 'Box content' => 'Содержимое коробки', - 'Box language:' => 'Язык коробки:', - 'Configuration' => 'Конфигурация', - 'Content' => 'Содержание', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Уведомление о файлах cookie', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Удалить мою учетную запись, включая мои личные данные', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Включенные страницы и функции', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Для создания новой учетной записи показывайте страницы в полноэкранном режиме сразу после создания профиля.', - 'Go back' => 'Вернитесь назад', - 'Got it!' => 'Понятно!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Я старше {age} лет', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Я прочитал и согласен с Политикой конфиденциальности', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Я прочитал и согласен с Условиями использования', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Если вы обновите свою Политику конфиденциальности, вы можете использовать опцию «Подтверждение сброса», чтобы проинформировать своих пользователей и пригласить их повторно согласиться.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Если вы обновите свои Условия, вы можете использовать опцию «Подтверждение сброса», чтобы проинформировать своих пользователей и пригласить их повторно согласиться.', - 'Imprint' => 'Отпечаток', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Сообщает пользователям, что вы изменили свою Политику конфиденциальности или Условия использования. Чтобы вызвать его, необходимо активировать «Подтверждение сброса» - возможность указанных юридических документов.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Юридическое обновление', - 'Logout' => 'Выйти', - 'Minimum age' => 'Минимальный возраст', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Дополнительная информация: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Язык страницы:', - 'Page:' => 'Страница:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Политика конфиденциальности', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Подтверждение сброса', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Сброс прошел успешно!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Показать возраст для подтверждения {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Условия и положения', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Эта страница добавляется в нижний колонтитул и в процесс регистрации. Вы можете добавить свой текст для каждого доступного языка.', - 'Title' => 'Заголовок', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Будет использоваться по умолчанию, если юридические тексты недоступны на языке пользователя.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Будет использоваться по умолчанию, если юридические тексты недоступны на языке пользователя.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Отключено - добавляйте контент на языке по умолчанию!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Юридический модуль - администрирование', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Принимать', + 'Accept button label' => 'Метка кнопки "Принять"', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Добавляет оверлей, информирующий пользователей об использовании файлов cookie. Вы можете добавить свой текст для каждого доступного языка.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Вы действительно уверены? Пожалуйста, сохраните изменения, прежде чем продолжить!', + 'Box content' => 'Содержимое коробки', + 'Box language:' => 'Язык коробки:', + 'Configuration' => 'Конфигурация', + 'Content' => 'Содержание', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Уведомление о файлах cookie', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Язык по умолчанию', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Удалить мою учетную запись, включая мои личные данные', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Включенные страницы и функции', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Для создания новой учетной записи показывайте страницы в полноэкранном режиме сразу после создания профиля.', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Вернитесь назад', + 'Got it!' => 'Понятно!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Я старше {age} лет', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Я прочитал и согласен с Политикой конфиденциальности', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Я прочитал и согласен с Условиями использования', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Если вы обновите свою Политику конфиденциальности, вы можете использовать опцию «Подтверждение сброса», чтобы проинформировать своих пользователей и пригласить их повторно согласиться.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Если вы обновите свои Условия, вы можете использовать опцию «Подтверждение сброса», чтобы проинформировать своих пользователей и пригласить их повторно согласиться.', + 'Imprint' => 'Отпечаток', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Сообщает пользователям, что вы изменили свою Политику конфиденциальности или Условия использования. Чтобы вызвать его, необходимо активировать «Подтверждение сброса» - возможность указанных юридических документов.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Юридическое обновление', + 'Logout' => 'Выйти', + 'Minimum age' => 'Минимальный возраст', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Дополнительная информация: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Язык страницы:', + 'Page:' => 'Страница:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Политика конфиденциальности', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Подтверждение сброса', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Сброс прошел успешно!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Показать возраст для подтверждения {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Условия и положения', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Эта страница добавляется в нижний колонтитул и в процесс регистрации. Вы можете добавить свой текст для каждого доступного языка.', + 'Title' => 'Заголовок', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Будет использоваться по умолчанию, если юридические тексты недоступны на языке пользователя.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Будет использоваться по умолчанию, если юридические тексты недоступны на языке пользователя.', ]; diff --git a/messages/sk/base.php b/messages/sk/base.php index 00bb6c5..c1a68e2 100644 --- a/messages/sk/base.php +++ b/messages/sk/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Zakázané - pridajte obsah v predvolenom jazyku!)', - 'External Link' => 'Externý odkaz', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Právny modul - správa', - 'Accept' => 'súhlasiť', - 'Accept button label' => 'Prijať štítok tlačidla', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Pridať ikony upozornení pred externé odkazy v príspevkoch a komentároch', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Pridá vrstvu, ktorá informuje používateľov o použití súborov cookie. Pre každý dostupný jazyk môžete pridať iný text.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Si si naozaj istý? Než budete pokračovať, uložte zmeny!', - 'Box content' => 'Obsah políčka', - 'Box language:' => 'Jazyk políčka:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurácia', - 'Content' => 'Obsah', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Oznámenie o cookies', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Odstráňte môj účet vrátane mojich osobných údajov', - 'Edit this page' => 'Upraviť túto stránku', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Povolené stránky a funkcie', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Ak chcete vytvoriť nový účet, ihneď po vytvorení profilu zobrazujte stránky na celej obrazovke', - 'Go back' => 'Vráť sa', - 'Got it!' => 'Mám to!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Som starší ako {age} roky', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Prečítal som si Zásady ochrany osobných údajov a súhlasím s nimi', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Prečítal som si Podmienky a súhlasím s nimi', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ak aktualizujete svoje zásady ochrany osobných údajov, môžete svojich používateľov informovať pomocou možnosti „Potvrdenie resetovania“ a vyzvať ich na rearee.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ak aktualizujete svoje zmluvné podmienky, môžete pomocou možnosti „Potvrdiť reset“ informovať svojich používateľov a pozvať ich na rearee.', - 'Imprint' => 'Odtlačok', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informuje používateľov, že ste zmenili svoje zásady ochrany osobných údajov alebo svoje zmluvné podmienky. Pre jeho spustenie je potrebné aktivovať „Potvrdenie resetu“ - Voľba uvedených právnych dokumentov.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Aktualizácia právnych predpisov', - 'Logout' => 'Odhlásiť sa', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimálny vek', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Viac informácií: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Jazyk stránky:', - 'Page:' => 'Stránka:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Zásady ochrany osobných údajov', - 'Proceed' => 'Pokračovať', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Obnoviť potvrdenie', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Reset bol úspešný!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Zobraziť vek na overenie {age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Zobraziť modálne upozornenie na externých odkazoch v príspevkoch a komentároch', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Podmienky', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Tento odkaz vedie na externú webovú stránku. Chcete pokračovať?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Táto stránka je pridaná do navigácie päty a procesu registrácie. Pre každý dostupný jazyk môžete pridať iný text.', - 'Title' => 'Názov', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Používa sa ako predvolené, ak právne texty nie sú k dispozícii v jazyku používateľa.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Používa sa ako predvolené, ak právne texty nie sú k dispozícii v jazyku používateľa.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Zakázané - pridajte obsah v predvolenom jazyku!)', + 'External Link' => 'Externý odkaz', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Právny modul - správa', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'súhlasiť', + 'Accept button label' => 'Prijať štítok tlačidla', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Pridať ikony upozornení pred externé odkazy v príspevkoch a komentároch', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Pridá vrstvu, ktorá informuje používateľov o použití súborov cookie. Pre každý dostupný jazyk môžete pridať iný text.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Si si naozaj istý? Než budete pokračovať, uložte zmeny!', + 'Box content' => 'Obsah políčka', + 'Box language:' => 'Jazyk políčka:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigurácia', + 'Content' => 'Obsah', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Oznámenie o cookies', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Predvolený jazyk', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Odstráňte môj účet vrátane mojich osobných údajov', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Upraviť túto stránku', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Povolené stránky a funkcie', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Ak chcete vytvoriť nový účet, ihneď po vytvorení profilu zobrazujte stránky na celej obrazovke', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Vráť sa', + 'Got it!' => 'Mám to!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Som starší ako {age} roky', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Prečítal som si Zásady ochrany osobných údajov a súhlasím s nimi', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Prečítal som si Podmienky a súhlasím s nimi', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ak aktualizujete svoje zásady ochrany osobných údajov, môžete svojich používateľov informovať pomocou možnosti „Potvrdenie resetovania“ a vyzvať ich na rearee.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ak aktualizujete svoje zmluvné podmienky, môžete pomocou možnosti „Potvrdiť reset“ informovať svojich používateľov a pozvať ich na rearee.', + 'Imprint' => 'Odtlačok', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informuje používateľov, že ste zmenili svoje zásady ochrany osobných údajov alebo svoje zmluvné podmienky. Pre jeho spustenie je potrebné aktivovať „Potvrdenie resetu“ - Voľba uvedených právnych dokumentov.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Aktualizácia právnych predpisov', + 'Logout' => 'Odhlásiť sa', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimálny vek', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Viac informácií: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Jazyk stránky:', + 'Page:' => 'Stránka:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Zásady ochrany osobných údajov', + 'Proceed' => 'Pokračovať', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Obnoviť potvrdenie', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Reset bol úspešný!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Zobraziť vek na overenie {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Zobraziť modálne upozornenie na externých odkazoch v príspevkoch a komentároch', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Podmienky', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Tento odkaz vedie na externú webovú stránku. Chcete pokračovať?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Táto stránka je pridaná do navigácie päty a procesu registrácie. Pre každý dostupný jazyk môžete pridať iný text.', + 'Title' => 'Názov', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Používa sa ako predvolené, ak právne texty nie sú k dispozícii v jazyku používateľa.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Používa sa ako predvolené, ak právne texty nie sú k dispozícii v jazyku používateľa.', ]; diff --git a/messages/sr/base.php b/messages/sr/base.php index f2b03e4..6b130ea 100644 --- a/messages/sr/base.php +++ b/messages/sr/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Onemogućeno - dodajte sadržaj na podrazumevanom jeziku!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Pravni modul - administracija', - 'Accept' => 'Prihvati', - 'Accept button label' => 'Prihvati oznaku gumba', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Dodaje sloj koji informiše korisnike o upotrebi kolačića. Za svaki dostupni jezik možete dodati drugačiji tekst.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Jeste li stvarno sigurni? Sačuvajte promene prije nego što nastavite!', - 'Box content' => 'Sadržaj kutije', - 'Box language:' => 'Jezik kutije:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracija', - 'Content' => 'Sadržaj', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Obavijest o kolačićima', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Izbriši moj račun, uključujući moje lične podatke', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Omogućene stranice i funkcionalnisti', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Za stvaranje novog naloga, prikažite stranice na cijelom ekranu odmah nakon izrade profila', - 'Go back' => 'Idi natrag', - 'Got it!' => 'Slažem se!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Stariji/a sam od {age} godina', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Pročitao sam i prihvatam pravila o privatnosti', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Pročitao sam i prihvatam odredbe i uslove', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ako ažurirate svoja pravila o privatnosti, možete upotrebiti opciju „Poništi potvrdu“ kako biste obavijestili svoje korisnike i pozvali ih da se slože.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ako ažurirate svoje uslove i odredbe, možete upotrebiti opciju „Poništi potvrdu“ kako biste obavestili svoje korisnike i pozvali ih da se slože.', - 'Imprint' => 'Otisak', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Obaveštava korisnike da ste promenili svoja pravila o privatnosti ili svoje uslove i odredbe. Da bi se to pokrenulo, treba aktivirati „Poništi potvrdu“ -Opomena navedenih pravnih dokumenata.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Pravno ažuriranje', - 'Logout' => 'Odjava', - 'Minimum age' => 'Minimalno godina', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Više informacija: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Jezik stranice:', - 'Page:' => 'Stranica:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Pravila o privatnosti', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Resetuj potvrdu', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Uspešno resetovano!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Prikaži broj godina za proveru {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Uslovi korišćena', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ova je stranica dodana u futer navigaciju i u postupak registracije. Za svaki dostupni jezik možete dodati drugačiji tekst.', - 'Title' => 'Funkcija', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Upotrebiće se kao zadani ako pravni tekstovi nisu dostupni na jeziku korisnika.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Upotrebiće se kao zadani ako pravni tekstovi nisu dostupni na jeziku korisnika.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Onemogućeno - dodajte sadržaj na podrazumevanom jeziku!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Pravni modul - administracija', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Prihvati', + 'Accept button label' => 'Prihvati oznaku gumba', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Dodaje sloj koji informiše korisnike o upotrebi kolačića. Za svaki dostupni jezik možete dodati drugačiji tekst.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Jeste li stvarno sigurni? Sačuvajte promene prije nego što nastavite!', + 'Box content' => 'Sadržaj kutije', + 'Box language:' => 'Jezik kutije:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguracija', + 'Content' => 'Sadržaj', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Obavijest o kolačićima', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Podrazumevani jezik', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Izbriši moj račun, uključujući moje lične podatke', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Omogućene stranice i funkcionalnisti', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Za stvaranje novog naloga, prikažite stranice na cijelom ekranu odmah nakon izrade profila', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Idi natrag', + 'Got it!' => 'Slažem se!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Stariji/a sam od {age} godina', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Pročitao sam i prihvatam pravila o privatnosti', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Pročitao sam i prihvatam odredbe i uslove', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ako ažurirate svoja pravila o privatnosti, možete upotrebiti opciju „Poništi potvrdu“ kako biste obavijestili svoje korisnike i pozvali ih da se slože.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Ako ažurirate svoje uslove i odredbe, možete upotrebiti opciju „Poništi potvrdu“ kako biste obavestili svoje korisnike i pozvali ih da se slože.', + 'Imprint' => 'Otisak', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Obaveštava korisnike da ste promenili svoja pravila o privatnosti ili svoje uslove i odredbe. Da bi se to pokrenulo, treba aktivirati „Poništi potvrdu“ -Opomena navedenih pravnih dokumenata.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Pravno ažuriranje', + 'Logout' => 'Odjava', + 'Minimum age' => 'Minimalno godina', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Više informacija: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Jezik stranice:', + 'Page:' => 'Stranica:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Pravila o privatnosti', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Resetuj potvrdu', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Uspešno resetovano!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Prikaži broj godina za proveru {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Uslovi korišćena', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Ova je stranica dodana u futer navigaciju i u postupak registracije. Za svaki dostupni jezik možete dodati drugačiji tekst.', + 'Title' => 'Funkcija', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Upotrebiće se kao zadani ako pravni tekstovi nisu dostupni na jeziku korisnika.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Upotrebiće se kao zadani ako pravni tekstovi nisu dostupni na jeziku korisnika.', ]; diff --git a/messages/sv/base.php b/messages/sv/base.php index cd43ac7..5dfadf6 100644 --- a/messages/sv/base.php +++ b/messages/sv/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Inaktiverad - lägg till innehåll på standardspråket!)', - 'External Link' => 'Extern länk', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Juridisk modul - administration', - 'Accept' => 'Acceptera', - 'Accept button label' => 'Etikett för Acceptera-knapp', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Lägg till meddelandeikoner före externa länkar i inlägg och kommentarer', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Lägger till ett överlägg som informerar användarna om användningen av kakor. Du kan lägga till en annan text för varje tillgängligt språk.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Är du verkligen säker? Spara ändringarna innan du fortsätter!', - 'Box content' => 'Fältets innehåll', - 'Box language:' => 'Fältets språk:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguration', - 'Content' => 'Innehåll', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Meddelande om kakor', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Ta bort mitt konto inklusive mina personuppgifter', - 'Edit this page' => 'Redigera den här sidan', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Aktiverade sidor och funktioner', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'För att skapa ett nytt konto, visa sidor i helskärm precis efter att profilen skapats', - 'Go back' => 'Gå tillbaka', - 'Got it!' => 'Jag fattar!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jag är äldre än {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Jag har läst och godkänner Integritetspolicyn', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Jag har läst och godkänner användarvillkoren', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Om du uppdaterar din integritetspolicy kan du använda alternativet "Återställ bekräftelse" för att informera dina användare och låta dem godkänna på nytt.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Om du uppdaterar dina användarvillkor kan du använda alternativet "Återställ bekräftelse" för att informera dina användare och låta dem godkänna på nytt.', - 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informerar användarna om att du har ändrat din integritetspolicy eller dina användarvillkor. För att trigga det måste alternativet för “Återställ bekräftelse” för nämnda juridiska dokument aktiveras.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Juridisk uppdatering', - 'Logout' => 'Logga ut', - 'Minimum age' => 'Lägsta ålder', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Mer information: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Sidans språk:', - 'Page:' => 'Sida:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Integritetspolicy', - 'Proceed' => 'Fortsätt', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Återställ bekräftelse', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Återställningen lyckades!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Visa kontroll av ålder {age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Visa meddelandemodal på externa länkar i inlägg och kommentarer', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Användarvillkor', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Denna länk leder till en extern webbplats. Vill du fortsätta?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Den här sidan läggs till i sidfoten och registreringsprocessen. Du kan lägga till en annan text för varje tillgängligt språk.', - 'Title' => 'Titel', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Kommer att användas som standard om lagtexterna inte är tillgängliga på användarspråket.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Kommer att användas som standard om lagtexterna inte finns på användarens språk.', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Inaktiverad - lägg till innehåll på standardspråket!)', + 'External Link' => 'Extern länk', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Juridisk modul - administration', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Acceptera', + 'Accept button label' => 'Etikett för Acceptera-knapp', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Lägg till meddelandeikoner före externa länkar i inlägg och kommentarer', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Lägger till ett överlägg som informerar användarna om användningen av kakor. Du kan lägga till en annan text för varje tillgängligt språk.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Är du verkligen säker? Spara ändringarna innan du fortsätter!', + 'Box content' => 'Fältets innehåll', + 'Box language:' => 'Fältets språk:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfiguration', + 'Content' => 'Innehåll', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Meddelande om kakor', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Standardspråk', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Ta bort mitt konto inklusive mina personuppgifter', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => 'Redigera den här sidan', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Aktiverade sidor och funktioner', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'För att skapa ett nytt konto, visa sidor i helskärm precis efter att profilen skapats', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Gå tillbaka', + 'Got it!' => 'Jag fattar!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Jag är äldre än {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Jag har läst och godkänner Integritetspolicyn', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Jag har läst och godkänner användarvillkoren', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Om du uppdaterar din integritetspolicy kan du använda alternativet "Återställ bekräftelse" för att informera dina användare och låta dem godkänna på nytt.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Om du uppdaterar dina användarvillkor kan du använda alternativet "Återställ bekräftelse" för att informera dina användare och låta dem godkänna på nytt.', + 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Informerar användarna om att du har ändrat din integritetspolicy eller dina användarvillkor. För att trigga det måste alternativet för “Återställ bekräftelse” för nämnda juridiska dokument aktiveras.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Juridisk uppdatering', + 'Logout' => 'Logga ut', + 'Minimum age' => 'Lägsta ålder', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Mer information: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Sidans språk:', + 'Page:' => 'Sida:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Integritetspolicy', + 'Proceed' => 'Fortsätt', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Återställ bekräftelse', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Återställningen lyckades!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Visa kontroll av ålder {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => 'Visa meddelandemodal på externa länkar i inlägg och kommentarer', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Användarvillkor', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => 'Denna länk leder till en extern webbplats. Vill du fortsätta?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Den här sidan läggs till i sidfoten och registreringsprocessen. Du kan lägga till en annan text för varje tillgängligt språk.', + 'Title' => 'Titel', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Kommer att användas som standard om lagtexterna inte är tillgängliga på användarspråket.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Kommer att användas som standard om lagtexterna inte finns på användarens språk.', ]; diff --git a/messages/th/base.php b/messages/th/base.php index ad92863..d5d3812 100644 --- a/messages/th/base.php +++ b/messages/th/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(ปิดการใช้งาน - โปรดเพิ่มเนื้อหาในภาษาเริ่มต้น!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'โมดูลกฎหมาย - การบริหาร', - 'Accept' => 'ยอมรับ', - 'Accept button label' => 'ยอมรับป้ายกำกับปุ่ม', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'เพิ่มการวางซ้อนซึ่งแจ้งให้ผู้ใช้ทราบเกี่ยวกับการใช้คุกกี้ คุณสามารถเพิ่มข้อความที่แตกต่างกันสำหรับทุกภาษาที่มี', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'คุณแน่ใจจริงๆเหรอ? โปรดบันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงก่อนดำเนินการต่อ!', - 'Box content' => 'เนื้อหากล่อง', - 'Box language:' => 'ภาษากล่อง:', - 'Configuration' => 'การกำหนดค่า', - 'Content' => 'เนื้อหา', - 'Cookie notification' => 'การแจ้งเตือนคุกกี้', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'ลบบัญชีของฉันรวมถึงข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลของฉัน', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'หน้าที่เปิดใช้งานและคุณสมบัติ', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'สำหรับการสร้างบัญชีใหม่ให้แสดงหน้าแบบเต็มหน้าจอหลังจากสร้างโปรไฟล์', - 'Go back' => 'กลับไป', - 'Got it!' => 'รับทราบ!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'ผมแก่กว่า {age} ปี', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'ฉันได้อ่านและยอมรับนโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'ฉันได้อ่านและยอมรับข้อตกลงและเงื่อนไข', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'หากคุณอัปเดตนโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวคุณสามารถใช้ "การยืนยันการรีเซ็ต" - ตัวเลือกเพื่อแจ้งผู้ใช้ของคุณและเชิญพวกเขาให้ยอมรับอีกครั้ง', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'หากคุณอัปเดตข้อกำหนดในการให้บริการของคุณคุณสามารถใช้ "การยืนยันการรีเซ็ต" - ตัวเลือกเพื่อแจ้งผู้ใช้ของคุณและเชิญพวกเขาให้ยอมรับอีกครั้ง', - 'Imprint' => 'สำนักพิมพ์', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'แจ้งให้ผู้ใช้ทราบว่าคุณได้เปลี่ยนแปลงนโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวหรือข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขของคุณ ในการเปิดใช้งาน "การยืนยันการรีเซ็ต" - ตัวเลือกของเอกสารทางกฎหมายดังกล่าวจำเป็นต้องเปิดใช้', - 'Legal Update' => 'การปรับปรุงกฎหมาย', - 'Logout' => 'ออกจากระบบ', - 'Minimum age' => 'อายุขั้นต่ำ', - 'More information: {link}' => 'ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'ภาษาของหน้า:', - 'Page:' => 'หน้า:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'รีเซ็ตการยืนยัน', - 'Reset successful!' => 'รีเซ็ตสำเร็จ!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'แสดงอายุการตรวจสอบ {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'ข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไข', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'หน้านี้ถูกเพิ่มในการนำทางส่วนท้ายและขั้นตอนการลงทะเบียน คุณสามารถเพิ่มข้อความที่แตกต่างกันสำหรับทุกภาษาที่มี', - 'Title' => 'หัวข้อ', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'จะถูกใช้เป็นค่าเริ่มต้นหากไม่มีข้อความทางกฎหมายในภาษาของผู้ใช้', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'จะใช้เป็นค่าเริ่มต้นหากไม่มีข้อความทางกฎหมายในภาษาของผู้ใช้', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(ปิดการใช้งาน - โปรดเพิ่มเนื้อหาในภาษาเริ่มต้น!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'โมดูลกฎหมาย - การบริหาร', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'ยอมรับ', + 'Accept button label' => 'ยอมรับป้ายกำกับปุ่ม', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'เพิ่มการวางซ้อนซึ่งแจ้งให้ผู้ใช้ทราบเกี่ยวกับการใช้คุกกี้ คุณสามารถเพิ่มข้อความที่แตกต่างกันสำหรับทุกภาษาที่มี', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'คุณแน่ใจจริงๆเหรอ? โปรดบันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงก่อนดำเนินการต่อ!', + 'Box content' => 'เนื้อหากล่อง', + 'Box language:' => 'ภาษากล่อง:', + 'Configuration' => 'การกำหนดค่า', + 'Content' => 'เนื้อหา', + 'Cookie notification' => 'การแจ้งเตือนคุกกี้', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'ภาษาเริ่มต้น', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'ลบบัญชีของฉันรวมถึงข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลของฉัน', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'หน้าที่เปิดใช้งานและคุณสมบัติ', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'สำหรับการสร้างบัญชีใหม่ให้แสดงหน้าแบบเต็มหน้าจอหลังจากสร้างโปรไฟล์', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'กลับไป', + 'Got it!' => 'รับทราบ!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'ผมแก่กว่า {age} ปี', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'ฉันได้อ่านและยอมรับนโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'ฉันได้อ่านและยอมรับข้อตกลงและเงื่อนไข', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'หากคุณอัปเดตนโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวคุณสามารถใช้ "การยืนยันการรีเซ็ต" - ตัวเลือกเพื่อแจ้งผู้ใช้ของคุณและเชิญพวกเขาให้ยอมรับอีกครั้ง', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'หากคุณอัปเดตข้อกำหนดในการให้บริการของคุณคุณสามารถใช้ "การยืนยันการรีเซ็ต" - ตัวเลือกเพื่อแจ้งผู้ใช้ของคุณและเชิญพวกเขาให้ยอมรับอีกครั้ง', + 'Imprint' => 'สำนักพิมพ์', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'แจ้งให้ผู้ใช้ทราบว่าคุณได้เปลี่ยนแปลงนโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวหรือข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไขของคุณ ในการเปิดใช้งาน "การยืนยันการรีเซ็ต" - ตัวเลือกของเอกสารทางกฎหมายดังกล่าวจำเป็นต้องเปิดใช้', + 'Legal Update' => 'การปรับปรุงกฎหมาย', + 'Logout' => 'ออกจากระบบ', + 'Minimum age' => 'อายุขั้นต่ำ', + 'More information: {link}' => 'ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'ภาษาของหน้า:', + 'Page:' => 'หน้า:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'รีเซ็ตการยืนยัน', + 'Reset successful!' => 'รีเซ็ตสำเร็จ!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'แสดงอายุการตรวจสอบ {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'ข้อกำหนดและเงื่อนไข', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'หน้านี้ถูกเพิ่มในการนำทางส่วนท้ายและขั้นตอนการลงทะเบียน คุณสามารถเพิ่มข้อความที่แตกต่างกันสำหรับทุกภาษาที่มี', + 'Title' => 'หัวข้อ', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'จะถูกใช้เป็นค่าเริ่มต้นหากไม่มีข้อความทางกฎหมายในภาษาของผู้ใช้', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'จะใช้เป็นค่าเริ่มต้นหากไม่มีข้อความทางกฎหมายในภาษาของผู้ใช้', ]; diff --git a/messages/tr/base.php b/messages/tr/base.php index 0ac07e5..f10ff6d 100644 --- a/messages/tr/base.php +++ b/messages/tr/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Devre dışı - lütfen varsayılan dilde içerik ekleyin!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Hukuk modülü - yönetim', - 'Accept' => 'Kabul Et', - 'Accept button label' => 'Düğme etiketini kabul et', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Kullanıcıları çerez kullanımı hakkında bilgilendiren bir yer paylaşımı ekler. Mevcut her dil için farklı bir metin ekleyebilirsiniz.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Gerçekten emin misin? Devam etmeden önce değişiklikleri kaydedin!', - 'Box content' => 'İçerik kutusu', - 'Box language:' => 'Kutu dili:', - 'Configuration' => 'Konfigürasyon', - 'Content' => 'İçerik', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Çerez bildirimi', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Kişisel verilerim dahil hesabımı sil', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Etkin sayfalar ve özellikler', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Yeni hesap oluşturmak için, profil oluşturulduktan hemen sonra sayfaları tam ekranda gösterin', - 'Go back' => 'Geri dön', - 'Got it!' => 'Anladım!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Ben daha yaşlıyım {age} yıllar', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Gizlilik Politikasını okudum ve kabul ediyorum', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Şartlar ve Koşulları okudum ve kabul ediyorum', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Gizlilik Politikanızı güncellerseniz, kullanıcılarınızı bilgilendirmek ve onları yeniden kabul etmeye davet etmek için "Sıfırlama onayı" -Opsiyonunu kullanabilirsiniz.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hüküm ve Koşullarınızı güncellerseniz, kullanıcılarınızı bilgilendirmek ve onları yeniden kabul etmeye davet etmek için "Sıfırlama onayı" -Opsiyonunu kullanabilirsiniz.', - 'Imprint' => 'Künye', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Kullanıcıları, Gizlilik Politikanızı veya Hüküm ve Koşullarınızı değiştirdiğiniz konusunda bilgilendirir. Bunu tetiklemek için, söz konusu yasal belgelerin "Sıfırlama onayı" -Opsiyonunun etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Yasal Güncelleme', - 'Logout' => 'Çıkış Yap', - 'Minimum age' => 'Asgari yaş', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Daha fazla bilgi: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Sayfa dili:', - 'Page:' => 'Sayfa:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Gizlilik Politikası', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Onaylamayı sıfırla', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Sıfırlama başarılı!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Yaş doğrulama {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Şartlar ve koşullar', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Bu sayfa, altbilgi gezinmesine ve kayıt işlemine eklenir. Mevcut her dil için farklı bir metin ekleyebilirsiniz.', - 'Title' => 'Başlık', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Yasal metinler kullanıcı dilinde mevcut değilse, varsayılan olarak kullanılacaktır.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Yasal metinler kullanıcının dilinde mevcut değilse, varsayılan olarak kullanılacaktır.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Devre dışı - lütfen varsayılan dilde içerik ekleyin!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Hukuk modülü - yönetim', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Kabul Et', + 'Accept button label' => 'Düğme etiketini kabul et', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Kullanıcıları çerez kullanımı hakkında bilgilendiren bir yer paylaşımı ekler. Mevcut her dil için farklı bir metin ekleyebilirsiniz.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Gerçekten emin misin? Devam etmeden önce değişiklikleri kaydedin!', + 'Box content' => 'İçerik kutusu', + 'Box language:' => 'Kutu dili:', + 'Configuration' => 'Konfigürasyon', + 'Content' => 'İçerik', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Çerez bildirimi', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Varsayılan dil', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Kişisel verilerim dahil hesabımı sil', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Etkin sayfalar ve özellikler', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Yeni hesap oluşturmak için, profil oluşturulduktan hemen sonra sayfaları tam ekranda gösterin', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Geri dön', + 'Got it!' => 'Anladım!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Ben daha yaşlıyım {age} yıllar', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Gizlilik Politikasını okudum ve kabul ediyorum', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Şartlar ve Koşulları okudum ve kabul ediyorum', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Gizlilik Politikanızı güncellerseniz, kullanıcılarınızı bilgilendirmek ve onları yeniden kabul etmeye davet etmek için "Sıfırlama onayı" -Opsiyonunu kullanabilirsiniz.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Hüküm ve Koşullarınızı güncellerseniz, kullanıcılarınızı bilgilendirmek ve onları yeniden kabul etmeye davet etmek için "Sıfırlama onayı" -Opsiyonunu kullanabilirsiniz.', + 'Imprint' => 'Künye', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Kullanıcıları, Gizlilik Politikanızı veya Hüküm ve Koşullarınızı değiştirdiğiniz konusunda bilgilendirir. Bunu tetiklemek için, söz konusu yasal belgelerin "Sıfırlama onayı" -Opsiyonunun etkinleştirilmesi gerekir.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Yasal Güncelleme', + 'Logout' => 'Çıkış Yap', + 'Minimum age' => 'Asgari yaş', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Daha fazla bilgi: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Sayfa dili:', + 'Page:' => 'Sayfa:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Gizlilik Politikası', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Onaylamayı sıfırla', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Sıfırlama başarılı!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Yaş doğrulama {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Şartlar ve koşullar', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Bu sayfa, altbilgi gezinmesine ve kayıt işlemine eklenir. Mevcut her dil için farklı bir metin ekleyebilirsiniz.', + 'Title' => 'Başlık', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Yasal metinler kullanıcı dilinde mevcut değilse, varsayılan olarak kullanılacaktır.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Yasal metinler kullanıcının dilinde mevcut değilse, varsayılan olarak kullanılacaktır.', ]; diff --git a/messages/vi/base.php b/messages/vi/base.php index 8161b77..54cea3c 100644 --- a/messages/vi/base.php +++ b/messages/vi/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(Đã tắt - vui lòng thêm nội dung bằng ngôn ngữ mặc định!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => 'Phân hệ pháp lý - quản trị', - 'Accept' => 'Chấp nhận', - 'Accept button label' => 'Chấp nhận nhãn nút', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Thêm một lớp phủ thông báo cho người dùng về việc sử dụng cookie. Bạn có thể thêm một văn bản khác cho mọi ngôn ngữ có sẵn.', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Bạn thật sự chắc không? Vui lòng lưu các thay đổi trước khi tiếp tục!', - 'Box content' => 'Nội dung hộp', - 'Box language:' => 'Ngôn ngữ hộp:', - 'Configuration' => 'Cấu hình', - 'Content' => 'Nội dung', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Thông báo cookie', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Xóa tài khoản của tôi bao gồm cả dữ liệu cá nhân của tôi', - 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Các trang và tính năng được kích hoạt', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Để tạo tài khoản mới, hãy hiển thị các trang trên toàn màn hình ngay sau khi tạo hồ sơ', - 'Go back' => 'Quay lại', - 'Got it!' => 'Hiểu rồi!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Tôi già hơn {age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Tôi đã đọc và đồng ý với Chính sách quyền riêng tư', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Tôi đã đọc và đồng ý với các Điều khoản và Điều kiện', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Nếu cập nhật Chính sách quyền riêng tư của mình, bạn có thể sử dụng tùy chọn "Đặt lại xác nhận" để thông báo cho người dùng của bạn và mời họ đồng ý lại.', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Nếu bạn cập nhật Điều khoản và Điều kiện của mình, bạn có thể sử dụng tùy chọn "Đặt lại xác nhận" - Tùy chọn để thông báo cho người dùng của bạn và mời họ đồng ý lại.', - 'Imprint' => 'Dấu ấn', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Thông báo cho người dùng rằng bạn đã thay đổi Chính sách quyền riêng tư hoặc các Điều khoản và Điều kiện của bạn. Để kích hoạt nó, cần phải kích hoạt "Xác nhận đặt lại" - Chú thích của các tài liệu pháp lý nói trên.', - 'Legal Update' => 'Cập nhật pháp lý', - 'Logout' => 'Đăng xuất', - 'Minimum age' => 'Tuổi tối thiểu', - 'More information: {link}' => 'Thông tin thêm: {link}', - 'Page language:' => 'Ngôn ngữ trang:', - 'Page:' => 'Trang:', - 'Privacy Policy' => 'Chính sách bảo mật', - 'Reset confirmation' => 'Đặt lại xác nhận', - 'Reset successful!' => 'Đặt lại thành công!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Hiển thị tuổi xác minh {age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Các điều khoản và điều kiện', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Trang này được thêm vào phần điều hướng chân trang và quá trình đăng ký. Bạn có thể thêm một văn bản khác cho mọi ngôn ngữ có sẵn.', - 'Title' => 'Tiêu đề', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Sẽ được sử dụng làm mặc định, nếu văn bản pháp lý không có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ của người dùng.', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Sẽ được sử dụng làm mặc định, nếu văn bản pháp lý không có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ của người dùng.', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(Đã tắt - vui lòng thêm nội dung bằng ngôn ngữ mặc định!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => 'Phân hệ pháp lý - quản trị', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => 'Chấp nhận', + 'Accept button label' => 'Chấp nhận nhãn nút', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Thêm một lớp phủ thông báo cho người dùng về việc sử dụng cookie. Bạn có thể thêm một văn bản khác cho mọi ngôn ngữ có sẵn.', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => 'Bạn thật sự chắc không? Vui lòng lưu các thay đổi trước khi tiếp tục!', + 'Box content' => 'Nội dung hộp', + 'Box language:' => 'Ngôn ngữ hộp:', + 'Configuration' => 'Cấu hình', + 'Content' => 'Nội dung', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Thông báo cookie', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => 'Ngôn ngữ mặc định', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => 'Xóa tài khoản của tôi bao gồm cả dữ liệu cá nhân của tôi', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => 'Các trang và tính năng được kích hoạt', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => 'Để tạo tài khoản mới, hãy hiển thị các trang trên toàn màn hình ngay sau khi tạo hồ sơ', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => 'Quay lại', + 'Got it!' => 'Hiểu rồi!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => 'Tôi già hơn {age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => 'Tôi đã đọc và đồng ý với Chính sách quyền riêng tư', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => 'Tôi đã đọc và đồng ý với các Điều khoản và Điều kiện', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Nếu cập nhật Chính sách quyền riêng tư của mình, bạn có thể sử dụng tùy chọn "Đặt lại xác nhận" để thông báo cho người dùng của bạn và mời họ đồng ý lại.', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => 'Nếu bạn cập nhật Điều khoản và Điều kiện của mình, bạn có thể sử dụng tùy chọn "Đặt lại xác nhận" - Tùy chọn để thông báo cho người dùng của bạn và mời họ đồng ý lại.', + 'Imprint' => 'Dấu ấn', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => 'Thông báo cho người dùng rằng bạn đã thay đổi Chính sách quyền riêng tư hoặc các Điều khoản và Điều kiện của bạn. Để kích hoạt nó, cần phải kích hoạt "Xác nhận đặt lại" - Chú thích của các tài liệu pháp lý nói trên.', + 'Legal Update' => 'Cập nhật pháp lý', + 'Logout' => 'Đăng xuất', + 'Minimum age' => 'Tuổi tối thiểu', + 'More information: {link}' => 'Thông tin thêm: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => 'Ngôn ngữ trang:', + 'Page:' => 'Trang:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => 'Chính sách bảo mật', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => 'Đặt lại xác nhận', + 'Reset successful!' => 'Đặt lại thành công!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => 'Hiển thị tuổi xác minh {age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => 'Các điều khoản và điều kiện', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => 'Trang này được thêm vào phần điều hướng chân trang và quá trình đăng ký. Bạn có thể thêm một văn bản khác cho mọi ngôn ngữ có sẵn.', + 'Title' => 'Tiêu đề', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => 'Sẽ được sử dụng làm mặc định, nếu văn bản pháp lý không có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ của người dùng.', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => 'Sẽ được sử dụng làm mặc định, nếu văn bản pháp lý không có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ của người dùng.', ]; diff --git a/messages/zh-CN/base.php b/messages/zh-CN/base.php index c7b6fa8..da16b84 100644 --- a/messages/zh-CN/base.php +++ b/messages/zh-CN/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(已禁用-请以默认语言添加内容!)', - 'Legal module - administration' => '法律模块-行政', - 'Accept' => '接受', - 'Accept button label' => '接受按钮标签', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '添加一个覆盖层,以告知用户有关cookie的使用。您可以为每种可用的语言添加不同的文本。', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => '你确定吗请先保存更改,然后再继续!', - 'Box content' => '包装盒内含物', - 'Box language:' => '装箱语言:', - 'Configuration' => '配置', - 'Content' => '内容', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Cookie通知', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => '删除我的帐户,包括我的个人数据', - 'Enabled pages and features' => '启用的页面和功能', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => '要创建新帐户,请在创建个人资料后立即全屏显示页面', - 'Go back' => '回去', - 'Got it!' => '知道了!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => '我比{age}', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => '我已阅读并同意隐私政策', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => '我已阅读并同意条款和条件', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '如果您更新了隐私政策,则可以使用“重置确认”选项来通知您的用户并邀请他们同意。', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '如果您更新条款和条件,则可以使用“重置确认”-选项来通知您的用户并邀请他们同意。', - 'Imprint' => '印记', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => '通知用户您已更改了隐私政策或条款。为了触发它,需要激活所述法律文件的“重置确认”选项。', - 'Legal Update' => '法律更新', - 'Logout' => '登出', - 'Minimum age' => '最低年龄', - 'More information: {link}' => '更多信息: {link}', - 'Page language:' => '页面语言:', - 'Page:' => '页:', - 'Privacy Policy' => '隐私政策', - 'Reset confirmation' => '重设确认', - 'Reset successful!' => '重置成功!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => '显示年龄验证{age}', - 'Terms and Conditions' => '条款和条件', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '此页面已添加到页脚导航和注册过程中。您可以为每种可用的语言添加不同的文本。', - 'Title' => '标题', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => '如果合法文本在用户语言中不可用,将用作默认值。', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => '如果无法使用用户的语言提供合法文本,则将用作默认值。', - 'External Link' => '', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Edit this page' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'Proceed' => '', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(已禁用-请以默认语言添加内容!)', + 'External Link' => '', + 'Legal module - administration' => '法律模块-行政', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => '接受', + 'Accept button label' => '接受按钮标签', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '添加一个覆盖层,以告知用户有关cookie的使用。您可以为每种可用的语言添加不同的文本。', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => '你确定吗请先保存更改,然后再继续!', + 'Box content' => '包装盒内含物', + 'Box language:' => '装箱语言:', + 'Configuration' => '配置', + 'Content' => '内容', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Cookie通知', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => '缺省语言', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => '删除我的帐户,包括我的个人数据', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => '启用的页面和功能', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => '要创建新帐户,请在创建个人资料后立即全屏显示页面', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => '回去', + 'Got it!' => '知道了!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => '我比{age}', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => '我已阅读并同意隐私政策', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => '我已阅读并同意条款和条件', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '如果您更新了隐私政策,则可以使用“重置确认”选项来通知您的用户并邀请他们同意。', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '如果您更新条款和条件,则可以使用“重置确认”-选项来通知您的用户并邀请他们同意。', + 'Imprint' => '印记', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => '通知用户您已更改了隐私政策或条款。为了触发它,需要激活所述法律文件的“重置确认”选项。', + 'Legal Update' => '法律更新', + 'Logout' => '登出', + 'Minimum age' => '最低年龄', + 'More information: {link}' => '更多信息: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => '页面语言:', + 'Page:' => '页:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => '隐私政策', + 'Proceed' => '', + 'Reset confirmation' => '重设确认', + 'Reset successful!' => '重置成功!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => '显示年龄验证{age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '', + 'Terms and Conditions' => '条款和条件', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '此页面已添加到页脚导航和注册过程中。您可以为每种可用的语言添加不同的文本。', + 'Title' => '标题', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => '如果合法文本在用户语言中不可用,将用作默认值。', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => '如果无法使用用户的语言提供合法文本,则将用作默认值。', ]; diff --git a/messages/zh-TW/base.php b/messages/zh-TW/base.php index 0ee4a93..bda4806 100644 --- a/messages/zh-TW/base.php +++ b/messages/zh-TW/base.php @@ -1,64 +1,63 @@ '(已禁用-请以默认语言添加内容!)', - 'External Link' => '外部連結', - 'Legal module - administration' => '法律模組 - 管理', - 'Accept' => '接受', - 'Accept button label' => '接受按鈕的標籤', - 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '在所有貼文和留言內的外部連結前方加上提醒標誌', - 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '在頁面上添加一個遮罩提醒用戶有關Cookie的運用。您可以為每一個可用的語言添加不同的文本。', - 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => '您真的確定嗎? 在繼續之前請先儲存變更!', - 'Box content' => '包装盒内含物', - 'Box language:' => '装箱语言:', - 'Configuration' => '設定', - 'Content' => '内容', - 'Cookie notification' => 'Cookie追蹤提示', - 'Delete my account including my personal data' => '刪除我的帳戶,包含我的個人資料', - 'Edit this page' => '編輯這個頁面', - 'Enabled pages and features' => '啟用的頁面和功能', - 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => '要创建新帐户,请在创建个人资料后立即全屏显示页面', - 'Go back' => '返回', - 'Got it!' => '了解!', - 'I am older than {age} years' => '我的年紀大於{age}歲', - 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => '我已經充分閱讀且同意網站隱私政策', - 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => '我已經充分閱讀且同意網站使用條款', - 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '如果您更新了隱私權政策,则可以使用“重置确认”选项来通知您的用户并邀请他们同意。', - 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '如果您更新条款和条件,则可以使用“重置确认”-选项来通知您的用户并邀请他们同意。', - 'Imprint' => '法律聲明', - 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => '通知用户您已更改了隐私政策或条款。为了触发它,需要激活所述法律文件的“重置确认”选项。', - 'Legal Update' => '法律更新', - 'Logout' => '登出', - 'Minimum age' => '最低年齡', - 'More information: {link}' => '更多參考資訊: {link}', - 'Page language:' => '頁面語言:', - 'Page:' => '頁面:', - 'Privacy Policy' => '隱私權政策', - 'Proceed' => '繼續', - 'Reset confirmation' => '確認重設', - 'Reset successful!' => '重設成功!', - 'Show age verification {age}' => '顯示年齡驗證{age}', - 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '在所有貼文和留言內的外部連結跳出提示視窗', - 'Terms and Conditions' => '使用條款', - 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '此連結會將您引導到外部網站。您確定要繼續嗎?', - 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '此頁面已經添加到用戶註冊流程以及每一頁的網站頁尾導航列。您可以為每一個可用的語言添加不同的文本。', - 'Title' => '標題', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => '如果合法文本在用户语言中不可用,将用作默认值。', - 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => '如果无法使用用户的语言提供合法文本,则将用作默认值。', - 'Personal Data Export' => '', - 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Data Package is generating...' => '', - 'Default language' => '', - 'Delete Package' => '', - 'Download Package' => '', - 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', - 'Export personal data' => '', - 'Generate Package' => '', - 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', - 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', - 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', - 'The package has been deleted.' => '', - 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', - 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + '(Disabled - please add content in default language!)' => '(已禁用-请以默认语言添加内容!)', + 'External Link' => '外部連結', + 'Legal module - administration' => '法律模組 - 管理', + 'Personal Data Export' => '', + 'Accept' => '接受', + 'Accept button label' => '接受按鈕的標籤', + 'Add notice icons before external links in Posts and Comments' => '在所有貼文和留言內的外部連結前方加上提醒標誌', + 'Adds an overlay which informs the users about the use of cookies. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '在頁面上添加一個遮罩提醒用戶有關Cookie的運用。您可以為每一個可用的語言添加不同的文本。', + 'After clicking "Generate Package", the Personal Data Package will begin to generate. The package is in JSON format. Please note that collecting all of the data may take some time. While the package is being generated, you can continue using the app. Please check back later to see if the package is ready. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Are you really sure? Please save changes before proceed!' => '您真的確定嗎? 在繼續之前請先儲存變更!', + 'Box content' => '包装盒内含物', + 'Box language:' => '装箱语言:', + 'Configuration' => '設定', + 'Content' => '内容', + 'Cookie notification' => 'Cookie追蹤提示', + 'Data Package is generating...' => '', + 'Default language' => '預設語言', + 'Delete Package' => '', + 'Delete my account including my personal data' => '刪除我的帳戶,包含我的個人資料', + 'Download Package' => '', + 'Edit this page' => '編輯這個頁面', + 'Enable Personal Data Export (Experimental)' => '', + 'Enabled pages and features' => '啟用的頁面和功能', + 'Export personal data' => '', + 'For new account creation, show pages in full screen just after profile creation' => '要创建新帐户,请在创建个人资料后立即全屏显示页面', + 'Generate Package' => '', + 'Go back' => '返回', + 'Got it!' => '了解!', + 'I am older than {age} years' => '我的年紀大於{age}歲', + 'I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy' => '我已經充分閱讀且同意網站隱私政策', + 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions' => '我已經充分閱讀且同意網站使用條款', + 'If you update your Privacy Policy you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '如果您更新了隱私權政策,则可以使用“重置确认”选项来通知您的用户并邀请他们同意。', + 'If you update your Terms and Conditions you can use the „Reset confirmation“-Option to inform your users and invite them to reagree. ' => '如果您更新条款和条件,则可以使用“重置确认”-选项来通知您的用户并邀请他们同意。', + 'Imprint' => '法律聲明', + 'Informs the users that you have changed your Privacy Policy or your Terms and Conditions. In order to trigger it, the „Reset confirmation“-Option of said legal documents need to be activated.' => '通知用户您已更改了隐私政策或条款。为了触发它,需要激活所述法律文件的“重置确认”选项。', + 'Legal Update' => '法律更新', + 'Logout' => '登出', + 'Minimum age' => '最低年齡', + 'More information: {link}' => '更多參考資訊: {link}', + 'Number of days the downloadable data package will be retained before deletion' => '', + 'Page language:' => '頁面語言:', + 'Page:' => '頁面:', + 'Personal Data Package is available for download. The package will be deleted after {countDays} days.' => '', + 'Personal Data Package is being generated. Please check back later.' => '', + 'Privacy Policy' => '隱私權政策', + 'Proceed' => '繼續', + 'Reset confirmation' => '確認重設', + 'Reset successful!' => '重設成功!', + 'Show age verification {age}' => '顯示年齡驗證{age}', + 'Show notice modal on external links in Posts and Comments' => '在所有貼文和留言內的外部連結跳出提示視窗', + 'Terms and Conditions' => '使用條款', + 'The exporting of your data has been started, please wait some time.' => '', + 'The package has been deleted.' => '', + 'This link leads to an external website. Would you like to proceed?' => '此連結會將您引導到外部網站。您確定要繼續嗎?', + 'This page is added to the footer navigation and the registration process. You can add a different text for every available language.' => '此頁面已經添加到用戶註冊流程以及每一頁的網站頁尾導航列。您可以為每一個可用的語言添加不同的文本。', + 'Title' => '標題', + 'To enable the user data export, please enable the REST API module.' => '', + 'When enabled, users can download their Personal Data from the network. Please note that only data from supported modules will be exported, and even within these modules, some data might not be included. The package is in JSON format.' => '', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the users language.' => '如果合法文本在用户语言中不可用,将用作默认值。', + 'Will be used as default, if the legal texts are not available in the user‘s language.' => '如果无法使用用户的语言提供合法文本,则将用作默认值。', ];