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682 lines (526 loc) · 24.3 KB
  • Start Date: 2013-01-23
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


Stabilise the std::rand module by focusing it on a smaller set of functionality, moving "fancy" functionality to a crate.


The std::rand module provides various facilities for working with random numbers and randomness in general. This is a surprisingly sensitive topic, with different use cases. std does not aim to completely satisfy everything, but rather aims to provide a minimal set of functionality that tries to be simple and straightforward without restricting people building on it, and this reasoning extends to std::rand.

A major area of use for randomness is cryptography where the recommended approach is to use the operating system if at all possible. There is no particular reason for std::rand to deviate from this. However, other uses of randomness (e.g. simulations) do not need the cryptographical strength, and prefer the much improved performance one can get from using a weaker RNG. Similarly, a use-case like seeding a hashmap to avoid algorithmic complexity DoS attacks does not require a (possibly expensive) call into the operating system for every HashMap::new() call; a high-quality user-space RNG with an unpredictable seed (e.g. from the OS) is almost certainly good enough.

To justify the inclusion of non-OS interfaces, the following benchmark was run on my Linux 3.16 system (before the getrandom(2) syscall was added):

extern crate test;

use std::rand::{Rng,OsRng,ChaChaRng};

fn os(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
    let mut rng = OsRng::new().unwrap();
    let mut buf = [0; 1000];
    b.iter(|| {
        rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf)

fn chacha(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
    let mut rng = ChaChaRng::new_unseeded();
    let mut buf = [0; 1000];
    b.iter(|| {
        rng.fill_bytes(&mut buf);

Results with -O:

running 2 tests
test chacha ... bench:      4495 ns/iter (+/- 140)
test os     ... bench:     73136 ns/iter (+/- 6551)

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 2 measured

NB. the above (only 16× slower) is actually the case when OsRng is going to perform best: reading a large chunk of bytes in one go. Changing the .fill_bytes call to .gen::<u32>() makes OsRng 250× slower than ChaChaRng.

Relevant links for this RFC:

Cryptographic security

The only interface that will be recommended as cryptographically secure will be the RNG that interfaces with the operating system. This will be crystal clear in the documentation.

Detailed design

The stable-at-1.0 parts of the module will essentially just consist of 2 traits (plus one extension trait) and 3 RNG algorithms (plus one wrapper).


std::rand will include the following generic set-up;

/// Things that can be created randomly, where the creation can be
/// mediated by information contained in `Data`.
trait Random<Data = FullRange> {
    /// Create a random value of type `Self`
    fn random<R: ?Sized + Rng>(data: Data, rng: &mut R) -> Self;

// Example:

// create a raw u8 with no restriction.
impl Random<FullRange> for u8 {

// create a u8 between the bounds of range (same exclusivity properties as usual)
impl Random<Range<u8>> for u8 {

/// Random number generator.
trait Rng: io::Reader {
    /// Generate/fetch the next `u32` (no range restriction)
    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 { ... }

    /// Generate/fetch the next `u64` (no range restriction)
    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 { ... }
    /// Generate/fetch the next `f32` in the range [0,1)
    fn next_f32(&mut self) -> f32 { ... }
    /// Generate/fetch the next `f64` in the range [0,1)
    fn next_f64(&mut self) -> f64 { ... }

impl<'a, T: ?Sized + Rng> Rng for &'a mut T {}
impl<T: ?Sized + Rng> Rng for Box<T> {}

/// Basic extension functionality to ensure that `Rng` is object-safe.
trait RngExt {
    fn gen<T, D>(&mut self, data: D) -> T where T: Random<D> { ... }

    /// Return an iterator that generates an infinite sequence of random values of type `T`.
    fn gen_iter<T, D>(self, data: D) -> Generator<T, D, Self> where T: Random<D> { ... }

    /// Randomize the order of the elements of `values`
    fn shuffle<T>(&mut self, values: &mut [T]) { ... }
    /// Select `n` values uniformly at random from the iterator.
    fn sample<I: Iterator>(&mut self, n: uint, values: I) -> Vec<I::Item> { ... }

impl<T: Rng> RngExt for T {}

As today, the relationship between output of the various methods of Rng, and between them and the output of the io::Reader implementation is unspecified.

The Random trait

The change to Random (currently Rand) is motivated by allowing gen and gen_range to be unified, what was previously rng.gen_range(a, b) can become rng.gen(a..b). However, this makes the non-ranged generation slightly more complicated/"magic incantation"-y: rng.gen(..) (this relies on having explicit syntax for FullRange, per RFC 702).

The convention for using FullRange for unrestricted generation may seem peculiar for types that don't have any concept of ranges, e.g. creating a randomly seeded RNG, but the consistency and "vagueness" of .. likely means this is OK.

(NB. general discussion, non-normative) This approach allows us to naturally leverage any "range combinators" used elsewhere, e.g. inclusive endpoints, and so remove the need for the Closed01 and Open01 types. It also allows us to implement Random for e.g. Vec, say, rng.gen::<Vec<u8>>(10..20) would create a vector of some length between 10 and 20 and fill it with u8s.


The deriving mode will be removed from the compiler, or at least, disabled on the stable channel; it can be rarely used since most data types have some restriction on their values and/or non-trivial relationships between them, which a derived Random implementation can do nothing to preserve.


Call it Rand as it is today.

Not introduce the Data parameter. This would be simpler for this trait, but require duplication elsewhere.

Have either Self or Data be associated types. This would require more proxy types since e.g. the following is illegal:

impl Random for u8 {
    type Data = FullRange;
    // ...
impl Random for u8 {
    type Data = Range<u8>;
    // ...

The Rng trait

This trait represent random number generators, it is mostly provided for expressing intent, and for optimisation purposes over a plain Reader.

It is expected and recommended that types implementing Rng are uniform random number generators (or random bit generators), that is, they abstractly generate a sequence of bitswhere each bit:

  • has equal probability of being either 0 or 1,
  • is independent of all other bits.

(NB, these bits may be generated in groups of 32 as u32s, but the output can still be regarded, most fundamentally, as a stream of bits.)

Other functions will be assuming these properties to give sensible answers (e.g. shuffle and sample) but there's no way any function can rely on them and cause unsafety only when violated, so this is not overly problematic.

Currently this trait is not object safe, but like Iterator and Reader (etc.) it may be desirable to abstract over many different RNG types, so making it object safe is desirable.

The methods provided are all optional, implemented in terms of Reader::read, e.g. as a sketch (no error handling)

fn read_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
    let mut buf = [0u8; 4]; buf);

    ((buf[0] as u32) << 24) |
    ((buf[1] as u32) << 16) |
    ((buf[2] as u32) << 8) |
    ((buf[3] as u32) << 0)

They are provided because most RNG types naturally generate one of u32, u64, f32 or f64. Using the Reader implementation directly to retrieve one of these types (or a value that builds on these types) will have to convert from the natural type into bytes and then from bytes back to the natural type, and so providing these methods (which Random implementations can call) removes this overhead.

The choice of these 4 types to specialize to is designed to tailor to the simulation use-case (many cryptographic uses will be quite happy with the bytes interface provided by Reader). Those types are the most prominent in simulations, and there are generators that produce values of those types directly. However, many generators can efficiently produce more that this, e.g. the ChaCha algorithm can very naturally produce 128-bit i32x4 SIMD vectors (and equally naturally produce up to 512-bit AVX512 vectors), and dSFMT naturally generates f64x2 vectors. Future algorithms are likely to be designed for use with SIMD so it may be desirable to provide some way to special case more than just those 4 types.

These methods are optional, and users are recommended to call RngExt::gen instead of these, so they are tentatively marked unstable in case an alternative approach is devised (they could also just be stabilised as is, since it is presumably desirable for the current four types to be efficient; any other types that we find that need this sort overloading can be added as default methods in future).


Inherit from Iterator<u32> instead of Reader, replacing next_u32 with a substitute for read (the current Rng calls it fill_bytes). Most PRNG algorithms will find it annoying to implement Reader (they are defined in terms of u32 or larger, not bytes), and, to retain efficiency, there may be some surprising behaviour with Reader, e.g.

let mut a = [0, 0]; a);

let mut b = [0, 0]; b[0..1]); b[1..2]);

will give different results. That said, this is inherently expected with randomness: a true random number generator can not be relied on at all.

The RngExt trait

RngExt provides basic useful functionality on RNG. Users will almost always want to use this trait (not Rng) into scope.

self.gen(data) is a thin wrapper around Random::random as exists today, i.e. Random::random(data, self).

rng.gen_iter(data) returns an infinite iterator of random values, so that for x in rng.gen_iter::<T>(data) { ... } is like loop { let x = rng.gen::<T>(data); ... }. This method is unusual and consumes self so that the returned value is maximally flexible, e.g. it can be returned from the stack frame in which the RNG is created (currently it takes &'a mut self and returns a Generator<'a, ...), however non-consuming behaviour can be achieved by using the implementation of Rng for &mut R R: Rng.

rng.shuffle(values) reorders the data in values: &mut [T]. If rng is a properly uniform RNG then any particular ordering occurs with probability 1/values.len()!. This method could be more general: the restriction for the values to be contiguous in memory ([T]) is not necessary (e.g. it could perfectly well reorder the elements of a RingBuf), but std does not have the required abstraction to make it generic now. However, it is likely that it could be made generic in future, backwards-compatibly.

The last methods is rng.sample(n, values) which just selects at most n values uniformly at random out of the finite iterator values, that is, semantically equivalent to

// get all possible values
let mut data = values.collect::<Vec<_>>();
// rearrange them
rng.shuffle(&mut data[]);
// ignore everything but the first `n`
return data;

The current Rng trait has three pieces of functionality that will be removed (or at least made unstable):

  • rng.gen_weight_bool(n), this is trivially rng.gen(0..n) == 0.
  • rng.gen_ascii_chars(), this seems relatively specialised, and the full range can be simulated with rng.gen_iter('0'..'{') (NB. { is the char after z, necessary due to exclusivity of the RHS) which unfortunately picks up some punctuation in the middle, but most use cases will be perfectly well served by just rng.gen_iter('a'..'{'). We could also provide extra implementations, such as struct PrintableAscii; impl Random<PrintableAscii> for char, allowing rng.gen_iter(PrintableAscii).
  • rng.choose(slice), this is slice.get(rng.gen(0..slice.len())). Its signature of fn choose<T>(&self, &[T]) -> Option<&T> seems insufficiently general to be worth including, given how simple it is to reimplement.


This trait doesn't need to exist, everything could be free functions in the rand module.

There could be a fn by_ref<'a>(&'a mut self) -> ByRef<'a, Self> function, like occurs for iterators and in IO, to provide a real type backing up impl<'a, T: ?Sized + Rng> Rng for &'a mut T {}.

Free functions

Top level convenience functions are provided:

fn thread_rng() -> ThreadRng {
    // fetch the cached RNG from TLS, or create it if it doesn't exist

fn random<T: Random<D>, D>(data: D) -> T {


There is valid concern that the choice of RNGs described below leaves users looking at jargony names for RNGs, which no particularly obvious default choice; possibly leading to poor selection. Functions like:

fn secure_rng() -> OsRng { ... }
fn balanced_rng() -> ChaChaRng { ... }
fn weak_rng() -> XorShiftRng { ... }

could be provided to give some guidance. As a counterpoint, the collections library does not provide ordered_map() -> BTreeMap, unordered_map() -> HashMap.

Error handling

As it stands, there is no error handling at all, which is unfortunate. Most PRNGs do not have any error conditions (some define reaching the end of the sequence and repeating as an error), but the interface with the operating system may.

Reconciling this is similar to IO error handling, where some readers and writers are guaranteed to not return errors (e.g. reading from memory). This consideration is postponed until the design in RFC 576 is definite, but it would likely be along the lines of making each function return Result<..., <Self as Reader>::Error>. instead of just .... This may have unfortunate ergonomic impact, and may be more complicated if building on Iterator<u32>.

Provided RNGs

The module will provide 3 basic algorithms to try to provide more clarity:

  • OsRng, a "true" random number generator calling into the operating system,
  • XorshiftRng, an xorshift random number generator (or one of the variations), for extremely high performance random numbers,
  • ChaChaRng, a ChaCha random number generator, for "secure" user-space random numbers.



An unbuffered wrapper around the best available operating system primitive, e.g.

  • CryptGenRandom on Windows,
  • getrandom(2) on recent Linux versions,
  • /dev/urandom on OSX, BSD, and older linux versions.

(See the current std::rand docs for more info and discussion about this, particularly /dev/urandom. NB. to future readers, the information will still be available in the docs after this RFC lands, but may have moved.)

The lack of buffering by default means every call will interact with the operating system, making it very slow; but this is the only way that the RFC author is comfortable to call it cryptographically secure, adding complications is risky e.g. naively buffering would not be cryptographically secure due to fork sharing memory.

This kind of functionality is sometimes called "random device", as a possible alternative name.


Only two user-space pseudo-random number generators are provided: ChaCha and Xorshift.

This specifically means the ISAAC and ISAAC64 implementations will be moved out of std::rand. Compared to ISAAC*, the ChaCha RNG is much simpler, has had deeper cryptanalysis and is designed with SIMD optimisations in mind so is more suited to being part of a standard library.

These two types can be deterministically seeded and would expose this functionality as inherent methods (not trait implementations), and would implement Random to "optimally" randomly seed themselves from another source of randomness.

For example, the stable public interface for ChaChaRng (and XorShiftRng) will look like:

pub struct ChaChaRng { ... }

impl ChaChaRng {
    pub fn from_seed(seed: &[u32]) -> ChaChaRng { ... } // seed: [u32; 4] for XorshiftRng

impl Random<FullRange> for ChaChaRng {
impl Reader for ChaChaRng {
impl Rng for ChaChaRng {

These names are chosen to be somewhat vague: ChaChaRng is actually, currently, an implementation of the ChaCha20 algorithm, but the "20" value could be able to be customised backwards-compatibly in future, with default type parameters. (Similarly Xorshift is strictly Xorshift128, but has parameters that could be tweaked.) E.g. in hypothetical syntax

struct ChaChaRng<static N: u32 = 20> {
    /* state */
let default: ChaChaRng = ...;
let faster: ChaChaRng<8> = ...;


As per the Alternatives section of the free functions discussion, these could be named SecureRng, BalancedRng and WeakRng (or have wrapper types of those names). However, the precedent is to not do this, both in other parts of the Rust library (e.g. collections) and in other random libraries, e.g. C++11's random and D's std.random both use the algorithms' names.

Note, XorShiftRng is renamed to XorshiftRng since the "Xorshift" capitalisation is the correct one.

Thread RNG

There will be one other RNG-implementer: the thread RNG. This RNG is stored in thread-local storage (TLS) to avoid having to reinitialise it each time, it will be defined something like

struct ThreadRngInner {
    inner: ChaChaRng,
    generated_entropy: usize,
pub struct ThreadRng {
    inner: Rc<RefCell<ThreadRngInner>>

so that the internal state is shared between all instances of the random number generator.

The generated_entropy field will record the number of bytes output by the RNG, and the whole ThreadRng will be reseeded from the operating system once this passes a certain threshold.


Do not regularly reseed from the operating system: only the OS RNG is designed for use in cryptographic circumstances and so the overhead may not be useful. Also, reseeding like this restricts the ability for a program to have forcibly deterministic execution by seeding the ThreadRng. Changing this is backwards compatible.

This may make more sense to exist in std::thread or std::thread_local.

Alternatives (for "Provided RNGs")

Repeating Rng in ever name may not be necessary, a scheme like the following may be interesting:

  • Os, RandomDevice, Secure, SecureRng (or just OsRng)
  • ChaCha
  • Xorshift, XorShift
  • std::rand::ThreadLocal (a little confusing), std::thread_local::Rng

We currently provide a StdRng type as an alias for another generator, this type disappears in this RFC, but could be reintroduced as a direct wrapper for ChaChaRng.

Copy and Clone

Duplicating a random number generator can lead to generating correlated sequences of random numbers, which may not be a good idea.

Random number generators should only implement Copy if copied values generate independent/uncorrelated sequences. Notably, this does not apply to PRNGs where the full internal state is stored inline, where copied values will have duplicated the state and hence all generate exactly the same sequence. This trait is particularly dangerous due to the implicit nature of the duplication.

Random number generators can implement Clone in a way that duplicates the state and causes identical/correlated sequences. In fact, having identical sequences is likely one of the most valuable uses of this, to e.g. replay/re-record failing test runs. (D's std.random offers save on many RNGs for this purpose, and C++'s <random> has copy constructors implemented for most types.)


Provide a non-generic way to duplicate an RNG, e.g. a manual fn save(&self) on each type. This gets annoying if the RNG has to be used in generic code in any way, although it is somewhat questionable if generic code duplicating an RNG is correct (that said, it could just be code that is generic over different RNG types, e.g. a general framework for rerunning/recording tests as mentioned above).


Moved from the standard library into a package.


The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of things which are explicitly not included in this cut-down version of std::rand:

  • Generically handling RNGs more deeply, e.g.:
    • Seeding
    • Splitting RNGs to run in parallel, uncorrelatedly
    • Fast-forwarding/rewinding (e.g. ChaChaRng provides set_counter to jump around in the output sequence, and it can be done efficiently with XorShiftRng via matrix exponentiation.)
  • Many common and historical RNG algorithms, e.g. MT19937, linear congruence RNGs.
  • "RNG adaptors" like discard_block_engine, independent_bits_engine in C++11's random header.
  • Detecting process forks and providing user-space RNGs the tools to deal with it. A PRNG (almost always) stores its entire state in memory, and a forked process will receive a copy of this state, meaning the RNG in the main process and the one in the forked process will generate the same sequence.
  • Non-uniform random numbers (e.g. what will have been std::rand::distributions)


  • Losing functionality is sad.
  • gen_iter(a..b) (i.e. explicit end-points) will be surprisingly inefficient for integers: to ensure uniformity and avoid bias and maintain efficiency it has to approximately do rejection sampling (after some precomputation). The author cannot see a way that this can be addressed for the .. notation specifically without introducing more complexity (e.g. provide a way to generate a "cached" version of the precomputation which can then be used for generating every value in the iterator).
  • gen_iter taking by value may encourage users to call rng.clone().gen_iter() instead of (&mut rng).gen_iter() if they need it to not be consumed.


Listed inline.

Unresolved questions

  • Both C++ and D use 'engine' instead of 'generator', but literature generally seems to use 'generator'. Which term suits Rust best? The author(s) of C++'s <random> suggests "random bit generator" (Rbg), although this seems quite non-standard.

  • Is Random taking a type parameter in the form that it does worth the complications?

  • Should rng.gen::<f64>(..) i.e. "FullRange" really only be [0,1)? (This is very strongly the convention for the default floating-point generation range.)

  • Is the exclusivity of the RHS of the .. syntax too confusing for types like char?

  • Does it really make sense for RNGs to be Clone?

  • Maybe this RFC conflates pure randomness (i.e. random bits) and distributions/random variates with the Data parameter to Random, see the "RBG" paper for info on that too.

  • There's the possibility that methods could opt-out of object safety considerations, which would allow merging RngExt into Rng.

  • RNGs could take the std::collections approach and avoid having generic traits at all, but, a major reason for that approach with collections is that HKT is needed for good generic handling, which does not seem to be a problem here.