''' Bootstrap v3.3.7 -- HTML, CSS, and JS framework '''
Date: 01/17/2020
Project: Build A SCM Admin Bootstrap Theme From Scratch
Environment: Windows 10
Created folder E:\BOOTSTRAP-PRJ
Create a file named index.html.
(Ctrl-u to view html source. Or, prepend view-source: in front of the url) Open url: view-source:https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.4/examples/starter-./templates/ copy the source content and paste it to index.html
Go through the index.html file and delete unneccessary code; to simplify the design of the dashboard.
Create css/style.css to overide default stylesheet. Purpose, to resize the navbar making it smaller.
Use color scheme from URL: http://work.smarchal.com/twbscolor/
Most components and javascripts can be found, coppied and pasted from https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.4/customize/
Use http://cdn.ckeditor.com/ to speed up CKEditor code
Impelement backend to complete MEAN or MERN application stack.