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Message Interface


Message interface is lower-level compared to Gym interface. In fact, Gym interface is based on message interface for interprocess communication. The message interface has send and receive functions just like a typical message queue.

When there is existing struct or std::vector to be shared with Python, it's easier to employ message interface than Gym interface because you don't need to convert the data to Gym spaces. Also, both C++ and Python side access the data directly, which saves the serialization/deserialization time especially for frequent interaction.

There are two versions of the message interface: struct-based and vector-based.

  • The struct-based version allows for the transfer of structures between C++ and Python, making it ideal for handling small amounts of data.
  • The vector-based version enables the transfer of vectors between C++ and Python, making it more suitable for dealing with large amounts of data.


The following tutorial of this interface is based on the A-Plus-B example.

In A-Plus-B example, with struct-based message interface, C++ sends two numbers to Python, and Python responds to C++ with one sum. With vector-based message interface, C++ sends a vector of two numbers to Python, and Python responds to C++ with a vector of sums.

Struct-based message interface

C++ side

We have defined two structs, EnvStruct for the two numbers env_a and env_b, and ActStruct for their sum act_c that needs to be calculated:

struct EnvStruct
    uint32_t env_a;
    uint32_t env_b;

struct ActStruct
    uint32_t act_c;

Start by acquiring a message interface:

Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct> *msgInterface =
    Ns3AiMsgInterface::Get()->GetInterface<EnvStruct, ActStruct>();

The above lines sets some attributes for the message interface:

  • SetIsMemoryCreator: Controls whether or not this side initializes the interface. Because the shared memory is a named region, after the creator initializes the segment with a unique name, the other side can access the segment with that name.
  • SetUseVector: Controls whether to use std::vector or not.
  • SetHandleFinish: Controls whether or not a simple protocol is enabled, which notifies Python side when C++ side interface is destroyed (possibly due to ns-3 program exit). This is useful for all applications using the message interface, because Python side is always unaware of simulation ending. For Gym interface on top of message interface, this function should not be enabled because Gym interface has its own protocol dealing with simulation ending.

Because shared memory segment is created by Python side, the C++ side interface won't create it. We use struct rather than vector, and the message interface requires the protocol dealing with simulation ending. Therefore, the settings should be false, false and true.

After settings, the message interface instance is obtained with GetInterface template function, with EnvStruct and ActStruct as template arguments. It is singleton-based, so changing the settings and getting another interface in one process is not possible.

Then, interact with Python (some initialization code is skipped). The interface is simple and intuitive. To set temp_a and temp_b into shared memory, just write them into the structure obtained by GetCpp2PyStruct. To get the sum, just read from the structure obtained by GetPy2CppStruct.

std::cout << "set: ";
uint32_t temp_a = distrib(gen);
uint32_t temp_b = distrib(gen);
std::cout << temp_a << "," << temp_b << ";";
msgInterface->GetCpp2PyStruct()->env_a = temp_a;
msgInterface->GetCpp2PyStruct()->env_b = temp_b;
std::cout << "\n";

std::cout << "get: ";
std::cout << msgInterface->GetPy2CppStruct()->act_c;
std::cout << "\n";

Note that before and after read or write, several synchronization functions are needed. CppSendBegin and CppSendEnd are for sending to Python, and CppRecvBegin and CppRecvEnd are for receiving from Python. There are similar functions for Python side. These functions are based on semaphore, which requires strict sequence. If C++ side is receiving at the beginning, then Python side must be sending at the beginning. The OSTEP book has a good introduction of semaphores.

Python side

Python side interface is a binding of the C++ side interface. Python binding means the Python side reuses the C++ code to have the same capabilities as C++. Because the C++ code is template-based, Python binding varies with the data structure that is being shared, and every example is unique.

The bindings in ns3-ai is created with pybind11. For detailed instructions on writing Python bindings, check out pybind11 documentation. However, most bindings have similar style and fixed components. A Plus B's binding code is a good boilerplate, you can just modify a few lines and apply to another program.

Basically, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare the Python module to create. In this example, ns3ai_apb_py_stru will be the import name of the binding module.
PYBIND11_MODULE(ns3ai_apb_py_stru, m) {
  1. Bind the structures. Every item that Python may access (not necessarily all items) need to be mentioned in the code. The names in Python can be different from that in C++. For instance, a in Python is env_a in C++.
py::class_<EnvStruct>(m, "PyEnvStruct")
    .def_readwrite("a", &EnvStruct::env_a)
    .def_readwrite("b", &EnvStruct::env_b);

py::class_<ActStruct>(m, "PyActStruct")
    .def_readwrite("c", &ActStruct::act_c);
  1. Bind the C++ class. Every function or member that Python may use (not necessarily all) need to be mentioned in the binding code. In this binding, C++-only methods such as CppSendBegin is excluded because Python side never use it.
py::class_<ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>>(m, "Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl")
    .def(py::init<bool, bool, bool, uint32_t, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*>())
         &ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::PyRecvBegin)
         &ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::PyRecvEnd)
         &ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::PySendBegin)
         &ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::PySendEnd)
         &ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::PyGetFinished)
         &ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::GetCpp2PyStruct,
         &ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::GetPy2CppStruct,

To reuse this binding code on another example using struct-based message interface, you only need to change the module name, structure content and the template parameters.

Note: The binding module is configured by CMake to generate Python-compatible shared library at the source directory, rather than adding a Python module. Therefore, the Python script importing the binding should be also located in the source directory.

In the A-Plus-B Python script, import the binding module and Experiment object from ns3ai_utils module, and acquire the message interface:

import ns3ai_apb_py_stru as py_binding
from ns3ai_utils import Experiment

exp = Experiment("ns3ai_apb_msg_stru", "../../../../../", py_binding,
msgInterface =

The initialization of Experiment creates a region of shared memory according to the options given. The first three parameters are:

  • targetName: Cmake target name of the executable.
  • ns3Path: Relative path to get to the ns3 script.
  • msgModule: Alias of the Python binding module.

In the keyword option part, handleFinish=True is given, like C++ side. By default, using vector is turned off.

The starts the ns3 script subprocess and its C++ subprocess which do the simulation. The message interface is returned for data transfer and synchronization, and the APIs are very similar to C++ side:

# receive from C++ side
if msgInterface.PyGetFinished():
# calculate the sum
temp = msgInterface.GetCpp2PyStruct().a + msgInterface.GetCpp2PyStruct().b

# send to C++ side
msgInterface.GetPy2CppStruct().c = temp

Most Python scripts in ns3-ai examples adopts the try ... except ... else ... finally ... syntax, in order for better exception handling and proper cleaning before exit. To clean Experiment instances, just explicitly call del:

    print("Finally exiting...")
    del exp

Vector-based message interface

Unlike the other two versions, this vector-based version of A-Plus-B example demonstrates the sharing of numbers and their sums using std::vector.

C++ side

Start with this setting, which turns on the vector usage.

Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct> *msgInterface =
    Ns3AiMsgInterface::Get()->GetInterface<EnvStruct, ActStruct>();

Then, interact with Python (some initialization code is skipped). The interface is simple and intuitive. To set temp_as and temp_bs into shared memory, just write them into the vector obtained by GetCpp2PyVector. To get the sums, just read from the vector obtained by GetPy2CppVector.

std::cout << "set: ";
for (int j = 0; j < APB_SIZE; ++j) {
    uint32_t temp_a = distrib(gen);
    uint32_t temp_b = distrib(gen);
    std::cout << temp_a << "," << temp_b << ";";
    msgInterface->GetCpp2PyVector()->at(j).env_a = temp_a;
    msgInterface->GetCpp2PyVector()->at(j).env_b = temp_b;
std::cout << "\n";

std::cout << "get: ";
for (ActStruct j: *msgInterface->GetPy2CppVector()) {
    std::cout << j.act_c << ";";
std::cout << "\n";

The synchronization method of the vector version is the same as that of struct-based version.

Python side

Binding vectors is different from binding structs, but the binding code is again a boilerplate and can be easily reused in other projects.

There are two major additions compared to the previous struct-based binding:

  1. Opaque vectors: use the macro PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE to treat vectors as references instead of copying them to Python side, making Python module faster.
PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::Cpp2PyMsgVector);
  1. Vector binding: essential methods such as resize, __len__ and __getitem__ needs to be implemented.
py::class_<ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::Cpp2PyMsgVector>(m, "PyEnvVector")
    .def("resize", static_cast
         <void (ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::Cpp2PyMsgVector::*)
              (ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::Cpp2PyMsgVector::size_type)>
         (&ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::Cpp2PyMsgVector::resize))
    .def("__len__", &ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::Cpp2PyMsgVector::size)
    .def("__getitem__", [](ns3::Ns3AiMsgInterfaceImpl<EnvStruct, ActStruct>::Cpp2PyMsgVector&vec, uint32_t i) -> EnvStruct & {
        if (i >= vec.size()) {
            std::cerr << "Invalid index " << i << " for vector, whose size is " << vec.size() << std::endl;
    }, py::return_value_policy::reference)

In the Python script, import the binding module and Experiment object from ns3ai_utils module, and acquire the message interface:

exp = Experiment("ns3ai_apb_msg_vec", "../../../../../", py_binding,
                 handleFinish=True, useVector=True, vectorSize=APB_SIZE)
msgInterface =

This time the useVector=True option must be specified, because useVector defaults to False. The vectorSize=APB_SIZE option sets the length that the vector will be resized to.

Interact with C++ side:

# receive from C++ side
if msgInterface.PyGetFinished():

# send to C++ side
for i in range(len(msgInterface.GetCpp2PyVector())):
    # calculate the sums
    msgInterface.GetPy2CppVector()[i].c = msgInterface.GetCpp2PyVector()[i].a + msgInterface.GetCpp2PyVector()[i].b

PySendBegin is called before PyRecvEnd for the convenience of saving a temp variable. This won't cause errors because C++ is not posting on the semaphore m_py2cppEmptyCount which PySendBegin is waiting until PySendEnd completes.

Remember to destroy the interface:

    print("Finally exiting...")
    del exp