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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/pages/public/assets/logo_aflplusplus.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69b3ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/aflplusplus/FAQ.md
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+status: collected
+title: "Frequently asked questions (FAQ)"
+author: AFLplusplus Community
+collector: Souls-R
+collected_date: 20240827
+link: https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus/blob/stable/docs/FAQ.md
+# Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
+If you find an interesting or important question missing, submit it via
+## General
+ What is the difference between AFL and AFL++?
+ AFL++ is a superior fork to Google's AFL - more speed, more and better
+ mutations, more and better instrumentation, custom module support, etc.
+ American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) was developed by MichaĆ "lcamtuf" Zalewski starting
+ in 2013/2014, and when he left Google end of 2017 he stopped developing it.
+ At the end of 2019, the Google fuzzing team took over maintenance of AFL,
+ however, it is only accepting PRs from the community and is not developing
+ enhancements anymore.
+ In the second quarter of 2019, 1 1/2 years later, when no further development
+ of AFL had happened and it became clear there would none be coming, AFL++ was
+ born, where initially community patches were collected and applied for bug
+ fixes and enhancements. Then from various AFL spin-offs - mostly academic
+ research - features were integrated. This already resulted in a much advanced
+ AFL.
+ Until the end of 2019, the AFL++ team had grown to four active developers
+ which then implemented their own research and features, making it now by far
+ the most flexible and feature rich guided fuzzer available as open source. And
+ in independent fuzzing benchmarks it is one of the best fuzzers available,
+ e.g.,
+ [Fuzzbench Report](https://www.fuzzbench.com/reports/2020-08-03/index.html).
+ Is AFL++ a whitebox, graybox, or blackbox fuzzer?
+ The definition of the terms whitebox, graybox, and blackbox fuzzing varies
+ from one source to another. For example, "graybox fuzzing" could mean
+ binary-only or source code fuzzing, or something completely different.
+ Therefore, we try to avoid them.
+ [The Fuzzing Book](https://www.fuzzingbook.org/html/GreyboxFuzzer.html#AFL:-An-Effective-Greybox-Fuzzer)
+ describes the original AFL to be a graybox fuzzer. In that sense, AFL++ is
+ also a graybox fuzzer.
+ Where can I find tutorials?
+ We compiled a list of tutorials and exercises, see
+ [tutorials.md](tutorials.md).
+ What is an "edge"?
+ A program contains `functions`, `functions` contain the compiled machine code.
+ The compiled machine code in a `function` can be in a single or many `basic
+ blocks`. A `basic block` is the **largest possible number of subsequent machine
+ code instructions** that has **exactly one entry point** (which can be be entered by
+ multiple other basic blocks) and runs linearly **without branching or jumping to
+ other addresses** (except at the end).
+ ```
+ function() {
+ A:
+ some
+ code
+ B:
+ if (x) goto C; else goto D;
+ C:
+ some code
+ goto E
+ D:
+ some code
+ goto B
+ E:
+ return
+ }
+ ```
+ Every code block between two jump locations is a `basic block`.
+ An `edge` is then the unique relationship between two directly connected
+ `basic blocks` (from the code example above):
+ ```
+ Block A
+ |
+ v
+ Block B <------+
+ / \ |
+ v v |
+ Block C Block D --+
+ \
+ v
+ Block E
+ ```
+ Every line between two blocks is an `edge`. Note that a few basic block loop
+ to itself, this too would be an edge.
+ Should you ever stop afl-fuzz, minimize the corpus and restart?
+ To stop afl-fuzz, minimize it's corpus and restart you would usually do:
+ ```
+ Control-C # to terminate afl-fuzz
+ $ afl-cmin -T nproc -i out/default/queue -o minimized_queue -- ./target
+ $ AFL_FAST_CAL=1 AFL_CMPLOG_ONLY_NEW=1 afl-fuzz -i minimized_queue -o out2 [other options] -- ./target
+ ```
+ If this improves fuzzing or not is debated and no consensus has been reached
+ or in-depth analysis been performed.
+ On the pro side:
+ * The queue/corpus is reduced (up to 20%) by removing intermediate paths
+ that are maybe not needed anymore.
+ On the con side:
+ * Fuzzing time is lost for the time the fuzzing is stopped, minimized and
+ restarted.
+ The the big question:
+ * Does a minimized queue/corpus improve finding new coverage or does it
+ hinder it?
+ The AFL++ team's own limited analysis seem to to show that keeping
+ intermediate paths help to find more coverage, at least for afl-fuzz.
+ For honggfuzz in comparison it is a good idea to restart it from time to
+ time if you have other fuzzers (e.g: AFL++) running in parallel to sync
+ the finds of other fuzzers to honggfuzz as it has no syncing feature like
+ AFL++ or libfuzzer.
+## Targets
+ How can I fuzz a binary-only target?
+ AFL++ is a great fuzzer if you have the source code available.
+ However, if there is only the binary program and no source code available,
+ then the standard non-instrumented mode is not effective.
+ To learn how these binaries can be fuzzed, read
+ [fuzzing_binary-only_targets.md](fuzzing_binary-only_targets.md).
+ How can I fuzz a network service?
+ The short answer is - you cannot, at least not "out of the box".
+ For more information on fuzzing network services, see
+ [best_practices.md#fuzzing-a-network-service](best_practices.md#fuzzing-a-network-service).
+ How can I fuzz a GUI program?
+ Not all GUI programs are suitable for fuzzing. If the GUI program can read the
+ fuzz data from a file without needing any user interaction, then it would be
+ suitable for fuzzing.
+ For more information on fuzzing GUI programs, see
+ [best_practices.md#fuzzing-a-gui-program](best_practices.md#fuzzing-a-gui-program).
+## Performance
+ What makes a good performance?
+ Good performance generally means "making the fuzzing results better". This can
+ be influenced by various factors, for example, speed (finding lots of paths
+ quickly) or thoroughness (working with decreased speed, but finding better
+ mutations).
+ How can I improve the fuzzing speed?
+ There are a few things you can do to improve the fuzzing speed, see
+ [best_practices.md#improving-speed](best_practices.md#improving-speed).
+ Why is my stability below 100%?
+ Stability is measured by how many percent of the edges in the target are
+ "stable". Sending the same input again and again should take the exact same
+ path through the target every time. If that is the case, the stability is
+ 100%.
+ If, however, randomness happens, e.g., a thread reading other external data,
+ reaction to timing, etc., then in some of the re-executions with the same data
+ the edge coverage result will be different across runs. Those edges that
+ change are then flagged "unstable".
+ The more "unstable" edges there are, the harder it is for AFL++ to identify
+ valid new paths.
+ If you fuzz in persistent mode (`AFL_LOOP` or `LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput()`
+ harnesses, a large number of unstable edges can mean that the target keeps
+ internal state and therefore it is possible that crashes cannot be replayed.
+ In such a case do either **not** fuzz in persistent mode (remove `AFL_LOOP()`
+ from your harness or call `LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput()` harnesses with `@@`),
+ or set a low `AFL_LOOP` value, e.g. 100, and enable `AFL_PERSISTENT_RECORD`
+ in `config.h` with the same value.
+ A value above 90% is usually fine and a value above 80% is also still ok, and
+ even a value above 20% can still result in successful finds of bugs. However,
+ it is recommended that for values below 90% or 80% you should take
+ countermeasures to improve stability.
+ For more information on stability and how to improve the stability value, see
+ [best_practices.md#improving-stability](best_practices.md#improving-stability).
+ What are power schedules?
+ Not every item in our queue/corpus is the same, some are more interesting,
+ others provide little value.
+ A power schedule measures how "interesting" a value is, and depending on
+ the calculated value spends more or less time mutating it.
+ AFL++ comes with several power schedules, initially ported from
+ [AFLFast](https://github.com/mboehme/aflfast), however, modified to be more
+ effective and several more modes added.
+ The most effective modes are `-p fast` (default) and `-p explore`.
+ If you fuzz with several parallel afl-fuzz instances, then it is beneficial
+ to assign a different schedule to each instance, however the majority should
+ be `fast` and `explore`.
+ It does not make sense to explain the details of the calculation and
+ reasoning behind all of the schedules. If you are interested, read the source
+ code and the AFLFast paper.
+## Troubleshooting
+ FATAL: forkserver is already up but an instrumented dlopen library loaded afterwards
+ It can happen that you see this error on startup when fuzzing a target:
+ ```
+ [-] FATAL: forkserver is already up, but an instrumented dlopen() library
+ loaded afterwards. You must AFL_PRELOAD such libraries to be able
+ to fuzz them or LD_PRELOAD to run outside of afl-fuzz.
+ To ignore this set AFL_IGNORE_PROBLEMS=1.
+ ```
+ As the error describes, a dlopen() call is happening in the target that is
+ loading an instrumented library after the forkserver is already in place. This
+ is a problem for afl-fuzz because when the forkserver is started, we must know
+ the map size already and it can't be changed later.
+ The best solution is to simply set `AFL_PRELOAD=foo.so` to the libraries that
+ are dlopen'ed (e.g., use `strace` to see which), or to set a manual forkserver
+ after the final dlopen().
+ If this is not a viable option, you can set `AFL_IGNORE_PROBLEMS=1` but then
+ the existing map will be used also for the newly loaded libraries, which
+ allows it to work, however, the efficiency of the fuzzing will be partially
+ degraded. Note that there is additionally `AFL_IGNORE_PROBLEMS_COVERAGE` to
+ additionally tell AFL++ to ignore any coverage from the late loaded libaries.
+ I got a weird compile error from clang.
+ If you see this kind of error when trying to instrument a target with
+ afl-cc/afl-clang-fast/afl-clang-lto:
+ ```
+ /prg/tmp/llvm-project/build/bin/clang-13: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/bin/../lib/afl//cmplog-instructions-pass.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK4llvm8TypeSizecvmEv
+ clang-13: error: unable to execute command: No such file or directory
+ clang-13: error: clang frontend command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation)
+ clang version 13.0.0 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project 1d7cf550721c51030144f3cd295c5789d51c4aad)
+ Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
+ Thread model: posix
+ InstalledDir: /prg/tmp/llvm-project/build/bin
+ clang-13: note: diagnostic msg:
+ ********************
+ ```
+ Then this means that your OS updated the clang installation from an upgrade
+ package and because of that the AFL++ llvm plugins do not match anymore.
+ Solution: `git pull ; make clean install` of AFL++.
+ AFL++ map size warning.
+ When you run a large instrumented program stand-alone or via afl-showmap
+ you might see a warning like the following:
+ ```
+ Warning: AFL++ tools might need to set AFL_MAP_SIZE to 223723 to be able to run this instrumented program if this crashes!
+ ```
+ Depending how the target works it might also crash afterwards.
+ Solution: just do an `export AFL_MAP_SIZE=(the value in the warning)`.
+ Linker errors.
+ If you compile C++ harnesses and see `undefined reference` errors for
+ variables named `__afl_...`, e.g.:
+ ```
+ /usr/bin/ld: /tmp/test-d3085f.o: in function `foo::test()':
+ test.cpp:(.text._ZN3fooL4testEv[_ZN3fooL4testEv]+0x35): undefined reference to `foo::__afl_connected'
+ clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
+ ```
+ Then you use AFL++ macros like `__AFL_LOOP` within a namespace and this
+ will not work.
+ Solution: Move that harness portion to the global namespace, e.g. before:
+ ```
+ #include
+ namespace foo {
+ static void test() {
+ while(__AFL_LOOP(1000)) {
+ foo::function();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ foo::test();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ```
+ after:
+ ```
+ #include
+ static void mytest() {
+ while(__AFL_LOOP(1000)) {
+ foo::function();
+ }
+ }
+ namespace foo {
+ static void test() {
+ mytest();
+ }
+ }
+ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ foo::test();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ```
diff --git a/sources/aflplusplus/INSTALL.md b/sources/aflplusplus/INSTALL.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533c763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/aflplusplus/INSTALL.md
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+status: collected
+title: "Building and installing AFL++"
+author: AFLplusplus Community
+collector: Souls-R
+collected_date: 20240827
+link: https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus/blob/stable/docs/INSTALL.md
+# Building and installing AFL++
+## Linux on x86
+An easy way to install AFL++ with everything compiled is available via docker:
+You can use the [Dockerfile](../Dockerfile) or just pull directly from the
+Docker Hub (for x86_64 and arm64):
+docker pull aflplusplus/aflplusplus:latest
+docker run -ti -v /location/of/your/target:/src aflplusplus/aflplusplus
+This image is automatically generated when a push to the stable branch happens.
+You will find your target source code in `/src` in the container.
+Note: you can also pull `aflplusplus/aflplusplus:dev` which is the most current
+development state of AFL++.
+If you want to build AFL++ yourself, you have many options. The easiest choice
+is to build and install everything:
+NOTE: depending on your Debian/Ubuntu/Kali/... release, replace `-14` with
+whatever llvm version is available. We recommend llvm 13 or newer.
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install -y build-essential python3-dev automake cmake git flex bison libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev python3-setuptools cargo libgtk-3-dev
+# try to install llvm 14 and install the distro default if that fails
+sudo apt-get install -y lld-14 llvm-14 llvm-14-dev clang-14 || sudo apt-get install -y lld llvm llvm-dev clang
+sudo apt-get install -y gcc-$(gcc --version|head -n1|sed 's/\..*//'|sed 's/.* //')-plugin-dev libstdc++-$(gcc --version|head -n1|sed 's/\..*//'|sed 's/.* //')-dev
+sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build # for QEMU mode
+sudo apt-get install -y cpio libcapstone-dev # for Nyx mode
+sudo apt-get install -y wget curl # for Frida mode
+sudo apt-get install python3-pip # for Unicorn mode
+git clone https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
+cd AFLplusplus
+make distrib
+sudo make install
+It is recommended to install the newest available gcc, clang and llvm-dev
+possible in your distribution!
+Note that `make distrib` also builds FRIDA mode, QEMU mode, unicorn_mode, and
+more. If you just want plain AFL++, then do `make all`. If you want some
+assisting tooling compiled but are not interested in binary-only targets, then
+instead choose:
+make source-only
+These build targets exist:
+* all: the main AFL++ binaries and llvm/gcc instrumentation
+* binary-only: everything for binary-only fuzzing: frida_mode, nyx_mode,
+ qemu_mode, frida_mode, unicorn_mode, coresight_mode, libdislocator,
+ libtokencap
+* source-only: everything for source code fuzzing: nyx_mode, libdislocator,
+ libtokencap
+* distrib: everything (for both binary-only and source code fuzzing)
+* man: creates simple man pages from the help option of the programs
+* install: installs everything you have compiled with the build options above
+* clean: cleans everything compiled, not downloads (unless not on a checkout)
+* deepclean: cleans everything including downloads
+* code-format: format the code, do this before you commit and send a PR please!
+* tests: runs test cases to ensure that all features are still working as they
+ should
+* unit: perform unit tests (based on cmocka)
+* help: shows these build options
+[Unless you are on macOS](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/qa/qa1118/_index.html),
+you can also build statically linked versions of the AFL++ binaries by passing
+the `PERFORMANCE=1` argument to make:
+These build options exist:
+* PERFORMANCE - compile with performance options that make the binary not transferable to other systems. Recommended (except on macOS)!
+* STATIC - compile AFL++ static (does not work on macOS)
+* CODE_COVERAGE - compile the target for code coverage (see [README.llvm.md](../instrumentation/README.llvm.md))
+* ASAN_BUILD - compiles AFL++ with address sanitizer for debug purposes
+* UBSAN_BUILD - compiles AFL++ tools with undefined behaviour sanitizer for debug purposes
+* DEBUG - no optimization, -ggdb3, all warnings and -Werror
+* LLVM_DEBUG - shows llvm deprecation warnings
+* PROFILING - compile afl-fuzz with profiling information
+* INTROSPECTION - compile afl-fuzz with mutation introspection
+* NO_PYTHON - disable python support
+* NO_SPLICING - disables splicing mutation in afl-fuzz, not recommended for normal fuzzing
+* NO_UTF - do not use UTF-8 for line rendering in status screen (fallback to G1 box drawing, of vanilla AFL)
+* NO_NYX - disable building nyx mode dependencies
+* NO_CORESIGHT - disable building coresight (arm64 only)
+* NO_UNICORN_ARM64 - disable building unicorn on arm64
+* AFL_NO_X86 - if compiling on non-Intel/AMD platforms
+* LLVM_CONFIG - if your distro doesn't use the standard name for llvm-config (e.g., Debian)
+e.g.: `make LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-14`
+## macOS on x86_64 and arm64
+macOS has some gotchas due to the idiosyncrasies of the platform.
+macOS supports SYSV shared memory used by AFL++'s instrumentation, but the
+default settings aren't sufficient. Before even building, increase
+them by running the provided script:
+sudo afl-system-config
+for documentation for the shared memory settings and how to make them permanent.
+Next, to build AFL++, install the following packages from brew:
+brew install wget git make cmake llvm gdb coreutils
+Depending on your macOS system + brew version, brew may be installed in different places.
+You can check with `brew info llvm` to know where, then create a variable for it:
+export HOMEBREW_BASE="/opt/homebrew/opt"
+export HOMEBREW_BASE="/usr/local/opt"
+Set `PATH` to point to the brew clang, clang++, llvm-config, gmake and coreutils.
+Also use the brew clang compiler; the Xcode clang compiler must not be used.
+export PATH="$HOMEBREW_BASE/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:$HOMEBREW_BASE/llvm/bin:$PATH"
+export CC=clang
+export CXX=clang++
+Then build following the general Linux instructions.
+If everything worked, you should then have `afl-clang-fast` installed, which you can check with:
+which afl-clang-fast
+Note that `afl-clang-lto`, `afl-gcc-fast` and `qemu_mode` are not working on macOS.
+The crash reporting daemon that comes by default with macOS will cause
+problems with fuzzing. You need to turn it off, which you can do with `afl-system-config`.
+The `fork()` semantics on macOS are a bit unusual compared to other unix systems
+and definitely don't look POSIX-compliant. This means two things:
+ - Fuzzing will be probably slower than on Linux. In fact, some folks report
+ considerable performance gains by running the jobs inside a Linux VM on
+ macOS.
+ - Some non-portable, platform-specific code may be incompatible with the AFL++
+ forkserver. If you run into any problems, set `AFL_NO_FORKSRV=1` in the
+ environment before starting afl-fuzz.
+User emulation mode of QEMU does not appear to be supported on macOS, so
+black-box instrumentation mode (`-Q`) will not work. However, FRIDA mode (`-O`)
+works on both x86 and arm64 macOS boxes.
diff --git a/sources/aflplusplus/afl-fuzz_approach.md b/sources/aflplusplus/afl-fuzz_approach.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d9e716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/aflplusplus/afl-fuzz_approach.md
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+status: collected
+title: "The afl-fuzz approach"
+author: AFLplusplus Community
+collector: Souls-R
+collected_date: 20240827
+link: https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus/blob/stable/docs/afl-fuzz_approach.md
+# The afl-fuzz approach
+AFL++ is a brute-force fuzzer coupled with an exceedingly simple but rock-solid
+instrumentation-guided genetic algorithm. It uses a modified form of edge
+coverage to effortlessly pick up subtle, local-scale changes to program control
+Note: If you are interested in a more current up-to-date deep dive how AFL++
+works then we commend this blog post:
+Simplifying a bit, the overall algorithm can be summed up as:
+1) Load user-supplied initial test cases into the queue.
+2) Take the next input file from the queue.
+3) Attempt to trim the test case to the smallest size that doesn't alter the
+ measured behavior of the program.
+4) Repeatedly mutate the file using a balanced and well-researched variety of
+ traditional fuzzing strategies.
+5) If any of the generated mutations resulted in a new state transition recorded
+ by the instrumentation, add mutated output as a new entry in the queue.
+6) Go to 2.
+The discovered test cases are also periodically culled to eliminate ones that
+have been obsoleted by newer, higher-coverage finds; and undergo several other
+instrumentation-driven effort minimization steps.
+As a side result of the fuzzing process, the tool creates a small,
+self-contained corpus of interesting test cases. These are extremely useful for
+seeding other, labor- or resource-intensive testing regimes - for example, for
+stress-testing browsers, office applications, graphics suites, or closed-source
+The fuzzer is thoroughly tested to deliver out-of-the-box performance far
+superior to blind fuzzing or coverage-only tools.
+## Understanding the status screen
+This section provides an overview of the status screen - plus tips for
+troubleshooting any warnings and red text shown in the UI.
+For the general instruction manual, see [README.md](README.md).
+### A note about colors
+The status screen and error messages use colors to keep things readable and
+attract your attention to the most important details. For example, red almost
+always means "consult this doc" :-)
+Unfortunately, the UI will only render correctly if your terminal is using
+traditional un*x palette (white text on black background) or something close to
+If you are using inverse video, you may want to change your settings, say:
+- For GNOME Terminal, go to `Edit > Profile` preferences, select the "colors"
+ tab, and from the list of built-in schemes, choose "white on black".
+- For the MacOS X Terminal app, open a new window using the "Pro" scheme via the
+ `Shell > New Window` menu (or make "Pro" your default).
+Alternatively, if you really like your current colors, you can edit config.h to
+comment out USE_COLORS, then do `make clean all`.
+We are not aware of any other simple way to make this work without causing other
+side effects - sorry about that.
+With that out of the way, let's talk about what's actually on the screen...
+### The status bar
+american fuzzy lop ++3.01a (default) [fast] {0}
+The top line shows you which mode afl-fuzz is running in (normal: "american
+fuzzy lop", crash exploration mode: "peruvian rabbit mode") and the version of
+AFL++. Next to the version is the banner, which, if not set with -T by hand,
+will either show the binary name being fuzzed, or the -M/-S main/secondary name
+for parallel fuzzing. Second to last is the power schedule mode being run
+(default: fast). Finally, the last item is the CPU id.
+### Process timing
+ +----------------------------------------------------+
+ | run time : 0 days, 8 hrs, 32 min, 43 sec |
+ | last new find : 0 days, 0 hrs, 6 min, 40 sec |
+ | last uniq crash : none seen yet |
+ | last uniq hang : 0 days, 1 hrs, 24 min, 32 sec |
+ +----------------------------------------------------+
+This section is fairly self-explanatory: it tells you how long the fuzzer has
+been running and how much time has elapsed since its most recent finds. This is
+broken down into "paths" (a shorthand for test cases that trigger new execution
+patterns), crashes, and hangs.
+When it comes to timing: there is no hard rule, but most fuzzing jobs should be
+expected to run for days or weeks; in fact, for a moderately complex project,
+the first pass will probably take a day or so. Every now and then, some jobs
+will be allowed to run for months.
+There's one important thing to watch out for: if the tool is not finding new
+paths within several minutes of starting, you're probably not invoking the
+target binary correctly and it never gets to parse the input files that are
+thrown at it; other possible explanations are that the default memory limit
+(`-m`) is too restrictive and the program exits after failing to allocate a
+buffer very early on; or that the input files are patently invalid and always
+fail a basic header check.
+If there are no new paths showing up for a while, you will eventually see a big
+red warning in this section, too :-)
+### Overall results
+ +-----------------------+
+ | cycles done : 0 |
+ | total paths : 2095 |
+ | uniq crashes : 0 |
+ | uniq hangs : 19 |
+ +-----------------------+
+The first field in this section gives you the count of queue passes done so far
+- that is, the number of times the fuzzer went over all the interesting test
+ cases discovered so far, fuzzed them, and looped back to the very beginning.
+ Every fuzzing session should be allowed to complete at least one cycle; and
+ ideally, should run much longer than that.
+As noted earlier, the first pass can take a day or longer, so sit back and
+To help make the call on when to hit `Ctrl-C`, the cycle counter is color-coded.
+It is shown in magenta during the first pass, progresses to yellow if new finds
+are still being made in subsequent rounds, then blue when that ends - and
+finally, turns green after the fuzzer hasn't been seeing any action for a longer
+The remaining fields in this part of the screen should be pretty obvious:
+there's the number of test cases ("paths") discovered so far, and the number of
+unique faults. The test cases, crashes, and hangs can be explored in real-time
+by browsing the output directory, see
+### Cycle progress
+ +-------------------------------------+
+ | now processing : 1296 (61.86%) |
+ | paths timed out : 0 (0.00%) |
+ +-------------------------------------+
+This box tells you how far along the fuzzer is with the current queue cycle: it
+shows the ID of the test case it is currently working on, plus the number of
+inputs it decided to ditch because they were persistently timing out.
+The "*" suffix sometimes shown in the first line means that the currently
+processed path is not "favored" (a property discussed later on).
+### Map coverage
+ +--------------------------------------+
+ | map density : 10.15% / 29.07% |
+ | count coverage : 4.03 bits/tuple |
+ +--------------------------------------+
+The section provides some trivia about the coverage observed by the
+instrumentation embedded in the target binary.
+The first line in the box tells you how many branch tuples already were hit, in
+proportion to how much the bitmap can hold. The number on the left describes the
+current input; the one on the right is the value for the entire input corpus.
+Be wary of extremes:
+- Absolute numbers below 200 or so suggest one of three things: that the program
+ is extremely simple; that it is not instrumented properly (e.g., due to being
+ linked against a non-instrumented copy of the target library); or that it is
+ bailing out prematurely on your input test cases. The fuzzer will try to mark
+ this in pink, just to make you aware.
+- Percentages over 70% may very rarely happen with very complex programs that
+ make heavy use of template-generated code. Because high bitmap density makes
+ it harder for the fuzzer to reliably discern new program states, we recommend
+ recompiling the binary with `AFL_INST_RATIO=10` or so and trying again (see
+ [env_variables.md](env_variables.md)). The fuzzer will flag high percentages
+ in red. Chances are, you will never see that unless you're fuzzing extremely
+ hairy software (say, v8, perl, ffmpeg).
+The other line deals with the variability in tuple hit counts seen in the
+binary. In essence, if every taken branch is always taken a fixed number of
+times for all the inputs that were tried, this will read `1.00`. As we manage to
+trigger other hit counts for every branch, the needle will start to move toward
+`8.00` (every bit in the 8-bit map hit), but will probably never reach that
+Together, the values can be useful for comparing the coverage of several
+different fuzzing jobs that rely on the same instrumented binary.
+### Stage progress
+ +-------------------------------------+
+ | now trying : interest 32/8 |
+ | stage execs : 3996/34.4k (11.62%) |
+ | total execs : 27.4M |
+ | exec speed : 891.7/sec |
+ +-------------------------------------+
+This part gives you an in-depth peek at what the fuzzer is actually doing right
+now. It tells you about the current stage, which can be any of:
+- calibration - a pre-fuzzing stage where the execution path is examined to
+ detect anomalies, establish baseline execution speed, and so on. Executed very
+ briefly whenever a new find is being made.
+- trim L/S - another pre-fuzzing stage where the test case is trimmed to the
+ shortest form that still produces the same execution path. The length (L) and
+ stepover (S) are chosen in general relationship to file size.
+- bitflip L/S - deterministic bit flips. There are L bits toggled at any given
+ time, walking the input file with S-bit increments. The current L/S variants
+ are: `1/1`, `2/1`, `4/1`, `8/8`, `16/8`, `32/8`.
+- arith L/8 - deterministic arithmetics. The fuzzer tries to subtract or add
+ small integers to 8-, 16-, and 32-bit values. The stepover is always 8 bits.
+- interest L/8 - deterministic value overwrite. The fuzzer has a list of known
+ "interesting" 8-, 16-, and 32-bit values to try. The stepover is 8 bits.
+- extras - deterministic injection of dictionary terms. This can be shown as
+ "user" or "auto", depending on whether the fuzzer is using a user-supplied
+ dictionary (`-x`) or an auto-created one. You will also see "over" or
+ "insert", depending on whether the dictionary words overwrite existing data or
+ are inserted by offsetting the remaining data to accommodate their length.
+- havoc - a sort-of-fixed-length cycle with stacked random tweaks. The
+ operations attempted during this stage include bit flips, overwrites with
+ random and "interesting" integers, block deletion, block duplication, plus
+ assorted dictionary-related operations (if a dictionary is supplied in the
+ first place).
+- splice - a last-resort strategy that kicks in after the first full queue cycle
+ with no new paths. It is equivalent to 'havoc', except that it first splices
+ together two random inputs from the queue at some arbitrarily selected
+ midpoint.
+- sync - a stage used only when `-M` or `-S` is set (see
+ [fuzzing_in_depth.md:3c) Using multiple cores](fuzzing_in_depth.md#c-using-multiple-cores)).
+ No real fuzzing is involved, but the tool scans the output from other fuzzers
+ and imports test cases as necessary. The first time this is done, it may take
+ several minutes or so.
+The remaining fields should be fairly self-evident: there's the exec count
+progress indicator for the current stage, a global exec counter, and a benchmark
+for the current program execution speed. This may fluctuate from one test case
+to another, but the benchmark should be ideally over 500 execs/sec most of the
+time - and if it stays below 100, the job will probably take very long.
+The fuzzer will explicitly warn you about slow targets, too. If this happens,
+see the [best_practices.md#improving-speed](best_practices.md#improving-speed)
+for ideas on how to speed things up.
+### Findings in depth
+ +--------------------------------------+
+ | favored paths : 879 (41.96%) |
+ | new edges on : 423 (20.19%) |
+ | total crashes : 0 (0 unique) |
+ | total tmouts : 24 (19 unique) |
+ +--------------------------------------+
+This gives you several metrics that are of interest mostly to complete nerds.
+The section includes the number of paths that the fuzzer likes the most based on
+a minimization algorithm baked into the code (these will get considerably more
+air time), and the number of test cases that actually resulted in better edge
+coverage (versus just pushing the branch hit counters up). There are also
+additional, more detailed counters for crashes and timeouts.
+Note that the timeout counter is somewhat different from the hang counter; this
+one includes all test cases that exceeded the timeout, even if they did not
+exceed it by a margin sufficient to be classified as hangs.
+### Fuzzing strategy yields
+ +-----------------------------------------------------+
+ | bit flips : 57/289k, 18/289k, 18/288k |
+ | byte flips : 0/36.2k, 4/35.7k, 7/34.6k |
+ | arithmetics : 53/2.54M, 0/537k, 0/55.2k |
+ | known ints : 8/322k, 12/1.32M, 10/1.70M |
+ | dictionary : 9/52k, 1/53k, 1/24k |
+ |havoc/splice : 1903/20.0M, 0/0 |
+ |py/custom/rq : unused, 53/2.54M, unused |
+ | trim/eff : 20.31%/9201, 17.05% |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------+
+This is just another nerd-targeted section keeping track of how many paths were
+netted, in proportion to the number of execs attempted, for each of the fuzzing
+strategies discussed earlier on. This serves to convincingly validate
+assumptions about the usefulness of the various approaches taken by afl-fuzz.
+The trim strategy stats in this section are a bit different than the rest. The
+first number in this line shows the ratio of bytes removed from the input files;
+the second one corresponds to the number of execs needed to achieve this goal.
+Finally, the third number shows the proportion of bytes that, although not
+possible to remove, were deemed to have no effect and were excluded from some of
+the more expensive deterministic fuzzing steps.
+Note that when deterministic mutation mode is off (which is the default because
+it is not very efficient) the first five lines display "disabled (default,
+enable with -D)".
+Only what is activated will have counter shown.
+### Path geometry
+ +---------------------+
+ | levels : 5 |
+ | pending : 1570 |
+ | pend fav : 583 |
+ | own finds : 0 |
+ | imported : 0 |
+ | stability : 100.00% |
+ +---------------------+
+The first field in this section tracks the path depth reached through the guided
+fuzzing process. In essence: the initial test cases supplied by the user are
+considered "level 1". The test cases that can be derived from that through
+traditional fuzzing are considered "level 2"; the ones derived by using these as
+inputs to subsequent fuzzing rounds are "level 3"; and so forth. The maximum
+depth is therefore a rough proxy for how much value you're getting out of the
+instrumentation-guided approach taken by afl-fuzz.
+The next field shows you the number of inputs that have not gone through any
+fuzzing yet. The same stat is also given for "favored" entries that the fuzzer
+really wants to get to in this queue cycle (the non-favored entries may have to
+wait a couple of cycles to get their chance).
+Next is the number of new paths found during this fuzzing section and imported
+from other fuzzer instances when doing parallelized fuzzing; and the extent to
+which identical inputs appear to sometimes produce variable behavior in the
+tested binary.
+That last bit is actually fairly interesting: it measures the consistency of
+observed traces. If a program always behaves the same for the same input data,
+it will earn a score of 100%. When the value is lower but still shown in purple,
+the fuzzing process is unlikely to be negatively affected. If it goes into red,
+you may be in trouble, since AFL++ will have difficulty discerning between
+meaningful and "phantom" effects of tweaking the input file.
+Now, most targets will just get a 100% score, but when you see lower figures,
+there are several things to look at:
+- The use of uninitialized memory in conjunction with some intrinsic sources of
+ entropy in the tested binary. Harmless to AFL, but could be indicative of a
+ security bug.
+- Attempts to manipulate persistent resources, such as left over temporary files
+ or shared memory objects. This is usually harmless, but you may want to
+ double-check to make sure the program isn't bailing out prematurely. Running
+ out of disk space, SHM handles, or other global resources can trigger this,
+ too.
+- Hitting some functionality that is actually designed to behave randomly.
+ Generally harmless. For example, when fuzzing sqlite, an input like `select
+ random();` will trigger a variable execution path.
+- Multiple threads executing at once in semi-random order. This is harmless when
+ the 'stability' metric stays over 90% or so, but can become an issue if not.
+ Here's what to try:
+ * Use afl-clang-fast from [instrumentation](../instrumentation/) - it uses a
+ thread-local tracking model that is less prone to concurrency issues,
+ * See if the target can be compiled or run without threads. Common
+ `./configure` options include `--without-threads`, `--disable-pthreads`, or
+ `--disable-openmp`.
+ * Replace pthreads with GNU Pth (https://www.gnu.org/software/pth/), which
+ allows you to use a deterministic scheduler.
+- In persistent mode, minor drops in the "stability" metric can be normal,
+ because not all the code behaves identically when re-entered; but major dips
+ may signify that the code within `__AFL_LOOP()` is not behaving correctly on
+ subsequent iterations (e.g., due to incomplete clean-up or reinitialization of
+ the state) and that most of the fuzzing effort goes to waste.
+The paths where variable behavior is detected are marked with a matching entry
+in the `/queue/.state/variable_behavior/` directory, so you can look
+them up easily.
+### CPU load
+ [cpu: 25%]
+This tiny widget shows the apparent CPU utilization on the local system. It is
+calculated by taking the number of processes in the "runnable" state, and then
+comparing it to the number of logical cores on the system.
+If the value is shown in green, you are using fewer CPU cores than available on
+your system and can probably parallelize to improve performance; for tips on how
+to do that, see
+[fuzzing_in_depth.md:3c) Using multiple cores](fuzzing_in_depth.md#c-using-multiple-cores).
+If the value is shown in red, your CPU is *possibly* oversubscribed, and running
+additional fuzzers may not give you any benefits.
+Of course, this benchmark is very simplistic; it tells you how many processes
+are ready to run, but not how resource-hungry they may be. It also doesn't
+distinguish between physical cores, logical cores, and virtualized CPUs; the
+performance characteristics of each of these will differ quite a bit.
+If you want a more accurate measurement, you can run the `afl-gotcpu` utility
+from the command line.
+## Interpreting output
+See [#understanding-the-status-screen](#understanding-the-status-screen) for
+information on how to interpret the displayed stats and monitor the health of
+the process. Be sure to consult this file especially if any UI elements are
+highlighted in red.
+The fuzzing process will continue until you press Ctrl-C. At a minimum, you want
+to allow the fuzzer to at least one queue cycle without any new finds, which may
+take anywhere from a couple of hours to a week or so.
+There are three subdirectories created within the output directory and updated
+in real-time:
+- queue/ - test cases for every distinctive execution path, plus all the
+ starting files given by the user. This is the synthesized corpus.
+ Before using this corpus for any other purposes, you can shrink
+ it to a smaller size using the afl-cmin tool. The tool will find
+ a smaller subset of files offering equivalent edge coverage.
+- crashes/ - unique test cases that cause the tested program to receive a fatal
+ signal (e.g., SIGSEGV, SIGILL, SIGABRT). The entries are grouped by
+ the received signal.
+- hangs/ - unique test cases that cause the tested program to time out. The
+ default time limit before something is classified as a hang is the
+ larger of 1 second and the value of the -t parameter. The value can
+ be fine-tuned by setting AFL_HANG_TMOUT, but this is rarely
+ necessary.
+Crashes and hangs are considered "unique" if the associated execution paths
+involve any state transitions not seen in previously-recorded faults. If a
+single bug can be reached in multiple ways, there will be some count inflation
+early in the process, but this should quickly taper off.
+The file names for crashes and hangs are correlated with the parent,
+non-faulting queue entries. This should help with debugging.
+## Visualizing
+If you have gnuplot installed, you can also generate some pretty graphs for any
+active fuzzing task using afl-plot. For an example of how this looks like, see
+You can also manually build and install afl-plot-ui, which is a helper utility
+for showing the graphs generated by afl-plot in a graphical window using GTK.
+You can build and install it as follows:
+sudo apt install libgtk-3-0 libgtk-3-dev pkg-config
+cd utils/plot_ui
+cd ../../
+sudo make install
+To learn more about remote monitoring and metrics visualization with StatsD, see
+### Addendum: status and plot files
+For unattended operation, some of the key status screen information can be also
+found in a machine-readable format in the fuzzer_stats file in the output
+directory. This includes:
+- `start_time` - unix time indicating the start time of afl-fuzz
+- `last_update` - unix time corresponding to the last update of this file
+- `run_time` - run time in seconds to the last update of this file
+- `fuzzer_pid` - PID of the fuzzer process
+- `cycles_done` - queue cycles completed so far
+- `cycles_wo_finds` - number of cycles without any new paths found
+- `time_wo_finds` - longest time in seconds no new path was found
+- `execs_done` - number of execve() calls attempted
+- `execs_per_sec` - overall number of execs per second
+- `corpus_count` - total number of entries in the queue
+- `corpus_favored` - number of queue entries that are favored
+- `corpus_found` - number of entries discovered through local fuzzing
+- `corpus_imported` - number of entries imported from other instances
+- `max_depth` - number of levels in the generated data set
+- `cur_item` - currently processed entry number
+- `pending_favs` - number of favored entries still waiting to be fuzzed
+- `pending_total` - number of all entries waiting to be fuzzed
+- `corpus_variable` - number of test cases showing variable behavior
+- `stability` - percentage of bitmap bytes that behave consistently
+- `bitmap_cvg` - percentage of edge coverage found in the map so far
+- `saved_crashes` - number of unique crashes recorded
+- `saved_hangs` - number of unique hangs encountered
+- `last_find` - seconds since the last find was found
+- `last_crash` - seconds since the last crash was found
+- `last_hang` - seconds since the last hang was found
+- `execs_since_crash` - execs since the last crash was found
+- `exec_timeout` - the -t command line value
+- `slowest_exec_ms` - real time of the slowest execution in ms
+- `peak_rss_mb` - max rss usage reached during fuzzing in MB
+- `edges_found` - how many edges have been found
+- `var_byte_count` - how many edges are non-deterministic
+- `afl_banner` - banner text (e.g., the target name)
+- `afl_version` - the version of AFL++ used
+- `target_mode` - default, persistent, qemu, unicorn, non-instrumented
+- `command_line` - full command line used for the fuzzing session
+Most of these map directly to the UI elements discussed earlier on.
+On top of that, you can also find an entry called `plot_data`, containing a
+plottable history for most of these fields. If you have gnuplot installed, you
+can turn this into a nice progress report with the included `afl-plot` tool.
+### Addendum: automatically sending metrics with StatsD
+In a CI environment or when running multiple fuzzers, it can be tedious to log
+into each of them or deploy scripts to read the fuzzer statistics. Using
+`AFL_STATSD` (and the other related environment variables `AFL_STATSD_HOST`,
+`AFL_STATSD_PORT`, `AFL_STATSD_TAGS_FLAVOR`) you can automatically send metrics
+to your favorite StatsD server. Depending on your StatsD server, you will be
+able to monitor, trigger alerts, or perform actions based on these metrics
+(e.g.: alert on slow exec/s for a new build, threshold of crashes, time since
+last crash > X, etc.).
+The selected metrics are a subset of all the metrics found in the status and in
+the plot file. The list is the following: `cycle_done`, `cycles_wo_finds`,
+`execs_done`,`execs_per_sec`, `corpus_count`, `corpus_favored`, `corpus_found`,
+`corpus_imported`, `max_depth`, `cur_item`, `pending_favs`, `pending_total`,
+`corpus_variable`, `saved_crashes`, `saved_hangs`, `total_crashes`,
+`slowest_exec_ms`, `edges_found`, `var_byte_count`, `havoc_expansion`. Their
+definitions can be found in the addendum above.
+When using multiple fuzzer instances with StatsD, it is *strongly* recommended
+to setup the flavor (`AFL_STATSD_TAGS_FLAVOR`) to match your StatsD server. This
+will allow you to see individual fuzzer performance, detect bad ones, see the
+progress of each strategy...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sources/aflplusplus/fuzzing_binary-only_targets.md b/sources/aflplusplus/fuzzing_binary-only_targets.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2724b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/aflplusplus/fuzzing_binary-only_targets.md
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+status: collected
+title: "Fuzzing binary-only targets"
+author: AFLplusplus Community
+collector: Souls-R
+collected_date: 20240827
+link: https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus/blob/stable/docs/fuzzing_binary-only_targets.md
+# Fuzzing binary-only targets
+AFL++, libfuzzer, and other fuzzers are great if you have the source code of the
+target. This allows for very fast and coverage guided fuzzing.
+However, if there is only the binary program and no source code available, then
+standard `afl-fuzz -n` (non-instrumented mode) is not effective.
+For fast, on-the-fly instrumentation of black-box binaries, AFL++ still offers
+various support. The following is a description of how these binaries can be
+fuzzed with AFL++.
+## TL;DR:
+FRIDA mode and QEMU mode in persistent mode are the fastest - if persistent mode
+is possible and the stability is high enough.
+Otherwise, try Zafl, RetroWrite, Dyninst, and if these fail, too, then try
+standard FRIDA/QEMU mode with `AFL_ENTRYPOINT` to where you need it.
+If your target is non-linux, then use unicorn_mode.
+## Fuzzing binary-only targets with AFL++
+### QEMU mode
+QEMU mode is the "native" solution to the program. It is available in the
+./qemu_mode/ directory and, once compiled, it can be accessed by the afl-fuzz -Q
+command line option. It is the easiest to use alternative and even works for
+cross-platform binaries.
+For linux programs and its libraries, this is accomplished with a version of
+QEMU running in the lesser-known "user space emulation" mode. QEMU is a project
+separate from AFL++, but you can conveniently build the feature by doing:
+cd qemu_mode
+The following setup to use QEMU mode is recommended:
+* run 1 afl-fuzz -Q instance with CMPLOG (`-c 0` + `AFL_COMPCOV_LEVEL=2`)
+* run 1 afl-fuzz -Q instance with QASAN (`AFL_USE_QASAN=1`)
+* run 1 afl-fuzz -Q instance with LAF (`AFL_PRELOAD=libcmpcov.so` +
+ `AFL_COMPCOV_LEVEL=2`), alternatively you can use FRIDA mode, just switch `-Q`
+ with `-O` and remove the LAF instance
+Then run as many instances as you have cores left with either -Q mode or - even
+better - use a binary rewriter like Dyninst, RetroWrite, ZAFL, etc.
+The binary rewriters all have their own advantages and caveats.
+ZAFL is the best but cannot be used in a business/commercial context.
+If a binary rewriter works for your target then you can use afl-fuzz normally
+and it will have twice the speed compared to QEMU mode (but slower than QEMU
+persistent mode).
+The speed decrease of QEMU mode is at about 50%. However, various options exist
+to increase the speed:
+- using AFL_ENTRYPOINT to move the forkserver entry to a later basic block in
+ the binary (+5-10% speed)
+- using persistent mode
+ [qemu_mode/README.persistent.md](../qemu_mode/README.persistent.md) this will
+ result in a 150-300% overall speed increase - so 3-8x the original QEMU mode
+ speed!
+- using AFL_CODE_START/AFL_CODE_END to only instrument specific parts
+For additional instructions and caveats, see
+[qemu_mode/README.md](../qemu_mode/README.md). If possible, you should use the
+persistent mode, see
+[qemu_mode/README.persistent.md](../qemu_mode/README.persistent.md). The mode is
+approximately 2-5x slower than compile-time instrumentation, and is less
+conducive to parallelization.
+Note that there is also honggfuzz:
+[https://github.com/google/honggfuzz](https://github.com/google/honggfuzz) which
+now has a QEMU mode, but its performance is just 1.5% ...
+If you like to code a customized fuzzer without much work, we highly recommend
+to check out our sister project libafl which supports QEMU, too:
+Wine mode can run Win32 PE binaries with the QEMU instrumentation. It needs
+Wine, python3, and the pefile python package installed.
+It is included in AFL++.
+For more information, see
+### FRIDA mode
+In FRIDA mode, you can fuzz binary-only targets as easily as with QEMU mode.
+FRIDA mode is most of the times slightly faster than QEMU mode. It is also
+newer, and has the advantage that it works on MacOS (both intel and M1).
+To build FRIDA mode:
+cd frida_mode
+For additional instructions and caveats, see
+If possible, you should use the persistent mode, see
+The mode is approximately 2-5x slower than compile-time instrumentation, and is
+less conducive to parallelization. But for binary-only fuzzing, it gives a huge
+speed improvement if it is possible to use.
+You can also perform remote fuzzing with frida, e.g., if you want to fuzz on
+iPhone or Android devices, for this you can use
+[https://github.com/ttdennis/fpicker/](https://github.com/ttdennis/fpicker/) as
+an intermediate that uses AFL++ for fuzzing.
+If you like to code a customized fuzzer without much work, we highly recommend
+to check out our sister project libafl which supports Frida, too:
+Working examples already exist :-)
+### Nyx mode
+Nyx is a full system emulation fuzzing environment with snapshot support that is
+built upon KVM and QEMU. It is only available on Linux and currently restricted
+to x86_x64.
+For binary-only fuzzing a special 5.10 kernel is required.
+See [nyx_mode/README.md](../nyx_mode/README.md).
+### Unicorn
+Unicorn is a fork of QEMU. The instrumentation is, therefore, very similar. In
+contrast to QEMU, Unicorn does not offer a full system or even userland
+emulation. Runtime environment and/or loaders have to be written from scratch,
+if needed. On top, block chaining has been removed. This means the speed boost
+introduced in the patched QEMU Mode of AFL++ cannot be ported over to Unicorn.
+For non-Linux binaries, you can use AFL++'s unicorn_mode which can emulate
+anything you want - for the price of speed and user written scripts.
+To build unicorn_mode:
+cd unicorn_mode
+For further information, check out
+### Shared libraries
+If the goal is to fuzz a dynamic library, then there are two options available.
+For both, you need to write a small harness that loads and calls the library.
+Then you fuzz this with either FRIDA mode or QEMU mode and either use
+Another, less precise and slower option is to fuzz it with utils/afl_untracer/
+and use afl-untracer.c as a template. It is slower than FRIDA mode.
+For more information, see
+### Coresight
+Coresight is ARM's answer to Intel's PT. With AFL++ v3.15, there is a coresight
+tracer implementation available in `coresight_mode/` which is faster than QEMU,
+however, cannot run in parallel. Currently, only one process can be traced, it
+is WIP.
+Fore more information, see
+## Binary rewriters
+An alternative solution are binary rewriters. They are faster than the solutions
+native to AFL++ but don't always work.
+### ZAFL
+ZAFL is a static rewriting platform supporting x86-64 C/C++,
+stripped/unstripped, and PIE/non-PIE binaries. Beyond conventional
+instrumentation, ZAFL's API enables transformation passes (e.g., laf-Intel,
+context sensitivity, InsTrim, etc.).
+Its baseline instrumentation speed typically averages 90-95% of
+### RetroWrite
+RetroWrite is a static binary rewriter that can be combined with AFL++. If you
+have an x86_64 or arm64 binary that does not contain C++ exceptions and - if
+x86_64 - still has it's symbols and compiled with position independent code
+(PIC/PIE), then the RetroWrite solution might be for you.
+It decompiles to ASM files which can then be instrumented with afl-gcc.
+Binaries that are statically instrumented for fuzzing using RetroWrite are close
+in performance to compiler-instrumented binaries and outperform the QEMU-based
+### Dyninst
+Dyninst is a binary instrumentation framework similar to Pintool and DynamoRIO.
+However, whereas Pintool and DynamoRIO work at runtime, Dyninst instruments the
+target at load time and then let it run - or save the binary with the changes.
+This is great for some things, e.g., fuzzing, and not so effective for others,
+e.g., malware analysis.
+So, what you can do with Dyninst is taking every basic block and putting AFL++'s
+instrumentation code in there - and then save the binary. Afterwards, just fuzz
+the newly saved target binary with afl-fuzz. Sounds great? It is. The issue
+though - it is a non-trivial problem to insert instructions, which change
+addresses in the process space, so that everything is still working afterwards.
+Hence, more often than not binaries crash when they are run.
+The speed decrease is about 15-35%, depending on the optimization options used
+with afl-dyninst.
+### Mcsema
+Theoretically, you can also decompile to llvm IR with mcsema, and then use
+llvm_mode to instrument the binary. Good luck with that.
+## Binary tracers
+### Pintool & DynamoRIO
+Pintool and DynamoRIO are dynamic instrumentation engines. They can be used for
+getting basic block information at runtime. Pintool is only available for Intel
+x32/x64 on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows, whereas DynamoRIO is additionally
+available for ARM and AARCH64. DynamoRIO is also 10x faster than Pintool.
+The big issue with DynamoRIO (and therefore Pintool, too) is speed. DynamoRIO
+has a speed decrease of 98-99%, Pintool has a speed decrease of 99.5%.
+Hence, DynamoRIO is the option to go for if everything else fails and Pintool
+only if DynamoRIO fails, too.
+DynamoRIO solutions:
+* [https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/afl-dynamorio](https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/afl-dynamorio)
+* [https://github.com/mxmssh/drAFL](https://github.com/mxmssh/drAFL)
+* [https://github.com/googleprojectzero/winafl/](https://github.com/googleprojectzero/winafl/)
+ <= very good but windows only
+Pintool solutions:
+* [https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/afl-pin](https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/afl-pin)
+* [https://github.com/mothran/aflpin](https://github.com/mothran/aflpin)
+* [https://github.com/spinpx/afl_pin_mode](https://github.com/spinpx/afl_pin_mode)
+ <= only old Pintool version supported
+### Intel PT
+If you have a newer Intel CPU, you can make use of Intel's processor trace. The
+big issue with Intel's PT is the small buffer size and the complex encoding of
+the debug information collected through PT. This makes the decoding very CPU
+intensive and hence slow. As a result, the overall speed decrease is about
+70-90% (depending on the implementation and other factors).
+There are two AFL intel-pt implementations:
+1. [https://github.com/junxzm1990/afl-pt](https://github.com/junxzm1990/afl-pt)
+ => This needs Ubuntu 14.04.05 without any updates and the 4.4 kernel.
+2. [https://github.com/hunter-ht-2018/ptfuzzer](https://github.com/hunter-ht-2018/ptfuzzer)
+ => This needs a 4.14 or 4.15 kernel. The "nopti" kernel boot option must be
+ used. This one is faster than the other.
+Note that there is also honggfuzz:
+[https://github.com/google/honggfuzz](https://github.com/google/honggfuzz). But
+its IPT performance is just 6%!
+## Non-AFL++ solutions
+There are many binary-only fuzzing frameworks. Some are great for CTFs but don't
+work with large binaries, others are very slow but have good path discovery,
+some are very hard to set up...
+* Jackalope:
+ [https://github.com/googleprojectzero/Jackalope](https://github.com/googleprojectzero/Jackalope)
+* Manticore:
+ [https://github.com/trailofbits/manticore](https://github.com/trailofbits/manticore)
+* QSYM:
+ [https://github.com/sslab-gatech/qsym](https://github.com/sslab-gatech/qsym)
+* S2E: [https://github.com/S2E](https://github.com/S2E)
+* TinyInst:
+ [https://github.com/googleprojectzero/TinyInst](https://github.com/googleprojectzero/TinyInst)
+* ... please send me any missing that are good
+## Closing words
+That's it! News, corrections, updates? Send an email to vh@thc.org.
diff --git a/sources/aflplusplus/fuzzing_in_depth.md b/sources/aflplusplus/fuzzing_in_depth.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..222272c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/aflplusplus/fuzzing_in_depth.md
@@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
+status: collected
+title: "Fuzzing with AFL++"
+author: AFLplusplus Community
+collector: Souls-R
+collected_date: 20240827
+link: https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus/blob/stable/docs/fuzzing_in_depth.md
+# Fuzzing with AFL++
+The following describes how to fuzz with a target if source code is available.
+If you have a binary-only target, go to
+Fuzzing source code is a three-step process:
+1. Compile the target with a special compiler that prepares the target to be
+ fuzzed efficiently. This step is called "instrumenting a target".
+2. Prepare the fuzzing by selecting and optimizing the input corpus for the
+ target.
+3. Perform the fuzzing of the target by randomly mutating input and assessing if
+ that input was processed on a new path in the target binary.
+## 0. Common sense risks
+Please keep in mind that, similarly to many other computationally-intensive
+tasks, fuzzing may put a strain on your hardware and on the OS. In particular:
+- Your CPU will run hot and will need adequate cooling. In most cases, if
+ cooling is insufficient or stops working properly, CPU speeds will be
+ automatically throttled. That said, especially when fuzzing on less suitable
+ hardware (laptops, smartphones, etc.), it's not entirely impossible for
+ something to blow up.
+- Targeted programs may end up erratically grabbing gigabytes of memory or
+ filling up disk space with junk files. AFL++ tries to enforce basic memory
+ limits, but can't prevent each and every possible mishap. The bottom line is
+ that you shouldn't be fuzzing on systems where the prospect of data loss is
+ not an acceptable risk.
+- Fuzzing involves billions of reads and writes to the filesystem. On modern
+ systems, this will be usually heavily cached, resulting in fairly modest
+ "physical" I/O - but there are many factors that may alter this equation. It
+ is your responsibility to monitor for potential trouble; with very heavy I/O,
+ the lifespan of many HDDs and SSDs may be reduced.
+ A good way to monitor disk I/O on Linux is the `iostat` command:
+ ```shell
+ $ iostat -d 3 -x -k [...optional disk ID...]
+ ```
+ Using the `AFL_TMPDIR` environment variable and a RAM-disk, you can have the
+ heavy writing done in RAM to prevent the aforementioned wear and tear. For
+ example, the following line will run a Docker container with all this preset:
+ ```shell
+ # docker run -ti --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/ramdisk -e AFL_TMPDIR=/ramdisk aflplusplus/aflplusplus
+ ```
+## 1. Instrumenting the target
+### a) Selecting the best AFL++ compiler for instrumenting the target
+AFL++ comes with a central compiler `afl-cc` that incorporates various different
+kinds of compiler targets and instrumentation options. The following
+evaluation flow will help you to select the best possible.
+It is highly recommended to have the newest llvm version possible installed,
+anything below 9 is not recommended.
+| clang/clang++ 11+ is available | --> use LTO mode (afl-clang-lto/afl-clang-lto++)
++--------------------------------+ see [instrumentation/README.lto.md](instrumentation/README.lto.md)
+ |
+ | if not, or if the target fails with LTO afl-clang-lto/++
+ |
+ v
+| clang/clang++ 3.8+ is available | --> use LLVM mode (afl-clang-fast/afl-clang-fast++)
++---------------------------------+ see [instrumentation/README.llvm.md](instrumentation/README.llvm.md)
+ |
+ | if not, or if the target fails with LLVM afl-clang-fast/++
+ |
+ v
+ +--------------------------------+
+ | gcc 5+ is available | -> use GCC_PLUGIN mode (afl-gcc-fast/afl-g++-fast)
+ +--------------------------------+ see [instrumentation/README.gcc_plugin.md](instrumentation/README.gcc_plugin.md) and
+ [instrumentation/README.instrument_list.md](instrumentation/README.instrument_list.md)
+ |
+ | if not, or if you do not have a gcc with plugin support
+ |
+ v
+ use GCC mode (afl-gcc/afl-g++) (or afl-clang/afl-clang++ for clang)
+Clickable README links for the chosen compiler:
+* [LTO mode - afl-clang-lto](../instrumentation/README.lto.md)
+* [LLVM mode - afl-clang-fast](../instrumentation/README.llvm.md)
+* [GCC_PLUGIN mode - afl-gcc-fast](../instrumentation/README.gcc_plugin.md)
+* GCC/CLANG modes (afl-gcc/afl-clang) have no README as they have no own
+ features
+You can select the mode for the afl-cc compiler by one of the following methods:
+* Using a symlink to afl-cc: afl-gcc, afl-g++, afl-clang, afl-clang++,
+ afl-clang-fast, afl-clang-fast++, afl-clang-lto, afl-clang-lto++,
+ afl-gcc-fast, afl-g++-fast (recommended!).
+* Using the environment variable `AFL_CC_COMPILER` with `MODE`.
+* Passing --afl-`MODE` command line options to the compiler via
+`MODE` can be one of the following:
+* LTO (afl-clang-lto*)
+* LLVM (afl-clang-fast*)
+* GCC_PLUGIN (afl-g*-fast) or GCC (afl-gcc/afl-g++)
+* CLANG(afl-clang/afl-clang++)
+Because no AFL++ specific command-line options are accepted (beside the
+--afl-MODE command), the compile-time tools make fairly broad use of environment
+variables, which can be listed with `afl-cc -hh` or looked up in
+### b) Selecting instrumentation options
+If you instrument with LTO mode (afl-clang-fast/afl-clang-lto), the following
+options are available:
+* Splitting integer, string, float, and switch comparisons so AFL++ can easier
+ solve these. This is an important option if you do not have a very good and
+ large input corpus. This technique is called laf-intel or COMPCOV. To use
+ this, set the following environment variable before compiling the target:
+ `export AFL_LLVM_LAF_ALL=1`. You can read more about this in
+ [instrumentation/README.laf-intel.md](../instrumentation/README.laf-intel.md).
+* A different technique (and usually a better one than laf-intel) is to
+ instrument the target so that any compare values in the target are sent to
+ AFL++ which then tries to put these values into the fuzzing data at different
+ locations. This technique is very fast and good - if the target does not
+ transform input data before comparison. Therefore, this technique is called
+ `input to state` or `redqueen`. If you want to use this technique, then you
+ have to compile the target twice, once specifically with/for this mode by
+ setting `AFL_LLVM_CMPLOG=1`, and pass this binary to afl-fuzz via the `-c`
+ parameter. Note that you can compile also just a cmplog binary and use that
+ for both, however, there will be a performance penalty. You can read more
+ about this in
+ [instrumentation/README.cmplog.md](../instrumentation/README.cmplog.md).
+If you use LTO, LLVM, or GCC_PLUGIN mode
+(afl-clang-fast/afl-clang-lto/afl-gcc-fast), you have the option to selectively
+instrument _parts_ of the target that you are interested in. For afl-clang-fast,
+you have to use an llvm version newer than 10.0.0 or a mode other than
+This step can be done either by explicitly including parts to be instrumented or
+by explicitly excluding parts from instrumentation.
+* To instrument _only specified parts_, create a file (e.g., `allowlist.txt`)
+ with all the filenames and/or functions of the source code that should be
+ instrumented and then:
+ 1. Just put one filename or function (prefixing with `fun: `) per line (no
+ directory information necessary for filenames) in the file `allowlist.txt`.
+ Example:
+ ```
+ foo.cpp # will match foo/foo.cpp, bar/foo.cpp, barfoo.cpp etc.
+ fun: foo_func # will match the function foo_func
+ ```
+ 2. Set `export AFL_LLVM_ALLOWLIST=allowlist.txt` to enable selective positive
+ instrumentation.
+* Similarly to _exclude_ specified parts from instrumentation, create a file
+ (e.g., `denylist.txt`) with all the filenames of the source code that should
+ be skipped during instrumentation and then:
+ 1. Same as above. Just put one filename or function per line in the file
+ `denylist.txt`.
+ 2. Set `export AFL_LLVM_DENYLIST=denylist.txt` to enable selective negative
+ instrumentation.
+**NOTE:** During optimization functions might be
+inlined and then would not match the list! See
+There are many more options and modes available, however, these are most of the
+time less effective. See:
+* [instrumentation/README.llvm.md#6) AFL++ Context Sensitive Branch Coverage](../instrumentation/README.llvm.md#6-afl-context-sensitive-branch-coverage)
+* [instrumentation/README.llvm.md#7) AFL++ N-Gram Branch Coverage](../instrumentation/README.llvm.md#7-afl-n-gram-branch-coverage)
+AFL++ performs "never zero" counting in its bitmap. You can read more about this
+* [instrumentation/README.llvm.md#8-neverzero-counters](../instrumentation/README.llvm.md#8-neverzero-counters)
+### c) Selecting sanitizers
+It is possible to use sanitizers when instrumenting targets for fuzzing, which
+allows you to find bugs that would not necessarily result in a crash.
+Note that sanitizers have a huge impact on CPU (= less executions per second)
+and RAM usage. Also, you should only run one afl-fuzz instance per sanitizer
+type. This is enough because e.g. a use-after-free bug will be picked up by ASAN
+(address sanitizer) anyway after syncing test cases from other fuzzing
+instances, so running more than one address sanitized target would be a waste.
+The following sanitizers have built-in support in AFL++:
+* ASAN = Address SANitizer, finds memory corruption vulnerabilities like
+ use-after-free, NULL pointer dereference, buffer overruns, etc. Enabled with
+ `export AFL_USE_ASAN=1` before compiling.
+* MSAN = Memory SANitizer, finds read accesses to uninitialized memory, e.g., a
+ local variable that is defined and read before it is even set. Enabled with
+ `export AFL_USE_MSAN=1` before compiling.
+* UBSAN = Undefined Behavior SANitizer, finds instances where - by the C and C++
+ standards - undefined behavior happens, e.g., adding two signed integers where
+ the result is larger than what a signed integer can hold. Enabled with `export
+ AFL_USE_UBSAN=1` before compiling.
+* CFISAN = Control Flow Integrity SANitizer, finds instances where the control
+ flow is found to be illegal. Originally this was rather to prevent return
+ oriented programming (ROP) exploit chains from functioning. In fuzzing, this
+ is mostly reduced to detecting type confusion vulnerabilities - which is,
+ however, one of the most important and dangerous C++ memory corruption
+ classes! Enabled with `export AFL_USE_CFISAN=1` before compiling.
+* TSAN = Thread SANitizer, finds thread race conditions. Enabled with `export
+ AFL_USE_TSAN=1` before compiling.
+* LSAN = Leak SANitizer, finds memory leaks in a program. This is not really a
+ security issue, but for developers this can be very valuable. Note that unlike
+ the other sanitizers above this needs `__AFL_LEAK_CHECK();` added to all areas
+ of the target source code where you find a leak check necessary! Enabled with
+ `export AFL_USE_LSAN=1` before compiling. To ignore the memory-leaking check
+ for certain allocations, `__AFL_LSAN_OFF();` can be used before memory is
+ allocated, and `__AFL_LSAN_ON();` afterwards. Memory allocated between these
+ two macros will not be checked for memory leaks.
+It is possible to further modify the behavior of the sanitizers at run-time by
+setting `ASAN_OPTIONS=...`, `LSAN_OPTIONS` etc. - the available parameters can
+be looked up in the sanitizer documentation of llvm/clang. afl-fuzz, however,
+requires some specific parameters important for fuzzing to be set. If you want
+to set your own, it might bail and report what it is missing.
+Note that some sanitizers cannot be used together, e.g., ASAN and MSAN, and
+others often cannot work together because of target weirdness, e.g., ASAN and
+CFISAN. You might need to experiment which sanitizers you can combine in a
+target (which means more instances can be run without a sanitized target, which
+is more effective).
+### d) Modifying the target
+If the target has features that make fuzzing more difficult, e.g., checksums,
+HMAC, etc., then modify the source code so that checks for these values are
+removed. This can even be done safely for source code used in operational
+products by eliminating these checks within these AFL++ specific blocks:
+ // say that the checksum or HMAC was fine - or whatever is required
+ // to eliminate the need for the fuzzer to guess the right checksum
+ return 0;
+All AFL++ compilers will set this preprocessor definition automatically.
+### e) Instrumenting the target
+In this step, the target source code is compiled so that it can be fuzzed.
+Basically, you have to tell the target build system that the selected AFL++
+compiler is used. Also - if possible - you should always configure the build
+system in such way that the target is compiled statically and not dynamically.
+How to do this is described below.
+The #1 rule when instrumenting a target is: avoid instrumenting shared libraries
+at all cost. You would need to set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to point to these, you
+could accidentally type "make install" and install them system wide - so don't.
+Really don't. **Always compile libraries you want to have instrumented as static
+and link these to the target program!**
+Then build the target. (Usually with `make`.)
+1. Sometimes configure and build systems are fickle and do not like stderr
+ output (and think this means a test failure) - which is something AFL++ likes
+ to do to show statistics. It is recommended to disable AFL++ instrumentation
+ reporting via `export AFL_QUIET=1`.
+2. Sometimes configure and build systems error on warnings - these should be
+ disabled (e.g., `--disable-werror` for some configure scripts).
+3. In case the configure/build system complains about AFL++'s compiler and
+ aborts, then set `export AFL_NOOPT=1` which will then just behave like the
+ real compiler and run the configure step separately. For building the target
+ afterwards this option has to be unset again!
+#### configure
+For `configure` build systems, this is usually done by:
+CC=afl-clang-fast CXX=afl-clang-fast++ ./configure --disable-shared
+Note that if you are using the (better) afl-clang-lto compiler, you also have to
+set `AR` to llvm-ar[-VERSION] and `RANLIB` to llvm-ranlib[-VERSION] - as is
+described in [instrumentation/README.lto.md](../instrumentation/README.lto.md).
+#### CMake
+For CMake build systems, this is usually done by:
+mkdir build; cd build; cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=afl-cc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=afl-c++ ..
+Note that if you are using the (better) afl-clang-lto compiler you also have to
+set AR to llvm-ar[-VERSION] and RANLIB to llvm-ranlib[-VERSION] - as is
+described in [instrumentation/README.lto.md](../instrumentation/README.lto.md).
+#### Meson Build System
+For the Meson Build System, you have to set the AFL++ compiler with the very
+first command!
+CC=afl-cc CXX=afl-c++ meson
+#### Other build systems or if configure/cmake didn't work
+Sometimes `cmake` and `configure` do not pick up the AFL++ compiler or the
+`RANLIB`/`AR` that is needed - because this was just not foreseen by the
+developer of the target. Or they have non-standard options. Figure out if there
+is a non-standard way to set this, otherwise set up the build normally and edit
+the generated build environment afterwards manually to point it to the right
+compiler (and/or `RANLIB` and `AR`).
+In complex, weird, alien build systems you can try this neat project:
+#### Linker scripts
+If the project uses linker scripts to hide the symbols exported by the
+binary, then you may see errors such as:
+undefined symbol: __afl_area_ptr
+The solution is to modify the linker script to add:
+ global:
+ __afl_*;
+### f) Better instrumentation
+If you just fuzz a target program as-is, you are wasting a great opportunity for
+much more fuzzing speed.
+This variant requires the usage of afl-clang-lto, afl-clang-fast or
+It is the so-called `persistent mode`, which is much, much faster but requires
+that you code a source file that is specifically calling the target functions
+that you want to fuzz, plus a few specific AFL++ functions around it. See
+for details.
+Basically, if you do not fuzz a target in persistent mode, then you are just
+doing it for a hobby and not professionally :-).
+### g) libfuzzer fuzzer harnesses with LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput()
+libfuzzer `LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput()` harnesses are the defacto standard for
+fuzzing, and they can be used with AFL++ (and honggfuzz) as well!
+Compiling them is as simple as:
+afl-clang-fast++ -fsanitize=fuzzer -o harness harness.cpp targetlib.a
+You can even use advanced libfuzzer features like `FuzzedDataProvider`,
+`LLVMFuzzerInitialize()` etc. and they will work!
+The generated binary is fuzzed with afl-fuzz like any other fuzz target.
+Bonus: the target is already optimized for fuzzing due to persistent mode and
+shared-memory test cases and hence gives you the fastest speed possible.
+For more information, see
+## 2. Preparing the fuzzing campaign
+As you fuzz the target with mutated input, having as diverse inputs for the
+target as possible improves the efficiency a lot.
+### a) Collecting inputs
+To operate correctly, the fuzzer requires one or more starting files that
+contain a good example of the input data normally expected by the targeted
+Try to gather valid inputs for the target from wherever you can. E.g., if it is
+the PNG picture format, try to find as many PNG files as possible, e.g., from
+reported bugs, test suites, random downloads from the internet, unit test case
+data - from all kind of PNG software.
+If the input format is not known, you can also modify a target program to write
+normal data it receives and processes to a file and use these.
+You can find many good examples of starting files in the
+[testcases/](../testcases) subdirectory that comes with this tool.
+### b) Making the input corpus unique
+Use the AFL++ tool `afl-cmin` to remove inputs from the corpus that do not
+produce a new path/coverage in the target:
+1. Put all files from [step a](#a-collecting-inputs) into one directory, e.g.,
+2. Run afl-cmin:
+ * If the target program is to be called by fuzzing as `bin/target INPUTFILE`,
+ replace the INPUTFILE argument that the target program would read from with
+ `@@`:
+ ```
+ afl-cmin -i INPUTS -o INPUTS_UNIQUE -- bin/target -someopt @@
+ ```
+ * If the target reads from stdin (standard input) instead, just omit the `@@`
+ as this is the default:
+ ```
+ afl-cmin -i INPUTS -o INPUTS_UNIQUE -- bin/target -someopt
+ ```
+This step is highly recommended, because afterwards the testcase corpus is not
+bloated with duplicates anymore, which would slow down the fuzzing progress!
+### c) Minimizing all corpus files
+The shorter the input files that still traverse the same path within the target,
+the better the fuzzing will be. This minimization is done with `afl-tmin`,
+however, it is a long process as this has to be done for every file:
+mkdir input
+for i in *; do
+ afl-tmin -i "$i" -o "../input/$i" -- bin/target -someopt @@
+This step can also be parallelized, e.g., with `parallel`.
+Note that this step is rather optional though.
+### Done!
+The INPUTS_UNIQUE/ directory from [step b](#b-making-the-input-corpus-unique) -
+or even better the directory input/ if you minimized the corpus in
+[step c](#c-minimizing-all-corpus-files) - is the resulting input corpus
+directory to be used in fuzzing! :-)
+## 3. Fuzzing the target
+In this final step, fuzz the target. There are not that many important options
+to run the target - unless you want to use many CPU cores/threads for the
+fuzzing, which will make the fuzzing much more useful.
+If you just use one instance for fuzzing, then you are fuzzing just for fun and
+not seriously :-)
+### a) Running afl-fuzz
+Before you do even a test run of afl-fuzz, execute `sudo afl-system-config` (on
+the host if you execute afl-fuzz in a Docker container). This reconfigures the
+system for optimal speed - which afl-fuzz checks and bails otherwise. Set
+`export AFL_SKIP_CPUFREQ=1` for afl-fuzz to skip this check if you cannot run
+afl-system-config with root privileges on the host for whatever reason.
+* There is also `sudo afl-persistent-config` which sets additional permanent
+ boot options for a much better fuzzing performance.
+* Both scripts improve your fuzzing performance but also decrease your system
+ protection against attacks! So set strong firewall rules and only expose SSH
+ as a network service if you use these (which is highly recommended).
+If you have an input corpus from [step 2](#2-preparing-the-fuzzing-campaign),
+then specify this directory with the `-i` option. Otherwise, create a new
+directory and create a file with any content as test data in there.
+If you do not want anything special, the defaults are already usually best,
+hence all you need is to specify the seed input directory with the result of
+step [2a) Collecting inputs](#a-collecting-inputs):
+afl-fuzz -i input -o output -- bin/target -someopt @@
+Note that the directory specified with `-o` will be created if it does not
+It can be valuable to run afl-fuzz in a `screen` or `tmux` shell so you can log
+off, or afl-fuzz is not aborted if you are running it in a remote ssh session
+where the connection fails in between. Only do that though once you have
+verified that your fuzzing setup works! Run it like `screen -dmS afl-main --
+afl-fuzz -M main-$HOSTNAME -i ...` and it will start away in a screen session.
+To enter this session, type `screen -r afl-main`. You see - it makes sense to
+name the screen session same as the afl-fuzz `-M`/`-S` naming :-) For more
+information on screen or tmux, check their documentation.
+If you need to stop and re-start the fuzzing, use the same command line options
+(or even change them by selecting a different power schedule or another mutation
+mode!) and switch the input directory with a dash (`-`):
+afl-fuzz -i - -o output -- bin/target -someopt @@
+Adding a dictionary is helpful. You have the following options:
+* See the directory
+[dictionaries/](../dictionaries/), if something is already included for your
+data format, and tell afl-fuzz to load that dictionary by adding `-x
+* With `afl-clang-lto`, you have an autodictionary generation for which you need
+ to do nothing except to use afl-clang-lto as the compiler.
+* With `afl-clang-fast`, you can set
+ `AFL_LLVM_DICT2FILE=/full/path/to/new/file.dic` to automatically generate a
+ dictionary during target compilation.
+ Adding `AFL_LLVM_DICT2FILE_NO_MAIN=1` to not parse main (usually command line
+ parameter parsing) is often a good idea too.
+* You also have the option to generate a dictionary yourself during an
+ independent run of the target, see
+ [utils/libtokencap/README.md](../utils/libtokencap/README.md).
+* Finally, you can also write a dictionary file manually, of course.
+afl-fuzz has a variety of options that help to workaround target quirks like
+very specific locations for the input file (`-f`), performing deterministic
+fuzzing (`-D`) and many more. Check out `afl-fuzz -h`.
+We highly recommend that you set a memory limit for running the target with `-m`
+which defines the maximum memory in MB. This prevents a potential out-of-memory
+problem for your system plus helps you detect missing `malloc()` failure
+handling in the target. Play around with various `-m` values until you find one
+that safely works for all your input seeds (if you have good ones and then
+double or quadruple that).
+By default, afl-fuzz never stops fuzzing. To terminate AFL++, press Control-C or
+send a signal SIGINT. You can limit the number of executions or approximate
+runtime in seconds with options also.
+When you start afl-fuzz, you will see a user interface that shows what the
+status is:
+All labels are explained in
+### b) Keeping memory use and timeouts in check
+Memory limits are not enforced by afl-fuzz by default and the system may run out
+of memory. You can decrease the memory with the `-m` option, the value is in MB.
+If this is too small for the target, you can usually see this by afl-fuzz
+bailing with the message that it could not connect to the forkserver.
+Consider setting low values for `-m` and `-t`.
+For programs that are nominally very fast, but get sluggish for some inputs, you
+can also try setting `-t` values that are more punishing than what `afl-fuzz`
+dares to use on its own. On fast and idle machines, going down to `-t 5` may be
+a viable plan.
+The `-m` parameter is worth looking at, too. Some programs can end up spending a
+fair amount of time allocating and initializing megabytes of memory when
+presented with pathological inputs. Low `-m` values can make them give up sooner
+and not waste CPU time.
+### c) Using multiple cores
+If you want to seriously fuzz, then use as many cores/threads as possible to
+fuzz your target.
+On the same machine - due to the design of how AFL++ works - there is a maximum
+number of CPU cores/threads that are useful, use more and the overall
+performance degrades instead. This value depends on the target, and the limit is
+between 32 and 64 cores per machine.
+If you have the RAM, it is highly recommended run the instances with a caching
+of the test cases. Depending on the average test case size (and those found
+during fuzzing) and their number, a value between 50-500MB is recommended. You
+can set the cache size (in MB) by setting the environment variable
+There should be one main fuzzer (`-M main-$HOSTNAME` option - set also
+`AFL_FINAL_SYNC=1`) and as many secondary fuzzers (e.g., `-S variant1`) as you
+have cores that you use. Every `-M`/`-S` entry needs a unique name (that can be
+whatever), however, the same `-o` output directory location has to be used for
+all instances.
+For every secondary fuzzer there should be a variation, e.g.:
+* one should fuzz the target that was compiled with sanitizers activated
+ (`export AFL_USE_ASAN=1 ; export AFL_USE_UBSAN=1 ; export AFL_USE_CFISAN=1`)
+* one or two should fuzz the target with CMPLOG/redqueen (see above), at least
+ one cmplog instance should follow transformations (`-l 2AT`)
+* one to three fuzzers should fuzz a target compiled with laf-intel/COMPCOV (see
+ above). Important note: If you run more than one laf-intel/COMPCOV fuzzer and
+ you want them to share their intermediate results, the main fuzzer (`-M`) must
+ be one of them (although this is not really recommended).
+The other secondaries should be run like this:
+* 10% with the MOpt mutator enabled: `-L 0`
+* 10% should use the old queue cycling with `-Z`
+* 50-70% should run with `AFL_DISABLE_TRIM`
+* 40% should run with `-P explore` and 20% with `-P exploit`
+* If you use `-a` then set 30% of the instances to not use `-a`; if you did
+ not set `-a` (why??), then set 30% to `-a ascii` and 30% to `-a binary`.
+* run each with a different power schedule, recommended are: `fast` (default),
+ `explore`, `coe`, `lin`, `quad`, `exploit`, and `rare` which you can set with
+ the `-p` option, e.g., `-p explore`. See the
+ [FAQ](FAQ.md#what-are-power-schedules) for details.
+It can be useful to set `AFL_IGNORE_SEED_PROBLEMS=1` to skip over seeds that
+crash or timeout during startup.
+Also, it is recommended to set `export AFL_IMPORT_FIRST=1` to load test cases
+from other fuzzers in the campaign first. But note that can slow down the start
+of the first fuzz by quite a lot of you have many fuzzers and/or many seeds.
+If you have a large corpus, a corpus from a previous run or are fuzzing in a CI,
+then also set `export AFL_CMPLOG_ONLY_NEW=1` and `export AFL_FAST_CAL=1`.
+If the queue in the CI is huge and/or the execution time is slow then you can
+also add `AFL_NO_STARTUP_CALIBRATION=1` to skip the initial queue calibration
+phase and start fuzzing at once - but only do this if the calibration phase
+would be too long for your fuzz run time.
+You can also use different fuzzers. If you are using AFL spinoffs or AFL
+conforming fuzzers, then just use the same -o directory and give it a unique
+`-S` name. Examples are:
+* [Fuzzolic](https://github.com/season-lab/fuzzolic)
+* [symcc](https://github.com/eurecom-s3/symcc/)
+* [Eclipser](https://github.com/SoftSec-KAIST/Eclipser/)
+* [AFLsmart](https://github.com/aflsmart/aflsmart)
+* [FairFuzz](https://github.com/carolemieux/afl-rb)
+* [Neuzz](https://github.com/Dongdongshe/neuzz)
+* [Angora](https://github.com/AngoraFuzzer/Angora)
+A long list can be found at
+However, you can also sync AFL++ with honggfuzz, libfuzzer with `-entropic=1`,
+etc. Just show the main fuzzer (`-M`) with the `-F` option where the queue/work
+directory of a different fuzzer is, e.g., `-F /src/target/honggfuzz`. Using
+honggfuzz (with `-n 1` or `-n 2`) and libfuzzer in parallel is highly
+### d) Using multiple machines for fuzzing
+Maybe you have more than one machine you want to fuzz the same target on. Start
+the `afl-fuzz` (and perhaps libfuzzer, honggfuzz, ...) orchestra as you like,
+just ensure that your have one and only one `-M` instance per server, and that
+its name is unique, hence the recommendation for `-M main-$HOSTNAME`.
+Now there are three strategies on how you can sync between the servers:
+* never: sounds weird, but this makes every server an island and has the chance
+ that each follow different paths into the target. You can make this even more
+ interesting by even giving different seeds to each server.
+* regularly (~4h): this ensures that all fuzzing campaigns on the servers "see"
+ the same thing. It is like fuzzing on a huge server.
+* in intervals of 1/10th of the overall expected runtime of the fuzzing you
+ sync. This tries a bit to combine both. Have some individuality of the paths
+ each campaign on a server explores, on the other hand if one gets stuck where
+ another found progress this is handed over making it unstuck.
+The syncing process itself is very simple. As the `-M main-$HOSTNAME` instance
+syncs to all `-S` secondaries as well as to other fuzzers, you have to copy only
+this directory to the other machines.
+Let's say all servers have the `-o out` directory in /target/foo/out, and you
+created a file `servers.txt` which contains the hostnames of all participating
+servers, plus you have an ssh key deployed to all of them, then run:
+for FROM in `cat servers.txt`; do
+ for TO in `cat servers.txt`; do
+ rsync -rlpogtz --rsh=ssh $FROM:/target/foo/out/main-$FROM $TO:target/foo/out/
+ done
+You can run this manually, per cron job - as you need it. There is a more
+complex and configurable script in
+### e) The status of the fuzz campaign
+AFL++ comes with the `afl-whatsup` script to show the status of the fuzzing
+Just supply the directory that afl-fuzz is given with the `-o` option and you
+will see a detailed status of every fuzzer in that campaign plus a summary.
+To have only the summary, use the `-s` switch, e.g., `afl-whatsup -s out/`.
+If you have multiple servers, then use the command after a sync or you have to
+execute this script per server.
+Another tool to inspect the current state and history of a specific instance is
+afl-plot, which generates an index.html file and graphs that show how the
+fuzzing instance is performing. The syntax is `afl-plot instance_dir web_dir`,
+e.g., `afl-plot out/default /srv/www/htdocs/plot`.
+### f) Stopping fuzzing, restarting fuzzing, adding new seeds
+To stop an afl-fuzz run, press Control-C.
+To restart an afl-fuzz run, just reuse the same command line but replace the `-i
+directory` with `-i -` or set `AFL_AUTORESUME=1`.
+If you want to add new seeds to a fuzzing campaign, you can run a temporary
+fuzzing instance, e.g., when your main fuzzer is using `-o out` and the new
+seeds are in `newseeds/` directory:
+AFL_BENCH_JUST_ONE=1 AFL_FAST_CAL=1 afl-fuzz -i newseeds -o out -S newseeds -- ./target
+### g) Checking the coverage of the fuzzing
+The `corpus count` value is a bad indicator for checking how good the coverage
+A better indicator - if you use default llvm instrumentation with at least
+version 9 - is to use `afl-showmap` with the collect coverage option `-C` on the
+output directory:
+$ afl-showmap -C -i out -o /dev/null -- ./target -params @@
+[*] Using SHARED MEMORY FUZZING feature.
+[*] Target map size: 9960
+[+] Processed 7849 input files.
+[+] Captured 4331 tuples (highest value 255, total values 67130596) in '/dev/nul
+[+] A coverage of 4331 edges were achieved out of 9960 existing (43.48%) with 7849 input files.
+It is even better to check out the exact lines of code that have been reached -
+and which have not been found so far.
+An "easy" helper script for this is
+just follow the README of that separate project.
+If you see that an important area or a feature has not been covered so far, then
+try to find an input that is able to reach that and start a new secondary in
+that fuzzing campaign with that seed as input, let it run for a few minutes,
+then terminate it. The main node will pick it up and make it available to the
+other secondary nodes over time. Set `export AFL_NO_AFFINITY=1` or `export
+AFL_TRY_AFFINITY=1` if you have no free core.
+Note that in nearly all cases you can never reach full coverage. A lot of
+functionality is usually dependent on exclusive options that would need
+individual fuzzing campaigns each with one of these options set. E.g., if you
+fuzz a library to convert image formats and your target is the png to tiff API,
+then you will not touch any of the other library APIs and features.
+### h) How long to fuzz a target?
+This is a difficult question. Basically, if no new path is found for a long time
+(e.g., for a day or a week), then you can expect that your fuzzing won't be
+fruitful anymore. However, often this just means that you should switch out
+secondaries for others, e.g., custom mutator modules, sync to very different
+fuzzers, etc.
+Keep the queue/ directory (for future fuzzings of the same or similar targets)
+and use them to seed other good fuzzers like libfuzzer with the -entropic switch
+or honggfuzz.
+### i) Improve the speed!
+* Use [persistent mode](../instrumentation/README.persistent_mode.md) (x2-x20
+ speed increase).
+* If you do not use shmem persistent mode, use `AFL_TMPDIR` to point the input
+ file on a tempfs location, see [env_variables.md](env_variables.md).
+* Linux: Improve kernel performance: modify `/etc/default/grub`, set
+ `GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="ibpb=off ibrs=off kpti=off l1tf=off mds=off
+ mitigations=off no_stf_barrier noibpb noibrs nopcid nopti
+ nospec_store_bypass_disable nospectre_v1 nospectre_v2 pcid=off pti=off
+ spec_store_bypass_disable=off spectre_v2=off stf_barrier=off"`; then
+ `update-grub` and `reboot` (warning: makes the system more insecure) - you can
+ also just run `sudo afl-persistent-config`.
+* Linux: Running on an `ext2` filesystem with `noatime` mount option will be a
+ bit faster than on any other journaling filesystem.
+* Use your cores! See [3c) Using multiple cores](#c-using-multiple-cores).
+* Run `sudo afl-system-config` before starting the first afl-fuzz instance after
+ a reboot.
+### j) Going beyond crashes
+Fuzzing is a wonderful and underutilized technique for discovering non-crashing
+design and implementation errors, too. Quite a few interesting bugs have been
+found by modifying the target programs to call `abort()` when say:
+- Two bignum libraries produce different outputs when given the same
+ fuzzer-generated input.
+- An image library produces different outputs when asked to decode the same
+ input image several times in a row.
+- A serialization/deserialization library fails to produce stable outputs when
+ iteratively serializing and deserializing fuzzer-supplied data.
+- A compression library produces an output inconsistent with the input file when
+ asked to compress and then decompress a particular blob.
+Implementing these or similar sanity checks usually takes very little time; if
+you are the maintainer of a particular package, you can make this code
+conditional with `#ifdef FUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION` (a flag also
+shared with libfuzzer and honggfuzz) or `#ifdef __AFL_COMPILER` (this one is
+just for AFL++).
+### k) Known limitations & areas for improvement
+Here are some of the most important caveats for AFL++:
+- AFL++ detects faults by checking for the first spawned process dying due to a
+ signal (SIGSEGV, SIGABRT, etc.). Programs that install custom handlers for
+ these signals may need to have the relevant code commented out. In the same
+ vein, faults in child processes spawned by the fuzzed target may evade
+ detection unless you manually add some code to catch that.
+- As with any other brute-force tool, the fuzzer offers limited coverage if
+ encryption, checksums, cryptographic signatures, or compression are used to
+ wholly wrap the actual data format to be tested.
+ To work around this, you can comment out the relevant checks (see
+ utils/libpng_no_checksum/ for inspiration); if this is not possible, you can
+ also write a postprocessor, one of the hooks of custom mutators. See
+ [custom_mutators.md](custom_mutators.md) on how to use
+- There are some unfortunate trade-offs with ASAN and 64-bit binaries. This
+ isn't due to any specific fault of afl-fuzz.
+- There is no direct support for fuzzing network services, background daemons,
+ or interactive apps that require UI interaction to work. You may need to make
+ simple code changes to make them behave in a more traditional way. Preeny or
+ libdesock may offer a relatively simple option, too - see:
+ [https://github.com/zardus/preeny](https://github.com/zardus/preeny) or
+ [https://github.com/fkie-cad/libdesock](https://github.com/fkie-cad/libdesock)
+ Some useful tips for modifying network-based services can be also found at:
+ [https://www.fastly.com/blog/how-to-fuzz-server-american-fuzzy-lop](https://www.fastly.com/blog/how-to-fuzz-server-american-fuzzy-lop)
+- Occasionally, sentient machines rise against their creators. If this happens
+ to you, please consult
+ [https://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/prep/](https://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/prep/).
+Beyond this, see [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md) for platform-specific tips.
+## 4. Triaging crashes
+The coverage-based grouping of crashes usually produces a small data set that
+can be quickly triaged manually or with a very simple GDB or Valgrind script.
+Every crash is also traceable to its parent non-crashing test case in the queue,
+making it easier to diagnose faults.
+Having said that, it's important to acknowledge that some fuzzing crashes can be
+difficult to quickly evaluate for exploitability without a lot of debugging and
+code analysis work. To assist with this task, afl-fuzz supports a very unique
+"crash exploration" mode enabled with the `-C` flag.
+In this mode, the fuzzer takes one or more crashing test cases as the input and
+uses its feedback-driven fuzzing strategies to very quickly enumerate all code
+paths that can be reached in the program while keeping it in the crashing state.
+Mutations that do not result in a crash are rejected; so are any changes that do
+not affect the execution path.
+The output is a small corpus of files that can be very rapidly examined to see
+what degree of control the attacker has over the faulting address, or whether it
+is possible to get past an initial out-of-bounds read - and see what lies
+Oh, one more thing: for test case minimization, give afl-tmin a try. The tool
+can be operated in a very simple way:
+./afl-tmin -i test_case -o minimized_result -- /path/to/program [...]
+The tool works with crashing and non-crashing test cases alike. In the crash
+mode, it will happily accept instrumented and non-instrumented binaries. In the
+non-crashing mode, the minimizer relies on standard AFL++ instrumentation to
+make the file simpler without altering the execution path.
+The minimizer accepts the `-m`, `-t`, `-f`, and `@@` syntax in a manner
+compatible with afl-fuzz.
+Another tool in AFL++ is the afl-analyze tool. It takes an input file, attempts
+to sequentially flip bytes and observes the behavior of the tested program. It
+then color-codes the input based on which sections appear to be critical and
+which are not; while not bulletproof, it can often offer quick insights into
+complex file formats.
+`casr-afl` from [CASR](https://github.com/ispras/casr) tools provides
+comfortable triaging for crashes found by AFL++. Reports are clustered and
+contain severity and other information.
+casr-afl -i /path/to/afl/out/dir -o /path/to/casr/out/dir
+## 5. CI fuzzing
+Some notes on continuous integration (CI) fuzzing - this fuzzing is different to
+normal fuzzing campaigns as these are much shorter runnings.
+If the queue in the CI is huge and/or the execution time is slow then you can
+also add `AFL_NO_STARTUP_CALIBRATION=1` to skip the initial queue calibration
+phase and start fuzzing at once. But only do that if the calibration time is
+too long for your overall available fuzz run time.
+1. Always:
+ * LTO has a much longer compile time which is diametrical to short fuzzing -
+ hence use afl-clang-fast instead.
+ * If you compile with CMPLOG, then you can save compilation time and reuse
+ that compiled target with the `-c` option and as the main fuzz target.
+ This will impact the speed by ~15% though.
+ * `AFL_FAST_CAL` - enables fast calibration, this halves the time the
+ saturated corpus needs to be loaded.
+ * `AFL_CMPLOG_ONLY_NEW` - only perform cmplog on new finds, not the initial
+ corpus as this very likely has been done for them already.
+ * Keep the generated corpus, use afl-cmin and reuse it every time!
+2. Additionally randomize the AFL++ compilation options, e.g.:
+ * 30% for `AFL_LLVM_CMPLOG`
+ * 5% for `AFL_LLVM_LAF_ALL`
+3. Also randomize the afl-fuzz runtime options, e.g.:
+ * 65% for `AFL_DISABLE_TRIM`
+ * 50% for `AFL_KEEP_TIMEOUTS`
+ * 50% use a dictionary generated by `AFL_LLVM_DICT2FILE` + `AFL_LLVM_DICT2FILE_NO_MAIN=1`
+ * 10% use MOpt (`-L 0`)
+ * 40% for `AFL_EXPAND_HAVOC_NOW`
+ * 20% for old queue processing (`-Z`)
+ * for CMPLOG targets, 70% for `-l 2`, 10% for `-l 3`, 20% for `-l 2AT`
+4. Do *not* run any `-M` modes, just running `-S` modes is better for CI
+ fuzzing. `-M` enables old queue handling etc. which is good for a fuzzing
+ campaign but not good for short CI runs.
+How this can look like can, e.g., be seen at AFL++'s setup in Google's
+[previous oss-fuzz version](https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/blob/3e2c5312417d1a6f9564472f3df1fd27759b289d/infra/base-images/base-builder/compile_afl)
+## The End
+Check out the [FAQ](FAQ.md). Maybe it answers your question (that you might not
+even have known you had ;-) ).
+This is basically all you need to know to professionally run fuzzing campaigns.
+If you want to know more, the tons of texts in [docs/](./) will have you
+Note that there are also a lot of tools out there that help fuzzing with AFL++
+(some might be deprecated or unsupported), see