This Git repository is the CNN source code following the nnet2 (Dan's DNN implementation) in KALDI Speech Recognition Toolkit, which is the implementation of the paper: Lee, Hwaran, et al. "Deep CNNs Along the Time Axis With Intermap Pooling for Robustness to Spectral Variations." IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23.10 (2016): 1310-1314. [paper] [demo]
We provide:
- 2D Convolution layer (ConvoutionComponent)
- 3D Maxpooling layer (MaxpoolComponent)
- Fully connected layer (FullyConnectedComponent), which is plain version and different from the ['AffineComponentPreconditioned'] in nnet2.
Download and install the Kaldi Speech Recognition Toolkit from [kaldi-git-trunk].
In the file "src/cudamatrix/cu-matrix.h", copy and paste the followings as member functions of class CuMatrixBase
// Convolution 'this' with kernel => out // this matrix : row = num_chunks, col=in_height * in_width * in_channel void Conv2D(const CuMatrixBase<Real> &kernel, int32 in_height, int32 in_width, int32 in_channel, int32 kernel_height, int32 kernel_width, int32 group, CuMatrixBase<Real> *out, bool concat) const; // if vec = [1 2 3] and rep = 2 => vec2 = [ 1 1 2 2 3 3]; // this = this * repmat(vec2, NumRows(), 1); void AddMatRepVec(const CuVectorBase<Real> &vec, int32 rep) const; // Flip 2D matrix. this [(kernel_height*kernel_width*in_channel) x group] // flip [(kernel_height*kernel_width*group) x in_channel] void FlipMat(int32 kernel_height, int32 kernel_width, int32 in_channel, int32 group, CuMatrix<Real> *flip) const; // zero padding along the edge // zero [ (NumRows() + pad_height*2) x (NumCols() + pad_width*2) ] void PaddingZero(int32 orig_height, int32 orig_width, int32 orig_channel, int32 kernel_height, int32 kernel_width, CuMatrix<Real> *padmat) const; void TpBlock(int32 in_channel, int32 block_size, CuMatrix<Real> *out) const; void TpInsideBlock(int32 group, int32 block_size, CuMatrix<Real> *out) const; void ModPermuteRow(int32 in_channel, int32 block_size, CuMatrix<Real> *out) const; void Maxpool_prop(int32 in_height, int32 in_width, int32 pool_height_dim, int32 pool_width_dim, int32 pool_channel_dim, CuMatrixBase<Real> *out) const; void Maxpool_backprop(const CuMatrixBase<Real> &out_value, const CuMatrixBase<Real> &out_deriv, CuMatrix<Real> *in_deriv, int32 in_height, int32 in_width, int32 pool_height_dim, int32 pool_width_dim, int32 pool_channel_dim) const;
Add new components in nnet0 into nnet2's header and source codes.
- In the file "src/nnet2/"
- add: #include "nnet0/nnet-component-nnet0.h"
- add followings under "Component* Component::NewComponentOfType(const std::string &component_type) "
} else if (component_type == "ConvolutionComponent") {
ans = new cnsl::nnet0::ConvolutionComponent();
} else if (component_type == "MaxpoolComponent") {
ans = new cnsl::nnet0::MaxpoolComponent();
} else if (component_type == "FullyConnectedComponent") {
ans = new cnsl::nnet0::FullyConnectedComponent();
- In the file "src/nnet0/nnet-component-nnet0.h"
- Change the ChunkInfo's private variables to be "public"
- In the class NonlinearComponent, change 'UpdateStates' function to be "public"
Copy "src/cnslmat" folder into the kaldi trunk and make
Copy "src/nnet0" folder into the kaldi trunk and make
In the file "src/nnet2bin/Makefile" add followings: ADDLIBS ../nnet0/cnsl-nnet0.a ../cnslmat/cnsl-cnslmat.a
Make all source files cd ../src make
- To train CNN, run "local/nnet0/". Before you run the code, you need a network configuration file "nnet.conf" in your experiment directory. Also when the network includes dropout layers, "dropout_scale.config" file is required.
- Implemented by Hwaran Lee (Computational NeroSystems Labs, KAIST)
- under KALDI Revision 4510
- updated date : 2015. 05. 15.