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--- a/fabric-ca/README.md
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-# Hyperledger Fabric CA sample
-The Hyperledger Fabric CA sample demonstrates the following:
-* How to use the Hyperledger Fabric CA client and server to generate all crypto
- material rather than using cryptogen. The cryptogen tool is not intended for
- a production environment because it generates all private keys in one location
- which must then be copied to the appropriate host or container. This sample
- demonstrates how to generate crypto material for orderers, peers,
- administrators, and end users so that private keys never leave the host or
- container in which they are generated.
-* How to use Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC). See
- fabric-samples/chaincode/abac/abac.go and note the use of the *github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/shim/ext/cid* package to extract
- attributes from the invoker's identity. Only identities with the *abac.init*
- attribute value of *true* can successfully call the *Init* function to
- instantiate the chaincode.
-## Running this sample
-1. To run this sample, simply run the *start.sh* script. You may do this
-multiple times in a row as needed since the *start.sh* script cleans up before
-starting each time. This sample can be run with the latest released version,
-an older released version, or from locally built docker images as follows:
- a. By default, the sample is run with the latest released version of Fabric
- and Fabric CA.
- b. Older versions of Fabric and Fabric CA can be used by setting the
- `FABRIC_TAG` environment variable. For example, `export FABRIC_TAG=1.4.0-rc2`
- will run the sample with 1.4.0-rc2 version of Fabric and Fabric CA.
- c. The sample can also be run with locally built Fabric and Fabric CA
- docker images. Fabric and Fabric CA repositories must be cloned with following
- commands:
- `git clone https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric.git`
- `git clone https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca.git`
- Then execute the `make docker-all` command from the fabric-ca repository. This will
- build the necessary images based on the local source code. Before executing the
- *start.sh* script, set the `FABRIC_TAG` environment variable to 'local' as follows:
- `export FABRIC_TAG=local`.
-2. To stop the containers which are started by the *start.sh* script, you may run the *stop.sh* script.
-## Understanding this sample
-There are some variables at the top of *fabric-samples/fabric-ca/scripts/env.sh*
-script which define the names and topology of this sample. You may modify these
-as described in the comments of the script in order to customize this sample.
-By default, there are three organizations. The orderer organization is *org0*,
-and two peer organizations are *org1* and *org2*.
-The *start.sh* script first builds the *docker-compose.yml* file (by invoking the
-*makeDocker.sh* script) and then starts the docker containers.
-The *data* directory is a volume mount for all containers.
-This volume mount is not be needed in a real scenario, but it is used by this
-sample for the following reasons:
- a) so that all containers can write their logs to a common directory
- (i.e. *the *data/logs* directory) to make debugging easier;
- b) to synchronize the sequence in which containers start as described below
- (for example, an intermediate CA in an *ica* container must wait for the
- corresponding root CA in a *rca* container to write its certificate to
- the *data* directory);
- c) to access bootstrap certificates required by clients to connect over TLS.
-The containers defined in the *docker-compose.yml* file are started in the
-following sequence.
-1. The *rca* (root CA) containers start first, one for each organization.
-An *rca* container runs the fabric-ca-server for the root CA of an
-organization. The root CA certificate is written to the *data* directory
-and is used when an intermediate CA must connect to it over TLS.
-2. The *ica* (Intermediate CA) containers start next. An *ica* container
-runs the fabric-ca-server for the intermediate CA of an organization.
-Each of these containers enrolls with a corresponding root CA.
-The intermediate CA certificate is also written to the *data* directory.
-3. The *setup* container registers identities with the intermediate CAs,
-generates the genesis block, and other artifacts needed to setup the
-blockchain network. This is performed by the
-*fabric-samples/fabric-ca/scripts/setup-fabric.sh* script. Note that the
-admin identity is registered with **abac.init=true:ecert**
-(see the *registerPeerIdentities* function of this script). This causes
-the admin's enrollment certificate (ECert) to have an attribute named "abac.init"
-with a value of "true". Note further that the chaincode used by this sample
-requires this attribute be included in the certificate of the identity that
-invokes its Init function. See the chaincode at *fabric-samples/chaincode/abac/abac.go*).
-For more information on Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), see
-4. The orderer and peer containers are started. The naming of these containers
-is straight-forward as is their log files in the *data/logs* directory.
-5. The *run* container is started which runs the actual test case. It creates
-a channel, peers join the channel, chaincode is installed and instantiated,
-and the chaincode is queried and invoked. See the *main* function of the
-*fabric-samples/fabric-ca/scripts/run-fabric.sh* script for more details.
-![Creative Commons License](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
diff --git a/fabric-ca/build-images.sh b/fabric-ca/build-images.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e49bf4e5e9..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/build-images.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# This script builds the images required to run this sample.
-function assertOnMasterBranch {
- if [ "`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`" != "master" ]; then
- fatal "You must switch to the master branch in `pwd`"
- fi
-set -e
-SDIR=$(dirname "$0")
-source $SDIR/scripts/env.sh
-# Delete docker containers
-dockerContainers=$(docker ps -a | awk '$2~/hyperledger/ {print $1}')
-if [ "$dockerContainers" != "" ]; then
- log "Deleting existing docker containers ..."
- docker rm -f $dockerContainers > /dev/null
-# Remove chaincode docker images
-chaincodeImages=`docker images | grep "^dev-peer" | awk '{print $3}'`
-if [ "$chaincodeImages" != "" ]; then
- log "Removing chaincode docker images ..."
- docker rmi $chaincodeImages > /dev/null
-# Perform docker clean for fabric-ca
-log "Cleaning fabric-ca docker images ..."
-cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca
-make docker-clean
-# Perform docker clean for fabric and rebuild
-log "Cleaning and rebuilding fabric docker images ..."
-cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric
-make docker-clean docker
-# Perform docker clean for fabric and rebuild against latest fabric images just built
-log "Rebuilding fabric-ca docker images ..."
-cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-ca
-FABRIC_TAG=latest make docker
-log "Setup completed successfully. You may run the tests multiple times by running start.sh."
diff --git a/fabric-ca/makeDocker.sh b/fabric-ca/makeDocker.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 147fdc394b..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/makeDocker.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# This script builds the docker compose file needed to run this sample.
-# IMPORTANT: The following default FABRIC_TAG value should be updated for each
-# release after the fabric-orderer and fabric-peer images have been published
-# for the release.
-export FABRIC_TAG=${FABRIC_TAG:-1.4.0-rc2}
-export NS=${NS:-hyperledger}
-export MARCH=$(echo "$(uname -s|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'|sed 's/mingw64_nt.*/windows/')-$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/g')" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
-SDIR=$(dirname "$0")
-source $SDIR/scripts/env.sh
-function main {
- {
- createDockerFiles
- writeHeader
- writeRootFabricCA
- writeIntermediateFabricCA
- fi
- writeSetupFabric
- writeStartFabric
- writeRunFabric
- } > $SDIR/docker-compose.yml
- log "Created docker-compose.yml"
-# Create various dockerfiles used by this sample
-function createDockerFiles {
- if [ "$FABRIC_TAG" = "local" ]; then
- ORDERER_BUILD="image: hyperledger/fabric-ca-orderer"
- PEER_BUILD="image: hyperledger/fabric-ca-peer"
- TOOLS_BUILD="image: hyperledger/fabric-ca-tools"
- else
- createDockerFile orderer
- context: .
- dockerfile: fabric-ca-orderer.dockerfile"
- createDockerFile peer
- PEER_BUILD="build:
- context: .
- dockerfile: fabric-ca-peer.dockerfile"
- createDockerFile tools
- TOOLS_BUILD="build:
- context: .
- dockerfile: fabric-ca-tools.dockerfile"
- fi
-# createDockerFile
-function createDockerFile {
- {
- echo "FROM ${NS}/fabric-${1}:${FABRIC_TAG}"
- echo 'RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y netcat jq && apt-get install -y curl && rm -rf /var/cache/apt'
- echo "RUN curl -o /tmp/fabric-ca-client.tar.gz $URL && tar -xzvf /tmp/fabric-ca-client.tar.gz -C /tmp && cp /tmp/bin/fabric-ca-client /usr/local/bin"
- echo 'RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fabric-ca-client'
- # libraries needed when image is built dynamically
- echo 'RUN if [ "\$FABRIC_CA_DYNAMIC_LINK" = "true" ]; then apt-get install -y libltdl-dev; fi'
- } > $SDIR/fabric-ca-${1}.dockerfile
-# Write services for the root fabric CA servers
-function writeRootFabricCA {
- for ORG in $ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- writeRootCA
- done
-# Write services for the intermediate fabric CA servers
-function writeIntermediateFabricCA {
- for ORG in $ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- writeIntermediateCA
- done
-# Write a service to setup the fabric artifacts (e.g. genesis block, etc)
-function writeSetupFabric {
- echo " setup:
- container_name: setup
- command: /bin/bash -c '/scripts/setup-fabric.sh 2>&1 | tee /$SETUP_LOGFILE; sleep 99999'
- volumes:
- - ./scripts:/scripts
- - ./$DATA:/$DATA
- networks:
- depends_on:"
- for ORG in $ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- echo " - $CA_NAME"
- done
- echo ""
-# Write services for fabric orderer and peer containers
-function writeStartFabric {
- for ORG in $ORDERER_ORGS; do
- while [[ "$COUNT" -le $NUM_ORDERERS ]]; do
- initOrdererVars $ORG $COUNT
- writeOrderer
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- done
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- while [[ "$COUNT" -le $NUM_PEERS ]]; do
- initPeerVars $ORG $COUNT
- writePeer
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- done
-# Write a service to run a fabric test including creating a channel,
-# installing chaincode, invoking and querying
-function writeRunFabric {
- # Set samples directory relative to this script
- SAMPLES_DIR=$(dirname $(cd ${SDIR} && pwd))
- # Set fabric directory relative to GOPATH
- FABRIC_DIR=${GOPATH}/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric
- echo " run:
- container_name: run
- image: hyperledger/fabric-ca-tools
- environment:
- - GOPATH=/opt/gopath
- command: /bin/bash -c 'sleep 3;/scripts/run-fabric.sh 2>&1 | tee /$RUN_LOGFILE; sleep 99999'
- volumes:
- - ./scripts:/scripts
- - ./$DATA:/$DATA
- - ${SAMPLES_DIR}:/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples
- - ${FABRIC_DIR}:/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric
- networks:
- depends_on:"
- for ORG in $ORDERER_ORGS; do
- while [[ "$COUNT" -le $NUM_ORDERERS ]]; do
- initOrdererVars $ORG $COUNT
- echo " - $ORDERER_NAME"
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- done
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- while [[ "$COUNT" -le $NUM_PEERS ]]; do
- initPeerVars $ORG $COUNT
- echo " - $PEER_NAME"
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- done
-function writeRootCA {
- echo " $ROOT_CA_NAME:
- container_name: $ROOT_CA_NAME
- image: hyperledger/fabric-ca
- command: /bin/bash -c '/scripts/start-root-ca.sh 2>&1 | tee /$ROOT_CA_LOGFILE'
- environment:
- - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca
- volumes:
- - ./scripts:/scripts
- - ./$DATA:/$DATA
- networks:
-function writeIntermediateCA {
- echo " $INT_CA_NAME:
- container_name: $INT_CA_NAME
- image: hyperledger/fabric-ca
- command: /bin/bash -c '/scripts/start-intermediate-ca.sh $ORG 2>&1 | tee /$INT_CA_LOGFILE'
- environment:
- - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca
- - ORG=$ORG
- volumes:
- - ./scripts:/scripts
- - ./$DATA:/$DATA
- networks:
- depends_on:
-function writeOrderer {
- MYHOME=/etc/hyperledger/orderer
- echo " $ORDERER_NAME:
- container_name: $ORDERER_NAME
- environment:
- - ORG=$ORG
- command: /bin/bash -c '/scripts/start-orderer.sh 2>&1 | tee /$ORDERER_LOGFILE'
- volumes:
- - ./scripts:/scripts
- - ./$DATA:/$DATA
- networks:
- depends_on:
- - setup
-function writePeer {
- MYHOME=/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer
- echo " $PEER_NAME:
- container_name: $PEER_NAME
- environment:
- - CORE_VM_ENDPOINT=unix:///host/var/run/docker.sock
- - CORE_PEER_TLS_CERT_FILE=$MYHOME/tls/server.crt
- - CORE_PEER_TLS_KEY_FILE=$MYHOME/tls/server.key
- - ORG=$ORG
- if [ $NUM -gt 1 ]; then
- echo " - CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_BOOTSTRAP=peer1-${ORG}:7051"
- fi
- echo " working_dir: $MYHOME
- command: /bin/bash -c '/scripts/start-peer.sh 2>&1 | tee /$PEER_LOGFILE'
- volumes:
- - ./scripts:/scripts
- - ./$DATA:/$DATA
- - /var/run:/host/var/run
- networks:
- depends_on:
- - setup
-function writeHeader {
- echo "version: '2'
diff --git a/fabric-ca/scripts/env.sh b/fabric-ca/scripts/env.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 986b55e562..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/scripts/env.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# The following variables describe the topology and may be modified to provide
-# different organization names or the number of peers in each peer organization.
-# Name of the docker-compose network
-# Names of the orderer organizations
-# Names of the peer organizations
-PEER_ORGS="org1 org2"
-# Number of peers in each peer organization
-# The remainder of this file contains variables which typically would not be changed.
-# All org names
-# Set to true to populate the "admincerts" folder of MSPs
-# Number of orderer nodes
-# The volume mount to share data between containers
-# The path to the genesis block
-# The path to a channel transaction
-# Name of test channel
-# Query timeout in seconds
-# Setup timeout in seconds (for setup container to complete)
-# Log directory
-# Name of a the file to create when setup is successful
-# The setup container's log file
-# The run container's log file
-# The run container's summary log file
-# Run success and failure files
-# Affiliation is not used to limit users in this sample, so just put
-# all identities in the same affiliation.
-# Set to true to enable use of intermediate CAs
-# Config block file path
-# Update config block payload file path
-# initOrgVars
-function initOrgVars {
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- echo "Usage: initOrgVars "
- exit 1
- fi
- ORG=$1
- INT_CA_HOST=ica-${ORG}
- INT_CA_NAME=ica-${ORG}
- # Root CA admin identity
- ROOT_CA_ADMIN_USER=rca-${ORG}-admin
- # Root CA intermediate identity to bootstrap the intermediate CA
- # Intermediate CA admin identity
- INT_CA_ADMIN_USER=ica-${ORG}-admin
- # Admin identity for the org
- ADMIN_NAME=admin-${ORG}
- # Typical user identity for the org
- USER_NAME=user-${ORG}
- ROOT_CA_CERTFILE=/${DATA}/${ORG}-ca-cert.pem
- INT_CA_CHAINFILE=/${DATA}/${ORG}-ca-chain.pem
- ANCHOR_TX_FILE=/${DATA}/orgs/${ORG}/anchors.tx
- ORG_MSP_DIR=/${DATA}/orgs/${ORG}/msp
- ORG_ADMIN_CERT=${ORG_MSP_DIR}/admincerts/cert.pem
- ORG_ADMIN_HOME=/${DATA}/orgs/$ORG/admin
- if test "$USE_INTERMEDIATE_CA" = "true"; then
- else
- fi
-# initOrdererVars
-function initOrdererVars {
- if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
- echo "Usage: initOrdererVars "
- exit 1
- fi
- initOrgVars $1
- NUM=$2
- ORDERER_HOST=orderer${NUM}-${ORG}
- ORDERER_NAME=orderer${NUM}-${ORG}
- MYHOME=/etc/hyperledger/orderer
- export FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC=debug
- # enabled TLS
-function genClientTLSCert {
- if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
- echo "Usage: genClientTLSCert : $*"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Get a client cert
- fabric-ca-client enroll -d --enrollment.profile tls -u $ENROLLMENT_URL -M /tmp/tls --csr.hosts $HOST_NAME
- mkdir /$DATA/tls || true
- cp /tmp/tls/signcerts/* $CERT_FILE
- cp /tmp/tls/keystore/* $KEY_FILE
- rm -rf /tmp/tls
-# initPeerVars
-function initPeerVars {
- if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
- echo "Usage: initPeerVars : $*"
- exit 1
- fi
- initOrgVars $1
- NUM=$2
- PEER_HOST=peer${NUM}-${ORG}
- PEER_NAME=peer${NUM}-${ORG}
- MYHOME=/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer
- export CORE_VM_ENDPOINT=unix:///host/var/run/docker.sock
- # the following setting starts chaincode containers on the same
- # bridge network as the peers
- # https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/
- export CORE_PEER_TLS_CLIENTCERT_FILE=/$DATA/tls/$PEER_NAME-cli-client.crt
- export CORE_PEER_TLS_CLIENTKEY_FILE=/$DATA/tls/$PEER_NAME-cli-client.key
- # gossip variables
- if [ $NUM -gt 1 ]; then
- # Point the non-anchor peers to the anchor peer, which is always the 1st peer
- export CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_BOOTSTRAP=peer1-${ORG}:7051
- fi
-# Switch to the current org's admin identity. Enroll if not previously enrolled.
-function switchToAdminIdentity {
- if [ ! -d $ORG_ADMIN_HOME ]; then
- dowait "$CA_NAME to start" 60 $CA_LOGFILE $CA_CHAINFILE
- log "Enrolling admin '$ADMIN_NAME' with $CA_HOST ..."
- fabric-ca-client enroll -d -u https://$ADMIN_NAME:$ADMIN_PASS@$CA_HOST:7054
- # If admincerts are required in the MSP, copy the cert there now and to my local MSP also
- if [ $ADMINCERTS ]; then
- mkdir -p $(dirname "${ORG_ADMIN_CERT}")
- cp $ORG_ADMIN_HOME/msp/signcerts/* $ORG_ADMIN_CERT
- mkdir $ORG_ADMIN_HOME/msp/admincerts
- cp $ORG_ADMIN_HOME/msp/signcerts/* $ORG_ADMIN_HOME/msp/admincerts
- fi
- fi
-# Switch to the current org's user identity. Enroll if not previously enrolled.
-function switchToUserIdentity {
- export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric/orgs/$ORG/user
- if [ ! -d $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME ]; then
- dowait "$CA_NAME to start" 60 $CA_LOGFILE $CA_CHAINFILE
- log "Enrolling user for organization $ORG with home directory $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME ..."
- fabric-ca-client enroll -d -u https://$USER_NAME:$USER_PASS@$CA_HOST:7054
- # Set up admincerts directory if required
- if [ $ADMINCERTS ]; then
- mkdir -p $ACDIR
- cp $ORG_ADMIN_HOME/msp/signcerts/* $ACDIR
- fi
- fi
-# Revokes the fabric user
-function revokeFabricUserAndGenerateCRL {
- switchToAdminIdentity
- logr "Revoking the user '$USER_NAME' of the organization '$ORG' with Fabric CA Client home directory set to $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME and generating CRL ..."
- fabric-ca-client revoke -d --revoke.name $USER_NAME --gencrl
-# Generates a CRL that contains serial numbers of all revoked enrollment certificates.
-# The generated CRL is placed in the crls folder of the admin's MSP
-function generateCRL {
- switchToAdminIdentity
- logr "Generating CRL for the organization '$ORG' with Fabric CA Client home directory set to $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME ..."
- fabric-ca-client gencrl -d
-# Copy the org's admin cert into some target MSP directory
-# This is only required if ADMINCERTS is enabled.
-function copyAdminCert {
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- fatal "Usage: copyAdminCert "
- fi
- if $ADMINCERTS; then
- dstDir=$1/admincerts
- mkdir -p $dstDir
- dowait "$ORG administator to enroll" 60 $SETUP_LOGFILE $ORG_ADMIN_CERT
- cp $ORG_ADMIN_CERT $dstDir
- fi
-# Create the TLS directories of the MSP folder if they don't exist.
-# The fabric-ca-client should do this.
-function finishMSPSetup {
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- fatal "Usage: finishMSPSetup "
- fi
- if [ ! -d $1/tlscacerts ]; then
- mkdir $1/tlscacerts
- cp $1/cacerts/* $1/tlscacerts
- if [ -d $1/intermediatecerts ]; then
- mkdir $1/tlsintermediatecerts
- cp $1/intermediatecerts/* $1/tlsintermediatecerts
- fi
- fi
-function awaitSetup {
- dowait "the 'setup' container to finish registering identities, creating the genesis block and other artifacts" $SETUP_TIMEOUT $SETUP_LOGFILE /$SETUP_SUCCESS_FILE
-# Wait for one or more files to exist
-# Usage: dowait [ ...]
-function dowait {
- if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then
- fatal "Usage: dowait: $*"
- fi
- local what=$1
- local secs=$2
- local logFile=$3
- shift 3
- local logit=true
- local starttime=$(date +%s)
- for file in $*; do
- until [ -f $file ]; do
- if [ "$logit" = true ]; then
- log -n "Waiting for $what ..."
- logit=false
- fi
- sleep 1
- if [ "$(($(date +%s)-starttime))" -gt "$secs" ]; then
- echo ""
- fatal "Failed waiting for $what ($file not found); see $logFile"
- fi
- echo -n "."
- done
- done
- echo ""
-# Wait for a process to begin to listen on a particular host and port
-# Usage: waitPort
-function waitPort {
- set +e
- local what=$1
- local secs=$2
- local logFile=$3
- local host=$4
- local port=$5
- nc -z $host $port > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- log -n "Waiting for $what ..."
- local starttime=$(date +%s)
- while true; do
- sleep 1
- nc -z $host $port > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- break
- fi
- if [ "$(($(date +%s)-starttime))" -gt "$secs" ]; then
- fatal "Failed waiting for $what; see $logFile"
- fi
- echo -n "."
- done
- echo ""
- fi
- set -e
-# log a message
-function log {
- if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then
- shift
- echo -n "##### `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` $*"
- else
- echo "##### `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` $*"
- fi
-# fatal a message
-function fatal {
- log "FATAL: $*"
- exit 1
diff --git a/fabric-ca/scripts/run-fabric.sh b/fabric-ca/scripts/run-fabric.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0089d66efa..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/scripts/run-fabric.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-set -e
-source $(dirname "$0")/env.sh
-function main {
- done=false
- # Wait for setup to complete and then wait another 10 seconds for the orderer and peers to start
- awaitSetup
- sleep 10
- trap finish EXIT
- mkdir -p $LOGPATH
- logr "The docker 'run' container has started"
- # Set ORDERER_PORT_ARGS to the args needed to communicate with the 1st orderer
- IFS=', ' read -r -a OORGS <<< "$ORDERER_ORGS"
- initOrdererVars ${OORGS[0]} 1
- export ORDERER_PORT_ARGS="-o $ORDERER_HOST:7050 --tls --cafile $CA_CHAINFILE --clientauth"
- # Convert PEER_ORGS to an array named PORGS
- IFS=', ' read -r -a PORGS <<< "$PEER_ORGS"
- # Create the channel
- createChannel
- # All peers join the channel
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- local COUNT=1
- while [[ "$COUNT" -le $NUM_PEERS ]]; do
- initPeerVars $ORG $COUNT
- joinChannel
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- done
- # Update the anchor peers
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- initPeerVars $ORG 1
- switchToAdminIdentity
- logr "Updating anchor peers for $PEER_HOST ..."
- peer channel update -c $CHANNEL_NAME -f $ANCHOR_TX_FILE $ORDERER_CONN_ARGS
- done
- # Install chaincode on the 1st peer in each org
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- initPeerVars $ORG 1
- installChaincode
- done
- # Instantiate chaincode on the 1st peer of the 2nd org
- makePolicy
- initPeerVars ${PORGS[1]} 1
- switchToAdminIdentity
- logr "Instantiating chaincode on $PEER_HOST ..."
- peer chaincode instantiate -C $CHANNEL_NAME -n mycc -v 1.0 -c '{"Args":["init","a","100","b","200"]}' -P "$POLICY" $ORDERER_CONN_ARGS
- # Query chaincode from the 1st peer of the 1st org
- initPeerVars ${PORGS[0]} 1
- switchToUserIdentity
- chaincodeQuery 100
- # Invoke chaincode on the 1st peer of the 1st org
- initPeerVars ${PORGS[0]} 1
- switchToUserIdentity
- logr "Sending invoke transaction to $PEER_HOST ..."
- peer chaincode invoke -C $CHANNEL_NAME -n mycc -c '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}' $ORDERER_CONN_ARGS
- # Install chaincode on 2nd peer of 2nd org
- initPeerVars ${PORGS[1]} 2
- installChaincode
- # Query chaincode on 2nd peer of 2nd org
- sleep 10
- initPeerVars ${PORGS[1]} 2
- switchToUserIdentity
- chaincodeQuery 90
- initPeerVars ${PORGS[0]} 1
- switchToUserIdentity
- # Revoke the user and generate CRL using admin's credentials
- revokeFabricUserAndGenerateCRL
- # Fetch config block
- fetchConfigBlock
- # Create config update envelope with CRL and update the config block of the channel
- createConfigUpdatePayloadWithCRL
- updateConfigBlock
- # querying the chaincode should fail as the user is revoked
- switchToUserIdentity
- queryAsRevokedUser
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
- logr "The revoked user $USER_NAME should have failed to query the chaincode in the channel '$CHANNEL_NAME'"
- exit 1
- fi
- logr "Congratulations! The tests ran successfully."
- done=true
-# Enroll as a peer admin and create the channel
-function createChannel {
- initPeerVars ${PORGS[0]} 1
- switchToAdminIdentity
- logr "Creating channel '$CHANNEL_NAME' on $ORDERER_HOST ..."
-# Enroll as a fabric admin and join the channel
-function joinChannel {
- switchToAdminIdentity
- set +e
- local COUNT=1
- while true; do
- logr "Peer $PEER_HOST is attempting to join channel '$CHANNEL_NAME' (attempt #${COUNT}) ..."
- peer channel join -b $CHANNEL_NAME.block
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- set -e
- logr "Peer $PEER_HOST successfully joined channel '$CHANNEL_NAME'"
- return
- fi
- if [ $COUNT -gt $MAX_RETRY ]; then
- fatalr "Peer $PEER_HOST failed to join channel '$CHANNEL_NAME' in $MAX_RETRY retries"
- fi
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- sleep 1
- done
-function chaincodeQuery {
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- fatalr "Usage: chaincodeQuery "
- fi
- set +e
- logr "Querying chaincode in the channel '$CHANNEL_NAME' on the peer '$PEER_HOST' ..."
- local rc=1
- local starttime=$(date +%s)
- # Continue to poll until we get a successful response or reach QUERY_TIMEOUT
- while test "$(($(date +%s)-starttime))" -lt "$QUERY_TIMEOUT"; do
- sleep 1
- peer chaincode query -C $CHANNEL_NAME -n mycc -c '{"Args":["query","a"]}' >& log.txt
- VALUE=$(cat log.txt | awk '/Query Result/ {print $NF}')
- if [ $? -eq 0 -a "$VALUE" = "$1" ]; then
- logr "Query of channel '$CHANNEL_NAME' on peer '$PEER_HOST' was successful"
- set -e
- return 0
- else
- # removed the string "Query Result" from peer chaincode query command result, as a result, have to support both options until the change is merged.
- VALUE=$(cat log.txt | egrep '^[0-9]+$')
- if [ $? -eq 0 -a "$VALUE" = "$1" ]; then
- logr "Query of channel '$CHANNEL_NAME' on peer '$PEER_HOST' was successful"
- set -e
- return 0
- fi
- fi
- echo -n "."
- done
- cat log.txt
- cat log.txt >> $RUN_SUMFILE
- fatalr "Failed to query channel '$CHANNEL_NAME' on peer '$PEER_HOST'; expected value was $1 and found $VALUE"
-function queryAsRevokedUser {
- set +e
- logr "Querying the chaincode in the channel '$CHANNEL_NAME' on the peer '$PEER_HOST' as revoked user '$USER_NAME' ..."
- local starttime=$(date +%s)
- # Continue to poll until we get an expected response or reach QUERY_TIMEOUT
- while test "$(($(date +%s)-starttime))" -lt "$QUERY_TIMEOUT"; do
- sleep 1
- peer chaincode query -C $CHANNEL_NAME -n mycc -c '{"Args":["query","a"]}' >& log.txt
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- err=$(cat log.txt | grep "access denied")
- if [ "$err" != "" ]; then
- logr "Expected error occurred when the revoked user '$USER_NAME' queried the chaincode in the channel '$CHANNEL_NAME'"
- set -e
- return 0
- fi
- fi
- echo -n "."
- done
- set -e
- cat log.txt
- cat log.txt >> $RUN_SUMFILE
- return 1
-function makePolicy {
- local COUNT=0
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- if [ $COUNT -ne 0 ]; then
- fi
- initOrgVars $ORG
- POLICY="${POLICY}'${ORG_MSP_ID}.member'"
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- log "policy: $POLICY"
-function installChaincode {
- switchToAdminIdentity
- logr "Installing chaincode on $PEER_HOST ..."
- peer chaincode install -n mycc -v 1.0 -p github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/chaincode/abac/go
-function fetchConfigBlock {
- logr "Fetching the configuration block of the channel '$CHANNEL_NAME'"
- peer channel fetch config $CONFIG_BLOCK_FILE -c $CHANNEL_NAME $ORDERER_CONN_ARGS
-function updateConfigBlock {
- logr "Updating the configuration block of the channel '$CHANNEL_NAME'"
-function createConfigUpdatePayloadWithCRL {
- logr "Creating config update payload with the generated CRL for the organization '$ORG'"
- # Start the configtxlator
- configtxlator start &
- configtxlator_pid=$!
- log "configtxlator_pid:$configtxlator_pid"
- logr "Sleeping 5 seconds for configtxlator to start..."
- sleep 5
- pushd /tmp
- # Convert the config block protobuf to JSON
- curl -X POST --data-binary @$CONFIG_BLOCK_FILE $CTLURL/protolator/decode/common.Block > config_block.json
- # Extract the config from the config block
- jq .data.data[0].payload.data.config config_block.json > config.json
- # Update crl in the config json
- CRL=$(cat $CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH/crls/crl*.pem | base64 | tr -d '\n')
- cat config.json | jq --arg org "$ORG" --arg crl "$CRL" '.channel_group.groups.Application.groups[$org].values.MSP.value.config.revocation_list = [$crl]' > updated_config.json
- # Create the config diff protobuf
- curl -X POST --data-binary @config.json $CTLURL/protolator/encode/common.Config > config.pb
- curl -X POST --data-binary @updated_config.json $CTLURL/protolator/encode/common.Config > updated_config.pb
- curl -X POST -F original=@config.pb -F updated=@updated_config.pb $CTLURL/configtxlator/compute/update-from-configs -F channel=$CHANNEL_NAME > config_update.pb
- # Convert the config diff protobuf to JSON
- curl -X POST --data-binary @config_update.pb $CTLURL/protolator/decode/common.ConfigUpdate > config_update.json
- # Create envelope protobuf container config diff to be used in the "peer channel update" command to update the channel configuration block
- echo '{"payload":{"header":{"channel_header":{"channel_id":"'"${CHANNEL_NAME}"'", "type":2}},"data":{"config_update":'$(cat config_update.json)'}}}' > config_update_as_envelope.json
- curl -X POST --data-binary @config_update_as_envelope.json $CTLURL/protolator/encode/common.Envelope > $CONFIG_UPDATE_ENVELOPE_FILE
- # Stop configtxlator
- kill $configtxlator_pid
- popd
-function finish {
- if [ "$done" = true ]; then
- logr "See $RUN_LOGFILE for more details"
- else
- logr "Tests did not complete successfully; see $RUN_LOGFILE for more details"
- touch /$RUN_FAIL_FILE
- exit 1
- fi
-function logr {
- log $*
- log $* >> $RUN_SUMPATH
-function fatalr {
- logr "FATAL: $*"
- exit 1
diff --git a/fabric-ca/scripts/setup-fabric.sh b/fabric-ca/scripts/setup-fabric.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 48c3c57a34..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/scripts/setup-fabric.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# This script does the following:
-# 1) registers orderer and peer identities with intermediate fabric-ca-servers
-# 2) Builds the channel artifacts (e.g. genesis block, etc)
-function main {
- log "Beginning building channel artifacts ..."
- registerIdentities
- getCACerts
- makeConfigTxYaml
- generateChannelArtifacts
- log "Finished building channel artifacts"
-# Enroll the CA administrator
-function enrollCAAdmin {
- waitPort "$CA_NAME to start" 90 $CA_LOGFILE $CA_HOST 7054
- log "Enrolling with $CA_NAME as bootstrap identity ..."
- fabric-ca-client enroll -d -u https://$CA_ADMIN_USER_PASS@$CA_HOST:7054
-function registerIdentities {
- log "Registering identities ..."
- registerOrdererIdentities
- registerPeerIdentities
-# Register any identities associated with the orderer
-function registerOrdererIdentities {
- for ORG in $ORDERER_ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- enrollCAAdmin
- local COUNT=1
- while [[ "$COUNT" -le $NUM_ORDERERS ]]; do
- initOrdererVars $ORG $COUNT
- log "Registering $ORDERER_NAME with $CA_NAME"
- fabric-ca-client register -d --id.name $ORDERER_NAME --id.secret $ORDERER_PASS --id.type orderer
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- log "Registering admin identity with $CA_NAME"
- # The admin identity has the "admin" attribute which is added to ECert by default
- fabric-ca-client register -d --id.name $ADMIN_NAME --id.secret $ADMIN_PASS --id.attrs "admin=true:ecert"
- done
-# Register any identities associated with a peer
-function registerPeerIdentities {
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- enrollCAAdmin
- local COUNT=1
- while [[ "$COUNT" -le $NUM_PEERS ]]; do
- initPeerVars $ORG $COUNT
- log "Registering $PEER_NAME with $CA_NAME"
- fabric-ca-client register -d --id.name $PEER_NAME --id.secret $PEER_PASS --id.type peer
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- log "Registering admin identity with $CA_NAME"
- # The admin identity has the "admin" attribute which is added to ECert by default
- fabric-ca-client register -d --id.name $ADMIN_NAME --id.secret $ADMIN_PASS --id.attrs "hf.Registrar.Roles=client,hf.Registrar.Attributes=*,hf.Revoker=true,hf.GenCRL=true,admin=true:ecert,abac.init=true:ecert"
- log "Registering user identity with $CA_NAME"
- fabric-ca-client register -d --id.name $USER_NAME --id.secret $USER_PASS
- done
-function getCACerts {
- log "Getting CA certificates ..."
- for ORG in $ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- log "Getting CA certs for organization $ORG and storing in $ORG_MSP_DIR"
- fabric-ca-client getcacert -d -u https://$CA_HOST:7054 -M $ORG_MSP_DIR
- finishMSPSetup $ORG_MSP_DIR
- # If ADMINCERTS is true, we need to enroll the admin now to populate the admincerts directory
- if [ $ADMINCERTS ]; then
- switchToAdminIdentity
- fi
- done
-# printOrg
-function printOrg {
- echo "
- Name: $ORG
- # ID to load the MSP definition as
- # MSPDir is the filesystem path which contains the MSP configuration
-# printOrdererOrg
-function printOrdererOrg {
- initOrgVars $1
- printOrg
-# printPeerOrg
-function printPeerOrg {
- initPeerVars $1 $2
- printOrg
- echo "
- AnchorPeers:
- # AnchorPeers defines the location of peers which can be used
- # for cross org gossip communication. Note, this value is only
- # encoded in the genesis block in the Application section context
- - Host: $PEER_HOST
- Port: 7051"
-function makeConfigTxYaml {
- {
- echo "
-# Section: Organizations
-# - This section defines the different organizational identities which will
-# be referenced later in the configuration.
- for ORG in $ORDERER_ORGS; do
- printOrdererOrg $ORG
- done
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- printPeerOrg $ORG 1
- done
- echo "
-# SECTION: Application
-# This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
-# genesis block for application related parameters
-Application: &ApplicationDefaults
- # Organizations is the list of orgs which are defined as participants on
- # the application side of the network
- Organizations:
- echo "
-# Profile
-# - Different configuration profiles may be encoded here to be specified
-# as parameters to the configtxgen tool
- OrgsOrdererGenesis:
- Orderer:
- # Orderer Type: The orderer implementation to start
- # Available types are \"solo\" and \"kafka\"
- OrdererType: solo
- Addresses:"
- for ORG in $ORDERER_ORGS; do
- local COUNT=1
- while [[ "$COUNT" -le $NUM_ORDERERS ]]; do
- initOrdererVars $ORG $COUNT
- echo " - $ORDERER_HOST:7050"
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- done
- echo "
- # Batch Timeout: The amount of time to wait before creating a batch
- BatchTimeout: 2s
- # Batch Size: Controls the number of messages batched into a block
- BatchSize:
- # Max Message Count: The maximum number of messages to permit in a batch
- MaxMessageCount: 10
- # Absolute Max Bytes: The absolute maximum number of bytes allowed for
- # the serialized messages in a batch.
- AbsoluteMaxBytes: 99 MB
- # Preferred Max Bytes: The preferred maximum number of bytes allowed for
- # the serialized messages in a batch. A message larger than the preferred
- # max bytes will result in a batch larger than preferred max bytes.
- PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB
- Kafka:
- # Brokers: A list of Kafka brokers to which the orderer connects
- # NOTE: Use IP:port notation
- Brokers:
- -
- # Organizations is the list of orgs which are defined as participants on
- # the orderer side of the network
- Organizations:"
- for ORG in $ORDERER_ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- echo " - *${ORG_CONTAINER_NAME}"
- done
- echo "
- Consortiums:
- SampleConsortium:
- Organizations:"
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- echo " - *${ORG_CONTAINER_NAME}"
- done
- echo "
- OrgsChannel:
- Consortium: SampleConsortium
- Application:
- <<: *ApplicationDefaults
- Organizations:"
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- echo " - *${ORG_CONTAINER_NAME}"
- done
- } > /etc/hyperledger/fabric/configtx.yaml
- # Copy it to the data directory to make debugging easier
- cp /etc/hyperledger/fabric/configtx.yaml /$DATA
-function generateChannelArtifacts() {
- which configtxgen
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
- fatal "configtxgen tool not found. exiting"
- fi
- log "Generating orderer genesis block at $GENESIS_BLOCK_FILE"
- # Note: For some unknown reason (at least for now) the block file can't be
- # named orderer.genesis.block or the orderer will fail to launch!
- configtxgen -profile OrgsOrdererGenesis -outputBlock $GENESIS_BLOCK_FILE
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
- fatal "Failed to generate orderer genesis block"
- fi
- log "Generating channel configuration transaction at $CHANNEL_TX_FILE"
- configtxgen -profile OrgsChannel -outputCreateChannelTx $CHANNEL_TX_FILE -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
- fatal "Failed to generate channel configuration transaction"
- fi
- for ORG in $PEER_ORGS; do
- initOrgVars $ORG
- log "Generating anchor peer update transaction for $ORG at $ANCHOR_TX_FILE"
- configtxgen -profile OrgsChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate $ANCHOR_TX_FILE \
- -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME -asOrg $ORG
- if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
- fatal "Failed to generate anchor peer update for $ORG"
- fi
- done
-set -e
-SDIR=$(dirname "$0")
-source $SDIR/env.sh
diff --git a/fabric-ca/scripts/start-intermediate-ca.sh b/fabric-ca/scripts/start-intermediate-ca.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 01bf14b931..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/scripts/start-intermediate-ca.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-source $(dirname "$0")/env.sh
-initOrgVars $ORG
-set -e
-# Wait for the root CA to start
-waitPort "root CA to start" 60 $ROOT_CA_LOGFILE $ROOT_CA_HOST 7054
-# Initialize the intermediate CA
-fabric-ca-server init -b $BOOTSTRAP_USER_PASS -u $PARENT_URL
-# Copy the intermediate CA's certificate chain to the data directory to be used by others
-# Add the custom orgs
-for o in $FABRIC_ORGS; do
- aff=$aff"\n $o: []"
-aff="${aff#\\n }"
-sed -i "/affiliations:/a \\ $aff" \
- $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
-# Start the intermediate CA
-fabric-ca-server start
diff --git a/fabric-ca/scripts/start-orderer.sh b/fabric-ca/scripts/start-orderer.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c354dda24d..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/scripts/start-orderer.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-set -e
-source $(dirname "$0")/env.sh
-# Wait for setup to complete sucessfully
-# Enroll to get orderer's TLS cert (using the "tls" profile)
-fabric-ca-client enroll -d --enrollment.profile tls -u $ENROLLMENT_URL -M /tmp/tls --csr.hosts $ORDERER_HOST
-# Copy the TLS key and cert to the appropriate place
-mkdir -p $TLSDIR
-cp /tmp/tls/keystore/* $ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_PRIVATEKEY
-cp /tmp/tls/signcerts/* $ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_CERTIFICATE
-rm -rf /tmp/tls
-# Enroll again to get the orderer's enrollment certificate (default profile)
-fabric-ca-client enroll -d -u $ENROLLMENT_URL -M $ORDERER_GENERAL_LOCALMSPDIR
-# Finish setting up the local MSP for the orderer
-# Wait for the genesis block to be created
-dowait "genesis block to be created" 60 $SETUP_LOGFILE $ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISFILE
-# Start the orderer
-env | grep ORDERER
diff --git a/fabric-ca/scripts/start-peer.sh b/fabric-ca/scripts/start-peer.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9dd7438cac..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/scripts/start-peer.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-set -e
-source $(dirname "$0")/env.sh
-# Although a peer may use the same TLS key and certificate file for both inbound and outbound TLS,
-# we generate a different key and certificate for inbound and outbound TLS simply to show that it is permissible
-# Generate server TLS cert and key pair for the peer
-fabric-ca-client enroll -d --enrollment.profile tls -u $ENROLLMENT_URL -M /tmp/tls --csr.hosts $PEER_HOST
-# Copy the TLS key and cert to the appropriate place
-mkdir -p $TLSDIR
-cp /tmp/tls/signcerts/* $CORE_PEER_TLS_CERT_FILE
-cp /tmp/tls/keystore/* $CORE_PEER_TLS_KEY_FILE
-rm -rf /tmp/tls
-# Generate client TLS cert and key pair for the peer
-# Generate client TLS cert and key pair for the peer CLI
-genClientTLSCert $PEER_NAME /$DATA/tls/$PEER_NAME-cli-client.crt /$DATA/tls/$PEER_NAME-cli-client.key
-# Enroll the peer to get an enrollment certificate and set up the core's local MSP directory
-fabric-ca-client enroll -d -u $ENROLLMENT_URL -M $CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH
-# Start the peer
-log "Starting peer '$CORE_PEER_ID' with MSP at '$CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH'"
-env | grep CORE
-peer node start
diff --git a/fabric-ca/scripts/start-root-ca.sh b/fabric-ca/scripts/start-root-ca.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index f1fa244b1a..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/scripts/start-root-ca.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-set -e
-# Initialize the root CA
-fabric-ca-server init -b $BOOTSTRAP_USER_PASS
-# Copy the root CA's signing certificate to the data directory to be used by others
-# Add the custom orgs
-for o in $FABRIC_ORGS; do
- aff=$aff"\n $o: []"
-aff="${aff#\\n }"
-sed -i "/affiliations:/a \\ $aff" \
- $FABRIC_CA_SERVER_HOME/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
-# Start the root CA
-fabric-ca-server start
diff --git a/fabric-ca/start.sh b/fabric-ca/start.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2a4789dfa0..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/start.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# This script does everything required to run the fabric CA sample.
-# By default, this test is run with the latest released docker images.
-# To run against a specific fabric/fabric-ca version:
-# export FABRIC_TAG=1.4.0-rc2
-# To run with locally built images:
-# export FABRIC_TAG=local
-set -e
-SDIR=$(dirname "$0")
-source ${SDIR}/scripts/env.sh
-cd ${SDIR}
-# Delete docker containers
-dockerContainers=$(docker ps -a | awk '$2~/hyperledger/ {print $1}')
-if [ "$dockerContainers" != "" ]; then
- log "Deleting existing docker containers ..."
- docker rm -f $dockerContainers > /dev/null
-# Remove chaincode docker images
-chaincodeImages=`docker images | grep "^dev-peer" | awk '{print $3}'`
-if [ "$chaincodeImages" != "" ]; then
- log "Removing chaincode docker images ..."
- docker rmi -f $chaincodeImages > /dev/null
-# Start with a clean data directory
-if [ -d ${DDIR} ]; then
- log "Cleaning up the data directory from previous run at $DDIR"
- rm -rf ${SDIR}/data
-mkdir -p ${DDIR}/logs
-# Create the docker-compose file
-# Create the docker containers
-log "Creating docker containers ..."
-docker-compose up -d
-# Wait for the setup container to complete
-dowait "the 'setup' container to finish registering identities, creating the genesis block and other artifacts" 90 $SDIR/$SETUP_LOGFILE $SDIR/$SETUP_SUCCESS_FILE
-# Wait for the run container to start and then tails it's summary log
-dowait "the docker 'run' container to start" 60 ${SDIR}/${SETUP_LOGFILE} ${SDIR}/${RUN_SUMFILE}
-tail -f ${SDIR}/${RUN_SUMFILE}&
-# Wait for the run container to complete
-while true; do
- if [ -f ${SDIR}/${RUN_SUCCESS_FILE} ]; then
- kill -9 $TAIL_PID
- exit 0
- elif [ -f ${SDIR}/${RUN_FAIL_FILE} ]; then
- kill -9 $TAIL_PID
- exit 1
- else
- sleep 1
- fi
diff --git a/fabric-ca/stop.sh b/fabric-ca/stop.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8f854060a0..0000000000
--- a/fabric-ca/stop.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-set -e
-SDIR=$(dirname "$0")
-source $SDIR/scripts/env.sh
-log "Stopping docker containers ..."
-docker-compose down
-# Stop chaincode containers and images as well
-docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq --filter name=dev-peer)
-docker rmi $(docker images | awk '$1 ~ /dev-peer/ { print $3 }')
-log "Docker containers have been stopped"
diff --git a/scripts/Jenkins_Scripts/CI_Script.sh b/scripts/Jenkins_Scripts/CI_Script.sh
index 277c269f6c..8f1343ab46 100755
--- a/scripts/Jenkins_Scripts/CI_Script.sh
+++ b/scripts/Jenkins_Scripts/CI_Script.sh
@@ -113,10 +113,9 @@ pull_Thirdparty_Images() {
docker images | grep hyperledger/fabric
-# pull fabric images from nexus
+# pull Docker images from nexus
pull_Docker_Images() {
- pull_Fabric_CA_Image
- for IMAGES in peer orderer tools ccenv nodeenv; do
+ for IMAGES in ca peer orderer tools ccenv nodeenv; do
echo "-----------> pull $IMAGES image"
docker pull $NEXUS_URL/$ORG_NAME-$IMAGES:$IMAGE_TAG > /dev/null 2>&1
@@ -132,25 +131,6 @@ pull_Docker_Images() {
docker images | grep hyperledger/fabric
-# pull fabric-ca images from nexus
-pull_Fabric_CA_Image() {
- echo "------> IMAGE_TAG:" $IMAGE_TAG
- for IMAGES in ca ca-peer ca-orderer ca-tools; do
- echo "-----------> pull $IMAGES image"
- echo
- docker pull $NEXUS_URL/$ORG_NAME-$IMAGES:$IMAGE_TAG > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo -e "\033[31m FAILED to pull docker images" "\033[0m"
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- echo
- docker images | grep hyperledger/fabric-ca
# run byfn,eyfn tests
byfn_eyfn_Tests() {
diff --git a/scripts/Jenkins_Scripts/byfn_eyfn.sh b/scripts/Jenkins_Scripts/byfn_eyfn.sh
index 1708d6202f..d70e197da1 100755
--- a/scripts/Jenkins_Scripts/byfn_eyfn.sh
+++ b/scripts/Jenkins_Scripts/byfn_eyfn.sh
@@ -95,10 +95,3 @@ fi
echo y | ./eyfn.sh -m up -l node -t 60
copy_logs $? default-channel-node
echo y | ./eyfn.sh -m down
- echo "############### FABRIC-CA SAMPLES TEST ########################"
- echo "###############################################################"
- cd $WORKSPACE/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/fabric-ca
- ./start.sh
- copy_logs $? fabric-ca
- ./stop.sh