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File metadata and controls

503 lines (406 loc) · 16.2 KB

CLI Design

Execution modes

CLI supports 2 execution modes:

  • Interactive:
    • In this mode CLI reads commands from terminal interactively.
    • To start this mode just run indy-cli-rs without params.
  • Batch:
    • In this mode all commands will be read from a text file or pipe and executed in series.
    • To start this mode run indy-cli-rs <path-to-text-file>.
    • Batch mode supports the same commands as interactive mode.
    • Note that by default if some command finishes with an error batch execution will be interrupted.
      • To prevent this start command with -.
      • For example, -wallet create test. In this case the result of this command will be ignored.
    • To make a comment in the batch script start the line with the # symbol.


Command format

indy-cli-rs> [<group>] <command> [[<main_param_name>=]<main_param_value>] [<param_name1>=<param_value1>] ... [<param_nameN>=<param_valueN>]

Common commands


Print list of groups with group help:

indy-cli-rs> help

Print list of group commands with command help:

indy-cli-rs> <group> help

indy-cli-rs> wallet help

Print command help, list of command param and help for each param:

indy-cli-rs> <group> <command> help

indy-cli-rs> wallet create help


Print about and license info:

indy-cli-rs> about


Exit from CLI:

indy-cli-rs> exit


Change command prompt:

indy-cli-rs> prompt <new_prompt>

indy-cli-rs> prompt my


Print content of file:

indy-cli-rs> show [<file_path>]

indy-cli-rs> show /path/to/file.txt

Wallets management commands (wallet group)

indy-cli-rs> wallet <command>

Create new wallet and attach to CLI:

indy-cli-rs> wallet create <wallet name> key [key_derivation_method=<key_derivation_method>] [storage_type=<storage_type>] [storage_config={config json}]

// Example - Create Sqlite wallet with `wallet1` name, `key1` storage key, default key derivation methon (argon2m), and empty config/credentials
indy-cli-rs> wallet create wallet1 key=key1

// Example - Create Postgres wallet with `wallet_pstg` name, `key1` storage key, default key derivation methon (argon2m), and provided postgres config/credentials
indy-cli-rs> wallet create wallet_pstg key=key1 storage_type=postgres_storage storage_config={"url":"localhost:5432"} storage_credentials={"account":"postgres","password":"mysecretpassword","admin_account":"postgres","admin_password":"mysecretpassword"}

Wallet attach

Attach existing wallet to Indy CLI:

indy-cli-rs> wallet attach <wallet name> [storage_type=<storage_type>] [storage_config={config json}]

// Example - Attach `wallet1` wallet to CLI
indy-cli-rs> wallet attach wallet1

Wallet open

Open the wallet with specified name and make it available for commands that require wallet. If there was opened wallet it will be closed:

indy-cli-rs> wallet open <wallet name> key [key_derivation_method=<key_derivation_method>] [rekey] [rekey_derivation_method=<rekey_derivation_method>]

// Example - Open Sqlite wallet with `wallet1` name, `key1` key, default key derivation methon (argon2m), and empty config/credentials
indy-cli-rs> wallet open wallet1 key=key1

// Example - Open Postgres wallet with `wallet_pstg` name, `key1` key, default key derivation methon (argon2m), and provided postgres config/credentials
indy-cli-rs> wallet open wallet_pstg key=key1 storage_credentials={"account":"postgres","password":"mysecretpassword","admin_account":"postgres","admin_password":"mysecretpassword"}

Wallet close

Close the opened wallet

indy-cli-rs> wallet close

Wallet delete

Delete the wallet

indy-cli-rs> wallet delete <wallet name> key [key_derivation_method=<key_derivation_method>]

// Example - Delete `wallet1` wallet
indy-cli-rs> wallet delete wallet1 key=key1

Wallet detach

Detach wallet from Indy CLI

indy-cli-rs> wallet detach <wallet name>

// Example - Detach `wallet1` wallet from CLI
indy-cli-rs> wallet detach wallet1

Wallet list

List all attached wallets with corresponded status (indicates opened one):

indy-cli-rs> wallet list

Export wallet

Exports opened wallet to the specified file.

indy-cli-rs> wallet export export_path=<path-to-file> export_key=[<export key>] [export_key_derivation_method=<export_key_derivation_method>]

Example: Export opened wallet into `/Users/indy-cli-rs/backup` file
indy-cli-rs> wallet export export_path=/Users/indy-cli-rs/backup export_key=key

Import wallet

Create new wallet and then import content from the specified file.

indy-cli-rs> wallet import <wallet name> key=<key> [key_derivation_method=<key_derivation_method>] export_path=<path-to-file> export_key=<key used for export>  [storage_type=<storage_type>] [storage_config={config json}]

Example: Import wallet from `/Users/indy-cli-rs/backup` file
indy-cli-rs> wallet import wallet_imported export_path=/Users/indy-cli-rs/backup export_key=key

Pool management commands

indy-cli-rs> pool <subcommand>

Create config

Create name pool (network) configuration

indy-cli-rs> pool create [name=]<pool name> gen_txn_file=<gen txn file path> 

Example: Create `pool1` pool with genesist transactions from `/home/gen_txns` file
indy-cli-rs> pool create pool1 gen_txn_file=/home/gen_txns


Connect to Indy nodes pool and make it available for operation that require pool access. If there was pool connection it will be disconnected.

indy-cli-rs> pool connect [name=]<pool name> [protocol-version=<version>] [timeout=<timeout>] [extended-timeout=<timeout>] [pre-ordered-nodes=<node names>]

Example: Connect to `pool1` pool
indy-cli-rs> pool connect pool1


Refresh a local copy of a pool ledger and updates pool nodes connections.

indy-cli-rs> pool refresh

Set Protocol Version

Set protocol version that will be used for ledger requests. One of: 1, 2. Unless command is called the default protocol version 2 is used.

indy-cli-rs> pool set-protocol-version [protocol-version=]<version>

Example: Set `2` protocol version 
indy-cli-rs> pool set-protocol-version 2


Disconnect from Indy nodes pool

indy-cli-rs> pool disconnect


List all created pools configurations with status (indicates connected one)

indy-cli-rs> pool list

Identity Management

indy-cli-rs> did <subcommand>


Create and store my DID in the opened wallet. Requires opened wallet.

indy-cli-rs> did new [did=<did>] [seed=<UTF-8, base64 or hex string>] [metadata=<metadata string>] [<method>=<did method name>]

Example: Create a new random DID
indy-cli-rs> did new

Example: Create a new deterministic DID from the provided Seed value
indy-cli-rs> did new seed=


List my DIDs stored in the opened wallet as table (did, verkey, metadata). Requires wallet to be opened.:

indy-cli-rs> did list


Use the DID as identity owner for commands that require identity owner:

indy-cli-rs> did use [did=]<did>

Example: Use `MYDID000000000000000000001` DID as the active
indy-cli-rs> did use MYDID000000000000000000001

Rotate key

Rotate keys for used DID. Sends NYM to the ledger with updated keys. Requires opened wallet and connection to pool:

indy-cli-rs> did rotate-key [seed=<UTF-8, base64 or hex string>] [resume=<bool>]

Example: Rotate key to a random one
indy-cli-rs> did rotate-key

Example: Rotate key to a new deterministic one from the provided Seed value
indy-cli-rs> did rotate-key seed=00000000000000000000000000000My2

Qualify DID

Update DID stored in the wallet to make fully qualified, or to do other DID maintenance:

indy-cli-rs> did qualify did=<did> method=<method>

Example: Qualify the did to be `indy` prefixed
indy-cli-rs> did qualify did=VsKV7grR1BUE29mG2Fm2kX method=indy

Set DID Metadata

Update metadata for DID stored in the wallet:

indy-cli-rs> did set-metadata did=<did> metadata=<metadata>

Example: Qualify the did to be `indy` prefixed
indy-cli-rs> did qualify did=VsKV7grR1BUE29mG2Fm2kX metadata="Test DID"

Ledger transactions/messages

indy-cli-rs> ledger <subcommand>

NYM transaction

Send NYM transaction

ledger nym did=<did-value> [verkey=<verkey-value>] [role=<role-value>] [sign=<true or false>] [send=<true or false>] [endorser=<endorser did>]

GET_NYM transaction

Send GET_NYM transaction

ledger get-nym did=<did-value> [send=<true or false>]

ATTRIB transaction

Send ATTRIB transaction

ledger attrib did=<did-value> [hash=<hash-value>] [raw=<raw-value>] [enc=<enc-value>] [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>] [endorser=<endorser did>]

GET_ATTRIB transaction

Send GET_ATTRIB transaction

ledger get-attrib did=<did-value> [raw=<raw-value>] [hash=<hash-value>] [enc=<enc-value>] [send=<true or false>]

SCHEMA transaction

Send SCHEMA transaction

ledger schema name=<name-value> version=<version-value> attr_names=<attr_names-value> [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>] [endorser=<endorser did>]

GET_SCHEMA transaction

ledger get-schema did=<did-value> name=<name-value> version=<version-value> [send=<true or false>]

CRED_DEF transaction

Send CRED_DEF transaction

ledger cred-def schema_id=<schema_id-value> signature_type=<signature_type-value> [tag=<tag>] primary=<primary-value> [revocation=<revocation-value>] [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>] [endorser=<endorser did>]

GET_CRED_DEF transaction

Send GET_CRED_DEF transaction

ledger get-cred-def schema_id=<schema_id-value> signature_type=<signature_type-value> origin=<origin-value> [send=<true or false>]

NODE transaction

Send NODE transaction

ledger node target=<target-value> alias=<alias-value> [node_ip=<node_ip-value>] [node_port=<node_port-value>] [client_ip=<client_ip-value>] [client_port=<client_port-value>] [blskey=<blskey-value>] [blskey_pop=<blskey-proof-of-possession>] [services=<services-value>] [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>]


Send GET_VALIDATOR_INFO transaction to get info from all nodes

ledger get-validator-info [nodes=<node names>] [timeout=<timeout>]

POOL_UPGRADE transaction

Send POOL_UPGRADE transaction

ledger pool-upgrade name=<name> version=<version> action=<start or cancel> sha256=<sha256> [timeout=<timeout>] [schedule=<schedule>] [justification=<justification>] [reinstall=<true or false (default false)>] [force=<true or false (default false)>] [package=<package>] [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>]

POOL_CONFIG transaction

Send POOL_CONFIG transaction

ledger pool-config writes=<true or false (default false)> [force=<true or false (default false)>] [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>]

POOL_RESTART transaction

Send POOL_RESTART transaction

ledger pool-restart action=<start or cancel> [datetime=<datetime>] [nodes=<node names>] [timeout=<timeout>]

Custom transaction

Send custom transaction with user defined json body and optional signature

ledger custom [txn=]<txn-json-value> [sign=<true|false>]

AUTH_RULE transaction

Send AUTH_RULE transaction

ledger auth-rule txn_type=<txn type> action=<add or edit> field=<txn field> [old_value=<value>] [new_value=<new_value>] constraint=<{constraint json}> [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>]

GET_AUTH_RULE transaction

Send GET_AUTH_RULE transaction

ledger get-auth-rule [txn_type=<txn type>] [action=<ADD or EDIT>] [field=<txn field>] [old_value=<value>] [new_value=<new_value>] [send=<true or false>]

Add multi signature to transaction

Add multi signature by current DID to transaction

ledger sign-multi txn=<txn_json>

Save transaction to a file.

Save stored into CLI context transaction to a file.

ledger save-transaction file=<path to file>

Load transaction from a file.

Read transaction from a file and store it into CLI context.

ledger load-transaction file=<path to file>

TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT transaction.

Request to add a new version of Transaction Author Agreement to the ledger.

ledger txn-author-agreement [text=<agreement content>] [file=<file with agreement>] version=<version> [ratification-timestamp=<timestamp>] [retirement-timestamp=<timestamp>]  [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>]


Disable All Transaction Author Agreements on the ledger.

ledger disable-all-txn-author-agreements  [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>]


Request to add new acceptance mechanisms for transaction author agreement.

ledger txn-acceptance-mechanisms [aml=<acceptance mechanisms>] [file=<file with acceptance mechanisms>] version=<version> [context=<some context>]  [sign=<true or false>]  [send=<true or false>]


Get a list of acceptance mechanisms set on the ledger.

ledger get-acceptance-mechanisms [timestamp=<timestamp>] [version=<version>] [send=<true or false>]


Create pool configuration and connect to pool

indy-cli-rs> pool create sandbox gen_txn_file=/etc/sovrin/sandbox.txn
indy-cli-rs> pool connect sandbox
pool(sandbox):indy-cli-rs> pool list

Create and open wallet (Sqlite storage type used by default)

sandbox|indy-cli-rs> wallet create alice_wallet key
sandbox|indy-cli-rs> wallet open alice_wallet key
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):indy-cli-rs> wallet list

Create and open Postgres wallet

sandbox|indy-cli-rs> wallet create wallet_pstg key storage_type=postgres_storage storage_config={"url":"localhost:5432"} storage_credentials={"account":"postgres","password":"mysecretpassword","admin_account":"postgres","admin_password":"mysecretpassword"}
sandbox|indy-cli-rs> wallet open wallet_pstg key storage_credentials={"account":"postgres","password":"mysecretpassword","admin_account":"postgres","admin_password":"mysecretpassword"}

Create random DID and use it for the next commands

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):indy-cli-rs> did new
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):indy-cli-rs> did use PDwYxJ7hSXdM2PCz3yX16z
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(PDw...16z):indy-cli-rs> did list

Create DID in the wallet from seed (and custom metadata) and use it for the next commands

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):indy-cli-rs> did new seed=SEED0000000000000000000000000001 metadata="Alice DID"
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):indy-cli-rs> did use Av63wJYM7xYR4AiygYq4c3
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> did list

Post new NYM to the ledger

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> ledger nym did=PDwYxJ7hSXdM2PCz3yX16z verkey=~JpZc1EarKfUwSpUTJ3ii3N

Send GET_NYM transaction

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> ledger get-nym did=MYDID000000000000000000001

Post new Schema to the Ledger

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> ledger schema name=Alice_Schema version=1.0 attr_names=firstname,surname

Prepare transaction for posting new Schema to the Ledger

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> ledger schema name=Alice_Schema version=1.0 attr_names=firstname,surname endorser=EndorserDID000000000000001 send=false

Load transaction from a file and sign it

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> ledger load-transaction file=txn.json
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> ledger sign-multi
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> ledger save-transaction file=txn.json

Load transaction from a file and post to the Ledger

pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> ledger load-transaction file=txn.json
pool(sandbox):wallet(alice_wallet):did(Av6...4c3):indy-cli-rs> ledger custom context

Change wallet key

sandbox|indy-cli-rs> wallet open alice_wallet key rekey=endorser rekey_derivation_method=argon2i

Run CLI with batch script

indy-cli-rs /path/to/script-file

Run CLI with config

indy-cli-rs --config /path/to/config.json

Run CLI with logger

indy-cli-rs --logger-config /path/to/logger.yml