All fixes for the core open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation should be submitted to the upstream project. However, merge and release into upstream might take some time therefore urgent hotfixes can be submitted to the fork hypertrace/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation.
Changes to the fork are done in a maintenance branches e.g. v0.13.x
and locally tested and released.
The fixed artifacts are published to the Hypertrace Binray.
Then the released artifacts can be consumed by version(s) change in gradle scripts in this repository.
This commit
shows an example of release configuration for javaagent
git checkout -b v0.13.x
# make required changes and run tests locally
git tag 0.13.2-ht # use -ht suffix to denote that this is forked version
ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_publishUser=<bintray-user> ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_publishApiKey=<bintray-api-key> ./gradlew bintrayPublish -Prelease.useLastTag=true