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- AKS로 쿠버네티스 시작하기 : 스토리지 연결
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- MVP Watch Party - 2021.6.4 후기 정리(최신 MS AI 기술 동영상, 요약편)
- 세미나 발표 - YouTube
- MVP Global Cloud Skills Challenge 후기
- Tech Talk | Simon and Denny Build a Thing! Part One - YouTube
- Tech Talk | Simon and Denny Build a Thing! Part Two - YouTube
- Tech Talk | Simon and Denny Build a Thing! Part Three - YouTube
- Tech Talk | Simon + Denny Build A Thing! Part Four - YouTube
- Azure 개발자 - .NET Day - Events | Microsoft Learn
- Step by Step Setup instructions of Security Analysis Tool (SAT) for Azure Databricks - YouTube
- Sustainable Software: Carbon Aware Azure Functions by George Kosmidis - YouTube
- Microsoft Build 2023 Book of News 한국어 번역 - 📰 닷넷 소식 - 닷넷데브
- Microsoft Build 2024 Book of News
- Technical overview of Azure Cosmos DB
- Modeling document data for NoSQL databases
- Planet-scale event sourcing with Azure Cosmos DB
- 이게 대체 뭐하는 DB – Azure Cosmos DB
- Learn Live - Use the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API SDK - YouTube
- Switching from SQL Server to Azure CosmosDB - DEV Community
- ChaosDB: How we hacked thousands of Azure customers’ databases | Wiz Blog
- azure-functions-deno-worker - Run Deno on Azure Functions
- azure-gpt-console
- azure-llm-fine-tuning: This hands-on walks you through fine-tuning an open source LLM on Azure and serving the fine-tuned model on Azure. It is intended for Data Scientists and ML engineers who have experience with fine-tuning but are unfamiliar with Azure ML
- azure-storage-fuse: A virtual file system adapter for Azure Blob storage
- Cloud-Data-Engineering: Azure Data Factory
- HackaLearn: HackaLearnx Korea 2021
- Microsoft Dev Box Introducing Microsoft Dev Box
- oh-my-azure-cloud-shell: This provides an OPINIONATED collection of scripts to set up oh-my-zsh and oh-my-posh to your Azure Cloud Shell environment
- Pulumi and .NET Interactive (I) - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- reliable-web-app-pattern-java: The reliable web app pattern is a set of objectives to help your web application converge on the cloud. This repo contains a reference implementation of a reliable web application for Java
- Getting Started with Machine Learning
- Welcome to Azure Machine Learning
- Getting Started with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
- How to win a hackathon using Azure Machine Learning
- Access datasets with Python using the Azure Machine Learning Python client library
- Introduction to Introduction to Machine Learning
- How to quickly develop and manage hundreds of ML models to pivot your organization using Azure Databricks - The Databricks Blog
- Deploying a Machine Learning Model with Azure ML Pipelines
- 애저듣보잡 자동화된 ML, 나도 해보자! - 한석진 - YouTube
- What’s like doing ML without a single line of code
- AI Show | Channel 9
- Azure Machine Learning Tutorial | What Is Azure Machine Learning? | Azure Tutorial | Simplilearn - YouTube
- An introduction to the Azure OpenAI Service | BRK216 - YouTube
- AI Builder 에 들어온 ChatGPT. 이것을 자동화 할 수 없을까? 나도 앱이나 챗봇 등을 만들어 손하나 까닥이지 않고 싶다. 과연 될까요? 한번 느껴보세요! - YouTube OpenAI service
- 애저 OpenAI 서비스 배워보기
- Retrieval-Augmented Generation(RAG) - Part 1
- Azure OpenAI - GPT-4o Playground 사용하기
- Azure OpenAI에서 gpt-4o 모델 배포 및 API 사용하기(chat,vision)
- azure-openai-samples-kr/use_cases/kakao_navi/notebooks/kakao_navi.ipynb at main · HyounsooKim/azure-openai-samples-kr · GitHub OpenAPI function call example
- azure-openai-proxy: Azure OpenAI Service Proxy. Convert OpenAI official API request to Azure OpenAI API request. Support GPT-4,Embeddings