- Graph Theory and — lost— Economic Development: Argentina in the 90s
- Graph database
- GraphDB: At Last, the Meaningful Database GraphDB의 일반적인 장점
- Converting Relational to Graph Databases
- Graph Connect
- Data Modeling in Graph Databases: Interview with Jim Webber and Ian Robinson
- derived the basic graph structure from the questions we would want to ask of our domain
- Hyperedges come from a different graph model known as "hypergraphs."
- A hyperedge is a special kind of relationship that connects more than two nodes
- best practices when modelling the graph data
- Derive your relationship names from your use cases
- Use intermediate nodes to connect multiple dimensions
- Connect nodes in linked lists to represent logical or temporal ordering
- Evaluation of Contemporary Graph Databases for Efficient Persistence of Large-Scale Models Neo4j, OrientDB 비교
- Developing a Software Library for Graph Analytics
- Network Analysis and Modeling
- Community Detection in Graphs — a Casual Tour
- Scalability! But at what COST? PageRank, graph connectiviy comparison, RUST code example
- 음악시장과 메타데이터: 아이튠즈의 퇴조 vs. 스포티파이의 성장
- HyperGraph
- Graphs in the database: SQL meets social networks
- Modeling creativity with a semantic network of common sense
- mind == search space
- concepts are represented in the search space based on knowledge and experience
- concepts are related each other based on education, environment, and persnality
- concepts are connected by paths because no one can examine our mind as a whole
- an idea grows as more related concepts get involved
- Good Bye Knowledge Graph, Hello Google Knowledge Vault? Knowledge Vault 개요
- The impact of fast networks on graph analytics, part 1
- The impact of fast networks on graph analytics, part 2
- The impact of fast networks on graph analytics – Part 1
- The impact of fast networks on graph analytics – Part 2
- Owing Graph Minimization
- 컴퓨터 모형실험으로 사회학이론 반박 ‘눈길’
- Using Graph Theory to Build a Simple Recommendation Engine in JavaScript
- One Trillion Edges: Graph Processing at Facebook-Scale
- Epic Graph Battles of History: Chaos vs Order
- Counting Objects
- Elastic Resource Allocation for Distributed Graph Processing Platforms
- Fast graph operations in quantum computation
- Mapping Electoral Finance in the United States
- Fighting financial crimes and money laundering with graph data
- (E, K)Generating Python Module Dependency Graphs(종속성 그래프 생성하기)
- 오픈 그래프 프로토콜(Open Graph protocol) 페이스북, 트위터 등에서 쓰이는 링크 미리보기? 링크 삽입시 미리보기에 대해 알아 보자
- 링크의 미리보기 제목, 설명, 이미지를 결정하는 open graph 태그
- Graph Databases Will Change Your Freakin' Life (Best Intro Into Graph Databases)
- 대한민국 인맥지도 (SPARQL, Python, D3JS, Network visualization)
- Predicting Friendship Who’s Most Likely Your Next Friend?
- Temporal Graph Networks. A new neural network architecture for… | by Michael Bronstein | Jul, 2020 | Towards Data Science
- 데이터 모델링이란? (그래프 DB 편)
- 방대하고 복잡한 데이터를 시각화하는 그래프 DB
- Graph Databases VS Relational Databases – Learn How a Graph Database Works
- Scope Graphs | A Theory of Name Resolution
- Graph Thinking - Paco Nathan | PyData Global 2021 - YouTube
- Working with Data in a Connected World - Clair J. Sullivan | PyData Global 2021 - YouTube
- Dominika Basaj & Barbara Rychalska - Creating behavioral profiles of your customer - YouTube cleora algorithm
- Searching for Research Fraud in OpenAlex with Graph Data Science • Adam Day & Ebru Cucen • YOW! 2022 - YouTube
- Rory Graves - Building Billion Node Graphs for Machine Learning | Scala Days 2023 Seattle - YouTube graph database나 spark로는 million nodes graph를 위해서는 사용하지 못한다는 이야기
- Go Far, Go Together - Growing the Netflix Federated Graph - InfoQ
- Reverse Searching Netflix’s Federated Graph | Netflix TechBlog
- Applications of Graph Theory - Shariefuddin Pirzada and Ashay Dharwadker
- Graph Databases The Definitive Book on Graph Databases and Introduction to Neo4j
- NoSQL Distilled
- Model-Driven Design of Graph Databases
- Network Science - by Albert-László Barabási
- Agens Graph
- Apache Jena
- BigData
- InfiniteGraph
- Neo4j
- online training
- gist.neo4j.org
- neo4j youtube channel
- cyphyer cheat sheet
- examples
- py2neo
- Neo4j - The Fastest and Most Scalable Native Graph Database
- Graph your meetup.com group with Neo4J and some Go - See more at: http://agonzalezro.github.io/graph-your-meetupcom-group-with-neo4j-and-some-go.html#sthash.ZsGJaC9k.dpuf cypher example
- Lyft vs Uber : visualizing fraud patterns
- GraphAware
- maxdemarzi.com
- An Introduction to NOSQL, Graph Databases and Neo4j java code example
- Intro to Neo4j presentation java, spring, ruby, cypher code example
- Neo4j — get off the ground in 30min or less!
- Neo4S is an Neo ORM for Scala it uses the AnormCypher ibrary
- Neo4j - The Fastest and Most Scalable Native Graph Database
- Introduction to Graph Databases you should use neo4j if you've ever joined 7 more tables
- Intro to Graphs and Neo4j
- Graph database Use Cases
- Neo4j - 5 cool graph examples
- Designing and Building a Graph Database Application – Architectural Choices, Data Modeling, and Testing - Ian Robinson @ GraphConnect NY 2013 java code example
- Lighting talk neo4j fosdem 2011
- NoSQL, Neo4J for Java Developers , OracleWeek-2012 spring code example
- Hadoop and Graph Databases (Neo4j): Winning Combination for Bioanalytics - Jonathan Freeman @ GraphConnect NY 2013 csv batch import example
- An overview of Neo4j Internals
- Neo4j Graph Storage
- Neo4j - graph database for recommendations
- Introduction to Graph databases and Neo4j (by Stefan Armbruster)
- Neo4j - The Benefits of Graph Databases (OSCON 2009)
- Big Graph Analytics on Neo4j with Apache Spark
- Case Study: Real-time Recommendations with a Graph Database
- Data Modeling with Neo4j
- Intro to Neo4j or why insurances should love graphs
- A NOSQL Overview And The Benefits Of Graph Databases (nosql east 2009)
- Modelling game economy with Neo4j
- renesca - Scala library for the Neo4j REST API
- Neo4j sharding aspect
- Strategies for Scaling Neo4j
- Understanding Neo4j Scalability
- Graphing a Lesson Learned Database for NASA Using Neo4j, R/RStudio & Linkurious
- Import 10M Stack Overflow Questions into Neo4j In Just 3 Minutes
- Neo4j 2.3: Enhanced Enterprise Applications at Scale
- openCypher is an open source project to bring a new public implementation of the industry’s most widely adopted graph query language: Cypher
- Experimenting with Neo4j and Apache Zeppelin (Neo4j)-[:LOVES]-(Zeppelin)
- Cypher – the SQL for Graphs – Is Now Available for Apache Spark
- Cypher는 선언적 그래프 쿼리 언어
- Neo4j 팀에서 Cypher with Apache Spark에서 알파 릴리즈 발표
- Neo4j: Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Cypher
- Neo4J Cypher 가이드
- 5 Tips & Tricks for Fast Batched Updates of Graph Structures with Neo4j and Cypher
- Immutable graphs with Neo4j
- Hands on Graph Data Visualization
- Running Neo4j on Google Cloud
- Welcome to the Neo4j Publication
- Neo4j Operational Dashboards with Hawtio
- Spring into Neo4j with Spring Data 5, Spring Boot 2, and Neo4j!
- Graph Visualization With Neo4j Using Neovis.js
- Importing Mapping Metaphor into Neo4j
- Proudly Releasing: Efficient Graph Algorithms in Neo4j
- Quick Import: Relato Business Graph Database from Data.World into Neo4j
- Migrating from MySQL to Neo4j
- Review prediction with Neo4j and TensorFlow
- Using and Accessing neo4j-graphql with NodeJS
- How to ingest data into Neo4j from a Kafka stream
- Neo4j PageRank Algorithm and Path Pattern Matching on Flights Domain Model
- 그래프 데이터베이스 Neo4j 첫만남
- Efficient Neo4j Data Import Using Cypher-Scripts | by Andrea Santurbano | Neo4j Developer Blog | Medium
- 데이터 분석 결과를 효과적으로 제공하기 위한 그래프 데이터베이스 구축
- Create a New Project with the Neo4j GraphQL Library - YouTube
- How to Build a GraphQL Server using Next.js and Neo4j
- OrientDB
- getting started
- doc
- active user community
- example
$ npm config set proxy http://x.y.z.w:p $ npm config set https-proxy http://x.y.z.w:p $ npm install $ npm config delete https-proxy $ npm config delete proxy $ node app.js
- Petter Graff
- slideshare.net/orientdb
- Programming Language Bindings
- OrientDB vs Neo4j - Comparison of query/speed/functionality
- NoSQL Graph Databases - Why, When and Where
- Fully Reactive - from Data to UI with OrientDB + Node.js + Socket.io - Dell'Aquila
- How to Install OrientDB 1.7 Document Graph NoSQL DBMS in Windows 7 - Part 1
- OrientDB 1.7 Document Graph NoSQL DBMS - Part 2
- s2graph
- Sesame
- Sparsity Technologies
- Titan
- titan @ youtube
- Graph Meetup Caleb Jones Tinkerpop and Titan
- Titan: Big Graph Data with Cassandra
- Titan: The Rise of Big Graph Data gremlin example, cansandra/hbase distributed mode, berkeley db
- Intro to Graph Databases Using Tinkerpop, TitanDB, and Gremlin
- Big Graph Data
- Cassandra Summit 2014: TitanDB - Scaling Relationship Data and Analysis with Cassandra
- Faunus: Graph Analytics Engine
- Exploring Wikipedia with Gremlin Graph Traversals
- Titan Graph Database Integration with DynamoDB: World-class Performance, Availability, and Scale for New Workloads
- Knowledge Graph 101 –from the perspective of engineers
- Machine Learning with Knowledge Graphs
- KickBorn knowledge versus Google
- Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes
- Learning Structured Embeddings of Knowledge Bases
- Google Knowledge Graph — The Best Guide For Beginners
- Thought Vectors, Knowledge Graphs, and Curious Death(?) of Keyword Search - YouTube
- Drug and Vaccine Discovery: Knowledge Graph + Apache Spark - YouTube
- 지식 그래프를 이용한 인재 추천 시스템 - DRAMA&COMPANY
- Knowledge Graphs + Large Language Models = The ability for users to ask their own questions? | by Peter Lawrence | Mar, 2023 | Medium
- 지식 그래프를 활용한 UAM 도착 지연시간에 따른 승객 이탈률 분석 및 예측
- pygraft: Configurable Generation of Schemas and Knowledge Graphs at Your Fingertips
- Ajgu - a simple graph database power by BerkleyDB key-value store
- Amazon Neptune, 신규 그래프 데이터베이스 서비스 - 김상필 솔루션즈 아키텍트 (AWS)
- AmpliGraph - Open source Python library that predicts links between concepts in a knowledge graph
- ArangoDB
- BitShares - Introducing BitShares Object Graph
- Cayley - An open-source graph database
- chemlambda-gui chemlambda is an artificial chemistry based on a graph rewrite system and various (random or deterministic) algorithms for applications of rewrites
- Cytoscape.js
- D3.js
- degdb - Distributed Economic Graph Database
- e4Graph C++ library
- FlashGraph - A SSD-based graph processing engine for billion-node graphs
- Gephi
- GP (for Graph Programs) - a rule-based, nondeterministic programming language
- GPS: A Graph Processing System
- Gramps - Genealogical Research Software
- Grap - a language for typesetting graphs yacc, lex, C++(STL) compilation
- Graph - A thread-safe implementation of a graph data structure in Go
- Graph BLAS Forum
- Graph Engine - SERVING BIG GRAPHS IN REAL-TIME windows
- graph-explorer
- Graphgenpy
- Graph-Reply - A graph based REPL that saves to and loads from disk
- graphp - The GraPHP web framework
- GraphpostgresQL
- GraphVite - A general and high-performance graph embedding system for various applications Designed for CPU-GPU hybrid architecture
- Graphviz
- GraphX
- Gremlin - Traversing Graph Databases with Gremlin
- greuler is graph theory visualization tool powered by d3 and on top of WebCola which allows the creation and manipulation of graphs with a simple api
- haystack- Graph "abstraction" over hbase
- json-graph-specification - A proposal for representing graph structure (nodes / edges) in JSON
- keylines.com
- LemonGraph - a log-based transactional graph (nodes/edges/properties) database engine that is backed by a single file python
- libgtkflow - Flowgraphs for Gtk+3
- Ligra is a lightweight graph processing framework for shared memory
- LiveGraph: real-time data fetching at Figma | Figma Blog
- Keeping It 100(x) With Real-time Data At Scale | Figma Blog
- Figma가 실시간으로 데이터를 가져오기 위해 내부에서 LiveGraph를 사용, 서비스의 성장에 따라 LiveGraph의 아키텍처도 다시 설계
- 2년 전에 LiveGraph는 단일 Postgres의 replication stream에 의존한 구조
- 부하가 커지면서 수직 샤드로 분할되자 전역으로는 순서 보장 불가능, 결국 큰 한계 직면
- LiveGraph는 실시간 업데이트를 위해 만든 서비스지만
- 트래픽을 분석하자 대부분은 초기 데이터 조회라는 것을 알게 됨
- 쿼리를 분석한 결과 어떤 쿼리를 다시 조회해야 하는지 파악이 쉬워서 이에 따른 캐시 무효화도 쉽다는 것을 발견
- 그래서 새로운 LiveGraph 100x는
- Go로 작성, 클라이언트의 뷰 요청을 처리하는 엣지, 쿼리 결과를 저장하는 읽기 캐시, 변경이 있으면 캐시 무효화하는 invalidator로 구성
- Keeping It 100(x) With Real-time Data At Scale | Figma Blog
- LIquid: a Large-Scale Relational Graph Database - YouTube
- LinkedIn에서 구축된 그래프 데이터베이스인 LIquid에 대한 내용
- LIquid는 15Tb의 그래프를 2M QPS로 처리
- 그래프 데이터베이스 시스템에 대한 개요와 함께 데이터베이스의 작동 방식, 데이터 모델 및 쿼리 언어에 대한 정보 제공
- 대규모 관계형 그래프 데이터베이스 LIquid | 완벽한 영상요약, 릴리스에이아이 | Lilys AI
- lisp2dot.awk
- MapGraph - Massively Parallel Graph processing on GPUs CUDA
- OGDL - Ordered Graph Data Language
- OpenGraphiti - OpenDNS Data Visualization Framework
- pattern.graph
- Pegasus An award-winning, open-source, graph-mining system with massive scalability
- py-ascii-graph - A simple python lib to print data as ascii histograms
- tagflow - stackoverflow graph
- TAO: The power of the graph
- Tinkerpop 분산 컴퓨팅 그래프 프레임 워크
- TinkerPop3
- blueprints
- Implementing Temporal Graphs with Apache TinkerPop and HGraphDB
- HGraphDB는 TinkerPop에 HBase 백엔드를 제공
- HGraphDB 데이터베이스 디자인에 대한 개요와 TinkerPop을 사용하여 그래프 데이터를 삽입하고 쿼리 할 수있는 몇 가지 예제 (코드 포함) 소개
- Using MongoDB as a high performance graph database
- iGraph
- Visualising Correlations using Graph python igraph visualization
- Mac에서 gfortran4.8 에러 해결하기
- jGraph
- jung
- NetworkX Python
- 20140830, Pycon2014 NetworkX를 이용한 네트워크 분석
- Social network analysis with NetworkX
- Visualising Markov Chains with NetworkX
- Page ranking my twitter network using Python
- Some Social Network Analysis with Python
- NetworkX Tutorial
- 법률 네트워크 분석: 30년간의 변화 Changes in legal citation network over 30 years - 김재윤
- How to visualise the Global Exporting Network using NetworkX and D3
- How to Perform Fraud Detection with Personalized Page Rank
- Weighted graphs using NetworkX
- Little Ball of Fur - A NetworkX extension library for graph sampling
- Ordering Movie Credits With Graph Theory
- Dina Bavli - Everybody Is an Influencer–Which Influencer Are You | PyData Global 2022 - YouTube
- Croshapes - Using Graph to Design a Toy - Irina Smirnova-Pinchukova - YouTube
- Paper: FlashGraph: Processing Billion-Node Graphs On An Array Of Commodity SSDs
- Reading and Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs
- Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing
- Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing
- 구글 KG의 근간이 되는 시스템
- 이 논문을 기반으로 개발된 것이 Apache Jena
- Easy Access to the Freebase Dataset
- Freebase를 쉽게 브라우징할 수 있는 http://freebase-easy.cs.uni-freiburg.de/browse/ 라는 사이트 구축 논문
- The Berlin SPARQL Benchmark
- BSBM은 LUBM과 함께 Triple Store의 성능을 비교하기 위한 대표적인 벤치마크 테스트
- Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes
- Sematch: Semantic Entity Search from Knowledge Graph
- 국립중앙도서관 linked open data - SPARQL 따라하기
- D2RQ Accessing Relational Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs
- OWL Reasoning Examples
- sparql-endpoint: Utilities to interact with a SPARQL endpoint in clojure
- UBY - A Large-Scale Unified Lexical-Semantic Resource
- Virtuoso SPARQL Query Editor
- YAGO: A High-Quality Knowledge Base