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File metadata and controls

155 lines (120 loc) · 6.52 KB


To make it simple to illuminate the matrix, there is a simple network protocol that allows to stream images to the FlaschenTaschen installation (we used to support some other protocols natively, but they moved out to be done via a dedicated bridge).

Flaschen Taschen Protocol

Receives UDP packets with a raw PPM file (P6) on port 1337 in a single datagram per image. A ppm file has a simple text header followed by the binary RGB image data.

FlaschenTaschen has a special feature that allows you to choose the offset the image is displayed on the screen in (x,y) direction and as a layer.

To provide this additional information without violating the PPM file standard, there is a special comment that you can put in the header (because #-comments are allowed in the PPM header) that describe the offset of the image on the display in X, Y and Z-direction (=layer).

The comment must start with exactly #FT:. In the following example, a 10x10 image is sent with the (x,y) offset of (5,8), the layer (z-offset) is 13; the full UDP packet combining header and data looks like this:

P6     # PPM binary Portable PixMap magic number
10 10  # width height (decimal, number in ASCII)
#FT: 5 8 13
255    # values per color (fixed). After newline, 10 * 10 * 3 bytes RGB data follows

(300 bytes RGB data)

(the header is followed by the binary image data, three bytes per pixel RGB, so in this case 10x10x3 = 300 bytes)

There is an alternative way to provide the offset by appending it at the end of the image data in a similar format like the header because that is sometimes easier to do depending on your implementation. Appending it at the end makes it also backward compatible with standard PPM (as PPM just ignores additional data at the end).

Here the same 10x10 image with (header + data + optional footer). The footer is similar formatted like the header: decimal numbers, separated by space). End-of-line comments in the header/footer are allowed with # character. So the full UDP packet combining header, data and footer looks like this:

P6     # PPM binary Portable PixMap magic number
10 10  # width height (decimal, number in ASCII)
255    # values per color (fixed). After newline, 10 * 10 * 3 bytes RGB data follows

(300 bytes RGB data)

5      # optional x offset
8      # optional y offset
13     # optional z offset.

The optional offset determines where the image is displayed on the Flaschen Taschen display relative to the top left corner (provided in the remote Flaschen Taschen class as a SetOffset(x, y, z) method).

Offsets, how do they work ?

The (x,y) offset allows to place an image at an arbitrary position on the screen - good for animations or having non-overlapping areas on the screen.

The z offset represents a layer above the background. Zero is the background image, layers above that are overlaying content if there is a color set (black in layers not the background are regarded transparent). That way, it is possible to write games simply (consider typical arcade games with slow moving background, a little faster moving middelground and a fast moving character in the front. This allows for full screen sprites essentially).

Or you can overlay, say a message over the currently running content. The nice thing is is that you don't need to know what the current background is - a fully networked compositing display essentially :) This allows display access for independent people on the network, right the way we use it at Noisebridge.

Note: layers above the background (z=0) will auomatically turn transparent again if they stick around for a while without being updated (that is the --layer-timeout flag to the server).

Send images right from the command-line

Since the server accepts a standard PPM format, sending an image is as simple as this; you can make use of the convenient pnm-tools right from your command line, how cool is that ?

# This works in the bash shell providing the pseudo-files /dev/udp/host/port
bash$ jpegtopnm color.jpg | stdbuf -o64k pnmscale -xysize 20 20 > /dev/udp/ft.noise/1337
# replace 'ft.noise' with 'localhost' if you have
# a locally running server, e.g. terminal based

If you're not using bash, then the /dev/udp/... path won't work, then you can use the network-swiss army knife socat

$ jpegtopnm color.jpg | stdbuf -o64k pnmscale -xysize 20 20 | socat -b64000 STDIO UDP-SENDTO:ft.noise:1337


You find some tools in the client/ directory to directly send content to the server.

For the API level, there are a couple APIs provided in the api/ directory, that let's you get right into it:

For instance, the FlaschenTaschen demos by Carl are using the C++ API.

There is a FlaschenTaschen VNC implementation by Scotty. Scotty also wrote a server implementation for the ESP8266 that runs LED strips in the Noise Square Table and the Noisebridge library shelves.

To watch videos, there is now a FlaschenTaschen VLC output by François Revol available (until it hits distributions, you have to compile VLC from git).

Network address of Installations

Within Noisebridge, the hostname of the large 45x35 pixel installation is ft.noise. The smaller 25x20 display is called ftkleine.noise. Then there are pixel strip implementations for the bookshelves with hostname bookcase.noise and the Noise Square Table, hostname square.noise.


For huge displays (more than 21k pixels) we run into UDP packet size limit of roughly 64k. In that case, you need to send several tiles of the image and use the offset feature to place them on the screen. (We might consider adding a TCP protocol for these cases).

Note, this is not an issue with the large FlaschenTaschen installation at Noisebridge (1575 pixels) as it requires less than 8% of the UDP limit. But it could be an issue with huge assemblies using an RGB Matrix with many small LEDs.