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A demo service to show how to implement the zero downtime rolling update in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes environment, it provides rolling update function which can help to implement the zero downtime deployment. However, when redeploy the same project in Istio enabled environment, there are some HTTP requests with 503 Service Unavailable status code.

The Istio cluster-internal networking mode looks a bit differently compared to plain Kubernetes. Envoy proxy also performs active health checking of microservice pods, it will detect outliers and ultimately prevent connections to them. HTTP-based readiness probes that are defined for pods will also be included and executed by the Envoy proxies. In other words, the proxy containers won’t connect to pods whose readiness probes fail, even if the pods would still accept requests. Retry configuration which can be added to the sidecar proxies through configuration only mitigates but doesn’t resolve this issue.

There is a reasonable solution is to use Istio subsets as version designators and to re-route the service traffic independent of Kubernetes' rolling update mechanism. It uses a service subset(please refer k8s\destination-rule-v1-v2.yaml) to identify the application’s version, such as v1 or v2, and configure the virtual service to route to one specific version, please refer k8s\istio-virtual-service-v1-v2.yaml for detail. The Istio proxies routes which are configured by the virtual service resources can be re-routed to different subset versions with real zero-downtime.

In order to use that approach, it requires to create separate Kubernetes deployments, one for each individual version of our application, and perform the actual switch via Istio.

This project is created by using Spring boot, and it exposes a REST API controller. See the apis detailed below. It uses openjdk:8-jdk-alpine as base docker image.

This project requires Java 8, Maven, MiniKube, Istio and Fortio. This project uses Fortio as a loading test tool to generate HTTP traffics.

Build Container

Building the container is a multi-step process.

Note: The Dockerfile will attempt to use the artifact target/zero-downtime-rollingupdate-*.jar. If your target jar is named differently or if this regex may be ambigious, please make the appropriate changes in your Dockerfile.

Mac users
make build
Windows users
docker build -t zero-downtime-rollingupdate-builder -f .
docker run -v m2:/root/.m2 -v <absolute_path_to_source_code>:/build zero-downtime-rollingupdate-builder
docker build -t zero-downtime-rollingupdate-img .

Run Container

Using docker compose

Docker compose is a convenient way of running docker containers. For launching the application using docker-compose, ensure the builds steps are already executed.

docker-compose up --build

Remote debugging using docker compose is enabled. 
Using docker command
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8082:8082 zero-downtime-rollingupdate-img

To run container locally use:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8082:8082 zero-downtime-rollingupdate-img

To debug container using remote debugging.

make debug

To view container logs, run following command:

docker logs <container id>

List of available APIs

API Description
GET /ping Returns string 'pong'. Used for basic healthcheck.
GET /k8s/demo A dummy request for demo purpose when deploy it into Kubernetes environment.
GET /k8s/shutdown Simulate "SIGTERM" to monitor shutdown behaviour in Kubernetes environment.
GET /k8s/memoryleak Simulate JVM OutOfMemory Error to monitor shutdown behaviour in Kubernetes environment.
GET /k8s/longTask Simulate long running task to monitor shutdown behaviour in Kubernetes environment.
GET /k8s/fullgc Simulate JVM GC to monitor shutdown behaviour in Kubernetes environment.

APIs can be accessed via curl command: curl http://localhost:8080/<API>

Setup MiniKube


Follow below installation links to install Minikube on Linux. In above installation steps, the Minikube also needs virtualization support, choose Virtual Box as the VM for Minikube cluster.

Minikube useful commands

Start Minikube, and create a cluster

minikube start

Access Kubernetes dashboard in a browser

minikube dashboard

Access Kubernetes service

minikube service <service name>

Stop Minikube

minikube stop

Delete local Minikube cluster

minikube delete

Setup Istio

Istio is installed in its own istio-system namespace and can manage services from all other namespaces.

From a macOS or Linux system, run the following command to download the latest release.

curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.2.4 sh -

Move to Istio package directory, and add istioctl client to PATH environment variable.

export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

Apply the Istio Custom Resource Definitions(CRDs)

for i in install/kubernetes/helm/istio-init/files/crd*yaml; do kubectl apply -f $i; done

Edit the demo yaml file to update "ClusterIP" as "NodePort" via any text editor, and apply the demo profile.

kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/istio-demo.yaml

Verify the installation to make sure the Istio related services are running. The Istio ingress-gateway port can be found from below screenshot. The port 80:31380/TCP is NodePort.

kubectl get service -n istio-system

Setup Fortio

Fortio is a loading test tool which can be used to test REST API of micro service, Istio integration etc. It's a fast, small (3Mb docker image, minimal dependencies), reusable, embeddable go library as well as a command line tool and server process, the server includes a simple web UI and graphical representation of the results (both a single latency graph and a multiple results comparative min, max, avg, qps and percentiles graphs). For more detail, please visit this link



brew install fortio


curl -L \
| sudo tar -C / -xvzpf -

Start Fortio server Once the server is started, it can be accessed via http://localhost:8080/fortio/, change the setting like QPS, test duration, target URL etc, click "Start" button to launch the loading test.

fortio server

Start Fortio server with different port

fortio server -http-port 9090
fortio server -http-port

Start Fortio load test with QPS and duration

fortio load -qps 20 -t 600s

Deploy zero-downtime-rollingupdate Spring Boot application

Enable Istio injection for default name space.

kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

Create ConfigMap object into Kubernetes

kubectl apply -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/configmap.yaml

Create Gateway object into Kubernetes

kubectl apply -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/gateway.yaml

Create VirtualService object into Kubernetes.

kubectl apply -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/virtualservice.yaml

Apply the deployment yaml file

kubectl apply -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/deployment.yaml

Verify the application can be accessed via Istio gateway(Assume the IP is: The Istio ingress gateway port can be found via kubectl get services -n istio-system

curl -v

Implement zero down time deployment

Delete the previous deployment/virtual service to avoid conflict

kubectl delete deployment zero-downtime-rollingupdate
kubectl delete virtualservice zero-downtime-rollingupdate

Create v1/v2 deployment

kubectl apply -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/deployment-v1.yaml
kubectl apply -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/deployment-v2.yaml

Create destination rule

kubectl apply -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/destination-rule-v1-v2.yaml

Create virtual service to include both v1/v2, set v1 as 90% weight, v2 as 10% weight

kubectl apply -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/istio-virtual-service-v1-v2.yaml

Open two terminal, and use Fortio to create HTTP traffic to both /k8s/demo and /k8s/longTask In this loading test, it will create 20/10 QPS with 10 minutes duration to /k8s/demo and to /k8s/longTask accordingly

fortio load -qps 20 -t 600s
fortio load -qps 20 -t 600s

Wait for 3 minutes, change the weight accordingly, like change v1 as 50, change v2 as 500.

kubectl edit -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/istio-virtual-service-v1-v2.yaml

Wait for 3 minutes, change the weight like change v1 as 0, and v2 as 100 to update the service as v2 finally.

kubectl edit -f ~/zero-downtime-rollingupdate/k8s/istio-virtual-service-v1-v2.yaml

Wait for the load test to complete, and verify the result from Fortio output. Example of the output;

Sockets used: 4 (for perfect keepalive, would be 4)
Code 200 : 3000 (100.0 %)
Response Header Sizes : count 3000 avg 222.748 +/- 0.4588 min 222 max 224 sum 668244
Response Body/Total Sizes : count 3000 avg 231.748 +/- 0.4588 min 231 max 233 sum 695244
All done 3000 calls (plus 4 warmup) 31.286 ms avg, 10.0 qps