Pacific Daylight Time, PDT Tue, 10 Oct 2017 at 7:00 am PDT
Eastern Time, ET Tue, 10 Oct 2017 at 10:00 am EDT
London, United Kingdom Tue, 10 Oct 2017 at 3:00 pm BST
Berlin, Germany Tue, 10 Oct 2017 at 4:00 pm CEST
Canberra, Australia Wed, 11 Oct 2017 at 1:00 am AEDT
- Nicholas Car
- Dave Dubin
- Barbara Magagana
- Doron Goldfarb
- Markus Stocker
- Paolo Missier
- Review of last meeting’s minutes:
- Consider moving our Meeting Munites to GitHub, in line with our Action Items moving
- test minutes for this meeting at:
- Review progress to date on Prov Patterns WG
- Use Case DB
- Review the basic pattern “Associating document metadata with graph provenance”
- Review ideas for new patterns:
- theory: upper ontology mappings from Simon Cox's mapping work
- implementation: specialisation of "Associating..." for ISO19115 mapping, using GA's ISO19115 profile
- implementation: how best to use PROV with DCAT (and other document-style metadata OWL ontologies like DC)
- can we find a pattern for this in the PROV docco?
- Provenance Sharing workplan
- Use Case DB
- Member reports
- Nicholas Car:
- 5 provenance papers accepted now for MODSIM. Titles are:
- Design patterns and infrastructure in a software library with efficient handling of multidimensional time series
- Documenting provenance of science in a state government agency
- Provenance in the next-generation spatial knowledge infrastructure
- PROV ontology supports alignment of observational data (models)
- Modelling causes for actions with the Decision and PROV ontologies
- 1 poster:
- Linking document-based metadata to provenance expressed in graphs
- based on Pattern 12
- Linking document-based metadata to provenance expressed in graphs
- 5 provenance papers accepted now for MODSIM. Titles are:
- Nicholas Car:
NC: Make Barbara an account for Patterns DB
Use GitHub for Minutes NC: upload
Pattern 12
- Barbara like it
- Dave include turtle listings
- NC: turn comments on
- NC: pattern status
- NC: C & D images not showing
NC: Simon upper pattern
NC: proposal for SKOS + PROV pattern
NC: patterns when would one need qualified patterns
Barbara invited to Euroean provenance conference
- Paolo: contact Tim Lebo
- Barbara: Austria not ready
- NC: send pingback tools to Barbara
- Markus: Pangea
- using DataCite schema for articles/datasets
- could technically implement Pingbacks
- NC: make pingbacks test proposal
- NC: ask MODSIM authors for prepreints for group
Member reports
- DD: presenting at iConfernece, Edinburgh
- on ontology alignment, potentially using PROV
- MS: nothing, soon to be working on ENVRIPlus with Barbara
- PM: working on a large grant proposal including provenance
- BM: nothing, developing EcoPortal ESWC Vienna, working with Doron
- Doron Goldfarb: Env Agency Austrlia. Cognitive sceince & LD background. UDAT project work
- integrating federated semantic search
- DD: presenting at iConfernece, Edinburgh