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Using Docker

How to use Docker image

  • Install and configure Docker for your appropriate environment, see [Docker installation documentation] (
  • Follow instructions in bin/mochidocker --dockerhelp in this checkout, a sample below:
$ bin/mochidocker --dockerhelp
Usage: mochidocker [options] <any mochi interpreter arguments> ...


Run one .mochi file using relative path to the .mochi file (absolute path does not work)
Note: relative forward path only.  This form "../path/to/file.mochi" does not work.
  $ cd $MOCHI_CHECKOUT_ROOT; bin/mochidocker examples/fizzbuzz.mochi
  $ mochidocker relative-path/to/file.mochi

Explore mochi command-line
  $ mochidocker --help  # mochi interpreter help
  $ mochidocker --version  # mochi interpreter version

Enter mochi interractive interpreter
  $ mochidocker

Run all examples
  $ cd $MOCHI_CHECKOUT_ROOT; for f in examples/*.mochi; do echo $f; bin/mochidocker $f; done

Use an alternate docker image
  $ mochidocker --dockerimg tlvu/mochi:<version tag> --version
  $ cd $MOCHI_CHECKOUT_ROOT; bin/mochidocker --dockerimg tlvu/mochi:0.2.1 workdir/examples/fizzbuzz.mochi

As a developer, run the latest code in this checkout (not the code in the docker image)
Note: $MOCHI_CHECKOUT_ROOT must not contain space for this to work
  $ cd $MOCHI_CHECKOUT_ROOT; bin/mochidocker --dockerdevel examples/fizzbuzz.mochi

  --dockerimg img   Alternate image name, default: tlvu/mochi
  --dockerdevel     Use latest code in the current checkout
  --dockerhelp      Show this help

Why Docker

  • Full-stack (OS, python libs), reproducible, easy to distribute runtime environment
    • The exact OS, all system packages versions, all python libraries versions are all pinned down.
    • Therefore the exact same runtime environment is reproducible on every developper and user machine.
    • The exact same Docker image works on Linux and Mac and is completely self-contained (all dependencies are part of the image, user has nothing else to install).
    • Provide the "self-contained" advantage of a full virtual machine (ex: VirtualBox, VMWare) without the performance and heavy disk space usage penalty.
$ time docker run -i -t --rm -v $MOCHI_CHECKOUT_ROOT:/files:ro tlvu/mochi /files/examples/aif.mochi

real    0m6.612s
user    0m0.006s
sys     0m0.017s

$ docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE   0.2.1               4a44168346a3        About an hour ago   426.8 MB   0.2.1-20150415      4a44168346a3        About an hour ago   426.8 MB   latest              4a44168346a3        About an hour ago   426.8 MB

Releasing a new Docker image

  • Build a new image
$ docker build -t mochi .
  • Tag the new build appropriately with the new version. Example from 0.2.1 release:
$ docker tag -f mochi tlvu/mochi:0.2.1  # -f to force move existing tag if needed

# This tag should be unique for each release (should never use '-f' here).  If
# releasing more than once in same day, append something to the date to make it
# different, ex: 0.2.1-20150415-2.
$ docker tag mochi tlvu/mochi:0.2.1-20150415

# Need 'latest' tag for 'tlvu/mochi<no tags specified>' to work.  This tag is
# sure to already exist so we need '-f'.
$ docker tag -f mochi tlvu/mochi:latest
  • Push the image to Docker hub
$ docker push tlvu/mochi