Here is a collection of build tags "-tags" that can be used to affect the behavior of XMT.
None of these are used by default.
- altload
- bugs
- implant
- crypt
- stdrand
- nojson
- nosweep
- nokeyset
- nopanic
- loader
- noservice
- funcmap
- tiny
- small
- medium
- large
- nofrag
- regexp
- ews
- noproxy
- multiproxy
- scripts
- heap
- svcdll
The most popular set for size and usage is: implant,nojson,noproxy
- bugs
- implant
- crypt
- ews
- nokeyset
- altload
- heap
- svcdll
- nopanic
- funcmap
- noservice
- loader
- nojson
- nosweep
- scripts
- regexp
- stdrand
- noproxy
- multiproxy
- tiny
- small
- medium
- large
- nofrag