confere.js is a simple promise based javascript validation library heavily inspired by the laravel validation!
Download or clone the repo add lib/confere.js to your html script
var confere = new Confrere({
rules: {
name: 'required|min:3|max:254',
email: 'required|email|max:254',
birth_date: 'required|date|date_before:2004-01-01' //ex: under 13 not allowed
confere.validate ({
name: "Jhon Doe",
email: "",
birth_date: "1992-05-12",
}).then (function () {
//the data is valid, do some stuff ex: submiting the data
}).catch(function (result) {
//the data is invalid, show error messages, you can use the result.fields to retrive all validation errors errors
<input type="text" name="name" data-rule="required|min:3"><br/>
<input type="text" name="surname" data-rule="required|min:3"><br/>
<input type="text" name="birth_date" data-rule="required|date|date_before:2004-01-01">
var confere = new Confere({
rules: document.forms[0]
document.forms[0].addEventListener('submit', function (e) {
confere.validate().then(function () {
//the data is valid, do some stuff ex: submiting the data
}).catch(function (err) {
//the data is invalid, show error messages, you can use the result.fields to retrive all validation errors errors
The code above will produce the same output as the previous, but row there is no need for complicated configuration because we are using htm attributes the stuff that we all knows!
Found a bug?
Open an Issue on github, if you fixed yourself, fork the repo, create a branch,
commit your changes ad open a pull request.
Please be sure to not include unnecessary changes on your commit and add some test whenever is possible
Matt Kruse - For his awesome js date functions found in