Modules for Space Boundary Extraction
- M1: IFC file → MVDXMLChecker → Report (txt) | Checking IFC file for content regarding requirements (e.g. IfcSpaces), maybe modifications to the original IFC file necessary; some checking rules are only available in IFC4
- M2: IFC file → Boundary Representation Creation → BREP (OCC-Shape, .STEP, .BREP, ...) | Creation of explicit geometry linked to GUID ### BREPtoOCC
- M3: BREP → Shape Checker → Report | Are BREPS valid (watertightness, face normals, manifoldness, self-intersections)
- M4: BREP, Report → Shape Fixer → BREP | Valid BREPS
- M5: ... e.g. Fixing relations between building elements, Spatial Data Structure, Neighbour-Search, Topology extraction, Clipping, Projection, ...
- IFC4 or IFC2x3 Files
- IfcSpaces
- Planar faces
- No hybrid modelling of walls
- 2nd Level Space Boundary (horizontal, vertical) - Linking between IfcSpace and IfcBuildingElement using IfcRelSpaceBoundary, IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum (physical, virtual), IfcInternalOrExternalEnum (internal, external)
- Geometry of Space Boundary according to one of the representation types of IFC (parametric, direct or indirect representation, etc.)