diff --git a/framework/app.js b/framework/app.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e7fd3d --- /dev/null +++ b/framework/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.reagir = void 0; +async function reagir(dest, zok, msg, emoji) { + await zok.sendMessage(dest, { react: { text: emoji, key: msg.key } }); +} +exports.reagir = reagir; + diff --git a/framework/imgur.js b/framework/imgur.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cc083b --- /dev/null +++ b/framework/imgur.js @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +const axios = require('axios'); +const fs = require('fs'); +const FormData = require('form-data'); + +async function uploadImageToImgur(imagePath, clientId) { + try { + const data = new FormData(); + data.append('image', fs.createReadStream(imagePath)); + + const headers = { + 'Authorization': `Client-ID ${clientId}`, + ...data.getHeaders() + }; + + const config = { + method: 'post', + maxBodyLength: Infinity, + url: 'https://api.imgur.com/3/image', + headers: headers, + data: data + }; + + const response = await axios(config); + const imageUrl = response.data.data.link; + return imageUrl; + } catch (error) { + console.error('Erreur lors de l\'envoi sur Imgur:', error); + throw new Error('Une erreur est survenue lors de l\'envoi sur Imgur.'); + } +} + +module.exports = { uploadImageToImgur }; diff --git a/framework/index.js b/framework/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dc9c6f --- /dev/null +++ b/framework/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.genererNomFichier = exports.stick = exports.format = exports.styletext = exports.zJson = exports.getBuffer = exports.reaction = exports.police = exports.zokou = void 0; +let { zokou } = require("./zokou"); +exports.zokou = zokou; +const mesfonctions_1 = require("./mesfonctions"); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "reaction", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return mesfonctions_1.reaction; } }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "police", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return mesfonctions_1.police; } }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "getBuffer", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return mesfonctions_1.getBuffer; } }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "zJson", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return mesfonctions_1.zJson; } }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "format", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return mesfonctions_1.format; } }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "styletext", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return mesfonctions_1.styletext; } }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "stick", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return mesfonctions_1.stick; } }); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "genererNomFichier", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return mesfonctions_1.genererNomFichier; } }); +var { reagir } = require("./app"); diff --git a/framework/mesfonctions.js b/framework/mesfonctions.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eee94f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/framework/mesfonctions.js @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.reaction = exports.recept_message = exports.getBuffer = exports.zJson = exports.apiWaifu = exports.format = exports.fruit = exports.tabCmd = exports.police = exports.styletext = exports.xlab = exports.ajouterCommande = void 0; +const axios = require('axios'); +const path = require("path"); +const cheerio = require("cheerio"); +const { Sticker, createSticker, StickerTypes } = require('wa-sticker-formatter'); +const baileys_1 = require("@whiskeysockets/baileys"); +const fs = require('fs-extra'); +const util = require('util'); +let { listall } = require('./stylish-font'); +/*_________by Djalega++ + +fonction zJson: +récupère un objet json +:paramètres +-url:lien sur laquelle la requête est effectuée +-option: éventuelle option de requête +:valeur de retour +données contenues dans la reponse de la requête + + + +*/ +/** ********* */ +module.exports.genererNomFichier = async (extension) => { + var randomNbre = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000); + var nomFichier = `Zok${randomNbre}.${extension}`; + return nomFichier; +}; +/** ****** */ +/** ************ */ +module.exports.stick = async (buffer, author) => { + var sticker = new Sticker(buffer, { + pack: 'Zokou-MD', + author: author, + type: StickerTypes.FULL, + categories: ['🤩', '🎉'], + id: '12345', + quality: 50, + background: '#000000' + }); + return sticker; +}; +/** ********** */ +async function zJson(url, option) { + try { + option ? option : {}; + const resultat = await axios({ + method: 'GET', url: url, + headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36' }, ...option + }); + return resultat.data; + } + catch (erreur) { + return erreur; + } +} +exports.zJson = zJson; +/*______ fonction getBuffer------ +récupère les données sous forme de : arraybuffer +:paramètres +-url:lien de la requête +-option:eventuelles options pour la requête +:valeur de retour +tableau contenant les données de la réponse renvoyée par la requête +-------*/ +async function getBuffer(url, option) { + try { + option ? option : {}; + const resultat = await axios({ + method: 'GET', url: url, headers: { + 'DNT': 1, + 'Upgrade-Insecure-Request': 1 + }, ...option, responseType: "arrayBuffer" + }); + return resultat.data; + } + catch (erreur) { + console.log(erreur); + } +} +exports.getBuffer = getBuffer; +/*-------- fonction recept_message + +fonction pour récupérer les meté-données des messages recus +- paramètres +:zok objet waSocket +:objet IwaMessage (message reçu ) +:store enregistrements de conversation +- valeur de retour +retourne un tableau contenant les meta-données du message reçu +*/ +async function recept_message(zok, mess, store) { + if (!mess) + return; + if (mess.key) { + mess.cleMessage = mess.key; + mess.idMessage = mess.key.id; + mess.origineMessage = mess.key.remoteJid; + mess.moi = mess.key.fromMe; + mess.groupe = mess.origineMessage.endsWith('@g.us'); + mess.origineBot = mess.idMessage.startsWith('BAE5') && mess.idMessage.length == 16; + } + /////////////////////////////// + if (mess.message) { + mess.typeMessage = (0, baileys_1.getContentType)(mess.message); + mess.ms = (mess.typeMessage == 'viewOnceMessage' ? mess.message[mess.typeMessage].message[(0, baileys_1.getContentType)(mess.message[mess.typeMessage].message)] : mess.message[mess.typeMessage]); + try { + switch (mess.typeMessage) { + case 'conversation': + mess.corpsMessage = mess.message.conversation; + break; + case 'imageMessage': + mess.corpsMessage = mess.message.imageMessage.caption; + break; + case 'videoMessage': + mess.corpsMessage = mess.message.videoMessage.caption; + break; + case 'entendedTextMessage': + mess.corpsMessage = mess.message.extendedTextMessage.Textarea; + break; + case 'buttonsResponseMessage': + mess.corpsMessage = mess.message.buttonsResponseMessage.SelectedButtonId; + break; + case 'listResponseMessage': + mess.corpsMessage = mess.message.listResponseMessage.singleSelectReply.selectedRowId; + break; + case 'templateButtonReplyMessage': + mess.corpsMessage = mess.message.templateButtonReplyMessage.selectedId; + break; + case 'messageContextInfo': + mess.corpsMessage = mess.message.buttonsResponseMessage.SelectedButtonId || mess.message.listResponseMessage.singleSelectReply.selectedRowId || mess.text || ''; + break; + default: + mess.corpsMessage = false; + } + } + catch { + mess.corpsMessage = false; + } + } + /////////////////////////// + let quoted = mess.quoted = mess.ms.contextInfo ? mess.ms.contextInfo.quotedMessage : null; + mess.mentionedJid = mess.ms.contextInfo ? mess.ms.contextInfo.mentionedJid : []; + if (mess.quoted) { + } + ///////////////////////////:/: + return mess; +} +exports.recept_message = recept_message; +function styletext(teks) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + axios.get('http://qaz.wtf/u/convert.cgi?text=' + teks) + .then(({ data }) => { + let $ = cheerio.load(data); + let hasil = []; + $('table > tbody > tr').each(function (a, b) { + hasil.push({ name: $(b).find('td:nth-child(1) > span').text(), result: $(b).find('td:nth-child(2)').text().trim() }); + }); + resolve(hasil); + }); + }); +} +exports.styletext = styletext; +/*fonction pour prendre le lienle site api.waifu + +by @luffy + + +*/ +async function apiWaifu(theme) { + var url = 'https://api.waifu.pics/nsfw/'; + if (theme == 'waifu') { + url += theme; + } + else if (theme == 'trap') { + url += theme; + } + else if (theme == 'neko') { + url += theme; + } + else if (theme == 'blowjob') { + url += 'blowjob'; + } + else { + url = 'https://api.waifu.pics/nsfw/waifu'; + } + try { + const response = await axios.get(url); + return response.data.url; + } + catch (e) { + console.log(e); + } +} +exports.apiWaifu = apiWaifu; +var tabCmd = {}; +exports.tabCmd = tabCmd; +var reaction = {}; +exports.reaction = reaction; +var fruit = {}; +exports.fruit = fruit; +async function ajouterCommande() { + fs.readdirSync(__dirname + "/../commandes").forEach((fichier) => { + if (path.extname(fichier).toLowerCase() == ".js") { + require(__dirname + "/../commandes/" + fichier.split(".js")[0]); + console.log('fichier : ' + fichier); + //console.log("le module "+__dirname+"/../commandes/"+fichier.split(".js")[0]) + } + // console.log('fichier : '+fichier ) + }); + /*const readDir = util.promisify(fs.readdir); + const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile); + //console.log("ch " + __dirname + '../') + var chemin = './commandes/' + var nomFichier = await readDir(chemin) + //console.log("installation des plugins ... ") + nomFichier.forEach((fichier) => { + if (fichier.endsWith(".js")) { + //console.log(fichier+" installé ✅") + var { commande } = require('../'+chemin.replace(/./, '') + fichier.split('.js')[0]) + var infoCom = commande() + for (var a of infoCom.nomCom) { + tabCmd[a] = infoCom.execute + reaction[a]=infoCom.reaction + } + } + //console.log("installation de plugins terminé 👍🏿") + }) + + */ +} +exports.ajouterCommande = ajouterCommande; +async function xlab() { + const readDir = util.promisify(fs.readdir); + const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile); + //console.log("ch " + __dirname + '../') + var chemin = './commandes/'; + var nomFichier = await readDir(chemin); + nomFichier.forEach((fichier) => { + if (fichier.endsWith(".js")) { + var { commande } = require(__dirname + '/../commandes/' + fichier.split(".js")[0]); + var infos; + if (commande) { + infos = commande(); + } + else { + infos = null; + } + if (infos != null) { + for (const cd of infos.nomCom) { + fruit[cd] = infos.execute; + } + } + } + }); + //console.log("installation des plugins ... ") + //console.log(fichier+" installé + ////////// +} +exports.xlab = xlab; +const human_readable_1 = require("human-readable"); +const format = (0, human_readable_1.sizeFormatter)({ + std: 'JEDEC', + decimalPlaces: 2, + keepTrailingZeroes: false, + render: (literal, symbol) => `${literal} ${symbol}B`, +}); +exports.format = format; +function police(text, index) { + index = index - 1; + return listall(text)[index]; +} +exports.police = police; diff --git a/framework/stylish-font.js b/framework/stylish-font.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b000a4a --- /dev/null +++ b/framework/stylish-font.js @@ -0,0 +1,2302 @@ + // Credits to Neeraj-X0 +const unicode = require("./unicode"); +var style = unicode; +style.tools.creepify.options.maxHeight = 10; + +function createMap(chars) { + var alphanum = [ + "a", + "b", + "c", + "d", + "e", + "f", + "g", + "h", + "i", + "j", + "k", + "l", + "m", + "n", + "o", + "p", + "q", + "r", + "s", + "t", + "u", + "v", + "w", + "x", + "y", + "z", + "A", + "B", + "C", + "D", + "E", + "F", + "G", + "H", + "I", + "J", + "K", + "L", + "M", + "N", + "O", + "P", + "Q", + "R", + "S", + "T", + "U", + "V", + "W", + "X", + "Y", + "Z", + "0", + "1", + "2", + "3", + "4", + "5", + "6", + "7", + "8", + "9", + ]; + var i = 0; + var map = {}; + for (var c of chars) { + map[alphanum[i]] = c; + i++; + } + return JSON.stringify(map); +} + +const mangaCharMap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "卂", + b: "乃", + c: "匚", + d: "ᗪ", + e: "乇", + f: "千", + g: "ᘜ", + h: "卄", + i: "|", + j: "フ", + k: "Ҝ", + l: "ㄥ", + m: "爪", + n: "几", + o: "ㄖ", + p: "卩", + q: "Ҩ", + r: "尺", + s: "丂", + t: "ㄒ", + u: "ㄩ", + v: "ᐯ", + w: "山", + x: "乂", + y: "ㄚ", + z: "乙", + A: "卂", + B: "乃", + C: "匚", + D: "ᗪ", + E: "乇", + F: "千", + G: "ᘜ", + H: "卄", + I: "|", + J: "フ", + K: "Ҝ", + L: "ㄥ", + M: "爪", + N: "几", + O: "ㄖ", + P: "卩", + Q: "Ҩ", + R: "尺", + S: "丂", + T: "ㄒ", + U: "ㄩ", + V: "ᐯ", + W: "山", + X: "乂", + Y: "ㄚ", + Z: "乙", +}; +const ladybugCharMap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "ꍏ", + b: "ꌃ", + c: "ꏳ", + d: "ꀷ", + e: "ꏂ", + f: "ꎇ", + g: "ꁅ", + h: "ꀍ", + i: "ꀤ", + j: "꒻", + k: "ꀘ", + l: "꒒", + m: "ꎭ", + n: "ꈤ", + o: "ꂦ", + p: "ᖘ", + q: "ꆰ", + r: "ꋪ", + s: "ꌚ", + t: "꓄", + u: "ꀎ", + v: "꒦", + w: "ꅐ", + x: "ꉧ", + y: "ꌩ", + z: "ꁴ", + A: "ꍏ", + B: "ꌃ", + C: "ꏳ", + D: "ꀷ", + E: "ꏂ", + F: "ꎇ", + G: "ꁅ", + H: "ꀍ", + I: "ꀤ", + J: "꒻", + K: "ꀘ", + L: "꒒", + M: "ꎭ", + N: "ꈤ", + O: "ꂦ", + P: "ᖘ", + Q: "ꆰ", + R: "ꋪ", + S: "ꌚ", + T: "꓄", + U: "ꀎ", + V: "꒦", + W: "ꅐ", + X: "ꉧ", + Y: "ꌩ", + Z: "ꁴ", +}; +const runesCharMap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "ል", + b: "ጌ", + c: "ር", + d: "ዕ", + e: "ቿ", + f: "ቻ", + g: "ኗ", + h: "ዘ", + i: "ጎ", + j: "ጋ", + k: "ጕ", + l: "ረ", + m: "ጠ", + n: "ክ", + o: "ዐ", + p: "የ", + q: "ዒ", + r: "ዪ", + s: "ነ", + t: "ፕ", + u: "ሁ", + v: "ሀ", + w: "ሠ", + x: "ሸ", + y: "ሃ", + z: "ጊ", + A: "ል", + B: "ጌ", + C: "ር", + D: "ዕ", + E: "ቿ", + F: "ቻ", + G: "ኗ", + H: "ዘ", + I: "ጎ", + J: "ጋ", + K: "ጕ", + L: "ረ", + M: "ጠ", + N: "ክ", + O: "ዐ", + P: "የ", + Q: "ዒ", + R: "ዪ", + S: "ነ", + T: "ፕ", + U: "ሁ", + V: "ሀ", + W: "ሠ", + X: "ሸ", + Y: "ሃ", + Z: "ጊ", +}; + +const serif_BCharMap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "𝐚", + b: "𝐛", + c: "𝐜", + d: "𝐝", + e: "𝐞", + f: "𝐟", + g: "𝐠", + h: "𝐡", + i: "𝐢", + j: "𝐣", + k: "𝐤", + l: "𝐥", + m: "𝐦", + n: "𝐧", + o: "𝐨", + p: "𝐩", + q: "𝐪", + r: "𝐫", + s: "𝐬", + t: "𝐭", + u: "𝐮", + v: "𝐯", + w: "𝐰", + x: "𝐱", + y: "𝐲", + z: "𝐳", + A: "𝐀", + B: "𝐁", + C: "𝐂", + D: "𝐃", + E: "𝐄", + F: "𝐅", + G: "𝐆", + H: "𝐇", + I: "𝐈", + J: "𝐉", + K: "𝐊", + L: "𝐋", + M: "𝐌", + N: "𝐍", + O: "𝐎", + P: "𝐏", + Q: "𝐐", + R: "𝐑", + S: "𝐒", + T: "𝐓", + U: "𝐔", + V: "𝐕", + W: "𝐖", + X: "𝐗", + Y: "𝐘", + Z: "𝐙", +}; +const serif_BICharMap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "𝒂", + b: "𝒃", + c: "𝒄", + d: "𝒅", + e: "𝒆", + f: "𝒇", + g: "𝒈", + h: "𝒉", + i: "𝒊", + j: "𝒋", + k: "𝒌", + l: "𝒍", + m: "𝒎", + n: "𝒏", + o: "𝒐", + p: "𝒑", + q: "𝒒", + r: "𝒓", + s: "𝒔", + t: "𝒕", + u: "𝒖", + v: "𝒗", + w: "𝒘", + x: "𝒙", + y: "𝒚", + z: "𝒛", + A: "𝑨", + B: "𝑩", + C: "𝑪", + D: "𝑫", + E: "𝑬", + F: "𝑭", + G: "𝑮", + H: "𝑯", + I: "𝑰", + J: "𝑱", + K: "𝑲", + L: "𝑳", + M: "𝑴", + N: "𝑵", + O: "𝑶", + P: "𝑷", + Q: "𝑸", + R: "𝑹", + S: "𝑺", + T: "𝑻", + U: "𝑼", + V: "𝑽", + W: "𝑾", + X: "𝑿", + Y: "𝒀", + Z: "𝒁", +}; +const serif_ICharMap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "𝑎", + b: "𝑏", + c: "𝑐", + d: "𝑑", + e: "𝑒", + f: "𝑓", + g: "𝑔", + h: "ℎ", + i: "𝑖", + j: "𝑗", + k: "𝑘", + l: "𝑙", + m: "𝑚", + n: "𝑛", + o: "𝑜", + p: "𝑝", + q: "𝑞", + r: "𝑟", + s: "𝑠", + t: "𝑡", + u: "𝑢", + v: "𝑣", + w: "𝑤", + x: "𝑥", + y: "𝑦", + z: "𝑧", + A: "𝐴", + B: "𝐵", + C: "𝐶", + D: "𝐷", + E: "𝐸", + F: "𝐹", + G: "𝐺", + H: "𝐻", + I: "𝐼", + J: "𝐽", + K: "𝐾", + L: "𝐿", + M: "𝑀", + N: "𝑁", + O: "𝑂", + P: "𝑃", + Q: "𝑄", + R: "𝑅", + S: "𝑆", + T: "𝑇", + U: "𝑈", + V: "𝑉", + W: "𝑊", + X: "𝑋", + Y: "𝑌", + Z: "𝑍", +}; +const wingdingsCharMap = { + 0: "📁︎", + 1: "📂︎", + 2: "📄︎", + 3: "🗏︎", + 4: "🗐︎", + 5: "🗄︎", + 6: "⌛︎", + 7: "🖮︎", + 8: "🖰︎", + 9: "🖲︎", + "!": "✏︎", + '"': "✂︎", + "#": "✁︎", + $: "👓︎", + "%": "🕭︎", + "&": "🕮︎", + "'": "🕯︎", + "(": "🕿︎", + ")": "✆︎", + "*": "🖂︎", + "+": "🖃︎", + ",": "📪︎", + "-": "📫︎", + ".": "📬︎", + "/": "📭︎", + ":": "🖳︎", + ";": "🖴︎", + "<": "🖫︎", + "=": "🖬︎", + ">": "✇︎", + "?": "✍︎", + A: "✌︎", + B: "👌︎", + C: "👍︎", + D: "👎︎", + E: "☜︎", + F: "☞︎", + G: "☝︎", + H: "☟︎", + I: "✋︎", + J: "☺︎", + K: "😐︎", + L: "☹︎", + M: "💣︎", + N: "☠︎", + O: "⚐︎", + P: "🏱︎", + Q: "✈︎", + R: "☼︎", + S: "💧︎", + T: "❄︎", + U: "🕆︎", + V: "✞︎", + W: "🕈︎", + X: "✠︎", + Y: "✡︎", + Z: "☪︎", + "[": "☯︎", + "\\": "ॐ︎", + "]": "☸︎", + "^": "♈︎", + _: "♉︎", + "`": "♊︎", + a: "♋︎", + b: "♌︎", + c: "♍︎", + d: "♎︎", + e: "♏︎", + f: "♐︎", + g: "♑︎", + h: "♒︎", + i: "♓︎", + j: "🙰", + k: "🙵", + l: "●︎", + m: "❍︎", + n: "■︎", + o: "□︎", + p: "◻︎", + q: "❑︎", + r: "❒︎", + s: "⬧︎", + t: "⧫︎", + u: "◆︎", + v: "❖︎", + w: "⬥︎", + x: "⌧︎", + y: "⍓︎", + z: "⌘︎", + "{": "❀︎", + "|": "✿︎", + "}": "❝︎", + "~": "❞︎", + "": "▯︎", + "€": "⓪︎", + "": "①︎", + "‚": "②︎", + ƒ: "③︎", + "„": "④︎", + "…": "⑤︎", + "†": "⑥︎", + "‡": "⑦︎", + ˆ: "⑧︎", + "‰": "⑨︎", + Š: "⑩︎", + "‹": "⓿︎", + Œ: "❶︎", + "": "❷︎", + Ž: "❸︎", + "": "❹︎", + "": "❺︎", + "‘": "❻︎", + "’": "❼︎", + "“": "❽︎", + "”": "❾︎", + "•": "❿︎", + "–": "◻︎", + "—": "◻︎", + "˜": "◻︎", + "™": "◻︎", + š: "◻︎", + "›": "◻︎", + œ: "◻︎", + "": "◻︎", + ž: "·︎", + Ÿ: "•︎", + "¡": "○︎", + "¢": "⭕︎", + "£": "◻︎", + "¤": "◉︎", + "¥": "◎︎", + "¦": "◻︎", + "§": "▪︎", + "¨": "◻︎", + "©": "◻︎", + ª: "✦︎", + "«": "★︎", + "¬": "✶︎", + "®": "✹︎", + "¯": "✵︎", + "°": "◻︎", + "±": "⌖︎", + "²": "⟡︎", + "³": "⌑︎", + "´": "◻︎", + µ: "✪︎", + "¶": "✰︎", + "·": "🕐︎", + "¸": "🕑︎", + "¹": "🕒︎", + º: "🕓︎", + "»": "🕔︎", + "¼": "🕕︎", + "½": "🕖︎", + "¾": "🕗︎", + "¿": "🕘︎", + À: "🕙︎", + Á: "🕚︎", + Â: "🕛︎", + Ã: "◻︎", + Ä: "◻︎", + Å: "◻︎", + Æ: "◻︎", + Ç: "◻︎", + È: "◻︎", + É: "◻︎", + Ê: "◻︎", + Ë: "◻︎", + Ì: "◻︎", + Í: "◻︎", + Î: "◻︎", + Ï: "◻︎", + Ð: "◻︎", + Ñ: "◻︎", + Ò: "◻︎", + Ó: "◻︎", + Ô: "◻︎", + Õ: "⌫︎", + Ö: "⌦︎", + "×": "◻︎", + Ø: "➢︎", + Ù: "◻︎", + Ú: "◻︎", + Û: "◻︎", + Ü: "➲︎", + Ý: "◻︎", + Þ: "◻︎", + ß: "◻︎", + à: "◻︎", + á: "◻︎", + â: "◻︎", + ã: "◻︎", + ä: "◻︎", + å: "◻︎", + æ: "◻︎", + ç: "◻︎", + è: "➔︎", + é: "◻︎", + ê: "◻︎", + ë: "◻︎", + ì: "◻︎", + í: "◻︎", + î: "◻︎", + ï: "⇦︎", + ð: "⇨︎", + ñ: "⇧︎", + ò: "⇩︎", + ó: "⬄︎", + ô: "⇳︎", + õ: "⬀︎", + ö: "⬁︎", + "÷": "⬃︎", + ø: "⬂︎", + ù: "▭︎", + ú: "▫︎", + û: "✗︎", + ü: "✓︎", + ý: "☒︎", + þ: "☑︎", + ÿ: "◻︎", +}; +const vaporwaveCharMap = { + " ": " ", + "`": "`", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + 0: "0", + "-": "-", + "=": "=", + "~": "~", + "!": "!", + "@": "@", + "#": "#", + $: "$", + "%": "%", + "^": "^", + "&": "&", + "*": "*", + "(": "(", + ")": ")", + _: "_", + "+": "+", + q: "q", + w: "w", + e: "e", + r: "r", + t: "t", + y: "y", + u: "u", + i: "i", + o: "o", + p: "p", + "[": "[", + "]": "]", + "\\": "\\", + Q: "Q", + W: "W", + E: "E", + R: "R", + T: "T", + Y: "Y", + U: "U", + I: "I", + O: "O", + P: "P", + "{": "{", + "}": "}", + "|": "|", + a: "a", + s: "s", + d: "d", +}; +const sparrowCharMap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "Δ", + b: "β", + c: "C", + d: "D", + e: "Σ", + f: "Ғ", + g: "G", + h: "H", + i: "I", + j: "J", + k: "Ҝ", + l: "L", + m: "M", + n: "Π", + o: "Ω", + p: "P", + q: "Q", + r: "R", + s: "S", + t: "T", + u: "U", + v: "∇", + w: "Ш", + x: "X", + y: "Ψ", + z: "Z", + A: "Δ", + B: "β", + C: "C", + D: "D", + E: "Σ", + F: "Ғ", + G: "G", + H: "H", + I: "I", + J: "J", + K: "Ҝ", + L: "L", + M: "M", + N: "Π", + O: "Ω", + P: "P", + Q: "Q", + R: "R", + S: "S", + T: "T", + U: "U", + V: "∇", + W: "Ш", + X: "X", + Y: "Ψ", + Z: "Z", +}; +const typewriterCharMap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "𝚊", + b: "𝚋", + c: "𝚌", + d: "𝚍", + e: "𝚎", + f: "𝚏", + g: "𝚐", + h: "𝚑", + i: "𝚒", + j: "𝚓", + k: "𝚔", + l: "𝚕", + m: "𝚖", + n: "𝚗", + o: "𝚘", + p: "𝚙", + q: "𝚚", + r: "𝚛", + s: "𝚜", + t: "𝚝", + u: "𝚞", + v: "𝚟", + w: "𝚠", + x: "𝚡", + y: "𝚢", + z: "𝚣", + A: "𝙰", + B: "𝙱", + C: "𝙲", + D: "𝙳", + E: "𝙴", + F: "𝙵", + G: "𝙶", + H: "𝙷", + I: "𝙸", + J: "𝙹", + K: "𝙺", + L: "𝙻", + M: "𝙼", + N: "𝙽", + O: "𝙾", + P: "𝙿", + Q: "𝚀", + R: "𝚁", + S: "𝚂", + T: "𝚃", + U: "𝚄", + V: "𝚅", + W: "𝚆", + X: "𝚇", + Y: "𝚈", + Z: "𝚉", +}; +const analuciaCharMap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "ꪖ", + b: "᥇", + c: "ᥴ", + d: "ᦔ", + e: "ꫀ", + f: "ᠻ", + g: "ᧁ", + h: "ꫝ", + i: "𝓲", + j: "𝓳", + k: "𝘬", + l: "ꪶ", + m: "ꪑ", + n: "ꪀ", + o: "ꪮ", + p: "ρ", + q: "𝘲", + r: "𝘳", + s: "𝘴", + t: "𝓽", + u: "ꪊ", + v: "ꪜ", + w: "᭙", + x: "᥊", + y: "ꪗ", + z: "ɀ", + A: "ꪖ", + B: "᥇", + C: "ᥴ", + D: "ᦔ", + E: "ꫀ", + F: "ᠻ", + G: "ᧁ", + H: "ꫝ", + I: "𝓲", + J: "𝓳", + K: "𝘬", + L: "ꪶ", + M: "ꪑ", + N: "ꪀ", + O: "ꪮ", + P: "ρ", + Q: "𝘲", + R: "𝘳", + S: "𝘴", + T: "𝓽", + U: "ꪊ", + V: "ꪜ", + W: "᭙", + X: "᥊", + Y: "ꪗ", + Z: "ɀ", +}; + +//createMap("𝕒𝕓𝕔𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕘𝕙𝕚𝕛𝕜𝕝𝕞𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕢𝕣𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕧𝕨𝕩𝕪𝕫𝔸𝔹ℂ𝔻𝔼𝔽𝔾ℍ𝕀𝕁𝕂𝕃𝕄ℕ𝕆ℙℚℝ𝕊𝕋𝕌𝕍𝕎𝕏𝕐ℤ𝟘𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟜𝟝𝟞𝟟𝟠𝟡") + +function listall(text) { +var text = text.trim(); + if (text === "") { + return ""; + } + var finalText = []; + + finalText.push(tiny(text)); + finalText.push(flip(text)); + finalText.push(roundsquares(text)); + finalText.push(squares(text)); + finalText.push(mirror(text)); + finalText.push(creepify(text)); + finalText.push(bubbles(text)); + finalText.push(strikeThrough(text)); + finalText.push(tildeStrikeThrough(text)); + finalText.push(slashThrough(text)); + finalText.push(underline(text)); + finalText.push(doubleUnderline(text)); + finalText.push(heartsBetween(text)); + finalText.push(arrowBelow(text)); + finalText.push(crossAboveBelow(text)); + finalText.push(wingdings(text)); + finalText.push(vaporwave(text)); + finalText.push(sparrow(text)); + finalText.push(manga(text)); + finalText.push(ladybug(text)); + finalText.push(runes(text)); + finalText.push(serif_B(text)); + finalText.push(serif_BI(text)); + finalText.push(serif_I(text)); + finalText.push(analucia(text)); + finalText.push(typewriter(text)); + finalText.push(fancy1(text)); + finalText.push(fancy2(text)); + finalText.push(fancy3(text)); + finalText.push(fancy4(text)); + finalText.push(fancy5(text)); + finalText.push(fancy6(text)); + finalText.push(fancy7(text)); + finalText.push(fancy8(text)); + finalText.push(fancy9(text)); + finalText.push(fancy10(text)); + finalText.push(fancy11(text)); + finalText.push(fancy12(text)); + finalText.push(fancy13(text)); + finalText.push(fancy14(text)); + finalText.push(fancy15(text)); + finalText.push(fancy16(text)); + finalText.push(fancy17(text)); + finalText.push(fancy18(text)); + finalText.push(fancy19(text)); + finalText.push(fancy20(text)); + finalText.push(fancy21(text)); + finalText.push(fancy22(text)); + finalText.push(fancy23(text)); + finalText.push(fancy24(text)); + finalText.push(fancy25(text)); + finalText.push(fancy26(text)); + finalText.push(fancy27(text)); + finalText.push(fancy28(text)); + finalText.push(fancy29(text)); + finalText.push(fancy30(text)); + finalText.push(fancy31(text)); + finalText.push(fancy32(text)); + finalText.push(fancy33(text)); + + return finalText; +} + +function flip(text) { + return style.tools.flip.encode(text); +} +function roundsquares(text) { + return style.tools.roundsquares.encode(text); +} +function squares(text) { + return style.tools.squares.encode(text); +} +function mirror(text) { + return style.tools.mirror.encode(text); +} +function creepify(text) { + return style.tools.creepify.encode(text); +} +function bubbles(text) { + return style.tools.bubbles.encode(text); +} +function strikeThrough(text) { + return text.split("").join("̶") + "̶"; +} +function tildeStrikeThrough(text) { + return text.split("").join("̴") + "̴"; +} +function underline(text) { + return text.split("").join("̲") + "̲"; +} +function doubleUnderline(text) { + return text.split("").join("̳") + "̳"; +} +function slashThrough(text) { + return text.split("").join("̷") + "̷"; +} +function heartsBetween(text) { + return text.split("").join("♥"); +} +function arrowBelow(text) { + return text.split("").join("͎") + "͎"; +} +function crossAboveBelow(text) { + return text.split("").join("͓̽") + "͓̽"; +} +function manga(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return mangaCharMap[a] ? mangaCharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +const fancy1chrmap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "ค", + b: "๖", + c: "¢", + d: "໓", + e: "ē", + f: "f", + g: "ງ", + h: "h", + i: "i", + j: "ว", + k: "k", + l: "l", + m: "๓", + n: "ຖ", + o: "໐", + p: "p", + q: "๑", + r: "r", + s: "Ş", + t: "t", + u: "น", + v: "ง", + w: "ຟ", + x: "x", + y: "ฯ", + z: "ຊ", + A: "ค", + B: "๖", + C: "¢", + D: "໓", + E: "ē", + F: "f", + G: "ງ", + H: "h", + I: "i", + J: "ว", + K: "k", + L: "l", + M: "๓", + N: "ຖ", + O: "໐", + P: "p", + Q: "๑", + R: "r", + S: "Ş", + T: "t", + U: "น", + V: "ง", + W: "ຟ", + X: "x", + Y: "ฯ", + Z: "ຊ", +}; 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+ +function fancy3(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy3chrmap[a] ? fancy3chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +const fancy4chrmap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "卂", + b: "乃", + c: "匚", + d: "ᗪ", + e: "乇", + f: "千", + g: "Ꮆ", + h: "卄", + i: "丨", + j: "フ", + k: "Ҝ", + l: "ㄥ", + m: "爪", + n: "几", + o: "ㄖ", + p: "卩", + q: "Ɋ", + r: "尺", + s: "丂", + t: "ㄒ", + u: "ㄩ", + v: "ᐯ", + w: "山", + x: "乂", + y: "ㄚ", + z: "乙", + A: "卂", + B: "乃", + C: "匚", + D: "ᗪ", + E: "乇", + F: "千", + G: "Ꮆ", + H: "卄", + I: "丨", + J: "フ", + K: "Ҝ", + L: "ㄥ", + M: "爪", + N: "几", + O: "ㄖ", + P: "卩", + Q: "Ɋ", + R: "尺", + S: "丂", + T: "ㄒ", + U: "ㄩ", + V: "ᐯ", + W: "山", + X: "乂", + Y: "ㄚ", + Z: "乙", +}; +function fancy4(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy4chrmap[a] ? fancy4chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +const fancy5chrmap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "🄰", + b: "🄱", + c: "🄲", + d: "🄳", + e: "🄴", + f: "🄵", + g: "🄶", + h: "🄷", + i: "🄸", + j: "🄹", + k: "🄺", + l: "🄻", + m: "🄼", + n: "🄽", + o: "🄾", + p: "🄿", + q: "🅀", + r: "🅁", + s: "🅂", + t: "🅃", + u: "🅄", + v: "🅅", + w: "🅆", + x: "🅇", + y: "🅈", + z: "🅉", + A: "🄰", + B: "🄱", + C: "🄲", + D: "🄳", + E: "🄴", + F: "🄵", + G: "🄶", + H: "🄷", + I: "🄸", + J: "🄹", + K: "🄺", + L: "🄻", + M: "🄼", + N: "🄽", + O: "🄾", + P: "🄿", + Q: "🅀", + R: "🅁", + S: "🅂", + T: "🅃", + U: "🅄", + V: "🅅", + W: "🅆", + X: "🅇", + Y: "🅈", + Z: "🅉", +}; +function fancy5(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy5chrmap[a] ? fancy5chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +const fancy6chrmap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "Ꮧ", + b: "Ᏸ", + c: "ፈ", + d: "Ꮄ", + e: "Ꮛ", + f: "Ꭶ", + g: "Ꮆ", + h: "Ꮒ", + i: "Ꭵ", + j: "Ꮰ", + k: "Ꮶ", + l: "Ꮭ", + m: "Ꮇ", + n: "Ꮑ", + o: "Ꭷ", + p: "Ꭾ", + q: "Ꭴ", + r: "Ꮢ", + s: "Ꮥ", + t: "Ꮦ", + u: "Ꮼ", + v: "Ꮙ", + w: "Ꮗ", + x: "ጀ", + y: "Ꭹ", + z: "ፚ", + A: "Ꮧ", + B: "Ᏸ", + C: "ፈ", + D: "Ꮄ", + E: "Ꮛ", + F: "Ꭶ", + G: "Ꮆ", + H: "Ꮒ", + I: "Ꭵ", + J: "Ꮰ", + K: "Ꮶ", + L: "Ꮭ", + M: "Ꮇ", + N: "Ꮑ", + O: "Ꭷ", + P: "Ꭾ", + Q: "Ꭴ", + R: "Ꮢ", + S: "Ꮥ", + T: "Ꮦ", + U: "Ꮼ", + V: "Ꮙ", + W: "Ꮗ", + X: "ጀ", + Y: "Ꭹ", + Z: "ፚ", +}; +function fancy6(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy6chrmap[a] ? fancy6chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +const fancy7chrmap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "ᗩ", + b: "ᗷ", + c: "ᑕ", + d: "ᗪ", + e: "E", + f: "ᖴ", + g: "G", + h: "ᕼ", + i: "I", + j: "ᒍ", + k: "K", + l: "ᒪ", + m: "ᗰ", + n: "ᑎ", + o: "O", + p: "ᑭ", + q: "ᑫ", + r: "ᖇ", + s: "ᔕ", + t: "T", + u: "ᑌ", + v: "ᐯ", + w: "ᗯ", + x: "᙭", + y: "Y", + z: "ᘔ", + A: "ᗩ", + B: "ᗷ", + C: "ᑕ", + D: "ᗪ", + E: "E", + F: "ᖴ", + G: "G", + H: "ᕼ", + I: "I", + J: "ᒍ", + K: "K", + L: "ᒪ", + M: "ᗰ", + N: "ᑎ", + O: "O", + P: "ᑭ", + Q: "ᑫ", + R: "ᖇ", + S: "ᔕ", + T: "T", + U: "ᑌ", + V: "ᐯ", + W: "ᗯ", + X: "᙭", + Y: "Y", + Z: "ᘔ", +}; +function fancy7(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy7chrmap[a] ? fancy7chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +const fancy8chrmap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "ǟ", + b: "ɮ", + c: "ƈ", + d: "ɖ", + e: "ɛ", + f: "ʄ", + g: "ɢ", + h: "ɦ", + i: "ɨ", + j: "ʝ", + k: "ӄ", + l: "ʟ", + m: "ʍ", + n: "ռ", + o: "օ", + p: "ք", + q: "զ", + r: "ʀ", + s: "ֆ", + t: "ȶ", + u: "ʊ", + v: "ʋ", + w: "ա", + x: "Ӽ", + y: "ʏ", + z: "ʐ", + A: "ǟ", + B: "ɮ", + C: "ƈ", + D: "ɖ", + E: "ɛ", + F: "ʄ", + G: "ɢ", + H: "ɦ", + I: "ɨ", + J: "ʝ", + K: "ӄ", + L: "ʟ", + M: "ʍ", + N: "ռ", + O: "օ", + P: "ք", + Q: "զ", + R: "ʀ", + S: "ֆ", + T: "ȶ", + U: "ʊ", + V: "ʋ", + W: "ա", + X: "Ӽ", + Y: "ʏ", + Z: "ʐ", +}; +function fancy8(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy8chrmap[a] ? fancy8chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +const fancy9chrmap = { + 0: "𝟶", + 1: "𝟷", + 2: "𝟸", + 3: "𝟹", + 4: "𝟺", + 5: "𝟻", + 6: "𝟼", + 7: "𝟽", + 8: "𝟾", + 9: "𝟿", + a: "𝚊", + b: "𝚋", + c: "𝚌", + d: "𝚍", + e: "𝚎", + f: "𝚏", + g: "𝚐", + h: "𝚑", + i: "𝚒", + j: "𝚓", + k: "𝚔", + l: "𝚕", + m: "𝚖", + n: "𝚗", + o: "𝚘", + p: "𝚙", + q: "𝚚", + r: "𝚛", + s: "𝚜", + t: "𝚝", + u: "𝚞", + v: "𝚟", + w: "𝚠", + x: "𝚡", + y: "𝚢", + z: "𝚣", + A: "𝙰", + B: "𝙱", + C: "𝙲", + D: "𝙳", + E: "𝙴", + F: "𝙵", + G: "𝙶", + H: "𝙷", + I: "𝙸", + J: "𝙹", + K: "𝙺", + L: "𝙻", + M: "𝙼", + N: "𝙽", + O: "𝙾", + P: "𝙿", + Q: "𝚀", + R: "𝚁", + S: "𝚂", + T: "𝚃", + U: "𝚄", + V: "𝚅", + W: "𝚆", + X: "𝚇", + Y: "𝚈", + Z: "𝚉", +}; +function fancy9(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy9chrmap[a] ? fancy9chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +const fancy10chrmap = { + 0: "0", + 1: "1", + 2: "2", + 3: "3", + 4: "4", + 5: "5", + 6: "6", + 7: "7", + 8: "8", + 9: "9", + a: "𝙖", + b: "𝙗", + c: "𝙘", + d: "𝙙", + e: "𝙚", + f: "𝙛", + g: "𝙜", + h: "𝙝", + i: "𝙞", + j: "𝙟", + k: "𝙠", + l: "𝙡", + m: "𝙢", + n: "𝙣", + o: "𝙤", + p: "𝙥", + q: "𝙦", + r: "𝙧", + s: "𝙨", + t: "𝙩", + u: "𝙪", + v: "𝙫", + w: "𝙬", + x: "𝙭", + y: "𝙮", + z: "𝙯", + A: "𝘼", + B: "𝘽", + C: "𝘾", + D: "𝘿", + E: "𝙀", + F: "𝙁", + G: "𝙂", + H: "𝙃", + I: "𝙄", + J: "𝙅", + K: "𝙆", + L: "𝙇", + M: "𝙈", + N: "𝙉", + O: "𝙊", + P: "𝙋", + Q: "𝙌", + R: "𝙍", + S: "𝙎", + T: "𝙏", + U: "𝙐", + V: "𝙑", + W: "𝙒", + X: "𝙓", + Y: "𝙔", + Z: "𝙕", +}; +function fancy10(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy10chrmap[a] ? fancy10chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +const fancy11chrmap = { + 0: "𝟬", + 1: "𝟭", + 2: "𝟮", + 3: "𝟯", + 4: "𝟰", + 5: "𝟱", + 6: "𝟲", + 7: "𝟳", + 8: "𝟴", + 9: "𝟵", + a: "𝗮", + b: "𝗯", + c: "𝗰", + d: "𝗱", + e: "𝗲", + f: "𝗳", + g: "𝗴", + h: "𝗵", + i: "𝗶", + j: "𝗷", + k: "𝗸", + l: "𝗹", + m: "𝗺", + n: "𝗻", + o: "𝗼", + p: "𝗽", + q: "𝗾", + r: "𝗿", + s: "𝘀", + t: "𝘁", + u: "𝘂", + v: "𝘃", + w: "𝘄", + x: "𝘅", + y: "𝘆", + z: "𝘇", + A: "𝗔", + B: "𝗕", + C: "𝗖", + D: "𝗗", + E: "𝗘", + F: "𝗙", + G: "𝗚", + H: "𝗛", + I: "𝗜", + J: "𝗝", + K: "𝗞", + L: "𝗟", + M: "𝗠", + N: "𝗡", + O: "𝗢", + P: "𝗣", + Q: "𝗤", + R: "𝗥", + S: "𝗦", + T: "𝗧", + U: "𝗨", + V: "𝗩", + W: "𝗪", + X: "𝗫", + Y: "𝗬", + Z: "𝗭", +}; 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+ }) + .join(""); +}; +const fancy30chrmap = {"0":"0","1":"1","2":"2","3":"3","4":"4","5":"5","6":"6","7":"7","8":"8","9":"9","a":"𝛥","b":"𝐵","c":"𝐶","d":"𝐷","e":"𝛯","f":"𝐹","g":"𝐺","h": +"𝛨","i":"𝛪","j":"𝐽","k":"𝛫","l":"𝐿","m":"𝛭","n":"𝛮","o":"𝛩","p":"𝛲","q":"𝑄","r":"𝑅","s":"𝑆","t":"𝑇","u":"𝑈","v":"𝛻","w":"𝑊","x":"𝛸" +,"y":"𝑌","z":"𝛧","A":"𝛥","B":"𝐵","C":"𝐶","D":"𝐷","E":"𝛯","F":"𝐹","G":"𝐺","H":"𝛨","I":"𝛪","J":"𝐽","K":"𝛫","L":"𝐿","M":"𝛭","N":"𝛮","O" +:"𝛩","P":"𝛲","Q":"𝑄","R":"𝑅","S":"𝑆","T":"𝑇","U":"𝑈","V":"𝛻","W":"𝑊","X":"𝛸","Y":"𝑌","Z":"𝛧"} +function fancy30(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy30chrmap[a] ? fancy30chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +}; +const fancy31chrmap = {"0":"𝟬","1":"𝟭","2":"𝟮","3":"𝟯","4":"𝟰","5":"𝟱","6":"𝟲","7":"𝟳","8":"𝟴","9":"𝟵","a":"𝞓","b":"𝞑","c":"𝘾","d":"𝘿","e":"𝞢","f":"𝙁","g" +:"𝙂","h":"𝞖","i":"𝞘","j":"𝙅","k":"𝞙","l":"𝙇","m":"𝞛","n":"𝞜","o":"𝞗","p":"𝞠","q":"𝙌","r":"𝞒","s":"𝙎","t":"𝙏","u":"𝙐","v":"𝝯","w":"𝙒","x":"𝞦","y":"𝙔","z":"𝙕","A":"𝞓","B":"𝞑","C":"𝘾","D":"𝘿","E":"𝞢","F":"𝙁","G":"𝙂","H":"𝞖","I":"𝞘","J":"𝙅","K":"𝞙","L":"𝙇","M":"𝞛","N":"𝞜","O":"𝞗","P":"𝞠","Q":"𝙌","R":"𝞒","S":"𝙎","T":"𝙏","U":"𝙐","V":"𝝯","W":"𝙒","X":"𝞦","Y":"𝙔","Z":"𝙕"} +function fancy31(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy31chrmap[a] ? fancy31chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +}; +const fancy32chrmap = {"0":"0","1":"1","2":"2","3":"3","4":"4","5":"5","6":"6","7":"7","8":"8","9":"9","a":"𝚫","b":"𝚩","c":"𝐂","d":"𝐃","e":"𝚵","f":"𝐅","g":"𝐆","h": +"𝚮","i":"𝚰","j":"𝐉","k":"𝐊","l":"𝐋","m":"𝚳","n":"𝚴","o":"𝚯","p":"𝚸","q":"𝐐","r":"𝚪","s":"𝐒","t":"𝚻","u":"𝐔","v":"𝛁","w":"𝐖","x":"𝚾" +,"y":"𝐘","z":"𝚭","A":"𝚫","B":"𝚩","C":"𝐂","D":"𝐃","E":"𝚵","F":"𝐅","G":"𝐆","H":"𝚮","I":"𝚰","J":"𝐉","K":"𝐊","L":"𝐋","M":"𝚳","N":"𝚴","O" +:"𝚯","P":"𝚸","Q":"𝐐","R":"𝚪","S":"𝐒","T":"𝚻","U":"𝐔","V":"𝛁","W":"𝐖","X":"𝚾","Y":"𝐘","Z":"𝚭"} +function fancy32(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy32chrmap[a] ? fancy32chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +}; +const fancy33chrmap = {"0":"0","1":"1","2":"2","3":"3","4":"4","5":"5","6":"6","7":"7","8":"8","9":"9","a":"ᗩ","b":"ᗷ","c":"ᑕ","d":"ᗞ","e":"ᗴ","f":"ᖴ","g":"Ꮐ","h":"ᕼ","i":"Ꮖ","j":"ᒍ","k":"Ꮶ","l":"し","m":"ᗰ","n":"ᑎ","o":"ᝪ","p":"ᑭ","q":"ᑫ","r":"ᖇ","s":"ᔑ","t":"Ꭲ","u":"ᑌ","v":"ᐯ","w":"ᗯ","x":"᙭","y":"Ꭹ","z":"Ꮓ","A":"ᗩ","B":"ᗷ","C":"ᑕ","D":"ᗞ","E":"ᗴ","F":"ᖴ","G":"Ꮐ","H":"ᕼ","I":"Ꮖ","J":"ᒍ","K":"Ꮶ","L":"し","M":"ᗰ","N":"ᑎ","O":"ᝪ","P":"ᑭ","Q":"ᑫ","R":"ᖇ","S":"ᔑ","T":"Ꭲ","U":"ᑌ","V":"ᐯ","W":"ᗯ","X":"᙭","Y":"Ꭹ","Z":"Ꮓ"} +function fancy33(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return fancy33chrmap[a] ? fancy33chrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +}; +const tinyChrmap = {"0":"0","1":"1","2":"2","3":"3","4":"4","5":"5","6":"6","7":"7","8":"8","9":"9","a":"ᴀ","b":"ʙ","c":"ᴄ","d":"ᴅ","e":"ᴇ","f":"ꜰ","g":"ɢ","h":"ʜ","i":"ɪ","j":"ᴊ","k":"ᴋ","l":"ʟ","m":"ᴍ","n":"ɴ","o":"ᴏ","p":"ᴘ","q":"ϙ","r":"ʀ","s":"ꜱ","t":"ᴛ","u":"ᴜ","v":"ᴠ","w":"ᴡ","x":"x","y":"ʏ","z":"ᴢ","A":"A","B":"ʙ","C":"C","D":"D","E":"E","F":"F","G":"G","H":"H","I":"I","J":"J","K":"K","L":"L","M":"M","N":"N","O":"O","P":"P","Q":"Q","R":"R","S":"S","T":"T","U":"U","V":"V","W":"W","X":"X","Y":"Y","Z":"Z"} +function tiny(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return tinyChrmap[a] ? tinyChrmap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +}; +function ladybug(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return ladybugCharMap[a] ? ladybugCharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} + +function runes(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return runesCharMap[a] ? runesCharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +function serif_B(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return serif_BCharMap[a] ? serif_BCharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +function serif_BI(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return serif_BICharMap[a] ? serif_BICharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +function serif_I(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return serif_ICharMap[a] ? serif_ICharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +function wingdings(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return wingdingsCharMap[a] ? wingdingsCharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} + +function vaporwave(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return vaporwaveCharMap[a] ? vaporwaveCharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} + +function sparrow(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return sparrowCharMap[a] ? sparrowCharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} + +function typewriter(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return typewriterCharMap[a] ? typewriterCharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} +function analucia(text) { + return text + .split("") + .map(function (a) { + return analuciaCharMap[a] ? analuciaCharMap[a] : a; + }) + .join(""); +} + +module.exports = { + randomStyle:(text)=>{ + let list = listall(text) + return list[Math.floor(Math.random()*list.length)] + }, + listall, + strikeThrough, + wingdings, + vaporwave, + typewriter, + analucia, + tildeStrikeThrough, + underline, + doubleUnderline, + slashThrough, + sparrow, + heartsBetween, + arrowBelow, + crossAboveBelow, + creepify, + bubbles, + mirror, + squares, + roundsquares, + flip, + tiny, + createMap, + serif_I, + manga, + ladybug, + runes, + serif_B, + serif_BI, + serif_I, + fancy1, +fancy2, +fancy3, +fancy4, +fancy5, +fancy6, +fancy7, + fancy8, + fancy9, + fancy10, + fancy11, + fancy12, + fancy13, + fancy14, + fancy15, + fancy16, + fancy17, + fancy18, + fancy19, + fancy20, + fancy21, + fancy22, + fancy23, + fancy24, + fancy25, + fancy26, + fancy27, + fancy28, + fancy29, + fancy30, + fancy31, + fancy32, + fancy33, +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/framework/traduction.js b/framework/traduction.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0410012 --- /dev/null +++ b/framework/traduction.js @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +const translatte = require('translatte'); + +async function traduire(text, options) { + try { + const result = await translatte(text, options); + return result.text; + } catch (error) { + throw error; + } +} + +module.exports = traduire; diff --git a/framework/unicode.js b/framework/unicode.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8433639 --- /dev/null +++ b/framework/unicode.js @@ -0,0 +1,877 @@ +module.exports = new StyleText(); +function StyleText() { + this.tools = { + flip: { + init: function () { + for (i in this.map) { + this.map[this.map[i]] = i; + } + }, + + encode: function (text) { + var ret = [], + ch; + + for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { + ch = text.charAt(i); + if ( + i > 0 && + (ch == "\u0324" || + ch == "\u0317" || + ch == "\u0316" || + ch == "\u032e") + ) { + ch = this.map[text.charAt(i - 1) + ch]; + ret.pop(); + } else { + ch = this.map[ch]; + if (typeof ch == "undefined") { + ch = text.charAt(i); + } + } + + ret.push(ch); + } + + return ret.reverse().join(""); + }, + + decode: function (text) { + var ret = [], + ch; + + for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { + ch = text.charAt(i); + if ( + i > 0 && + (ch == "\u0324" || + ch == "\u0317" || + ch == "\u0316" || + ch == "\u032e") + ) { + ch = this.map[text.charAt(i - 1) + ch]; + ret.pop(); + } else { + ch = this.map[ch]; + if (typeof ch == "undefined") { + ch = text.charAt(i); + } + } + + ret.push(ch); + } + return ret.reverse().join(""); + }, + + map: { + a: "\u0250", + b: "q", + c: "\u0254", + d: "p", + e: "\u01DD", + f: "\u025F", + g: "\u0253", + h: "\u0265", + i: "\u0131", + j: "\u027E", + k: "\u029E", + l: "\u006C", + m: "\u026F", + n: "u", + r: "\u0279", + t: "\u0287", + v: "\u028C", + w: "\u028D", + y: "\u028E", + A: "\u2200", + B: "ᙠ", + C: "\u0186", + D: "ᗡ", + E: "\u018e", + F: "\u2132", + G: "\u2141", + J: "\u017f", + K: "\u22CA", + L: "\u02e5", + M: "W", + P: "\u0500", + Q: "\u038C", + R: "\u1D1A", + T: "\u22a5", + U: "\u2229", + V: "\u039B", + Y: "\u2144", + 1: "\u21c2", + 2: "\u1105", + 3: "\u0190", + 4: "\u3123", + 5: "\u078e", + 6: "9", + 7: "\u3125", + "&": "\u214b", + ".": "\u02D9", + '"': "\u201e", + ";": "\u061b", + "[": "]", + "(": ")", + "{": "}", + "?": "\u00BF", + "!": "\u00A1", + "'": ",", + "<": ">", + "\u203E": "_", + "\u00AF": "_", + "\u203F": "\u2040", + "\u2045": "\u2046", + "\u2234": "\u2235", + "\r": "\n", + ß: "ᙠ", + + "\u0308": "\u0324", + ä: "ɐ" + "\u0324", + ö: "o" + "\u0324", + ü: "n" + "\u0324", + Ä: "\u2200" + "\u0324", + Ö: "O" + "\u0324", + Ü: "\u2229" + "\u0324", + + "´": " \u0317", + é: "\u01DD" + "\u0317", + á: "\u0250" + "\u0317", + ó: "o" + "\u0317", + ú: "n" + "\u0317", + É: "\u018e" + "\u0317", + Á: "\u2200" + "\u0317", + Ó: "O" + "\u0317", + Ú: "\u2229" + "\u0317", + + "`": " \u0316", + è: "\u01DD" + "\u0316", + à: "\u0250" + "\u0316", + ò: "o" + "\u0316", + ù: "n" + "\u0316", + È: "\u018e" + "\u0316", + À: "\u2200" + "\u0316", + Ò: "O" + "\u0316", + Ù: "\u2229" + "\u0316", + + "^": " \u032E", + ê: "\u01DD" + "\u032e", + â: "\u0250" + "\u032e", + ô: "o" + "\u032e", + û: "n" + "\u032e", + Ê: "\u018e" + "\u032e", + Â: "\u2200" + "\u032e", + Ô: "O" + "\u032e", + Û: "\u2229" + "\u032e", + }, + }, + + mirror: { + init: function () { + for (i in this.map) { + this.map[this.map[i]] = i; + } + }, + + encode: function (text) { + var ret = [], + ch, + newLines = []; + + for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { + ch = text.charAt(i); + + if ( + i > 0 && + (ch == "\u0308" || + ch == "\u0300" || + ch == "\u0301" || + ch == "\u0302") + ) { + ch = this.map[text.charAt(i - 1) + ch]; + ret.pop(); + } else { + ch = this.map[ch]; + if (typeof ch == "undefined") { + ch = text.charAt(i); + } + } + + if (ch == "\n") { + newLines.push(ret.reverse().join("")); + ret = []; + } else { + ret.push(ch); + } + } + newLines.push(ret.reverse().join("")); + return newLines.join("\n"); + }, + + decode: function (text) { + var ret = [], + ch, + newLines = []; + + for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { + ch = text.charAt(i); + + if ( + i > 0 && + (ch == "\u0308" || + ch == "\u0300" || + ch == "\u0301" || + ch == "\u0302") + ) { + ch = this.map[text.charAt(i - 1) + ch]; + ret.pop(); + } else { + ch = this.map[ch]; + if (typeof ch == "undefined") { + ch = text.charAt(i); + } + } + + if (ch == "\n") { + newLines.push(ret.reverse().join("")); + ret = []; + } else { + ret.push(ch); + } + } + + newLines.push(ret.reverse().join("")); + return newLines.join("\n"); + }, + + map: { + a: "ɒ", + b: "d", + c: "ɔ", + e: "ɘ", + f: "Ꮈ", + g: "ǫ", + h: "ʜ", + j: "ꞁ", + k: "ʞ", + l: "|", + n: "ᴎ", + p: "q", + r: "ɿ", + s: "ꙅ", + t: "ƚ", + y: "ʏ", + z: "ƹ", + B: "ᙠ", + C: "Ɔ", + D: "ᗡ", + E: "Ǝ", + F: "ꟻ", + G: "Ꭾ", + J: "Ⴑ", + K: "⋊", + L: "⅃", + N: "Ͷ", + P: "ꟼ", + Q: "Ọ", + R: "Я", + S: "Ꙅ", + Z: "Ƹ", + 1: "", + 2: "", + 3: "", + 4: "", + 5: "", + 6: "", + 7: "", + "&": "", + ";": "", + "[": "]", + "(": ")", + "{": "}", + "?": "⸮", + "<": ">", + + ä: "ɒ" + "\u0308", + ß: "ᙠ", + + "´": "`", + é: "ɘ" + "\u0300", + á: "ɒ" + "\u0300", + ó: "ò", + ú: "ù", + É: "Ǝ" + "\u0300", + Á: "À", + Ó: "Ò", + Ú: "Ù", + + "`": "´", + è: "ɘ" + "\u0301", + à: "ɒ" + "\u0301", + È: "Ǝ" + "\u0301", + + ê: "ɘ" + "\u0302", + â: "ɒ" + "\u0302", + Ê: "Ǝ" + "\u0302", + + Ø: "ᴓ", + ø: "ᴓ", + }, + }, + + creepify: { + init: function () { + for (var i = 768; i <= 789; i++) { + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); + } + + for (var i = 790; i <= 819; i++) { + if (i != 794 && i != 795) { + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); + } + } + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(794)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(795)); + + for (var i = 820; i <= 824; i++) { + this.diacriticsMiddle.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); + } + + for (var i = 825; i <= 828; i++) { + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); + } + + for (var i = 829; i <= 836; i++) { + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); + } + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(836)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(837)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(838)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(839)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(840)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(841)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(842)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(843)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(844)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(845)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(846)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(848)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(849)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(850)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(851)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(852)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(853)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(854)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(855)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(856)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(857)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(858)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(859)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(860)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(861)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(861)); + this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(863)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(864)); + this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(865)); + }, + + encode: function (text) { + var newText = "", + newChar; + for (i in text) { + newChar = text[i]; + if (this.options.middle) { + newChar += + this.diacriticsMiddle[ + Math.floor(Math.random() * this.diacriticsMiddle.length) + ]; + } + + if (this.options.top) { + var diacriticsTopLength = this.diacriticsTop.length - 1; + for ( + var count = 0, + len = + this.options.maxHeight - + Math.random() * + ((this.options.randomization / 100) * + this.options.maxHeight); + count < len; + count++ + ) { + newChar += + this.diacriticsTop[ + Math.floor(Math.random() * diacriticsTopLength) + ]; + } + } + + if (this.options.bottom) { + var diacriticsBottomLength = this.diacriticsBottom.length - 1; + for ( + var count = 0, + len = + this.options.maxHeight - + Math.random() * + ((this.options.randomization / 100) * + this.options.maxHeight); + count < len; + count++ + ) { + newChar += + this.diacriticsBottom[ + Math.floor(Math.random() * diacriticsBottomLength) + ]; + } + } + + newText += newChar; + } + return newText; + }, + + decode: function (text) { + var newText = "", + charCode; + + for (i in text) { + charCode = text[i].charCodeAt(0); + if (charCode < 768 || charCode > 865) { + newText += text[i]; + } + } + return newText; + }, + + diacriticsTop: [], + diacriticsMiddle: [], + diacriticsBottom: [], + + options: { + top: true, + middle: true, + bottom: true, + maxHeight: 15, + randomization: 100, + }, + }, + + bubbles: { + init: function () { + for (var i = 49; i <= 57; i++) { + this.map[String.fromCharCode(i)] = String.fromCharCode(i + 9263); + } + this.map["0"] = "\u24ea"; + + for (var i = 65; i <= 90; i++) { + this.map[String.fromCharCode(i)] = String.fromCharCode(i + 9333); + } + + for (var i = 97; i <= 122; i++) { + this.map[String.fromCharCode(i)] = String.fromCharCode(i + 9327); + } + + for (i in this.map) { + this.mapInverse[this.map[i]] = i; + } + }, + + encode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch, + first = true; + + for (i in text) { + ch = this.map[text[i]]; + + if (typeof ch == "undefined") { + if (text[i].charCodeAt(0) >= 33) { + ch = text[i] + String.fromCharCode(8413); + if (!first) { + ch = + String.fromCharCode(8239) + + String.fromCharCode(160) + + String.fromCharCode(160) + + String.fromCharCode(8239) + + ch; + } + } else { + ch = text[i]; + } + } + ret += ch; + first = ch == "\n"; + } + return ret; + }, + + decode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch, + newRet = ""; + + for (i in text) { + ch = this.mapInverse[text[i]]; + ret += typeof ch == "undefined" ? text[i] : ch; + } + + for (i in ret) { + ch = ret[i].charCodeAt(0); + if (ch != 160 && ch != 8239 && ch != 8413) { + newRet += ret[i]; + } + } + + return newRet; + }, + + map: {}, + mapInverse: {}, + }, + + squares: { + init: function () {}, + + encode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch, + first = true; + + for (i in text) { + if (text[i].charCodeAt(0) >= 33) { + ch = text[i] + String.fromCharCode(8414); + if (!first) { + ch = + String.fromCharCode(8239) + + String.fromCharCode(160) + + String.fromCharCode(160) + + String.fromCharCode(8239) + + ch; + } + } else { + ch = text[i]; + } + + ret += ch; + first = ch == "\n"; + } + return ret; + }, + + decode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch; + + for (i in text) { + ch = text[i].charCodeAt(0); + if (ch != 160 && ch != 8239 && ch != 8414) { + ret += text[i]; + } + } + + return ret; + }, + }, + + // Same as squares, just round. + roundsquares: { + init: function () {}, + + encode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch, + first = true; + + for (i in text) { + if (text[i].charCodeAt(0) >= 33) { + ch = text[i] + String.fromCharCode(8419); + if (!first) { + ch = + String.fromCharCode(160) + + String.fromCharCode(160) + + String.fromCharCode(160) + + ch; + } + } else { + ch = text[i]; + } + + ret += ch; + first = ch == "\n"; + } + return ret; + }, + + decode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch; + + for (i in text) { + ch = text[i].charCodeAt(0); + if (ch != 160 && ch != 8239 && ch != 8419) { + ret += text[i]; + } + } + + return ret; + }, + }, + + bent: { + init: function () { + for (i in this.map) { + this.map[this.map[i]] = i; + } + }, + + encode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch; + + for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { + ch = this.map[text.charAt(i)]; + if (typeof ch == "undefined") { + ch = text.charAt(i); + } + ret += ch; + } + + return ret; + }, + + decode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch; + + for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { + ch = this.map[text.charAt(i)]; + if (typeof ch == "undefined") { + ch = text.charAt(i); + } + ret += ch; + } + return ret; + }, + + map: { + a: "ą", + b: "ҍ", + c: "ç", + d: "ժ", + e: "ҽ", + f: "ƒ", + g: "ց", + h: "հ", + i: "ì", + j: "ʝ", + k: "ҟ", + l: "Ӏ", + m: "ʍ", + n: "ղ", + o: "օ", + p: "ք", + q: "զ", + r: "ɾ", + s: "ʂ", + t: "է", + u: "մ", + v: "ѵ", + w: "ա", + x: "×", + y: "վ", + z: "Հ", + A: "Ⱥ", + B: "β", + C: "↻", + D: "Ꭰ", + E: "Ɛ", + F: "Ƒ", + G: "Ɠ", + H: "Ƕ", + I: "į", + J: "ل", + K: "Ҡ", + L: "Ꝉ", + M: "Ɱ", + N: "ហ", + O: "ට", + P: "φ", + Q: "Ҩ", + R: "འ", + S: "Ϛ", + T: "Ͳ", + U: "Ա", + V: "Ỽ", + W: "చ", + X: "ჯ", + Y: "Ӌ", + Z: "ɀ", + 0: "⊘", + 1: "������", + 2: "ϩ", + 3: "Ӡ", + 4: "५", + 5: "Ƽ", + 6: "Ϭ", + 7: "7", + 8: "������", + 9: "९", + "&": "⅋", + "(": "{", + ")": "}", + "{": "(", + "}": ")", + + ä: "ą" + "\u0308", + ö: "օ" + "\u0308", + ü: "մ" + "\u0308", + Ä: "Ⱥ" + "\u0308", + Ö: "ට" + "\u0308", + Ü: "Ա" + "\u0308", + + é: "ҽ" + "\u0301", + á: "ą" + "\u0301", + ó: "օ" + "\u0301", + ú: "մ" + "\u0301", + É: "Ɛ" + "\u0301", + Á: "Ⱥ" + "\u0301", + Ó: "ට" + "\u0301", + Ú: "Ա" + "\u0301", + + è: "ҽ" + "\u0300", + à: "ą" + "\u0300", + ò: "օ" + "\u0300", + ù: "մ" + "\u0300", + È: "Ɛ" + "\u0300", + À: "Ⱥ" + "\u0300", + Ò: "ට" + "\u0300", + Ù: "Ա" + "\u0300", + + ê: "ҽ" + "\u0302", + â: "ą" + "\u0302", + ô: "օ" + "\u0302", + û: "մ" + "\u0302", + Ê: "Ɛ" + "\u0302", + Â: "Ⱥ" + "\u0302", + Ô: "ට" + "\u0302", + Û: "Ա" + "\u0302", + }, + }, + + tiny: { + init: function () { + for (i in this.map) { + this.map[this.map[i]] = i; + } + }, + + encode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch; + text = text.toUpperCase(); + for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { + ch = this.map[text.charAt(i)]; + if (typeof ch == "undefined") { + ch = text.charAt(i); + } + ret += ch; + } + + return ret; + }, + + decode: function (text) { + var ret = "", + ch; + + for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { + ch = this.map[text.charAt(i)]; + if (typeof ch == "undefined") { + ch = text.charAt(i); + } + ret += ch; + } + return ret; + }, + + map: { + A: "ᴀ", + B: "ʙ", + C: "ᴄ", + D: "ᴅ", + E: "ᴇ", + F: "ꜰ", + G: "ɢ", + H: "ʜ", + I: "ɪ", + J: "ᴊ", + K: "ᴋ", + L: "ʟ", + M: "ᴍ", + N: "ɴ", + O: "ᴏ", + P: "ᴘ", + Q: "Q", + R: "ʀ", + S: "ꜱ", + T: "ᴛ", + U: "ᴜ", + V: "ᴠ", + W: "ᴡ", + X: "x", + Y: "ʏ", + Z: "ᴢ", + }, + }, + }; + + for (i in this.tools) { + this.tools[i].init(); + } + + this.getHTML = function (text) { + var html = "", + ch, + lastSpaceWasNonBreaking = true, + highSurrogate = 0, + codepoint = 0; + + for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) { + ch = text.charCodeAt(i); + + if (ch == 10 || ch == 13) { + html += "
\n"; + lastSpaceWasNonBreaking = true; + } else if (ch == 32) { + if (lastSpaceWasNonBreaking) { + html += " "; + lastSpaceWasNonBreaking = false; + } else { + html += " "; + lastSpaceWasNonBreaking = true; + } + } else { + if (ch >= 0xd800 && ch <= 0xdbff) { + highSurrogate = ch; + codepoint = 0; + } else if (highSurrogate > 0) { + if (ch >= 0xdc00 && ch <= 0xdfff) { + codepoint = + (highSurrogate - 0xd800) * 1024 + (ch - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; + } + highSurrogate = 0; + } else { + codepoint = ch; + } + + if (codepoint != 0) { + html += "&#x" + codepoint.toString(16) + ";"; + lastSpaceWasNonBreaking = true; + } + } + } + + return html; + }; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/framework/ytdl-core.js b/framework/ytdl-core.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5c70fb --- /dev/null +++ b/framework/ytdl-core.js @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +const yts = require('yt-search'); +const ytdl = require('ytdl-core'); +const fs = require('fs'); + + +/* fonction pour avoir les données d'une recherche*/ + +async function getytlink(key) { + try { + const resultat = await yts(key); + const videos = resultat.videos; + const choix = videos[0]; + return { + lien : choix.url , + affiche : choix.thumbnail, + titre : choix.title, + duree : choix.timestamp, + id : choix.videoId, + } ; + } catch (erreur) { + console.error('Erreur lors de la recherche YouTube :', erreur); + return null; + } +} + +module.exports = getytlink; + +/* fonction pour télécharger les videos avec ytdl-core*/ + + + + + +async function ytdwn(url) { + const info = await ytdl.getInfo(url); + const format = ytdl.chooseFormat(info.formats, { quality: '18' }); + const video = ytdl.downloadFromInfo(info, format) + + return video ; + +} + +module.exports = ytdwn; + + diff --git a/framework/zokou.js b/framework/zokou.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ab6fcf --- /dev/null +++ b/framework/zokou.js @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +var tabCmds = []; +let cm = []; +function zokou(obj, fonctions) { + let infoComs = obj; + if (!obj.categorie) { + infoComs.categorie = "General"; + } + if (!obj.reaction) { + infoComs.reaction = "🚘"; + } + infoComs.fonction = fonctions; + cm.push(infoComs); + // console.log('chargement...') + return infoComs; +} +module.exports = { zokou, Module: zokou, cm };