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phated edited this page Feb 19, 2013 · 8 revisions



Breaking Changes

  • Default Box#gravityY to 9.8 instead of 10
  • Auto-scaling on Box (Will cause problems if you are already scaling and don't account for auto-scaling)P
  • Remove dojo/_base/declare from single layer - switch to dcl
  • Change color to fillStyle and strokeColor to strokeStyle to stay consistent with canvas API

New Features

  • Added Joints (Distance, Prismatic, Revolute) - Box gained methods related to Joints
  • Added GameCore#setHeight and GameCore#setWidth to set the game's and canvas' height or width
  • Entities gained pointInShape function to determine if a point is within shape
  • Collision filtering inside Box and properties on Entities
  • Added insideCanvas utility and an insideCanvas property flag on mouse or touch events
  • HTML5 Audio Support - with plugin that auto-detects which audio type to use
  • Default lineWidth on Entities - used inside default draw
  • AMD Plugins for loadImage and loadSound
  • BoxGame added for easy creation of Box2d games - added preUpdate to GameCore to support this
  • Jasmine tests for the library

Non-Breaking Changes

  • loadSound and loadImage now accept a String, Array of Strings, or Object of Strings and return the same type
  • Dojo/on is used to listen for Image loading - allows for other event listeners to be added without breaking things
  • Removed width and height from Box
  • Cleaned up InputManager#resize
  • Rewrote pointInPolygon module
  • Fix some InputManager bugs
  • Add more documentation
  • Update examples


  • Any method that is just a getter or setter that did nothing else - No reason to continue the Java paradigms
  • Animation#createFromTile
  • ResourceManager#imageCount, ResourceManager#loadedImages, ResourceManager#playSound
  • Sprite#drawCurrentFrame
  • Entity#hidden
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