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ARGO Platform Docker Compose

This is the home of the Docker Compose infrastructure that can bring up the ARGO Platform architecture locally for aid in development.


  • Docker
  • Make

User Guide


  1. Copy the .env.schema and fill in the google credentials
$ cp .env.schema .env

Please ensure that your google app has the correct Authorized redirect URI: http://localhost:8088/api/oauth/login/google. If you don't have one already, create new Google application here.

  1. Start all the services in the background:
$ make start
  1. Add yourself as an Ego admin as well as an administrator for program creation. Note: Services may take some time to start up, please allow some time for the cluster to fully start before proceeding with this step.
$ make add-admin EMAIL=<your_gmail_here>

Stopping and Cleanup

To stop the running containers without deleting data:

$ make stop

To delete all volumes as well:

$ make nuke

Compose Structure

Cluster Topology

Compose Structure


  • For performance reasons, lectern and argo-clinical are sharing the same mongo instance. This is a deviation from the our production plan.

Services Boundaries

Compose Boundaries



  • edit the compose/docker-compose.yaml file
  • update compose diagrams:
    $ make graphs