graph LR;
subgraph Compartments Layer 0
ModuleSourceConcept[module source concept];
ModuleSourceInstance[ModuleSource instance];
ModuleSourceInstance --> ModuleSourceConcept;
ModuleSourceConstructor[ModuleSource constructor];
ModuleSourceConstructor --> ModuleSourceInstance;
ModuleInstance[Module instance];
ModuleConstructor[Module constructor];
ModuleConstructor --> ModuleInstance;
subgraph Module Blocks
ModuleBlock[module block];
ModuleBlock --> ModuleInstance;
ModuleBlockWithSource[module block with source];
ModuleBlockWithSource --> ModuleBlock;
ModuleBlockWithSource --> ModuleSourceConcept;
subgraph Compartments Layer 2
MinVirtualModuleSource[minimal virtual module source];
MinVirtualModuleSource --> ModuleSourceConcept;
MinVirtualModuleSource --> ModuleConstructor;
MaxVirtualModuleSource[maximal virtual module source];
MaxVirtualModuleSource --> ModuleSourceConcept;
MaxVirtualModuleSource --> ModuleConstructor;
subgraph Import Reflection
ImportModule[import module];
ImportModule --> ModuleInstance;
ImportWASMModule[import WASM module];
ImportWASMModule --> ImportModule;
ImportWASMModule --> ModuleSourceConcept;
subgraph Compartments Layer 1
ModuleSourceBindingReflection[ModuleSource bindings reflection];
ModuleSourceBindingReflection --> ModuleSourceInstance;
subgraph Compartments Layer 3
Evaluators --> ModuleConstructor;
subgraph Compartments Layer 4
Compartments --> Evaluators;
Compartments --> ImportModule;
subgraph Motivating Use-cases
NonJavaScriptVirtualModuleSource[not-JavaScript not-host-defined modules];
NonJavaScriptVirtualModuleSource --> MinVirtualModuleSource;
AssetModules[asset modules];
AssetModules --> MinVirtualModuleSource;
WASMVirtualModuleSource[WASAM not-host-defined modules];
WASMVirtualModuleSource --> MinVirtualModuleSource;
DeferredExecution[deferred execution];
MultipleInstantiation[multiple instantiation];
MultipleInstantiation --> ModuleConstructor;
MultipleInstantiation --> ImportModule;
ModuleBlockBundleGenerator[module block bundle generator];
ModuleBlockBundleGenerator --> ModuleSourceBindingReflection;
ModuleBlockBundleGenerator --> ModuleSourceConstructor;
ModuleBlockBundleRuntime[module block bundle runtime];
ModuleBlockBundleRuntime --> ModuleBlockBundleGenerator;
ModuleBlockBundleRuntime --> ModuleBlockWithSource;
HotModuleReplacementRuntime[hot module replacement runtime];
HotModuleReplacementRuntime --> ModuleConstructor;
HotModuleReplacementRuntime --> ModuleSourceBindingReflection;
ImportWASMModuleWithCSP[import WASM module with CSP];
ImportWASMModuleWithCSP --> ImportWASMModule;
DomainSpecificLanguages[domain-specific languages];
DomainSpecificLanguages --> Evaluators;
SupplyChainIsolation[supply-chain isolation];
SupplyChainIsolation --> Evaluators;
InterAgentModuleBlockTransfer[inter-agent module block transfer];
InterAgentModuleBlockTransfer --> ModuleBlock;
ModuleInstrumentation[module instrumentation];
ModuleInstrumentation --> MaxVirtualModuleSource;
ModuleInstrumentation --> ModuleConstructor;
ModuleInstrumentation --> ModuleSourceBindingReflection;
Hosts may enable non-JavaScript modules to participate in the JavaScript module graph. Web hosts, for example, may enable JSON and WASM. If JavaScript were to enable user code to implement non-JavaScript module sources, these and other languages could participate on host implementations that did not anticipate these features, and allow user code to explore the range of useful module kinds ahead of host implementations, accelerating the evoluation of the JavaScript ecosystem.
Of the current proposed language features, the language would need: a minimal virtual module source protocol. The minimal protocol would enable non-JavaScript languages that do not need JavaScript features like cyclic dependencies, lazy bindings, or early initialization of hoisted declarations. The maximal virtual module source protocol would be sufficient for emulating JavaScript in JavaScript and any other language that benefits from these behaviors.
Asset modules are non-JavaScript not-host-defined modules as in the above motivating use case, but merit specific consideration since module source virtualization is sufficient to unlock their use cases, although other mechanisms are possible.
Consider some possible non-JavaScript asset modules:
Binary modules could export a default array buffer.
Text modules could export decoded text as a default export.
An image module could export a default representation of an image, a blob reference to an image, a URL, or a file system path to the image. Incorporating images and similar resources in the JavaScript module graph ensures that a program is portable between development and production environments, allowing a JavaScript bundler to observe the dependency on an image asset.
JSON modules test the boundary between a language and an asset or resource. They do not have dependencies or side-effects. Their behavior is much more like decoding than evaluation.
One valid interpretation of a CSS module would be to incorporate a style sheet in the surrounding web page as a side effect of evaluation. Such a module would export nothing but allow a bundler to observe the dependency and ensure a topological order to the included sheets. The module might also export a representation of the generated sheet as a mutable resource.
Style sheets have their own notion of dependencies, and a valid interpretation of a CSS module might subvert CSS imports and allow CSS modules to benefit from JavaScript module resolution, such that a bundler can relocate resources between development and production.
Not all hosts necessarily implement the web's specifications for allowing WebAssembly to participate in the JavaScript module graph. As above, a minimal virtual module source protocol would allow user code to emulate the standard behavior for Web Assembly.
With static import module
syntax and a Module
instance, a
module can express a dependency on a module and arrange for any of it and its
transitive dependencies to execute if they have not already.
import module example from 'example';
await import(example);
Similar can be achieved with dynamic import.module
to additionally control the time that the entry-point module gets fetched and
const example = await import.module('example');
await import(example);
This solves only the least ambitious leading portion of the [Deferred module evaluation proposal][defer-module-eval], and does not address lazy initialization or evaluation.
The Module
constructor paired with the concept of a module source
enables a program to create any number of instances of a module.
By controlling the module's shallow import behavior (importHook
), each
instance can be linked to different instances of its dependencies, share
dependencies, and even share dependencies loaded by the host's default import
await import(new Module(moduleSource));
await import(new Module(moduleSource));
Multiple-instantiation depends on one of many possible mechanisms for obtaining a suitable module source, all of which must have a [[ModuleSource]] internal slot referring to a Module Source Record.
Many of these mechanisms rely on a Module
instance to have a source
For example, module
blocks, static import module
, and
dynamic import.module
syntax all produce a Module
instance, which
may in turn possess a source
property that is a valid module source.
import module example from 'example';
// or
const example = await import.module('example');
// or
const example = module {};
const moduleSource = example.source;
We allow for the possibility that the host (or virtual host) may not provide a
for a Module
instance, either because one does not exist, or it does
exist but it would not be useful, breaks encapsulation, or would betray
Platforms like XS, which might not have a ModuleSource
constructor, would
still be able to produce ModuleSource
instances, backed by pre-compiled byte
Programs could also obtain a ModuleSource
instance directly, parsing some
given text.
This last option would not benefit from origin host data and would not be
possible in combination with a production no-unsafe-eval policy.
A ModuleSource
constructor that accepts trusted types would overcome
that limitation.
const moduleLocation = import.meta.resolve('example');
const moduleResponse = await fetch(moduleLocation);
const moduleText = await moduleResponse.text();
const moduleSource = new ModuleSource(moduleText);
Hot-Module-Replacement is a common tool that allows a page to reload the
portion of a module graph that has changed over the course of active local
Implementing Hot-Module-Replacement with a first-class module system
in JavaScript requires a Module
constructor, the concept of a
module source, and ModuleSource
As with other cases of module multiple instantiation, any module source
will do, though the most obvious tool would be the ModuleSource
constructor, which should always be suitable for development.
A hot-module-replacement system watches for changes to files that it
has previously loaded, their dependency graph, and the co-graph (the inverse
adjacency matrix of the dependency graph).
Each time a file changes, it invalidates the corresponding module
and its transitive dependees (not dependencies), which will presumably
include the entrypoint module of the application, then reconstructs
the application, reusing the portion of the graph that has not changed.
reflection allows the system to incrementally
update the dependency graph and co-graph.
The import.meta
injection in the Module
constructor is
necessary to allow an HMR implementation to inject module-specific hooks for
handing off state from one version to the next.
Production web applications often bundle multiple sources into a single file or
even an inline script to minimize user-perceived latency.
Module blocks and ModuleSource
reflection afford new ways
to generate and interpret bundles.
A module bundle generator can use the ModuleSource
constructor to
and ModuleSource
reflection to statically analyze
a module graph in one host and then construct a bundle that uses module
blocks to parse all of these modules in a way that preserves their origin
Nicolò Ribaudo has sketched one such implementation.
The primary motivation of the Import Reflection proposal
is to provide a mechanism that allows a program to get a WebAssembly.Module
object with host-provided origin information such that the module can
be later manually linked and executed under a no-unsafe-eval
With static import module
syntax, support for Module
and the concept of a module source, the host can arrange for WebAssembly.Module
to have a [[ModuleSource]]
internal slot, referring to a WebAssembly
Module Source Record, implementing the abstract Module Source Record.
Both static import module
and dynamic import.module
syntax would produce a
instance with a WebAssembly.Module
for its source
. The net effect
is that user code can both defer execution of the web assembly module and get a
reference suitable for manually linking the WebAssembly.Module
Both cases work under a Content-Security-Policy and both allow a bundler to
statically observe the dependency.
import module example from 'example.wasm';
example.source instanceof WebAssembly.Module; // true
await import(example); // also supported
The primary motivation for the Module Blocks proposal is to
enable a program to send a module to another agent for execution.
In this system of proposals, the module
block with source feature would
produce a Module
instance with a corresponding ModuleSource
The module instance can be executed locally, but in combination with a mechanism
for serializaing and transferring the source and host-specific metadata (like
the referrer, import.meta.url
, and (signed) origin, between web host agents),
the module can be executed in another agent (like a worker on the web).
Using the Module
constructor and ModuleSource
constructor, user
code can orchestrate the transfer and execution of module sources, metadata,
and dependency graphs.
One of the bottlenecks for adoption of ESM over CommonJS is instrumentation.
Currently, there are well-known solutions to creating a mock or thunks for all
the API exported by a CommonJS module.
A maximal virtual ModuleSource
protocol and ModuleSource
reflection would allow user code to create adapters from one module instance
to another.
The maximal protocol is necessary to fully emulate JavaScript, including cyclic
dependencies, temporal dead zones, initialization of hoisted declarations, and
lazy bindings and requires two phases.
Domain-Specific-Languages like Jasmine and Jest provide global functions like
and it
These globals are only needed in the entrypoint module but are visible
throughout the application.
Also, because these are global, implementations must keep track of the
currently executing module to associate describe
calls with the correct
context, effectively dynamic scope.
Concurrently executing multiple entrypoints is not safe because describe
functions are not reentrant.
Using separate realms can mitigate this problem, but creates other problems,
like identity discontinuity between types from separate realms.
Domain-Specific-Language implementations would benefit from the ability to execute modules and scripts in a context that has the same Realm and intrinsics but a user-defined global.
const evaluators = new Evaluators({
__proto__: globalThis,
describe(subjectDescription) {},
it(behaviorDescription) {},
const spec = await import.module('example-spec.js');
await import(new evaluators.Module(spec.source));
The above example uses dynamic import.module
syntax to
obtain the module source for the entrypoint module without executing it,
then uses the Module
constructor obtained from a new batch
of Evaluators to run it with an alternate global environment.
Software supply-chain attacks, attacks on the integrity of package managers
like npm
, allow hostile programmers to introduce arbitrary code into the
transitive dependencies of large numbers of applications when they upgrade
their dependencies, nominally to patch security flaws.
This puts application developers in an awkward catch-22: Are we safer upgrading
frequently or infrequently?
It has become impractical for application developers to audit all of their
application, much less their tooling, to ensure they only let good software
into their supply chain.
With Evaluators and pervasive freezing of shared JavaScript intrinsic objects, a program can arrange for each of their third-party dependencies to execute in an inescapable environment with limited access to powerful globals and module dependencies. Furthermore, static analysis allows us to generate human-meaningful assessments and policies for the needs of third-party packages in order to both assess the risk of an attack and to enforce access to only the powers that they appear to need.
Compartments provide a higher level abstraction for the same functionality
as Evaluators and dynamic import.module
Any object with a [[ModuleSource]] internal slot of type Module Source Record is conceptually a module source. Module source records capture the module's bindings for linking to other modules and their initialization and execution behaviors, but are otherwise sufficiently abstract that JavaScript modules, host-defined module sources, and virtual module sources can all participate.
Specifically, a WebAssembly.Module
is an existing host-defined class that can
become a module source with the addition of a suitable [[ModuleSource]]
internal slot.
In the fullness of the Module Harmony epic, the Module
constructor would
accept any such module source and Module
instances may have a source
property that is any module source type.
However, there are some cases where a Module
instance would not
have a source
or where its source should be redacted.
For example, host-defined modules, like the Node.js internal*
modules, might
not necessarily have a source.
Whereas, a module block would have a source
We have not yet concluded whether a lexically named module fragment could have
a source
The ModuleSource
instance is a handle for a JavaScript module source.
The object has a [[ModuleSource]] internal slot that refers to a Module
Source Text Record which concretely implements the Module Source
Record abstract interface.
Module source instances are sufficient to represent a parsed module
for the purposes of both static import module
and dynamic import.module
syntaxes for the [Import Reflection Proposal][import-refect]
and provide a basis for a ModuleSource
The ModuleSource
constructor parses text and generates a ModuleSource
Because the text is arbitrary, the ModuleSource
constructor cannot imbue its
Module Source Text Record with an origin for its [[HostData]] internal
slot and the module cannot be executed with a no-unsafe-eval
The ModuleSource
constructor could provide an origin for its Module Source
Text Record's [[HostData]] internal slot if instead of receiving text it
received text from the W3C Trusted Types proposal.
Module instances represent the lifecycle of an instance of a module. A single module source can produce multiple module instances in multiple realms and multiple agents, but a module instance corresponds to the singleton linking and execution of that source in a context.
Module instances are useful for anchoring module
blocks, static
import module
syntax, and dynamic import.module
syntax, even
if there is no Module
The Module
constructor unlocks deferred execution and multiple instantiation
of module sources as well as linking those intances in virtualized host import
The Module
constructor must also virtualize the behavior of import.meta
expressions when the module gets evaluated.
A module
block produces a Module
instance that can be executed later,
possible multiple times, possibly on another agent.
A module
block with a source
allows user code to extract the source
and potentially transport it independent of its instance metadata or linkage.
These syntaxes would produce Module
instances which may have a source
property that is a module source concept at the host or virtual host's
import module example from 'example';
// or
const example = await import.module('example');
// then
example instanceof Module; // true
example.source instanceof Module; // if example is JavaScript
Building upon import
, the module source concept is sufficiently
flexible that the existing WebAssembly.Module
can implement it by providing a
[[ModuleSource]] internal slot containing a WebAssembly Module Source
The host can go farther by implementing a WebAssembly.Module.prototype.bindings
property that reflects the imports and exports of the WASM module
with the equivalents of ModuleSource
reflection such
that bundlers and other static analyzers can trivially accommodate Web Assembly
module sources.
Binding reflection allows JavaScript programs to analyze the imports and
exports of a JavaScript module source.
Programs like bundlers require this information.
The import
behavior for Module
instances uses the same information to drive
the importHook
We can extend the module source concept to include virtual module sources,
module sources implemented in JavaScript that do not have a [[ModuleSource]]
internal slot.
A protocol that emulates ModuleSource
and provides a hook for its execution phase is sufficient to model languages
that do not support dependency cycles, initialization of hoisted declarations,
and lazy bindings.
Some modules can consist entirely of bindings
(like exportAllFrom
execution behavior, or neither.
The Module
constructor would need to evolve to accept these virtual
module sources.
We can arrive at a suitable emulation of CommonJS using heuristic static analysis and allow such CommonJS modules to fully participate in a module graph, both importing and exporting any other kind of module. This will not fully interoperate with all legacy Node.js CommonJS modules because of its dependency on static analysis, but will be sufficient to hoist a subset of the CommonJS ecosystem into the future and ease migration. This system can coexist with a synchronous legacy CommonJS loader.
The minimal virtual module source is not sufficient to fully emulate JavaScript and full emulation of JavaScript is necessary for mock modules for module instrumentation. Protocols like the one implemented by SystemJS are sufficient for full emulation.
The Evaluator
constructor creates a new set of evaluator intrinsics: eval
, and Module
262 currently stipulates that eval
and Function
have a [[Context]] internal
slot through which they can reach the [[Realm]] for the evaluation behavior of
dynamic import.
We presume to extend that design to the new Module
such that it can reach for the default dynamic and static import behaviors.
Evaluators would add a level of indirection from [[Context]] to [[Evaluators]]
to [[Realm]], such that there can be multiple sets of evaluators in a single
realm, each with their own global and module behavior.
Evaluators unlock two major use cases: better Domain Specific Languages and isolation of third-party dependencies, or supply chain isolation.
Compartments are the high-level API out of which all prior layers of the
Compartments proposal fell.
For supply chain isolation in Node.js, a compartment corresponds
to a package.
Moddable's XS implements Compartments
to allow a powerful embedded system
to delegate powers to guest comaprtments, such as preventing guest code
from drawing too much power.
Compartments can be implemented in user code provided the lower-level
Evaluators, the Module
and ModuleSource
constructor, as
well as dynamic import.module