O objetivo desta semana é compreender conceitos importantes de testes aplicados ao contexto Android, e em particular entender a diferença entre testes locais de unidade e testes instrumentados.
Ao fim da semana, você deve ser capaz de responder às seguintes perguntas:
- Quais são as diferenças entre testes de unidade e testes instrumentados?
- Quais são as vantagens e desvantagens de usar mocks?
- Android Unit Testing with Mockito
- Testing Android Architecture Components
- Espresso Testing and Screen Robots: Getting Started
Android Unit & Instrumentation tests
- Build Testable Apps for Android (Google I/O'19)
- TDD on Android (DevFest 2019)
- Testing Rebooted (with AndroidX Test) (Android Dev Summit '18)
- Frictionless Android testing: write once, run everywhere (Google I/O '18)
- Testing Android Apps at Scale with Nitrogen (Android Dev Summit '18)
- Test-Driven Development on Android with the Android Testing Support Library (Google I/O '17)
- Android Unit Testing Challenges
- Fragmented podcast 001: Welcome & Testing in Android
- Fragmented podcast 013: Corey Latislaw on TDD and Testing
- Fragmented podcast 052: Junit4 tricks with Parameterized Enclosing tests
- Fragmented podcast 078: Ten Testing Strategies with Michael Bailey
- Fragmented podcast 137: Decompress KISS DRY Testing
- Fragmented podcast 143: Real world testing thoughts
- Fragmented podcast 169: Testing and JUnit 5 with Marcel Schnelle
- Fragmented podcast 183: The Testing Paradox
- Android Developers Backstage Episode 57: Espresso Test Recorder
- Unit Testing with Ellen Shapiro – Podcast S02 E10