Log Analytics examples Across all data types Chart the record-count per table in the last 5 hours Count all logs collected over the last hour, per type AzureDiagnostics Count Azure diagnostics records per category Get a random record for each unique category Get the latest record per category Usage Calculate the average size of perf usage reports per computer Timechart latency percentiles 50 and 95 Usage of computer today Heartbeat Chart a week-over-week view of the number of computers sending data Find stale computers Get the latest heartbeat record per computer IP Match protection and heartbeat records Calculate availability rate for connected servers Updates Computers still missing updates ProtectionStatus Computers with non-reporting protection status duration Match protection and heartbeat records NetworkMonitoring Computers with unhealthy latency Perf Correlate computer memory and CPU Perf CPU Utilization graph per computer Alert Count alerts by severity per day Get a numbered list of the latest alerts SecurityEvent Count security events by activity ID Count security events related to permissions Find accounts that failed to logon from computers on which we identify a security detection Is my security data available Parse activity name and ID Processes that used explicit credentials Top 5 running processes in the last 3 days Find repeating failed login attempts by the same account from different IPs Find user accounts that failed to login over 5 times in 1 day Event Search application-level events described as Cryptographic Search events related to unmarshaling