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File metadata and controls

83 lines (72 loc) · 11.5 KB

Architecture overview

Orion is a backed node powering Atlas.

It consists of multiple services and each of them has its own responsibility. Those services are managed via docker-compose.yml files: docker-compose.yml and archive/docker-compose.yml.

Most of the services are part of the Subsquid framework, so in order to better understand the project architecture you should first familiarize yourself with the Subsquid documentation.

Libraries, frameworks and tools used


The services can be divided into 2 main categories:

  • Subsquid archive services, which are managed via archive/docker-compose.yml file and consist of:
  • Main Orion services, which include:
    • A PostgreSQL database docker service: This is the main Orion database, it includes already processed entities, such as Channel or Video, as well as the Gateway configuration and other Gateway data which may not be a result of processing Joystream blockchain events, like user accounts, channel follows or video views.
    • Squid processor: It's responsible for processing Joystream blockchain events and creating, updating or deleting the database entities (such as Channel or Video) accordingly, so that they remain in-sync with the current Joystream chain state.
    • GraphQL server: Orion's main GraphQL server which handles all the queries and mutations.
    • Auth server: Orion's authentication server (REST API) responsible for handling user authentication.

Directory structure and important files

  • /archive - contains a Squid archive docker setup.

  • /assets

  • /schema - GraphQL API input schema files.

  • /scripts - contains various shell scripts (for copying files during the build process etc.)

  • /src - contains the source code of the project.

    • /auth-server - Orion's authentication server code.
      • /docs - documentation autogenerated based on the OpenAPI schema.
      • /emails - e-mail handlebars templates.
      • /generated - autogenerated types based on the OpenAPI schema.
      • /handlers - Express handler functions for each OpenAPI route.
      • /tests - auth API unit tests implemented w/ Mocha and Supertest.
      • /openapi.yml - OpenAPI specification which contains a complete description of all the API endpoints, request and response data structure etc. It also serves a base for generating documentation, types and the basic implementation of the API server itself.
    • /mappings - contains processor's event handler functions for each of the supported events.
    • /model - contains TypeORM models, both the autogenerated and the custom ones.
      • /generated - contains the models generated from the GraphQL API input schema via make codegen (squid-typeorm-codegen).
    • /scripts - contains TypeScript scripts, usually to be executed from the docker container, ie.:
      • /export.ts - the Offchain state export script (npm run offchain-state:export), mainly to be used by the Gateway operators when upgrading to a new version of Orion
      • /getPublicKey.ts - the script which allows checking the public key that will be derived from a given APP_PRIVATE_KEY config value (npm run get-public key <value>). It's supposed to be used by Gateway operators interested in setting up the App attribution.
    • /server-extension - contains custom extensions (custom TypeGraphQL resolvers & plugins) for the GraphQL server (which is automatically generated by Subsquid from the input schema).
    • /tests - contains initial testing and benchmarking scripts. They were initially used to compare the previous major version of Orion (v1) with the current one (v2) and need to be updated.
    • /types - contains event types autogenerated by make typegen (squid-substrate-typegen).
    • /utils - contains general utility functions/classes used across the codebase, out of which the most important ones are:
      • /auth.ts - utility functions related to user authentication and session management.
      • /cache.ts - contains node-cache caches (currently only the session cache)
      • /config.ts - contains utilities for managing the Gateway config variables (such as KillSwitch, SessionMaxDurationHours, SendgridApiKey, AppPrivateKey etc.).
      • /events.ts - contains map from event name to event constructor (eventConstructors) and type definitions related to events and event handlers. See Adding event handlers guide for more details.
      • /globalEm.ts - contains a global entity manager instance that can be used to perform queries in places where other instance is not provided in the context. Important: It should be used carefully, as it operates on the admin schema of the database, which means all non-public data (like user account data, encryption artifacts etc.) is available to this instance. See Managing entity visibility guide for more details.
      • /mail.ts - utilites for sending e-mails through SendGrid API.
      • /overlay.ts - Overlay utilities for managing processor's in-memory entity cache. For more details, see Understanding the overlay section of Adding event handlers guide.
      • /sql.ts - utilities for parsing and extending PostgreSQL queries.
      • /VideoRelevanceManager.ts / /CommentsCountersManager.ts - utility classes for updating the values of stored counter / score fields, such as video.commentsCount, comment.repliesCount or video.videoRelevance, as they are affected by multiple actions (not only the blockchain events, but also some GraphQL mutations such as excludeContent or addVideoView).
    • /processor.ts- contains Subsquid's Substrate processor service configuration, like the list of supported events, map from event name to event handler and the implementation of the batch processing loop.
  • /db - contains database migrations and other database-related configs and artifacts.

    • /export
      • /export.json / export.json.imported - contains the last offchain data export. For more details see Preserving offchain state.
    • /migrations - contains migrations that are executed when the PostgreSQL database is being initially set up.
      • *-Data.js - the migration autogenerated from TypeORM models by make dbgen command.
      • 2000000000000-Views.js - additional migration responsible for splitting the database into a public and admin schema, where public schema only exposes the data that is publically available (through the use of SQL views), while admin schema contains the original tables which include private data. For more details see Managing entity visibility guide.
      • 2100000000000-Indexes.js - additional PostgreSQL indexes (mostly expression indexes on jsonb fields, as those are not supported natively by Subsquid).
      • 2200000000000-Operator.js - a migration which inserts the initial operator (root) user based on the environment config. For more details, check the Authentication API guide.
    • /postgres.conf - contains PostgreSQL database service configuration.