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These components provide the "primitive" shapes for constructing line/area charts and scatter plots. This is organizationally intended to mimic d3-shape.

<Area />

import { Area } from 'ihme-ui'

Property Required Type(s) Defaults Description
animate Area.propTypes.animate Details below in The animate prop section.
className CommonPropTypes.className className applied to path.
clipPathId string if a clip path is applied to a container element (e.g., an <AxisChart />),
clip this path to that container by passing in the clip path URL id.
data true array of object Array of datum objects.
dataAccessors true object { x: 'x', y0: 'y0', y1: 'y1' } Accessors to pull appropriate values off of datum objects.
dataAccessors is an object that should have three properties: x, y0, and y1.
Each accessor can either be a string or function. If a string, it is assumed to be the name of a
property on datum objects; full paths to nested properties are supported (e.g., { x: 'values.year', ... }).
If a function, it is passed datum objects as its first and only argument.
onClick func CommonDefaultProps.noop onClick callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
onMouseLeave func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseLeave callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
onMouseMove func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseMove callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
onMouseOver func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseOver callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
scales true object x and y scales.
Object with keys: x, and y.
style {
fill: 'steelblue',
stroke: 'steelblue',
strokeWidth: 1,
inline styles applied to path

<Line />

import { Line } from 'ihme-ui'

Property Required Type(s) Defaults Description
animate Line.propTypes.animate Details below in The animate prop section.
className CommonPropTypes.className className applied to path.
clipPathId string if a clip path is applied to a container element (e.g., an <AxisChart />),
clip this path to that container by passing in the clip path URL id.
data true array of object Array of datum objects.
dataAccessors true object { x: 'x', y: 'y' } Accessors to pull appropriate values off of datum objects.
dataAccessors is an object that should have two properties: x, and y.
Each accessor can either be a string or function. If a string, it is assumed to be the name of a
property on datum objects; full paths to nested properties are supported (e.g., { x: 'values.year', ... }).
If a function, it is passed datum objects as its first and only argument.
onClick func CommonDefaultProps.noop onClick callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
onMouseLeave func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseLeave callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
onMouseMove func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseMove callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
onMouseOver func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseOver callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
scales true object x and y scales.
Object with keys: x, and y.
style {
stroke: 'steelblue',
strokeWidth: 1,
inline styles applied to path

<MultiLine />

import { MultiLine } from 'ihme-ui'

This is a convenience component intended to make it easier to render many <Line />s on a single chart. It additionally supports rendering <Area />s when the proper dataAccessors are provided, which can be helpful, for example, for showing uncertainty around an estimate represented by a line.

Property Required Type(s) Defaults Description
animate MultiLine.propTypes.animate Details below in The animate prop section.
areaClassName CommonPropTypes.className classname applied to <Area/>s that are children of MultiLine, if applicable
areaStyle inline styles applied to <Area />s, if applicable
areaValuesIteratee func CommonDefaultProps.identity Applied to the data to transform area values. default: _.identity
signature: (data, key) => {...}
className CommonPropTypes.className className applied to outermost wrapping <g>
clipPathId string If a clip path is applied to a container element (e.g., an <AxisChart />),
clip all children of <MultiLine /> to that container by passing in the clip path URL id.
colorScale func function() { return 'steelblue'; } Function that accepts keyfield and returns stroke color for line.
signature: (key) => str
data array of object Array of objects, e.g. [ {location: 'USA',values: []}, {location: 'Canada', values: []} ].
dataAccessors true object, object, object Keys on datum objects containing values to scale to chart
x: accessor for xscale
y: accessor for yscale (when applicable, e.g. )
y0: accessor for yscale (when applicable; e.g., lower bound)
y1: accessor for yscale (when applicable; e.g., upper bound)
To render <Line />s, include just x, y.
To render <Area />s, include just x, y0, y1.
To render <Line />s and <Area />s, include all four properties.
Each accessor can either be a string or function. If a string, it is assumed to be the name of a
property on datum objects; full paths to nested properties are supported (e.g., { x: 'values.year', ... }).
If a function, it is passed datum objects as its first and only argument.
fieldAccessors object {
data: 'values',
key: 'key',
Accessors for objects within
color: (optional) color data as input to color scale.
data: data provided to child components. default: 'values'
key: unique key to apply to child components. used as input to color scale if color field is not specified. default: 'key'
For example:
IF ( === [ {location: 'USA',values: [{...}, {...}]}, {location: 'Canada', values: [{...}, {...}]} ])
THEN fieldAccessors === { data: 'values', key: 'location' }
lineClassName CommonPropTypes.className classname applied to <Line />s, if applicable
lineStyle inline styles applied to <Line />s, if applicable
lineValuesIteratee func CommonDefaultProps.identity function to apply to the data to transform area values. default: _.identity
signature: (data, key) => {...}
onClick func onClick callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
onMouseLeave func onMouseLeave callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
onMouseMove func onMouseMove callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
onMouseOver func onMouseOver callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, data, instance) => {...}
scales true object { x: scaleLinear(), y: scaleLinear() } x and y scales.
Object with keys: x, and y.
style inline style applied to outermost wrapping <g>

<Scatter />

import { Scatter } from 'ihme-ui'

Property Required Type(s) Defaults Description
animate Scatter.propTypes.animate Details below in The animate prop section.
className CommonPropTypes.className className applied to outermost wrapping <g>.
clipPathId string If a clip path is applied to a container element (e.g., an <AxisChart />),
clip all children of <Scatter /> to that container by passing in the clip path URL id.
colorAccessor string, func if string, the color property of the datum object; if function, takes in datum object and returns a color string
colorScale func If provided will determine color of rendered <Shape />s
data true array of object Array of datum objects
dataAccessors true object Accessors on datum objects
fill: property on datum to provide fill (will be passed to props.colorScale)
key: unique dimension of datum (required)
shape: property on datum used to determine which type of shape to render (will be passed to props.shapeScale)
x: property on datum to position scatter shapes in x-direction
y: property on datum to position scatter shapes in y-direction
Each accessor can either be a string or function. If a string, it is assumed to be the name of a
property on datum objects; full paths to nested properties are supported (e.g., { x: 'values.year', ... }).
If a function, it is passed datum objects as its first and only argument.
fill string 'steelblue' If props.colorScale is undefined, each <Shape /> will be given this same fill value.
focus object The datum object corresponding to the <Shape /> currently focused.
focusedClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied if <Shape /> has focus.
focusedStyle inline styles applied to focused <Shape />
If an object, spread into inline styles.
If a function, passed underlying datum corresponding to its <Shape />,
and return value is spread into inline styles;
signature: (datum) => obj
onClick func CommonDefaultProps.noop onClick callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
onMouseLeave func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseLeave callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
onMouseMove func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseMove callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
onMouseOver func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseOver callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
scales object { x: scaleLinear(), y: scaleLinear() } x and y scales for positioning <Shape />s.
Object with keys: x, and y.
selectedClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied to <Shape />s if selected
selection array Array of datum objects corresponding to selected <Shape />s
size number 64 Size of <Shape />s; area in square pixels.
If not provided, <Shape /> provides a default of 64 (8px x 8px).
style Inline styles applied to wrapping element (<g>) of scatter shapes
shapeClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied to each <Shape />
shapeScale func If provided, used in conjunction with dataAccessors.shape (or dataAccessors.key if not provided)
to determine type of shape to render
shapeStyle Inline styles passed to each <Shape />
shapeType string 'circle' Type of shape to render; use in lieu of props.shapeScale
if you want all <Shape /> to be of the same type.

<Shape />

import { Shape } from 'ihme-ui'

Property Required Type(s) Defaults Description
className CommonPropTypes.className Class name applied to path.
clipPathId string If a clip path is applied to a container element (e.g., an <AxisChart />),
clip this path to that container by passing in the clip path URL id.
datum object Datum object corresponding to this shape ("bound" data, in the language in D3)
fill string 'steelblue' Fill color for path.
focused bool false Whether shape has focus.
focusedClassName CommonPropTypes.className 'focused' Class name applied if shape has focus.
focusedStyle {
stroke: '#AAF',
strokeWidth: 1,
Inline styles applied if shape has focus.
If an object, spread directly into inline styles.
If a function, called with props.datum as argument and return value is spread into inline styles;
signature: (datum) => obj
onClick func CommonDefaultProps.noop onClick callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
onMouseLeave func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseLeave callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
onMouseMove func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseMove callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
onMouseOver func CommonDefaultProps.noop onMouseOver callback.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
selected bool false Whether shape is selected.
selectedClassName CommonPropTypes.className 'selected' Class name applied if selected.
selectedStyle {
stroke: '#000',
strokeWidth: 1,
Inline styles applied to selected <Shape />s.
If an object, spread into inline styles.
If a function, passed underlying datum corresponding to its <Shape />
and return value spread into line styles;
signature: (datum) => obj
size number 64 Area in square pixels.
style {} Base inline styles applied to <Shape />s.
If an object, spread into inline styles.
If a function, passed underlying datum corresponding to its <Shape />.
shapeType one of: shapeTypes() 'circle' Type of shape to render, driven by d3-shape.
One of: 'circle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'square', 'star', 'triangle', 'wye'
translateX number 0 Move shape away from origin in x direction.
translateY number 0 Move shape away from origin in y direction.

If a component is animatable, it uses the animate prop for its animation settings. The animate prop can be a bool or an object. It has no default setting, meaning it does not animate without being given an animate prop.

Property Required Type(s) Defaults Description
animate bool or object details below

When the animate prop evaluates to false, or the animate prop is omitted, no animation will occur.

When the animate prop evaluates to true, the animatable attributes of the component will animate with the default settings of the underlying animation library, React Move.

Here's a quick example of using a bool animate prop on an <Line/> component for default animation options of its animatable attributes:


Animations can be finely tuned by passing an object in the animate prop.

Property Required Type(s) Defaults Description
events AnimateEvents Object containing functions to execute on animation events start, interrupt, and end. If left undefined, no functions will be executed on any animation events. More information on animation events in React Move library's "Events" section.
timing AnimateTiming Root timing options for all animatable attributes of the component. If left undefined, React Move's default "Timing" is used.
[animatable_attribute] AnimateProp Object of instructions for a specific animatable property to override root/default animation settings. More details in the next section.

Each component that takes the animate prop has attributes that are animatable. Click through to see the list for each component.

Component Animatable attributes list Type
Area Area.animatable AnimateProp
Line Line.animatable AnimateProp
MultiLine MultiLine.animatable AnimateProp
Scatter Scatter.animatable AnimateProp
MultiScatter MultiScatter.animatable AnimateProp

Any of the animatable attributes of a component can be a property in the animate prop. The default/root timing, events properties can be overridden as well as the behavior during each phase of the animation lifecycle (start, enter, update, leave).

As an example, the <Scatter/> animate prop can apply custom animation settings to the fill attribute during the update phase of the animation lifecycle:

    fill: {
      timing: { duration: 333 },    // `timing` for `fill` animations besides what `update` overrides. `duration` in miliseconds.
      update: () => ({
        timing: { duration: 3000 }, // `duration` in miliseconds
        fill: ['purple'],           // String value to update to (animation values must be wrapped in an array).

Note: Animation values must be wrapped in an array. This is an artifact of using React Move in the IHME-UI animation implementation. More can be read in their "Transitions" section. If it is desired for an animatable attribute not to animate, this can be achieved by simply not wrapping the value in an array.

Arguments of the animation methods

It is often necessary to know what data is to be represented during animation in order to affect it accordingly. The signature has been detailed in the @callback type AnimateMethodCallback.

Here's is an example of utilizing the arguments in an animation method:

function updateFill(computedFillValue, inputDatum, index) {
  // Use raw input data.
  const isSpecial = inputDatum.someSpecificProperty;

  // Use index of datum in data array.
  const isOdd = index % 2 !== 0;

  // Use default computed value of component for custom animation logic.
  const newFillValue = isSpecial && isOdd ? 'red' : computedFillValue;
  const newDelay = isSpecial ? 3000 : 333;

  // Custom animation event handling.
  const veryCustomEvents = {
    interrupt: () => {
      console.log('The <Scatter /> `fill` prop has been interrupted in the middle of its "update" phase animation!');

  return {
    fill: [newFillValue],         // remember to wrap the value in an array if it is to animate.
    timing: { delay: newDelay },
    events: veryCustomEvents,

// Where the <Scatter/> is rendered, utilize the custom animation function:
renderScatter() {
  return (
        fill: { update: updateFill },