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This demo highlights Consul Service Mesh gateways which allow cross cluster communication between services, for simplicity the demo connects applications direct to the Consul Server. The recommended architecture is to use a local Consul Client on each node.

It consists of the following features:

  • Private Network DC1
  • Private Network DC2
  • WAN Network (Consul Server, Consul Gateway)
  • Consul Datacenter DC1 - Primary
  • Consul Datacenter DC2 - Secondary, joined to DC1 with WAN federation
  • Consul Gateway DC1
  • Consul Gateway DC2
  • Web frontend (DC1) communicates with API in DC2 via Consul Gateways
  • API service (DC2)

To enable connectivity from a service residing in one datacenter to another, a Service-Resolver can be used which hints at the route for service resolution.

kind = "service-resolver"
name = "api"

redirect {
  service    = "api"
  datacenter = "dc2"

In addition to this services which would like to leverage mesh gateways need to have this option explicitly declared in their Service-Defaults:

Kind = "service-defaults"
Name = "api"

Protocol = "http"

MeshGateway = {
  mode = "local"

All configuration for service definitions and central config can be found in the service_config and central_config folders. Config for the Consul Server can be found in the consul_config folder.


$ docker-compose up
Creating network "demo-consul-service-mesh_dc1" with driver "bridge"
Creating demo-consul-service-mesh_consul-dc2_1  ... done
Creating demo-consul-service-mesh_gateway-dc2_1 ... done
Creating demo-consul-service-mesh_api_1         ... done
Creating demo-consul-service-mesh_gateway-dc1_1 ... done
Creating demo-consul-service-mesh_consul-dc1_1  ... done
Creating demo-consul-service-mesh_web_1         ... done
Creating demo-consul-service-mesh_api_envoy_1   ... done
Creating demo-consul-service-mesh_web_envoy_1   ... done
Attaching to demo-consul-service-mesh_gateway-dc1_1, demo-consul-service-mesh_api_1, demo-consul-service-mesh_gateway-dc2_1, demo-consul-service-mesh_web_1, demo-consul-service-mesh_consul-dc2_1, demo-consul-service-mesh_consul-dc1_1, demo-consul-service-mesh_api_envoy_1, demo-consul-service-mesh_web_envoy_1
api_1          | 2019-08-16T14:44:53.916Z [INFO]  Starting service: name=web message="API V1" upstreamURIs= upstreamWorkers=1 listenAddress=localhost:9090 http_client_keep_alives=true zipkin_endpoint=
web_1          | 2019-08-16T14:44:54.102Z [INFO]  Starting service: name=web message="Hello World" upstreamURIs=http://localhost:9091 upstreamWorkers=1 listenAddress= http_client_keep_alives=false zipkin_endpoint=
consul-dc2_1   | ==> Starting Consul agent...
gateway-dc2_1  | Error retrieving members: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
consul-dc1_1   | BootstrapExpect is set to 1; this is the same as Bootstrap mode.
consul-dc1_1   | bootstrap = true: do not enable unless necessary
consul-dc2_1   | BootstrapExpect is set to 1; this is the same as Bootstrap mode.
consul-dc2_1   | bootstrap = true: do not enable unless necessary
gateway-dc2_1  | Waiting for Consul to start

Consul in DC1 is available at http://localhost:8500 and DC2 at http://localhost:9500, UI and API are accessible.

Testing application

To test the application you can curl the web endpoint:

* Rebuilt URL to: localhost:9090/
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 9090 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:9090
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 14:49:14 GMT
< Content-Length: 112
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
# Reponse from: web #
Hello World
## Called upstream uri: http://localhost:9091
  # Reponse from: web #
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
  API V1% 

The web application makes an upstream call to the API which resides in a separate datacenter, networks DC1 and DC2 are not connected. Communication between different datacenters must use the WAN.

The full flow through the service mesh is as follows:

  • Web app makes upstream app via Envoy running at localhost:9091
  • Envoy forwards request to Consul Gateway in DC1
  • Mesh Gateway in DC1 forwards request to Consul Gateway in DC2 Over WAN
  • Mesh Gateway in DC2 forwards request to upstream Envoy for API service
  • Envoy sidecar for API service forwards request to API service which is only listening on localhost
  • API service receives request and sends response back through same chain

Consul Service Mesh - Example using Service Splitting

Running the application

Configuring service splitting 100% api version 1

Configure service splitting 50% api version 1, 50% api version 2