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New Document# Watson Hands On Labs - IBM Watson Machine Learning

The labs cover Watson Machine Learning in particular how to train a Deep Learning Model and then how to Server/Inference. Watson Machine Learning Service is available on IBM Cloud. Throughout the workshop, we will navigate through IBM Cloud, Watson Machine Learning Service, Github, and the source code of our application in order to demonstrate how deep learnings models can be trained quickly and easily using the IBM Cloud platform.

So let’s get started. The first thing to do is to build out the shell of our application in Bluemix.

Creating a IBM Account

  1. Go to
  2. Create a IBM ID if required.
  3. Log in with your IBM ID (the ID used to create your Bluemix account)

Note: The confirmation email from IBM Cloud mail take up to 1 hour.

Setup the your local environment to interact with IBM Cloud

  1. Open Terminal window

  2. Change to think_wml_lab directory

  3. Run to install Bluemix CLI

  4. login to IBM Cloud using CLI bx api

    bx login


    bx login -sso < select your personal account>

  5. Set resource target to default bx target -g default

  6. Run to install ML plugin to bx CLI, create a WML instance, create a COS account and buckets Note: Enter a unique name for your bucket. i.e: think-<your_lastname> when asked

  7. This command wil create an instance of Cloud Object Store, Watson Machine Learning. Record the output as we will need this for the next step.

  8. Export your COS access key ID and secret access key (These are your COS credentials)

      export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_keyid_from_output_from_above>
      export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_key_from_above>
  9. Export ML environment variables

      export ML_INSTANCE=<wml_instnace id>
      export ML_USERNAME=<wml_instance uaerid>   
      export ML_PASSWORD=<wml_instnace password>
      export ML_ENV=<wml_instance url> 

Upload data files and update the tf-train.yaml file

  1. Upload the training date files in sample_data folder to Cloud Object Storage aws --endpoint-url= s3 sync sample_data/. s3://think-<your_lastname>

  2. Update model/tf-train.yaml file with your COS information. Update aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and bucket values

    name: training_data_reference_name connection: endpoint_url: "" aws_access_key_id: "<access_keyid_from_above>" aws_secret_access_key: "<access_key_from_above>" source: bucket: think-<your_lastname> type: s3

    training_results_reference: name: training_results_reference_name connection: endpoint_url: "" aws_access_key_id: "<access_keyid_from_above>" aws_secret_access_key: "<access_key_from_above>" target: bucket: think-<your_lastname> type: s3

Submit your training job

  1. Submit the training job

bx ml model/train model/tf-train.yaml

sample output:
    Starting to train ...
    Model-ID is 'training-kHC1ACgmg' (this will be your <training_id>)
  1. Monitor training run:

bx ml show training-runs <training_id>

Sample output:
      Fetching the training run details with MODEL-ID 'training-kHC1ACgmg' ...
      ModelId                  training-kHC1ACgmg
      url                      /v3/models/training-kHC1ACgmg
      Name                     tf-mnist-showtest1
      Training definition ID   64154e3a-1397-4d95-a45c-1af73421ed87
      Command                  python3 --trainImagesFile ${DATA_DIR}/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz --trainLabelsFile ${DATA_DIR}/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz --testImagesFile ${DATA_DIR}/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz --testLabelsFile ${DATA_DIR}/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz --learningRate 0.001 --trainingIters 20000
      Source bucket            think-sdiamond
      Target bucket            think-sdiamond
      Framework name           tensorflow
      Framework version        1.2
      State                    running
      Submitted_at             2018-03-17T19:52:00Z
      Show training-runs details successful
  1. Monitor the logs of the training run:

bx ml monitor training-runs <training_id>

Sample output:
    Starting to fetch status and metrics messages for model-id 'training-kHC1ACgmg'
    [--LOGS]      Training with training/test data at:
    [--LOGS]        DATA_DIR: /mnt/data/think-sdiamond
    [--LOGS]        MODEL_DIR: /job/model-code
    [--LOGS]        TRAINING_JOB:
    [--LOGS]        TRAINING_COMMAND: python3 --trainImagesFile ${DATA_DIR}/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz --trainLabelsFile ${DATA_DIR}/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz --testImagesFile ${DATA_DIR}/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz --testLabelsFile ${DATA_DIR}/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz --learningRate 0.001 --trainingIters 20000
    [--LOGS]      Storing trained model at:
  1. Query training job status until status shows ‘completed’

bx ml show training-runs training-kHC1ACgmg

  1. You can list the log file or trained model or download the trained model using the following aws cli aws --endpoint-url= s3 ls s3://think-<your_lastname>/<training_id>/learner-1/

aws --endpoint-url= s3 ls s3://think-<your_lastname>/<training_id>/model/

aws --endpoint-url= s3 cp s3://think-<your_lastname>/<training_id>/model/saved_model.pb

Deploy and score the model

  1. Deploy and score the model

    bx ml store training-runs <training_id>

     Sample output:
       Checking if content upload is complete ...
       Checking if content upload is complete ...
       Model store successful. Model-ID is '1a39714a-65a0-44b8-9a26-a8a96dc56d66'. (this will be your <model_id>)
  2. list the model that is saved in WML

    bx ml list models

  3. Deploy stored model to WML

    bx ml deploy <model_id> <lastname-deployment>

     Sample output:
       Deploying the model with MODEL-ID '1a39714a-65a0-44b8-9a26-a8a96dc56d66'...
       DeploymentId       a638dbd3-7046-4666-8a33-7beddb1b6bb0   (this wil be your <deployment_id>
       Scoring endpoint
       Name               sdiamond-deployment
       Type               tensorflow-1.2
       Runtime            None Provided
       Status             DEPLOY_SUCCESS
       Created at         2018-03-17T21:01:34.253Z
       Deploy model successful
  4. Update scoring/scoring_payload.json file with your model id and deployment id

{"modelId": "<model_id>","deploymentId": "<deployment_id>"....

  1. Score the model

    bx ml score scoring/scoring_payload.json

     Sample output:
       Fetching scoring results for the deployment 'a638dbd3-7046-4666-8a33-7beddb1b6bb0' ...
       {"values": [5, 4]}
       Score request successful


Yahoo!!! You completed this lab!!! :bowtie: