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Small Python3 based utility to send tVOC, eCO2, Particulate Matter with Bosch BME680, AMS CCS811, Sensirion SGP30 and Plantower PMS5003 measurements to MQTT server

First of all read this: Please note, this sensor, like all VOC/gas sensors, has variability and to get precise measurements you will want to calibrate it against known sources!

This means that you can monitor as much as you can but if you don't know your baseline then you can't get any good measurements. Project is bit HaX0ur so there is rough points that you need to fill and everyone is free to commit Pull Requests to full fill this documentation.

Currently Voccer is work in process and it can change every commit

It's tested with these break-out boards and sensors

As noticed they both I2C based so one has to have skills to make them work with Raspberry Pi you need to have module i2c-dev loaded before using Python libraries. If you can see them in I2C-bus with i2c-detect then they should work.

Most of the python libraries can be found with Python pip package manager CCS811 doesn't play well with Raspberry Pi. You need Arduino UNO to use CCS811

As said earlier: it's up to you make sensors work

Commandline args

Arg what preset
-h Help
-s Sensor ID 1
-t Temp offset for BME680 0
-e Enable sensor Nothing
-m MQTT server address localhost
-p MQTT server port 1883

Commandline example

python3 --enable=bme680:2,bme680:4,sgp30:2,pms5003:1,css811:5

Which enables first address BME680 (0x76) with ID 2, second address BME680 (0x77) with ID 4, SGP30 with ID 2 and PMS5003 with ID 1

Getting started with BME680

Getting started with SGP30

Getting started with CCS811

In subdirecotory ccs811_arduino is application which you need to compile and upload to Arduino UNO. After that your Arduino UNO has to be attached to Raspberry Pi (or machine you like use) with USB cable. Then it should work. It outputs CSV so if you just log CCS811 (or two of them) then you can just log serial port to file and analyze with Libreoffice or similar.

Please note that it takes 2 IDs from MQTT if you use two CSS811 sensors.

NOTE! You have to have correct rights to read serial port in your machine.

Getting started with PMS5003


JSON that script outputs to MQTT looks like this

{"timestamp": 1553413797.78, "id": 1, "value": 19.23, "type": "temperature", "typeid": 100, "unitid": 100}


All those numbers in typeid and unitid are just numbers started from 100.

ID Type Unit UnitID
100 temperature Celsius 100
101 humidity RH% 101
102 pressure hPa 102
103 AiQ AiQ 103
104 Resistance Gas 104
105 tVOC ppm 105
106 eCO2 ppm 105
107 Particle PM1 ug/m3 107
108 Particle PM2.5 ug/m3 107
109 Particle PM10 ug/m3 107
110 Atmospheric particle PM1 ug/m3 107
111 atmospheric particle PM2.0 ug/m3 107

Listening JSON from MQTT server

and you can listen them with for example Mosquitto MQTT-project tool mosquitto_sub

mosquitto_sub -t /sensor/voccer/2.0/+

Setting up Fluentd

There is several servers which can log these into database like Fluentd and Telegraf for example. If you choose to use Fluentd you need Fluent plugin for MQTT Input/Output and if you like to log to database like MySQL or MariaDB then you need SQL input/output plugin for Fluentd As Raspbian doesn't support Ruby very you are mostly out of luck just use Pure Raspberry Pi solution

MySQL table setup

Project doen't currently provice SQL-statement to create table but it's like this

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id bigint(20) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
unitType tinyint(4) unsigned NO 0
sensorId tinyint(4) unsigned NO 0
sensorType tinyint(4) unsigned NO 0
time int(11) NO 0
value double NO 0

Fluentd setup

There is good documentation for Fluentd configuration but this is simple config file to get Voccer logging working

# In v1 configuration, type and id are @ prefix parameters.
# @type and @id are recommended. type and id are still available for backward compatibility

  @type mqtt
  port 1883
  topic /sensor/voccer/2.0/+
    @type json

<match .sensor.voccer.2.0.**>
  @type sql
  host localhost
  port 3306
  database voccer
  adapter mysql2
  username voccer
  password voccer
  remove_tag_prefix .sensor.voccer.2.0

    table measurement
    column_mapping 'timestamp:time,unitid:unitType,id:sensorId,typeid:sensorType,value:value'

Grafana setup

Grafana is state of art visualition tool and suits to this purpose very well after installing and creating dashboard with MySQL connector one can create SQL query statement for Panel like this

  time AS "time",
  value AS value
FROM measurement
  $__unixEpochFilter(time) AND
  sensorType = 100 AND
  sensorId = 1

And it will start drawing temperature panel for sensor 1.