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95 lines (71 loc) · 4.42 KB

02 Code Overview

File structure

You will find all the source code inside src. There is also a folder with all the operators operators. The idea is to have one file per operator, and every operator should match a common defined interface (inputs/outputs)


|  |__example1
|  |__operators
|  |__xxx

Operators interface

In order to standardise the operators implementation, an interface has to be satisfied by each operator. Its just a set of inputs and outputs that all operators have. The operator has 6 inputs, n_input represents the size of the array input, n_attribute indicates the size of attribute and n_output the size of output. The name is pretty much self explanatory, but input is the inputs to the node, which are the inputs that will be given to the operator. The attribute field indicates some attributes that an operator might have and is operator specific. All these values are inputs but output that will be used as a output by reference. Last but not least and int is returned indicating if there was any error.

int operator_xxx(size_t n_input,
                 Onnx__TensorProto **input,
                 size_t n_attribute,
                 Onnx__AttributeProto **attribute,
                 size_t n_output,
                 Onnx__TensorProto **output);

Types and Structures

If you go through the code, you will see that some custom defined types are used such as Onnx__TensorProto. Well, actually they are not custom, but defined by onnx in the .proto file. You can see them all in src/pb folder. For example, Onnx__ModelProto struct stores the whole model, that contains some information plus a Onnx__GraphProto. And inside the graph, there are many Onnx__NodeProto connected to each other that take some inputs and apply a specific operator to calculate an output.

One of the most important types that you will see, is the Onnx__TensorProto. It just defines a vector, an array, a matrix, or whatever you want to call it. It is quite convinient to use, because it is quite generic. You can store different types of values, with different sizes. As an example, lets say that we want to store a 3 dimension vector. In that case n_dims=3 and dims[0], dims[1], dims[2] will store some values. Lets store some float values, so data_type=ONNX__TENSOR_PROTO__DATA_TYPE__FLOAT . In this case n_float_data=dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2] and float_data will contain all the values in a single dimension array. The tensor has also a name.

struct  _Onnx__TensorProto
  ProtobufCMessage base;
  size_t n_dims;
  int64_t *dims;

  protobuf_c_boolean has_data_type;
  int32_t data_type;
  Onnx__TensorProto__Segment *segment;

  size_t n_float_data;
  float *float_data;

  size_t n_int32_data;
  int32_t *int32_data;

  size_t n_string_data;
  ProtobufCBinaryData *string_data;

  size_t n_int64_data;
  int64_t *int64_data;

  char *name;
  char *doc_string;

  protobuf_c_boolean has_raw_data;
  ProtobufCBinaryData raw_data;

  size_t n_external_data;
  Onnx__StringStringEntryProto **external_data;

  protobuf_c_boolean has_data_location;
  Onnx__TensorProto__DataLocation data_location;

  size_t n_double_data;
  double *double_data;

  size_t n_uint64_data;
  uint64_t *uint64_data;

Protocol Buffers

There are different options to handle protocol buffers in C. Protoc is the first chosen alternative, but we are assessing other possibilities.

  • protoc
  • (Looks like the files wastes a lot of storage 200 kb?)
  • nanopb (Looks like its the most lightweight one. However, variable size fields are handled in a not very straight forward way. Read about pb_callback_t)

onnx uses protocol buffers to serialize the models data. Note that protobuf-c is used to generate the pb/onnx.pb-c.c and pb/onnx.pb-c.h. Files are already provided, but you can generate it like this:

protoc --c_out=. onnx.proto

In the future nanopb might be used, since it can generate smaller files. Investigate also how to use .option file. You can find some initial tests in pb/nanopb but is not yet being used. You can regenerate it using the following command, but note that you need to have a protoc binary.

generator-bin/protoc --nanopb_out=. onnx.proto

Note that nanopb achieves a signifiant reduction of the '.c' and .h files. 69K/45K for non nanopb and 14/20KB for nanopb. So (69+45)/(14+20) thats 3 times less!