author: steeve LAQUITAINE
# setup tensorflow server dependencies,
# install conda 4.5.4
# create conda environment, activate and
# install codebase dependencies
bash # install miniconda 4.5.4
python train
- Deployment server:
- docker desktop/and or engine installed
- Build model server (300MB) and web server images (~3GB):
# build services
bash docker_model/
bash docker_web/
# create an external public network
docker network create traefik-public
# compose containers
docker-compose up
- Open swagger ui in Chrome or Vivaldi browser http://web.service.localhost/docs. Currently does not work in firefox and safari.
: You can use ngrok to export a port as an external url. Basically, ngrok takes something available/hosted on your localhost and exposes it to the internet with a temporary public URL. -
Docker Compose
: to configure & start all the containers
nohup tensorflow_model_server --rest_api_port=8502 --model_name=img_model --model_base_path="${model}" >logs/server.log 2>&1 # path of model to serve
- Tensorflow is heavy (500 MB)