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The following section contains migration notes for Imixs-Office-Workflow.

Imixs-Office-Workflow 5.0.x

Wildfily Image has changed! For that reason the volume mapping need to be changed. This is an example for Kubernetes:

        - mountPath: /opt/jboss/wildfly/lucene
          name: index
      restartPolicy: Always
      - name: index
          claimName: index

Note: This path mapping assumes that the property imixs-office.IndexDir points to lucene/office-workflow-index

Imixs-Office-Workflow 4.6.0

  • New Main Layout - New CSS Class names for header and content container!
  • Upgrade Imixs-Archive API to 2.4.1-SNAPSHOT - This change requires a new Backup-Service Setup in the Archive Deployment too.

Imixs-Office-Workflow 4.5.1

  • Changed Security Model - core access roles are now mandatory, empty passwords are no longer supported

    Fix Postgres DB Data for empty password of user 'imixs-workflow-service'

    DELETE FROM userid_usergroup WHERE id='imixs-workflow-service'; DELETE FROM userid WHERE id='imixs-workflow-service';

Imixs-Office-Workflow 4.5.0

  • changed default entries: ..... .....,txtProcessName,txtWorkflowImageURL

Imixs-Office-Workflow 4.4.0

  • changed Maven GroupID from com.imixs.workflow => org.imixs.workflow

Imixs-Office-Workflow 4.3.1

  • Upgrade Imixs-Workflow 5.2.5 => 5.2.6
  • Upgrade Lucene from version 7.5.0 => 7.7.3 - An index update is NOT necessary

Imixs-Office-Workflow 4.3.0

Docker image changed to the official Wildfly version 20. For that reason the lucene index location has changed:


# New

For that reason the volume mapping need to be changed. This is an example for Kubernetes:

    - mountPath: /opt/jboss/lucene
      name: lucene
  restartPolicy: Always
  - name: lucene
      claimName: lucene

Note: This path mapping assumes that the property imixs-office.IndexDir points to "lucene/office-workflow-index"

Imixs-Office-Workflow 4.2.0

No migration needed

Imixs-Office-Workflow 4.1.0

No migration needed

Imixs-Office-Workflow 4.0.0

Based on Imixs-Workflow 5.0.3


system model version can be removed from resource bundle 'app'

Imixs-Office-Workflow 3.6.0

  • new parameter


Imixs-Office-Workflow 3.2.0

Version 3.2.0 introduces the new Imixs-Archive concept. A migration of data is not necessary. But some configuration issues:

1. DMS Plugin is deprecated and can be removed from custom models.

2. New Maven dependencies:

<!-- Workflow Versions -->

<!-- Imixs-Archive -->
	<!-- Imixs-Archive -->
		<!-- Core Document Parser -->

3. New


Take care about the lucene index field txtUsername


4. EAR pom.xml

new Jar Moduels:


and add dependencies....

 <!-- Imixs-Archive -->
	<!-- Core Document Parser -->

	<!-- Imixs-Adapters -->

also add the imixs-workflow-jax-rs dependencies

5.) EJB pom.xml

in the ejb pom.xml, the add dependencies:


add EJB MANIFEST entries:

   ...imixs-workflow-jax-rs-${org.imixs.workflow.version}.jar imixs-archive-api-${org.imixs.archive.version}.jar imixs-adapters-documents-${org.imixs.adapters.version}.jar...

6.) Web Modules

remove the web.xml if possible... (jax-rs servlets no longer needed)

Imixs-Office-Workflow 3.1.1

  • Update properties lucence.indexFieldListAnalyze - txtusername - moved from properties lucence.indexFieldListNoAnalyze

  • Update Fulltextindex for type=profile

General Migration Guide for Imixs-Workflow Version 4.x

This is a migration guide to migrate a existing Imixs-Office-Workflow instance from Imixs-Workflow Version 3.x to 4.x

  1. Undeploy Application (with Imixs-Office-Workflow with Imixs-Workflow version 3.x)

  2. Update equal to the current master release of Imixs-Office-Workflow (See extend properties lucence.indexFieldListAnalyze and lucence.indexFieldListNoAnalyse)

3a. update lucene version to 6.6.0 remove lucene adapter project

3b. java compiler plugin version 1.7

3c. change ejb-jar.xml - class 'org.imixs.workflow.engine.WorkflowService', remove PropertyService and LucenService Refs change interceptor Binding tu DocumentService

3d. change persistenc.xml - persistence-unit=org.imixs.workflow.jpa

3e. Update web module resource bundle app with entry: workflowversion_system=system-de-1.0.0

  1. Restart Server and deploy new Application (with Imixs-Workflow 4.x)

  2. Start Migration Job from Imixs-Admin Interface

  3. Upload new Models

  4. Call SystemCheck form Web UI

To upload a model file manually via rest api:

curl --user admin:adminadmin --request POST -Tsystem-de.bpmn http://localhost:8080/office-rest/model/bpmn

Gregorian Calendar Bug

Search for entity type 'Kernprozess' and remove