StalenessCircuitBreakerNode checks if the last update time of the parent node is less than the threshold but the publicTime
could be greater than current block.timestamp
Submitted on Sat Jul 20 2024 14:42:29 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @Tripathi for Boost | Folks Finance
Report ID: #33443
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Low
- Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value
StalenessCircuitBreakerNode checks if the last update time of the parent node is less than the threshold but the publicTime
could be greater than current block.timestamp
calls pyth.getEmaPriceUnsafe()
and pyth.getPriceUnsafe()
for fetching price.
Issue is In StalenessCircuitBreakerNode
is conceived as the maximum number of seconds that the price can be in the past(compared to block.timestamp) but in reality the price could also be in future
This fact is corroborated by the logic inside Pyth SDK that performs an abs delta between the price.publishTime
in [getPriceNoOlderThan](
. In the near SDK the check is even more explicit
Let's analyse getPriceUnsafe()
pub fn get_price_unsafe(&self, price_identifier: PriceIdentifier) -> Option<Price> {
self.get_price_no_older_than(price_identifier, u64::MAX)
/// Get the latest available price cached for the given price identifier, if that price is
/// no older than the given age.
pub fn get_price_no_older_than(
price_id: PriceIdentifier,
age: Seconds,
) -> Option<Price> {
self.prices.get(&price_id).and_then(|feed| {
let block_timestamp = env::block_timestamp() / 1_000_000_000;
let price_timestamp = feed.price.publish_time;
// - If Price older than STALENESS_THRESHOLD, set status to Unknown.
// - If Price newer than now by more than STALENESS_THRESHOLD, set status to Unknown.
// - Any other price around the current time is considered valid.
if u64::abs_diff(block_timestamp, price_timestamp.try_into().unwrap()) > age {
return None;
we can see that absolute difference is taken betweenprice.publishtime
and age which shows that price.publishtime
could be greater than block.timestamp
but during staleness check stalenessTolerance
is used for only previous prices
could be greater than block.timestamp. In such case fetching price will revert due to underflow since block.timestamp < price.publishtime
call getPriceNoOlderThan()
on any Pyth
priceFeed and check price.publishtime
For more clarifications
Check 5.4.13 of