Submitted on Fri Jul 26 2024 12:33:21 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @Kalogerone for Boost | Folks Finance
Report ID: #33687
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Medium
- Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)
A user who tries to create a loan has to choose the loanId
. Any user can frontrun this transaction with the same loanId
, making the initial user's transaction to revert because his selected loanId
is taken.
Each loan has a unique bytes32
identifier named loanId
. During the loan creation, each user is asked to provide the loanId
that his loan will have.
function createLoan(
Messages.MessageParams memory params,
bytes32 accountId,
@> bytes32 loanId,
uint16 loanTypeId,
bytes32 loanName
) external payable nonReentrant {
_doOperation(params, Messages.Action.CreateLoan, accountId, abi.encodePacked(loanId, loanTypeId, loanName));
function createLoanAndDeposit(
Messages.MessageParams memory params,
bytes32 accountId,
@> bytes32 loanId,
uint256 amount,
uint16 loanTypeId,
bytes32 loanName
) external payable nonReentrant {
abi.encodePacked(loanId, poolId, amount, loanTypeId, loanName)
This arbitrary loanId
value is sent through a bridge to the Hub.sol
contract which in turn calls the createUserLoan
function is LoanManager.sol
function _receiveMessage(Messages.MessageReceived memory message) internal override {
Messages.MessagePayload memory payload = Messages.decodeActionPayload(message.payload);
} else if (payload.action == Messages.Action.CreateLoan) {
bytes32 loanId =;
index += 32;
uint16 loanTypeId =;
index += 2;
bytes32 loanName =;
@> loanManager.createUserLoan(loanId, payload.accountId, loanTypeId, loanName);
} else if (payload.action == Messages.Action.DeleteLoan) {
bytes32 loanId =;
loanManager.deleteUserLoan(loanId, payload.accountId);
} else if (payload.action == Messages.Action.CreateLoanAndDeposit) {
bytes32 loanId =;
index += 32;
uint8 poolId =;
index += 1;
uint256 amount =;
index += 32;
uint16 loanTypeId =;
index += 2;
bytes32 loanName =;
@> loanManager.createUserLoan(loanId, payload.accountId, loanTypeId, loanName);
loanManager.deposit(loanId, payload.accountId, poolId, amount);
// save token received
receiveToken = ReceiveToken({poolId: poolId, amount: amount});
} else if (payload.action == Messages.Action.Deposit) {
function createUserLoan(
bytes32 loanId,
bytes32 accountId,
uint16 loanTypeId,
bytes32 loanName
) external override onlyRole(HUB_ROLE) nonReentrant {
// check loan types exists, is not deprecated and no existing user loan for same loan id
if (!isLoanTypeCreated(loanTypeId)) revert LoanTypeUnknown(loanTypeId);
if (isLoanTypeDeprecated(loanTypeId)) revert LoanTypeDeprecated(loanTypeId);
@> if (isUserLoanActive(loanId)) revert UserLoanAlreadyCreated(loanId);
// create loan
UserLoan storage userLoan = _userLoans[loanId];
userLoan.isActive = true;
userLoan.accountId = accountId;
userLoan.loanTypeId = loanTypeId;
emit CreateUserLoan(loanId, accountId, loanTypeId, loanName);
At this point, if there is already a loan with the desired loanId
, the transaction reverts. Upon a valid loan creation, a new UserLoan
object is created and UserLoan.isActive
is set to true
function isUserLoanActive(bytes32 loanId) public view returns (bool) {
return _userLoans[loanId].isActive;
An attacker can take advantage of this and frontrun all the loan creation transactions (on the chains with a public mempool, like the Ethereum mainnet
) and prevent all the users from creating loans.
This is a griefing attack which prevents all users from creating loans. Every transaction will fail because the attacker can frontrun it with the same loanId
Don't allow for the users to select their desired loanId
. Use a counter internally and increment it with every loan creation and use it as the loanId
Let's follow this scenario:
- Bob tries to create a loan with a random
- Alice (the attacker) sees this transaction in the mempool and frontruns bob transaction with the same
- Alice's transaction goes through
- Bob's transaction gets reverted
- Repeat
Paste the following test in the test/hub/LoanManager.test.ts
describe("POCs", () => {
it("Should test loanId frontrun", async () => {
const { hub, loanManager } = await loadFixture(deployLoanManagerFixture);
const { loanTypeId } = await loadFixture(addPoolsFixture);
const loanId = getRandomBytes(BYTES32_LENGTH);
const accountId1 = getAccountIdBytes("ACCOUNT_ID");
const accountId2 = getAccountIdBytes("ACCOUNT_ID2");
const loanName = getRandomBytes(BYTES32_LENGTH);
// frontrunning transaction
const createUserLoan2 = await loanManager.connect(hub).createUserLoan(loanId, accountId2, loanTypeId, loanName);
// initial transaction
const createUserLoan = loanManager.connect(hub).createUserLoan(loanId, accountId1, loanTypeId, loanName);
await expect(createUserLoan), "UserLoanAlreadyCreated")