Submitted on Feb 24th 2024 at 12:22:34 UTC by @jaraxxus for Boost | Puffer Finance
Report ID: #28702
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Insight
- Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)
A novel attack recently discovered, if permit is used within a function, it can be frontrunned and griefed.
When swaps are available to the users (currently restricted), there is an option to do gasless transactions through the use of permit.
try ERC20Permit(address(tokenIn)).permit({
owner: msg.sender,
spender: address(this),
value: permitData.amount,
deadline: permitData.deadline,
v: permitData.v,
s: permitData.s,
r: permitData.r
}) { } catch { }
If permit is used within a larger function, it can be frontrunned. Also, since the try/catch block does not catch any errors, nothing will prevent the frontrunning.
Permit will be frontrunned and swaps can be griefed. The user will lose the functionality that follows the permit().
Permit issue:
The permit call is within the swapAndDepositWithPermit()
function. Also, the permit call does not catch any errors.
function swapAndDepositWithPermit(
address tokenIn,
uint256 amountOutMin,
IPufferDepositor.Permit calldata permitData,
bytes calldata routeCode
) public payable virtual restricted returns (uint256 pufETHAmount) {
> try ERC20Permit(address(tokenIn)).permit({
owner: msg.sender,
spender: address(this),
value: permitData.amount,
deadline: permitData.deadline,
v: permitData.v,
s: permitData.s,
r: permitData.r
}) { } catch { }
> return swapAndDeposit(tokenIn, permitData.amount, amountOutMin, routeCode);
A better way to code the try/catch block is as such:
try (permit) {
} catch {
if(IERC20(token).allowance(owner, spender) >= value) {
} revert("permit failure");
- Try the permit first
- If the permit fails, check if there is still allowance for the spender
- Otherwise, revert the whole function.