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70 lines (49 loc) · 2.1 KB

File metadata and controls

70 lines (49 loc) · 2.1 KB

Imobify - Backend

🔧 Installation


  • Node.js v18 or higher
  • A PostgreSQL instance, or Docker.
# 1. install the project dependencies
npm install

# 2. copy .env.template to .env
cp .env.template .env

# 3. fill out .env with your environment variables

# 4. run Prisma migrations
npx prisma migrate dev

# 5. start the project in watch mode
npm run start:dev

The API will now be available at http://localhost:3000/.

Using Docker:

Docker is recommended for running the development and test databases.

Use the following scripts:

# initialize the development database
npm run db:dev:up

# stop the development database
npm run db:dev:rm

# restart the development database
npm run db:dev:restart

# initialize the testing database
npm run db:test:up

# stop the testing database
npm run db:test:rm

# restart the testing database
npm run db:test:restart

💻 Tech

  • NestJS - Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications.
  • Prisma with PostgreSQL - ORM and data storage.
  • PostGIS - Geographic data storage and processing.
  • Jest and PactumJS - End-to-end testing.
  • Docker - Development and testing environments with containerized databases.
  • Cloudinary - Cloud service for image upload and delivery.

⚙️ Utilities

This project is configured with:

  • husky for Git hooks
    • runs lint-staging, eslint and prettier on pre-commit
    • runs tests on pre-push
    • validates commit message with commitlint on commit-msg
  • commitizen with commitlint for enforcing conventional commits: <type>[optional scope]: <description>