At the time this contribute file is written, Swaler is not yet existing.
Swaler has not the intent to be the best logger library, but simply to be a cool logger used by cool projects and made by cool developers!
So if you have any enhancement, bug or feature requests, you are much welcomed!
Contributions are (and will be) always welcomed! To contribute, fork Swaler, commit your changes and open a pull request 💪
You have find out something to improve in the current release? Cool, here is the steps to follow!
- Search for existing enhancement related to yours
- Create an issue and use the 🎯Enhancement template
Wups... You discovered a bug? No problem, take few minutes to report it so we can fix it asap! Here is how to do it
- Search for an existing bug related to yours
- Create an issue and use the 🐛Bug template
Something is missing in Swaler? Fine, take a bit of your time to describe it.
- Search for an existing feature related to yours
- Create an issue and use the 🚀Feature template
You are struggling with something related to Swaler? Feel free to mail me