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HammerDB Instance

Deploy HammerDB on AWS EC2 Linux and a Test Database. This is for reference only. Consider removing database secrets from templates.

This repo also contains a template to deploy dms to perform cdc from RDS to S3.

For reference on the HammerDB TPC test see

1. Deploy HammerDB template with AWS CLI

    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name hammerdb \
    --template-body file://hammerdb_cloudformation_template.yaml \
    --parameters ParameterKey=DBInstanceClass,ParameterValue=db.m5.large \
    ParameterKey=DBIops,ParameterValue=3000 \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

2. Running hammerdb and initialize the tpcc schema

  1. CD into HammerDB home directory
  2. Run ./hammerdbcli
  3. Run librarycheck
  4. Run dbset db pg
  5. Run buildschema. Wait until you see message "ALL VIRTUAL USERS COMPLETE" (~2 min)
  6. Exit the hammerdb cli by typing exit

3. Validate schema is there

psql -h <db_endpoint> -U awsuser HammerDBTestDB

Sample update command to test cdc

UPDATE district 
SET d_state='Ud' 
WHERE d_state='Ut';

4. Run the load test a monitor tpm.

  1. From the HammerDB home directory run ./hammerdbcli auto ../pgrun.tcl
  2. Monitor transactions per minute (tpm) from the cli.

5. Deploy the cdc replication with DMS

    aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name dmscdcworkflow \
    --template-body file://dms_cdc_workflow_template.yaml \
    --parameters \
    ParameterKey=SourceDBEndpoint, \
    ParameterKey=TargetBucket, \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM