Welcome to the InCore Framework Documentation which consists of a complete API reference as well as detailed guides and tutorials.
The InCore Framework offers ready-to-use high-level software blocks ("objects") for building IoT/IIoT applications quickly. InCore Applications configure and link InCore objects based on a declarative JSON-based syntax using the Qt Modeling Language (QML). Custom operations and processes can be implemented in JavaScript functions easily.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Modules InCore.Foundation/index InCore.CloudOfThings/index InCore.Database/index InCore.IO/index InCore.Http/index InCore.Modbus/index InCore.Mqtt/index InCore.OpcUa/index InCore.Snap7/index
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Guides & Tutorials installation/index development/index tutorials/index