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TMM Tool

The TMM is used for the maturity development of each team and the cluster as a whole.

Roles and Participants

Interested in the Result

  • team — to determine your level according to the company's expectations;
  • team member — the opportunity to take responsibility for one of the areas of development and use the results;
  • HoE, AC — to have a slice by cluster and understand in which areas to invest forces first on the scale of the cluster.


  • all teams of the tech division: product and platform;
  • responsible for the fact of passing the TMM — coach / tech lead / platform owner of the team;
  • methodological assistance — PMO department. Teams with a permanently attached agile coach can delegate the organization and facilitation of the event to the coach. Teams that work without a dedicated agile coach can count on help from the PnP department.

The process of estimation and roles actions

Coach of a cluster (or EM, or Platfrom Owner):

Before assessment: creates plan of working with TMM, choose the form of estimation. Artifacts is Slots in a team calendars, Planned team capacity. During assessment: helps to organize the process; facilitates the meeting for TMM assessment. After assessment: adds results of TMM assessment to a final document — cross team results, checks that action points are set.Between assessments: in charge of growth of TMM level. Team members:

During assessment: assess and share their honest opinions.Between assessments: perform action points, lead some areas. HoE/HoP:

During assessment: drives the assessment process in the cluster, is responsible for the cluster level as a whole and for prioritizing TMM tasks among others.Between assessments: work through the cluster's systemic problems that emerged during the assessment. SME:

  • During assessment: provides metrics for assessment, answers questions and describes the expectations from the level.
  • Between assessments: takes the identified problems into the development of a platform-based reusable solution.


The TMM is conducted three times a year. The current calendar looks like this:

Period Recommended format
Middle of April Completion by the entire team in the format of a meeting, formation of action items
End of August Update of the items taken into work, revision of action items and formation of new ones
End of November — Middle of December Shortened iteration of the whole team (asynchronous filling and retrospective), revision of action items and formation of new ones
Middle of April Update of the items taken into work, revision of action items and formation of new ones
End of August Completion by the entire team in the format of a meeting, formation of action items
End of November — Middle of December Shortened iteration of the whole team (asynchronous filling and retrospective), revision of action items and formation of new ones

The announcement of the start and end of the process will be in dev and through HoE / tech leads / coaches 2 weeks before the start.

The deadline for filling in the TMM levels is in the general calendar of events of the tech division.

The option of conducting the TMM remains at the discretion of the team: schedule by days, work format and recommended techniques for involving participants.


The main message that you want to keep regardless of the choice of options is that each team member should understand why the team has received a particular level.

The first pass is the most comprehensive and time consuming as it requires getting to know the tool and analyzing your process or metrics.

It is recommended:

  • assess the technical part in parallel, not within the framework of general team meetings;
  • delegate this assessment to those who are closer in expertise;
  • bring to the discussion of the whole team the final levels, the reasons for the assessment.;
  • as a result of the team discussion, determine the top tasks that the team is going to work on;
  • in the process of assessment, record how to move to the next level and write down the tasks in the team's process backlog;
  • at the general team meeting, select the top tasks that the team will work on in the quarter;
  • during the assessment document how to move to the next level and write down the tasks in the team's process backlog;
  • if the wording or how to make evaluation is not clear, ask the experts in the chat;
  • evaluate based on the collected data, not "as it seems";
  • allocate time in the calendar and load in the sprint for assessment in advance.

During the TMM, the #teammaturity channel will be active, where a separate thread will be created for each question. The team can ask clarifying questions about the content or read the explanations inside the threads.


Impacts on Metrics

The assessments that the team gives itself are transferred to the Tech Metrics Tree and the Maturity Big Picture dashboard. Each question is part of a product, process, or technology group. Each answer affects the average indicator for this group. These averages are combined with the metrics of the Team Perfomance Dashboard and some metrics from the Tech Metrics Tree in the future.

As the result there is team level in current quarter in three dimensions, which is balanced by qualitative self-assessment and metrics.

Following the MBP dashboard we understand the big picture in the tech division: the strengths and weaknesses of all teams, systemic problems, the strictness / ease of requirements for teams. These indicators form the basis of strategic decisions and the choice of new initiatives.

Action Points

It is assumed that the team regularly makes an overview of its process and target states. Passing the TMM makes it possible to form a backlog of improvements and a roadmap for the long term (and inspect these artifacts).

In the minimum version, after passing the TMM, the team should have one action for each of the three groups. Redistributing forces in favor of a weaker area is allowed.

How to form areas for improvements:

  • Level in the card is 1 and below.
  • The team represents what it can do to move to a higher level.
  • The action has a driver, the work on this activity is interesting to the team.

How to maintain action points:

  • In a separate line in the Google table where we keep the results, during a re-pass, we mark "done / not done".
  • In the backlog of the process improvements of the team.

Result Validation

To establish the methodology and adjust the levels, we select about 10% of random teams and cards and validate the result through interviews with the team or analysis of processes / metrics by experts.

Facilitation Guides

How to Complete in the TMM

All information about teams is filled in the general document. From there, the data goes to the dashboard, so even if the team sees its results on the Miro board, the TMM is considered complete only when the results are reflected in the Google table.

  1. On the tab of the current quarter, find your cluster and team.
  2. Each tag on the left corresponds to a card, in this line we put the level from 0 to 3 according to the questionnaire.
  3. Below, from the drop-down list, select "Top cards for work in the quarter" from 1 to 5, to reflect on which levels the team will concentrate the most until the next TMM launch.
  4. In the process backlog of the team, we make more specific formulations that reflect the plan of actions to improve the selected levels.