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214 lines (143 loc) · 6.37 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (143 loc) · 6.37 KB


  • Supports Electron 3.x.y releases.


  • Supports Electron 2.0.x releases.


  • Supports Electron 1.8.x releases.


  • Updated README with better examples and fixed typos.
  • Use launcher.bat instead of launcher.exe for Windows
  • Added webdriverOptions to allow specifying additional webdriver options.


  • Added webdriverLogPath to the Spectron typescript definition.
  • Fixed typescript definition reference to the Electron API.


  • Added a chromeDriverArgs option to the Application constructor that can be used to pass arguments directly to chromedriver.


  • Supports Electron 1.7.x releases.


  • Updated typescript definition for WebDriver logging support.
  • Enhanced waitUntilTextExists() to find substrings in case the selector matches multiple elements.


  • Added a chromeDriverArgs option to the Application constructor that can be used to pass arguments directly to chromedriver.


  • Added a spectron.d.ts file referenced from the types field in the package.json.
  • Switched to using the WebdriverIO timeouts API instead of the deprecated timeoutsAsyncScript API.


  • Reverted the console warning about incompatible minor versions since it caused launch issues.


  • Display a warning in the console when the installed minor versions of Electron and Spectron do not match.


  • Supports Electron 1.6.x releases.


  • Supports Electron 1.5.x releases.


  • Fixed an issue where an error would be thrown when the process global was set to null.


  • Supports Electron 1.4.x releases.
  • The Application.isRunning() API is now public.
  • Added an Application.getSettings() API to access the settings specified to the Application constructor.
  • Fixed an issue where waitUntilWindowLoaded() did not properly resolve when the webContents reported as loaded.
  • Fixed an issue where waitUntilTextExists() did not properly reject when the element did not exist or a timeout occurred.
  • Fixed an issue where a broken pipe error could occur in certain apps.


  • Supports Electron 1.3.x releases.


  • Add ignoreRules option to app.client.auditAccessibility(options). See README for usage details.


  • Add app.client.auditAccessibility API that audits the window for accessibility issues. See README for usage details.


  • Add chromeDriverLogPath option to Application. See README for usage details.


  • Add debuggerAddress option to Application. See README for usage details.


  • Supports Electron 1.2.x releases.


  • Improve detection of Node integration inside application and gracefully handle disabled Node integration.


  • Add support for the async WebContents.savePage API. See the README for usage details.


  • Add support for the async BrowserWindow.capturePage API. See the README for usage details.


  • Supports Electron 1.1.x releases.


  • Added a new requireName option to Application for if your app is re-assigning the require function to a different name on window.
  • Fixed an issue where applications setting nodeIntegration to false could not be tested.


  • Spectron now runs with electron-chromedriver 1.0 and is targeted at apps using Electron 1.0 or later.
  • No API changes.


  • Added a restart() method to Application
  • Added support for the full Electron API
  • Many custom helpers have been removed in favor of accessing the Electron APIs directly through the new properties on the Application object.
    • app.client.getWindowBounds() should now be app.browserWindow.getBounds()
    • app.client.getClipboardText() should now be app.electron.clipboard.readText()
    • See the README or electron-userland#18 for more details.
  • You should now use app.transferPromiseness instead of app.client.transferPromiseness to ensure these new properties are correctly transferred to chained promises.


  • Add the getAppPath(name) that maps to the require('electron').app.getPath(name) API.


  • Upgraded to WebdriverIO 4.0.4
  • Added a connectionRetryCount config option to Application that sets the default number of connection retries to make to ChromeDriver.
  • Added a connectionRetryTimeout config option to Application that sets the default number of milliseconds to wait when connecting to ChromeDriver.


  • Added a cwd config option to Application that sets the working directory of the launched application. This option defaults to process.cwd().
  • Added a getCwd command helper to get the current working directory of the main process.


  • Added a startTimeout config option to Application that sets the default millisecond timeout to wait for ChromeDriver to start up. This option defaults to 5 seconds.
  • Added a nodePath config option to Application that sets the path to a node executable that will be used to launch the ChromeDriver startup script.


  • Added getMainProcessGlobal command helper to get a global from the main process.


  • Remove use of deprecated Electron APIs.


  • Added getMainProcessLogs command helpers to get main process logs.
  • Added getRenderProcessLogs command helpers to get render process logs.


  • Added a waitTimeout config option to Application that sets the default millisecond timeout for all wait-based command helpers like waitUntil, waitUntilWindowLoaded, etc. This option defaults to 5 seconds.
  • Added a windowByIndex(index) command helper that focuses a window by index in the windowHandles() array order.
  • Added setRepresentedFilename and getRepresentedFilename command helpers.
  • Added isDocumentEdited and setDocumentEdited command helpers.
  • setWindowDimensions was renamed to setWindowBounds to mirror the new Electron BrowserWindow.setBounds API. It also takes a bounds object argument instead of multiple arguments for size and position. See the README for an example
  • getWindowDimensions was renamed to getWindowBounds to mirror the new Electron BrowserWindow.getBounds API. See the README for an example.