Module for visualize and customize 2d matrix according to objects. Each generated 2d part can be cuztomized with image, using several rendering image modes.
- generate customizable 3d object material textures
- generate complex images, with mesh of image parts
- visual editor of images, cropping
Part - single area of on plot. Part should describe each item of 2d mesh that should be drawn, using params:
- x - top coordinate of part
- y - left coordinate of part
- width - width of part
- height - height of part
Sizes: dimensions are calculating in points, a point is natural number greater or equals to 0
Format: element data should be described in json format
let element = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 2, height: 2 }; //json: {"top":0,"left":0,"width":2,"height":2}