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Versioning Haskell packages

TODO: need to decide on a versioning policy

Version bounds


Library components of packages which are intended to be distributed via a package repository MUST follow this policy. Non-library components of such packages MUST also do so if it is anticipated that they will be used downstream.

(Inversely: components of packages which are not intended to be distributed, or non-library components of packages which are not intended to be used downstream do NOT need to follow this policy).


Package pkg-a contains a test suite and also an executable that is used to inspect binary blobs that can be produced by using pkg-a. The test suite is not intended to be used downstream, but the executable is, since it can be helpful for users to diagnose the products of pkg-a. Hence the test suite does not need bounds, but the executable does.


Non-library components are much less critical, because they cannot be depended upon, and it is rarer that someone will want to e.g. run the tests or benchmarks for an upstream package. However, it can still be the case that this happens, especially for executables, which are sometimes explicitly intended to be used by downstream users. For this reason we tie the choice over whether to include bounds to the decision of the maintainer over whether the component is intended to be used downstream.

Known-bad bounds

Version bounds (both upper and lower) MUST be included when they exclude versions of dependencies that the package is known not to work with. In addition, if it is discovered that a version of a dependency does not work with a version of the package that has been released to a package repository, then the package maintainer SHOULD publish a revision of the released version to include the new bound.


Discovering an incompatible version

The developer of package pkg-a, which depends on library pkg-b, tries to build with pkg-b-N. This fails, so the developer should:

  1. Add an upper bound of pkg-b < N, since pkg-b-N is known not to work; or
  2. Fix pkg-a to work with pkg-b-N, and if this means that pkg-a will now no longer work with earlier versions of pkg-b, add a lower bound of pkg-b >= N.

And then optionally publish a revision of some released versions of pkg-a to add upper bounds on pkg-b-N

Discovering an incompatible version for an upstream dependency

The developer of package pkg-c, which depends on pkg-a-M, tries to build with pkg-b-N. This fails when building pkg-a, so the developer of pkg-c notifies the developer of pkg-a. One of them should then:

  1. Publish a revision pkg-a-M to have a bound of pkg-b < N; and
  2. Add a bound of pkg-b < N to the development branch of pkg-a if it still applies.


Excluding dependency versions which are known not to work is a cheap way to convey information to downstream users. It means that if they try to use the non-working version then they will get a solver error from cabal, instead of a compilation error. It is common to discover this kind of version incompatibility information during development, and so this policy primarily insists that such information be recorded mechanically so that other people benefit from it.

Speculative upper bounds

A package MAY include an upper bound that excludes the next major version of a dependency, even if it is not known whether the next major version will break the package (e.g. because it has not been released yet).


The package pkg-b depends on pkg-a. pkg-a tends to have breaking changes in releases, so the developer of pkg-b decides to pin their dependency on pkg-a using a caret bound, which implies a (speculative) upper bound of the next major version.

The package pkg-c depends on pkg-b. The developer of pkg-c really doesn't want to have to deal with bumping the upper bound on pkg-b, so they just leave it off. Note that due to the above policy about discovering incompatible versions, when a version of pkg-b is released that does break pkg-c, one of the developers should publish revisions to exclude the breaking version of pkg-b from the released versions of pkg-c.


Speculative upper bounds are controversial. They have advantages (ensure that users get a working (if old) build plan; robustness against future changes), and disadvantages (often overly cautious; require large amounts of bound-relaxing to allow even "safe" new major versions). There is no consensus amongst the Cardano engineering community about which is preferable, so we simply note that either approach is acceptable.

The cost of speculative upper bounds is somewhat lower for Cardano packages, since they are typically well-maintained and released frequently, so bounds relaxations can be made and released in a fairly timely fashion. Nonetheless, they still impose costs, in particular requiring that downstream packages be released in order for new versions to be used.

Intra-repository dependencies

A set of packages defined in the same source repository MUST include version bounds which are as tight as necessary to ensure that they function correctly when distributed via a package repository. It is not possible to give a fully-general rule for what bounds to use, but assuming that the packages are following something like PVP, typically pinning the major version is the right thing to do.


Packages pkg-a and pkg-b are defined in the same source repository, and pkg-a depends on pkg-b. pkg-a is at version 1.1.2, pkg-b is at version 2.4.3, and they both follow the PVP. Then pkg-a should bound its dependency on pkg-b to pkg-b == 2.4.*


Within a single source repository, packages are usually built with all the packages taken from a single commit of the source repository. When the packages are built from a package repository, then cabal may try to build them with different versions, so long as the bounds are satisfied. For this reason it is important to have tight enough bounds on packages which are defined in the same source repository. Typically it should be enough to pin the major version.

Implied bounds

A component MAY omit bounds that it is otherwise required to have if those bounds are strictly implied by other dependencies that the package has within the same source repository.


Package pkg-a has both a library component and an executable component, both of which are used downstream. Both components depend on pkg-b-N, and do not work with pkg-b-(N+1), and the executable depends on the library. In this case it is acceptable to only put a pkg-b < N+1 bound on the library, because the executable component strictly depends on the library component of the same version, and the library component has the bound.


It is common to have a repository which has many components/packages depending on some other package P. It is tedious to require every use of P to be well-bounded, especially since the components/packages in a repository should have tight bounds on each other, such that in practice bounding a single use of P should be enough to fix it for every package in the repository. Some care should be taken, however: it is easy to think that all packages in the repository are constrained, when in fact there may be a few that don't depend on the one that bounds P.